View Full Version : ? are they gonna put the MOBs back in the warzones

26-09-03, 06:36
? are they gonna put the MOBs back in the warzones
Anyone know
and if not why not

26-09-03, 06:39
They would interfear with op wars i suppose . Theres lots of mobs by cycrow :o

26-09-03, 06:40
There are mobs in warzones... gab, grant, cycrow, exc...o_O

26-09-03, 07:50
I've noticed a big reduction in mobs at warzones, actually really only Northstar. I've noticed no more bots there, which sucks, cause thats where I hunt WBs when I'm bored. Still some crabs by the water, but no bots (Spider, Guards, or otherwise).

On the otherhand, if I go one zone South, BAM, bots and muties EVERYWHERE.

26-09-03, 07:54
Hehe don't hunt firemobs at cycrow. Hunt outside the gaia mines. That place is insane and is filled. We found 15 techs (3 were glove parts :D), Filter Heart 2, 5 Veh comp 10's, in a matter of 2-3 hours.

Alot of fun :)

26-09-03, 08:59
I noticed *TESCOM* is also screwed wtf?:wtf:

El Barto
26-09-03, 12:30
Not just the warzones, yesterday not a single DoY bot in K_14 on Pluto, or at Tescom-Uplink.

26-09-03, 13:40
^ I struggled to find DoY bots when i was looking for Kami's

26-09-03, 13:53
Theres loads north of McPherson...

26-09-03, 17:28
Originally posted by Wallen
I've noticed a big reduction in mobs at warzones, actually really only Northstar. I've noticed no more bots there, which sucks, cause thats where I hunt WBs when I'm bored. Still some crabs by the water, but no bots (Spider, Guards, or otherwise).

On the otherhand, if I go one zone South, BAM, bots and muties EVERYWHERE.

exactly no mobs at northstar or tescom wich is def a warzone

26-09-03, 17:29
KK please fix the spawn problem

26-09-03, 17:32
Gab mine still has plenty of WBs/Horror's; cycrow has fire mobs too. Dunno about any other OPs.

26-09-03, 17:32
Don't double-post, please. Use the edit facility.