View Full Version : A nice idea by me - again

24-09-03, 15:43
Ok, my idea. In NC there are Tangent Clan apartments, which are massive (really massive). Now, a GM could modify these, and turn them into a trades fair/trade market.

When you go inside, the computer terminals = removed, and in its place, is a copbot or a stormbot, or two, or maybe even a gat turret, or both (or make the area a safe zone, like plaza 1).

Inside the "office" with the safe in it, could be a Cryton's Tech area, selling Tool's and supplies.

Inside where the GR/Gogo is, could be converted to house just cabinets for storage (about 30 of them should surfice)

In the main area, all the tables/chairs have been removed, cabinets are placed along the windowed wall, and counters all across, on the other side, are seats, and flowers, to look all pretty.

Now, behind the counters, and on the windows, are the "signs", weapon signs, vehicle signs, psi signs etc. Now, tradeskillers could apply to use the trades fair (granting access to the cabinets), and they would then stand behind their counter, depending on what they are selling. Researchers would also have their own little section.

People would then, in Plaza 1, go to the elevator, type in password "tradesfair", and have access to Construct/Research/Barter, whilst tradeskillers could discuss things among themselves during quiet times.

Each Faction could have their own place like this, well, by faction, i mean city, each protected by its own faction guard (NC = Stormy, Doy = DoyGuard, MB = Gunner etc..) after DoY.

It would give people a place to go for tradeskills, and would be a nice change i rekon, with the safe zone bein an anti gank the tradeskiller device :p

24-09-03, 15:56
Yup.. I heard that this was actually in the works, under Faction Counsellors.

A (large) appartment which anyone in the specified faction could access.

Whether it materialises is another matter.


24-09-03, 16:09
hmm, i dont agree with specific faction trade fairs, because it removes heavily from the RP aspect. The FA faction for instance, should "never" have endorsed phoenix, as is, because they were making vehicles. Now, FA are allied to Next, Next makes vehicles, so the FA could go to NC to get vehicles from Next, who should be making the vehicles. FA are not allied to Tangent, who make weaponry though, so there would be a RP aspect for FA making weaponry for its allies, TG/DoY, but not vehicles. TG however, are hostile to Next, and Doy, so could make their own vehicles and purchase guns off FA, however, FA are also "peaceful" so them creating guns would also be anti RP, so DoY would have to create the guns, TG could make the vehicles? Nope, cause Next make the vehicles, so I'm sure they keep the BP's under lock and key to prevent TG terrorists using them against each other.

So, having a singular tradesfair, having tangent makin biotech implants, and next vehicles, and protopharm drugs and crahn psi modules, would be against the grain of RP, and open market place, would be more in keeping with the original faction specs.

24-09-03, 17:02
you know what i would love to see

Plaza 1

Me: runner A hi can u research this gun plz
A : go away CA scum
me: bloody hippy techies, any one with out there heads up there arses reseach this gun plz

You shouldn't trade with RED people

you shouldn't sell stuff to RED people

Your should hate RED people

Yet all u see is in plaza its all hi hi hi :) oh ur s osuber blah blah then later on :: (A) wtf u killed me man,(B) oh ur red,(A) but u was talking to me in plaza, (B) oh but ur red stop DMing me and get over it ::

24-09-03, 17:43
My old PE used to refuse red factions poking, ended up the people i refused jumpin me :p

my new monkeh is a epic whore, so cant really afford to attack people and loose faction.

my pe is going to eventually be tangent from biotech, so my "reds" will change over time.