View Full Version : I'm back ! Thus events!

28-09-03, 23:00
Anyone really remembers me? Well anyway, back in early retail I made a quite few player events and got planned many more but, certain stuff happened and I was cut off from forums and couldn't organise any real events.

Being a fan of vehicles in all games, I want to organise my real Neocron Death Rally again .. NDR. Its a long race going from NC to MB to TG to TH to NC and everything is legal to slow down your opponent IF you are part of race.

If you are intrested to help me out with this event, reply here.

Oh and this event is only in a best server there is, Pluto!

Anyway, glad to be back and this time I try to behave :angel: :p

28-09-03, 23:05
uh oh hes back.... who let the animal looose?

28-09-03, 23:07
will u ever be makin events on saturn?

28-09-03, 23:09
damn he was banned that long and already has my sig ;]

bout the 9th person ;P
and no im not flamin i dont care ;P

btw if mod see's ur sig u mite get banned again ( to long )

28-09-03, 23:20
Since no-one wants to take part in any of my events and they always get fucked up by some tossers... I'm not organising any more.

Good luck Lvirus, you are going to need it.

28-09-03, 23:30
Make sure you advertise in-game. Post on the forums. Stand in Plaza 1 and shout it to anyone who will hear. Hire protection.

Just like real-life, it all comes down to your ability to advertise.


28-09-03, 23:31
jesus, nid missed my doublepost, and didnt delete it, bad mod, bad mod!

29-09-03, 00:16
Originally posted by Vampire222
jesus, nid missed my doublepost, and didnt delete it, bad mod, bad mod! What are you on about? :p


29-09-03, 05:11
Welcome back, I remember you quite well :)


29-09-03, 05:15
Well you already know I remember you, and we've sure chatted enough on #ncpd. It'll be nice to see an event or 2 from you again.

btw, you should change your avatar to the one with the rocks in your nose

29-09-03, 05:16
welcome back you sexeh beast.

29-09-03, 07:20
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
btw, you should change your avatar to the one with the rocks in your nose

o_O Now where did you get funny ideas like that? :p

Anyway, I got my powers to organize event. Last time I tried it, certain faction almost nullified my efforts but this time I am wiser because now I am inside this certain faction. I stayed up last nite thingin' of a good route and I finally came up with one :

Start from left side ASG of Neocron, thats what next to Simmons. Next waypoint is MB (If dominant clan inside MB allowes) or some area close to it, then there will be a certain task for runners to make to get certification that they went to MB. Next is desert track with certain task and then TG ASG and then to south TH and back to Neocron gates and run up to doors and hand over certain items as a proof of going those parts where they are needed.

I tought that 2 classes of racers would be good. Those who wants to use single seated vehicles and those who wants to use other vehicles. This is because there is certain tasks that can be done easily with 2 people than 1 people :).

Another rule would be that killed players (only racers can kill each other WHILE driving) can GR nearest OP (that which allowes them to spawn) and hop back to their vehicles providing they can find it.

Because there is 2 classes, 2 prices will be handed too. And what comes to prices is that taking part of this event costs 10k, so if 20 people comes, its 200k pricemoney and some beef up from me. Also some reward to second place person.

Now I need persons to stand in certain places and hand out tasks to racers .. anyone intrested?

Crap, I replied with my lurker account 8|

29-09-03, 09:31
anywayz sounds fun but im on saturn serf lol it would be cool idd camping at zones to kill the racers that come along cool :)

Lvirus where were you banned for ?

aywayz cool thing im wiht you man hope it works out and it can be done on saturn server too

El Barto
29-09-03, 10:16

29-09-03, 11:10
Originally posted by GurTjaN
anywayz sounds fun but im on saturn serf lol it would be cool idd camping at zones to kill the racers that come along cool :)

Another reason why I will keep exact location secret and tell only to racers ;) .. last time I really learned that lesson, because back then GM used ADMIN channel to tell where racers goes :D

29-09-03, 13:25
Originally posted by iainy13
will u ever be makin events on saturn?


There's no need for 4 slots on your account if you have a good clan. But hey, if you need all that support for yourself, play on one of the pansy 4 slot servers ;)

jk :D

not really

or am I?

Uh, anyway, play on Pluto cuz it's sooo much more fun having a single identity than being some sort of multiple personality disordered runner.

29-09-03, 13:30
I'm up for this event once ready. Not sure if i can help, but if you can think of anything give me a shout.

garyu69 - ingame name

29-09-03, 13:47
I might join that race too. Keep me informed ingame :)

29-09-03, 15:06
I need to make annoucement via ingame forums and TRADE-NC spam :D