View Full Version : Baton Down the Hatches...

17-09-03, 03:16
I don't know about anyone else, but hurricane Isabel is about 48 hours away from making a very big dent in my Neocron playtime. I hope my electricity stays on... I can deal without water, but not electricity. What if my cable service goes down? Damn... I live/work in the Washington DC area, anyone else feeling a little helpless over this whole "hurricane" fiasco?

17-09-03, 03:18
Originally posted by d3ik
I don't know about anyone else, but hurricane Isabel is about 48 hours away from making a very big dent in my Neocron playtime. I hope my electricity stays on... I can deal without water, but not electricity. What if my cable service goes down? Damn... I live/work in the Washington DC area, anyone else feeling a little helpless over this whole "hurricane" fiasco?
I can see you have your priorities straight....o_O

17-09-03, 03:19
I'll be going down to Washington DC this weekend for the Spirit of America performance by the 3rd Infantry Regiment (http://www.mdw.army.mil/OLDGUARD/TOG.htm), hope it doesn't get cancelled or anything...

And walking through DC in heavy rains is gonna suck ass.


17-09-03, 03:25
i hope it hits and takes out my work area so i dont have to go back to that torture chamber

btw my dad was 3rd id for like 7 yrs, but turned college ROTC inspector, goes around to diff colleges and inspects there rotc programs etc,

i live down the street from 3rd id hq tho ;P
in ft. stewart GA

17-09-03, 03:27
well, its supposed to get weaker because of a massive dry air mass on the southern states - so its not going to be as bad as originally thought.

Still gonna be a nuisance tho'.


3rd ID blows stuff up.

3rd Infantry Regiment does ceremonial stuff - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, all the funerals at Arlington, etc.


17-09-03, 03:29
yay mad looting gona go down !

17-09-03, 03:30
Originally posted by Marx
well, its supposed to get weaker because of a massive dry air mass on the southern states - so its not going to be as bad as originally thought.

Still gonna be a nuisance tho'.


3rd ID blows stuff up.

3rd Infantry Regiment does ceremonial stuff - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, all the funerals at Arlington, etc.

:) ;D idea! 3rd id vs 3rd inf reg. ;D haha BOOM

17-09-03, 03:31
Division > Regiment

3rd IR would get pwnzerfied.

Tho' they'd prolly beg to differ.


17-09-03, 03:34
Originally posted by Marx
Division > Regiment

3rd IR would get pwnzerfied.

Tho' they'd prolly beg to differ.

they'd put up a good right with there antique rifles and cannons they gotta load by hand.

would be a nice fight, 3rd id would jus have a couple m4's and bradlies and tanks and stuff like that

17-09-03, 03:36

3rd IR is the official escort to teh' prez.

They get teh' ownage gear.


17-09-03, 03:37
*looks at Marx*... *looks at Shujin*

So... about Hurricane Isabel....

17-09-03, 03:41
So... about Hurricane Isabel....

3rd IR's gonna kick its ass.

17-09-03, 03:44
I got called to active duty today (National Guard, Maryland) in case things get very bad, but looking at it, I don't think it'll be much more than a nasty thunderstorm. thats what I hope, anyway.

17-09-03, 04:11
Going to put a big dent in my time, just been placed on alert for the state USAR team.....good thing I can swin

17-09-03, 06:04
Originally posted by Mattimeo
I got called to active duty today (National Guard, Maryland) in case things get very bad, but looking at it, I don't think it'll be much more than a nasty thunderstorm. thats what I hope, anyway. how teh hell would it hit maryland

17-09-03, 06:09
Originally posted by Shujin
how teh hell would it hit maryland
I think maybe you have missed the difference between a hurricane and a tornado....

tornado = small, burns out pretty fast.
hurricane = can last a very long time, weeks (in the right conditions), and effects HUGE Areas.

If a cap gun were a tornado, a hurricane would be a liberator.

... :P

17-09-03, 06:11
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
I think maybe you have missed the difference between a hurricane and a tornado....

tornado = small, burns out pretty fast.
hurricane = can last a very long time, weeks (in the right conditions), and effects HUGE Areas.

If a cap gun were a tornado, a hurricane would be a liberator.

... :P i live in georgia, i know wtf a hurricane is ;P
even though 80% of them do a sharp turn north when they get near georgia bcuz they are like >;O omg shujin! RUN!!!
seriously thats wierd they are like headin straight at georgia, then just turn

;P anyway ive been thru plenty of hurricanes and i had a tornado in my front yard *literally* there was a tornado twisted the tree in my front yard like a toothpick, flipped my dads truck on its back and then jus disapeared

17-09-03, 06:25
a hurricane would be a liberator



A specialised photon-optically enhanced laser aimed hand-held vulcan mini-gun would be a hurricane.

17-09-03, 06:39
And you guys are only worried about your cable....? o_O

17-09-03, 06:41
I'm worried about my face.

I'm afraid the rain will melt it.

17-09-03, 07:06
Georgia gets cut out, for some reason it's damed to curve right through South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia (me), and upwards. Damned if I didn't live RIGHT on the coastline.

Personally, i plan to attach a chain securely to my legs, fasten the chain to the ground, and stand outside, like superman

17-09-03, 07:17
1 time there was a hurricane in gulf of mexico that hit is directly and it was kewl as fuck

i mean there was helllllllllaa wind
it wasnt even raining most of the time

but the wind kiked ass, i was like 14 and pretty big and it fuckin blew me away unless i walked like \ ;P it was kewl as hell ;D

and the clouds were freaky as hell lookin ;O it looked sooo kewl ;D the clouds were like huge ass bubbles in the sky one after another and u could only see the bottoms of the bobbles,
like lil upside down comes like
cept in the sky

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i= wind

17-09-03, 07:37
ya know... it wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't seen all these movies where a hurricane/tornado wind picks up and send an ice pick through somebody's skull or something while they're trying to seek shelter. I watched Final Destination 2 (crap) a little while ago and ever since all I've been thinking about in some situations is "Wow... that one small insignificant serendipitous moment could begin a chain reaction that will launch a snow ski through the air to eventually go careening through my abdomen"... so yeah I don't wanna be outside when things start going down... hence I need my electricity and cable to be on, otherwise I just sit in a dark room and think about the movie 'Alive'.

17-09-03, 07:39
i watched that in school like 3 months b4 it was in theaters

17-09-03, 07:48
I hope the Hurricane stays TF away from where I am going to be. Big plans this weekend.



17-09-03, 10:20
haha suckers,

*laughs @ americans from australia*

17-09-03, 10:25
Yeah, 'cause Australia never (http://english.pravda.ru/world/2001/12/03/22694.html) gets hit by hurricanes.....

17-09-03, 12:58
Originally posted by d3ik
Yeah, 'cause Australia never (http://english.pravda.ru/world/2001/12/03/22694.html) gets hit by hurricanes.....

Heh losers can't even spell it right. It's "Sydney".

That was a freak occurance, it hasn't happened many times. Here in Melbourne we never get any. :D

17-09-03, 13:32
You see, this is why I like living here in the UK. We've got a nice temperate climate, are too far north for any seriously destructive weather, and are several thousand miles away from the nearest continental fault line. Oh, and we get several major news channels to watch the rest of the world's natural disasters on. :D

Then again, we are a mere 26 miles from France. Guess everywhere has it's downside... :D
(j/k, in case the grinny doesn't make it obvious)


17-09-03, 17:09
The last news report I saw said it was supposed to go right up the chesepeak, which would mean maryland gets dumped on pretty bad. Last major hurricane that went through here was a couple years ago, power was out for days. I hope we don't hafta go through that again.

17-09-03, 17:30
Originally posted by Redburn
Going to put a big dent in my time, just been placed on alert for the state USAR team.....good thing I can swin

Urban Search and Rescue?

or Underwater Search and Rescue?

damned acronyms, hate when there are two things for one.


17-09-03, 17:52
Latest path plot....landfall at Morehead City NC, tracking NNW over Richmond VA to the Maryland/West VA border and north form there. Eye diameter is currently 25 nm so DC and Richmond can expect a *lot* of wind and rain.

17-09-03, 20:58
Maryland, weather or not it gets hit by the actual hurricane, will still get severe winds and thunderstoms. They're calling for power outages, debris damages, all the fun stuff. not to mention if what they're preditcing is true, we may be moving out to NC/VA to help clean-up.

I'm hoping it just dwindles, then heads the hell out to sea, I need my free weekend...

17-09-03, 21:45
My school just gave us a half day tomorrow and given us Friday off cause of this. :D

17-09-03, 21:54
Originally posted by Mattimeo
I got called to active duty today (National Guard, Maryland) in case things get very bad, but looking at it, I don't think it'll be much more than a nasty thunderstorm. thats what I hope, anyway.

I hope you'r right too but this pict from the ISS would indicate that this bitch aint just gonna grumble and rain....
good luck guys..

/edit thought i'd throw this in from the BBC News site..
'Hurricane Isabel is the first major hurricane to threaten this section of the eastern seaboard since 1999 when Hurricane Floyd, a category 2 hurricane, caused $4.5 billion damage and 56 deaths. Floyd is currently the 3rd costliest hurricane in US history.'

17-09-03, 22:41
Ya, floyd really did us in. I was out of power for 13 days and had to carry buckets of water out of my basement cause of the sump pump.


17-09-03, 22:44
aah another reason for me to think that

Living in Canada > Living in US

cause we up north never get our asses blasted off by hurricanes and tropical storms and shit like that. i feel for ya m8

17-09-03, 22:54
I hope it misses GA like they normally do, because if the power goes out here the damn power company takes there sweet time about getting it fixed.

17-09-03, 23:17
give it 20 mins, i'm waiting for George bush to come on and go


18-09-03, 01:44
Originally posted by Marx
Urban Search and Rescue?

or Underwater Search and Rescue?

damned acronyms, hate when there are two things for one.


Urban Search and Rescue


18-09-03, 01:47
Originally posted by Skinman
I hope you'r right too but this pict from the ISS would indicate that this bitch aint just gonna grumble and rain....
good luck guys..

/edit thought i'd throw this in from the BBC News site..
'Hurricane Isabel is the first major hurricane to threaten this section of the eastern seaboard since 1999 when Hurricane Floyd, a category 2 hurricane, caused $4.5 billion damage and 56 deaths. Floyd is currently the 3rd costliest hurricane in US history.' yea i had to evacutate ga bcuz if it, had to goto kentucky. damn u shoulda seen the roads, it took about 2 days to get to kentucky from georgia because of the traffic.

my brother was coming home from work when we were gonna leave and he was the only car going south and the road going north was packed full ( had to have looked freaky as hell on 4 lane highway )

18-09-03, 02:14
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
I can see you have your priorities straight....o_O


Seriously losing the internet can be horrible torture... I have to like sit in the living room bored... usualy end up sleeping. It's like my life stops.

18-09-03, 02:46
Originally posted by Redburn
Urban Search and Rescue


linky (http://pawg.cap.gov/hawk/index.htm)


Least you get paid for it, we just get cool patches.