View Full Version : Titan ARMOR

Dead Bodies
29-09-03, 19:16
Okay so the titan armor what does it look like what are its stats what does it do what is it for Monkey,tank ,spy,pe... I have tried to get my hands on this holy armor but kk does not want them to spawn a gm has to spawn each one when he FEELS like the game can use another titan armor..... if you could post a picture would be AWSOMEEE...

29-09-03, 19:28
i own titan armour.. dont have a pic...

it's str 55 i think, gives about 48 fire 38 pierce and fuck all force... pe's best friend ^^

29-09-03, 19:30
I think the scorp queen is spawning again, either that or we just got incredibly lucky last night on Saturn, around 8pm central US time. She dropped 2 armors and a tech I think.

Dead Bodies
29-09-03, 19:32
Godammit i miss the best shit .. so its a pe armor when you put it on does it have a look ? or does it just go on like regualr armor?...

29-09-03, 19:34
just normal armour, no visual difference.

though the unquies drops SHOULD get a visual difference.

Dead Bodies
29-09-03, 19:37
Yeah that would be awsome .. Each armor should have a look like if you had just your boots on you would see boots or trousers helm etc .. like the viperkign could be green and have a little Snake on the front ^^ make it scarry :P Every good game shows armor peices .. SO make this a good one!! ....kk?......

29-09-03, 19:51
better explanation:

titan armor vest:
STR req = 55

fire = 41
pierce = 32
force = 8

inquisition armor vest4:
STR req = 72

fire = 41
pierce = 17
force = 15

It's best for PE's, for tanks it's retarded. Same model graphic
and it's not visual armor. Should have used the search button ;)


Dead Bodies
29-09-03, 19:52
thats cool now i just neeed to get one to add to my collection..

Dead Bodies
29-09-03, 20:11
Heh well no can do still not spawned yet
kk please fix the spawn of these creatures....