View Full Version : Any qamecube fans? wondering somthing/need help

20-09-03, 22:33
Are japanese imports in english aswell as japanese?
I want to buy harvest moon and Final Fantasy crystal Cronicals but there japanese and I need to be able to know if i can read em.

Probabally not the greatest place to ask but your going to get console fans wherether you go . :rolleyes:

If a moderator closes this (I know they have been gatting really tough lately) then plz pm me. Cheers.

J. Folsom
20-09-03, 22:38
It's highly unlikely that the games will have english text as an option, especially not games like Harvest Moon and FF:CC, which (most likely) contain a lot of dialogue.

The only reason you get all those language choices in the European version of most games is the recent obsession with translating games to most languages, despite it usually being not too useful (I mean, I've been playing RPGs since I was 8, in English, and I could follow what was going on, and English isn't even my first language).

20-09-03, 22:39
both, being RPGs, are fully in japanese and are not reccomended for import unless you're fluent in it.

some games you can get away with it, like my import of SCII. But usually RPGs are a baaad idea.

21-09-03, 00:02
....and considering Japanese RPG's have a hard time making sense anyhow..... (ahem).

But no, I don't think you'll find a Japanese import in the english language. Especially an RPG. Half the reason they take so long to make it over to the west is that they're busy translating all that dialogue into English. I'm not sure if the game needs to be recoded to allow for this but that sounds like a likely reason to me.

21-09-03, 02:23
Whoa, a Harvest moon for the gamecube? Where the hell have I been?

Took the time to look at Gamespot's site for it. Couldn't determine what the Japanese in the screenshots ment (aside from knowing where subj and objects were) They did say it's for...

Europe in October

they say.
If you can wait a month you could get it then, import it from Europe if'n you don't live there.

Don't know about Crystal Chronicles - if screenshots don't show english then its unlikely they'll have an english language option (which is usually only added when its been translated)

Otherwise... where's the problem in waiting for someone to get them translated to english? As if most of us aren't already used to that :rolleyes:

21-09-03, 02:57
^I've been looking at the screenshots of harvest moon on the GC and I've decided, it would be quicker and so I'd rather learn Japanese than wait untill MARCH 2004. Fuck it I'm gonna buy Harvest moon, FF:CC and a japanese languange book.

Anybody wanna give me some tips I would be more than happy. Cheers.

Anybody who wants to do this with me, goto this link to buy the jap versions of the game.
And we will see who learns japanese first and who does best on Harvest moon. ^^

Mr Friendly
21-09-03, 02:58
the gaycube? ah yeah, i know someone who likes it :rolleyes:

21-09-03, 03:00
Originally posted by Mr Friendly
the gaycube? ah yeah, i know someone who likes it :rolleyes:
plz shh. All consoles are good. My favoraite is PC>GC+XBOX>GBA>PS2 buts thats just my personall likes. Plz don't start any console wars on this GC thread.
And your comment was homophobic too. Baaaaaaaaaaaaad & closed minded.

21-09-03, 03:04
Learn Japanese the same way I (partly) learned English when I was a young boy (http://lrnj.com/)

21-09-03, 03:04
it would take less time to wait than it will to learn/look up enough japanese to get everything out of the game, especially harvest Moon, those games are insanely indepth and require alot of dialogue with the NPCs.

my advice to you is to just be patient, they'll come out here.

if you insist on getting the games import, takes some japanese classes at your local college, I think 103 or 104 is when they introduce kanji.

21-09-03, 03:10
Most Japanese RPGs undergo some level of "localisation" when they go to other markets. They often change aspects of the story, adjust character traits etc as well as taking out some of the more whacky elements that are less common in western cultures.

It's pretty unlikely a game sold only into an Asian market would have an English speaking option of any kind.