View Full Version : Idea For Chat

22-09-03, 13:38
I am looking for a little feed back on this idea....

The idea comes from this. I often log on and buy Vehicle 10's, 9's and 8's. Or Trading tons of rares. So what happens I advertise, and then get a fatal. SO i have to type the whole advert again ....

Why not have an option under hypercom for say 5 or 10 pre-defined messages, so you go to hypercom, click on message and it appears on your list.

This could also allow you to predefine messages for warning , like you know you going to j_03, so you pre define PKer at J_03 Bunker .

Then You see a pker and tab click enter, hide
And your mates on buddy could then responed by offering backup.

22-09-03, 13:41

Crest, it's already ingame with ''sms'' messages

Open up the RPOS and type the following

'' +sms p fenix is a god ''

Then chose whatever chat channel and type /sms p

You'' then say whatever is binded to 'P'

You can set this to commands like kill self etc aswell.


BTW it's not just P, You can bind it to any letter/number

22-09-03, 17:29
Originally posted by \\Fényx//

Crest, it's already ingame with ''sms'' messages

Open up the RPOS and type the following

'' +sms p fenix is a god ''

Then chose whatever chat channel and type /sms p

You'' then say whatever is binded to 'P'

You can set this to commands like kill self etc aswell.


BTW it's not just P, You can bind it to any letter/number

I tried this, and it did not return what I expected
I put in '' +sms p fenix is a god '', and I got back " No his not ", I tried it again and got back "HA HA HA" , seems the Neocron Gods know something.... Thanks mate