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20-09-03, 13:17
a friend of mine (evs) suggested this over email at work while we were supposed to be working. thought i'd run it past you dudes see if you like it

Monks should be limited (havent really thought about how yet) to the following "option"

100% apu - sacrifice ALL heals

100% ppu - no offense

25% apu 75% ppu - can use basic offense but good defenxe

50/50 can use mid range spells of both types

etc etc, you get the idea ( i hope) the key difference is that there is no punishment for having a reasonabvly high apu but still have the ability to basic heal / deflector or whatever like there is at the moment.

i think the above was not implimented because it would take some serious rejigging of spell requirements, what do you think?

so for example a 25% apu 75% ppu can use up to psi 25 apu spells but up to level 75 ppu spells.

just an idea, please dont flame me when you point out the glaring errors i have probably made :)

20-09-03, 13:59
You can do it? What stops you from going the hybrid way right now?

The fact that they nerfed the kill ratio from 10:1 to reasonable decent chance in a one on one? :wtf:
A good Hybrid player can still stand his ground in a one on one situation, it's the stupid fucks that keep whining for their über Hybrid who (what they think) positively deserves to kill ten people flat while healing when syncing back and forth. They do NOT!

The Hybrid nerf was for a reason.. but all people chickened out and made full APU/PPU instead - wich, ironically, is way better than a pair of Hybrids ever was, when they team up.

20-09-03, 14:08
I can't help feeling that monks are pretty ok now........

20-09-03, 14:12
You seem to play a different game then..... :rolleyes:

20-09-03, 15:29
With the coming PA:s the classes are just fine. Please concentrate on GAME CONTENT :)

20-09-03, 17:51
just an idea.

i brought it up because i think monks should be hybdrids, but they should be given the nerf free option of deciding how much of each class they can go for. personally i think its fucking stupid that an apu psi monk cant heal themselves when a tank can, and no i dont have a hybrid :)

20-09-03, 18:33
Originally posted by icarium
just an idea.

i brought it up because i think monks should be hybdrids, but they should be given the nerf free option of deciding how much of each class they can go for. personally i think its fucking stupid that an apu psi monk cant heal themselves when a tank can, and no i dont have a hybrid :)
We DO HAVE the free option.
What hinders you going hybrid? Nothing. No one. It's possible. It's viable. Just not overpowered anymore.
I don't really get your "idea", because it's already as you describe.