View Full Version : Laziness, stupidity - or both?

29-09-03, 15:14
Ever since I started playing neocron, it's rare that I've seen a bug fixed.

Instead of fixing GAME DESTROYING bugs, KK has a history of:

a)Adding in new weapons/items to distract people

b)making game changes to make the bugs less drastic

c)just plain ignoring the bugs

Chain casting bug.
Not fixed
Instead, they play with rof and dmg, fuck up, play some more, finally get it so it isnt so bad, and forget about the bug.

CTD's. FRE's, synch bugs, right click bugs.

None have been fixed in my time, there has never even been CONFIRMATION from KK that they exist.

After 12 months, they take a small step and code the resume button.


The list could go on, but frankly I'm not arsed.

Yeah, neocron was a great game, back in 2001/02, it's almost 2004 and it's just plain old now.

29-09-03, 15:17
Your thread's got a point, however your gonna get slapped into orbit for the size of your sig... massively oversized, 100pix is max height OR 6 lines of text.

However I know what you mean about the show stoppers, I fataled 60 times while transferring 60 million 1 by 1 from our old clan to our new one.... Took about a hour and a half...

29-09-03, 15:37
I got bored, hence:


29-09-03, 15:37
It really suxx and i bet it's one of the main reasons so many people are quitting for..

I think KK's kinda short atm and has to get DOY ready to get more customers -> more money and stuff SO they can focus on the rest... Hope that'll be soon tho

LO vic btw :P

29-09-03, 15:41
hi dj

fw quit, doob/psyker are back, and a bunch of good folks left uranus and started a clan in crahn on venus.

Also, forgot to put the "DoY info" into the comic strip, you know where everytime there;s a problem they unveil something new about doy?

29-09-03, 15:46
celt you still bitching :) ?

could be worse could be PA again :rolleyes:

btw if you havent completely quit come to pluto and sex0r meh make a ppu and i`ll glue you to my back and you can help me be norteh

just read the rich cartoon too i remember that happening you bitched like a whore :)

29-09-03, 15:48
Originally posted by hinch
celt you still bitching :) ?

could be worse could be PA again :rolleyes:

btw if you havent completely quit come to pluto and sex0r meh make a ppu and i`ll glue you to my back and you can help me be norteh
Nah hinch, I aint come back since I left and gave you some of my stuff :(

My brother uses my a/c now

29-09-03, 15:49
Originally posted by Celt
Nah hinch, I aint come back since I left and gave you some of my stuff :(

My brother uses my a/c now

let me know what game you eventually goto we should see if we can get shadow and monty etc to play like old times just havea piss about etc

29-09-03, 15:50
Rumors said FW was gunna be back soon.. I hope that's true lol.


Originally posted by Celt
Nah hinch, I aint come back since I left and gave you some of my stuff :(

My brother uses my a/c now

FFS u quit?
Oh boy.. And i was wondering why there's only n00bs on uranus :wtf:

Ah well.. Have fun m8

29-09-03, 15:56
True.. true.. oh so true!

Yes, I've been here for some time aswell, from Beta 3. Ok, I skipped Beta 4 mostly cause lack of content. You can only hunt warbots for so long until you just get bored of it.. and PvP? If you had a freezer, you'd win.

I did the NeXT epic run sometime ago and a bug in it that I reported looooong time ago hasn't been fixed yet. And yes, it's exploitable. And no, I'm not telling you. If KK really cares, you can PM me via forum.

FRE's.. hmm, some people say it's your computer. I did a fresh install of 'cron sometime ago and after a month, the number of FRE's has been increasing. Guess it has something to do fragmentation of the files. Don't know for sure.

And oh, what's up with the patch and hotfix breaking the game? I lub these nameless PE's that whoop my ass with holy lightning and paraspam me to death. I get NO clue who it was, no one in local.


Faces of Mankind looks promising. Already signed in the beta. If I get there, KK can (censored).

// Wannabe

29-09-03, 16:21
This is a flame thread (lazy? stupid?) If you wish to comment on one or more of the in-game issues then use one of the other threads please. Leave the insults at the door next time though.