View Full Version : After careful consideration...

22-09-03, 06:46
I played beta 4. Loved it.
I played the last 6 months of Beta 5 (commercial), and I have decided that Neocron isn't for me anymore.

Goodbye to New Dawn guys - Divide, Magnazan, Ste, Rizzy, Zone, and all you other guys I talk to every once in awhile in the game. Maybe catch you in another game. Also goodbye to all the people I've ever dueled (yah my tank still pwns :p) and people I've ever done work with.

[ edited for violation of the forum rules - advertising ]

22-09-03, 06:47

22-09-03, 06:49
Sex > NC



mine expires in 20 dayso_O

22-09-03, 08:05
we'll miss you bro... be good and make sure to drop by the ts server.

22-09-03, 09:04
Yeh, good luck in whatever you choose to do. Feel free to come and join in the party on teamspeak when you get homesick :p

22-09-03, 09:25
You all will come back, ya hear me. I know.

I have been off neocron so many times but eventually seeing that no game STILL don't beat it, I return and find more ways to play it. I suggest you don't sell your account, keep 1 month vacation and see if HL2 is any good. :D

22-09-03, 11:09
Closed. Advert removed. o_O