View Full Version : Many paths. What goal?

21-09-03, 00:48
I'm sure plenty of others, like myself came to Neocron tempted with images of Shadowrun, Bladerunner, or Cyberpunk. Maybe Mad Max too. Irrespective, in the former worlds it seems that the big organizations run everything and the players/participants in the action are just smaller people running around on the perphary. However, in Neocron the "Powers" appear to have little or no real impact on the game world. It's evidenced everyday by the presence of "anti" Cityadmin members trading openly under the watchful eyes of NCPD's finest. And in the abscence of this direction or role by the factions, the clans have stepped in. People rarely, with the exception of TG dismiss an entire faction, they pick and choose clans. When you need items produced, you turn to a trade skill clan, not a faction. When you need back up, you call an allied clan, not a faction.

As I see it, Neocron can go in three ways. It can evolve into a Clan game or a Faction game or a combination of the two. By Clan, I mean the clans call the shots. The wars are fought on a personal clan level between clans with less thought given to factions or sides. The way it often is now.

Or it can be a Faction game, with the players running in the shadows cast by the greater powers in the game. The clans becoming side organizations to a bigger more involved faction. A faction that provides tangible benefits and perks to it's people, but with corresponding responsibilities and requirments.

Perhaps a Hybrid is the answer? With player clans working freelance for the Factions as and where opportunities arise. Perhaps one clan gets an offer to work for CityAdmin one week, and Twilight Guardian the next? Or maybe their reputation as "toadies" of Reza sullies their reputation in that camp with the result being that they end up taking jobs more and more in favour of Cityadmins's allies.

Neocron needs to evolve is what I believe. At the moment it is unclear just what as runners we are. I would believe that as a runner, I was a freelance operative for my Faction, but then I am limited in my actions by an arbitrary system that rarely reflects the true situation in the game world. I am punished for killing those I must, and see no rewards from the faction I loyally serve. How then should Neocron evolve? That is my question.

21-09-03, 00:54
Hmm good point...kinda...a toughie

I'm going with "player calling the shots"

21-09-03, 01:15
Hybrid - as it is now. Leave the faction / clan system alone for the most part imo.

Athon Solo