View Full Version : Some hope for the loot tables...

17-09-03, 00:49
While undergoing a discussion on the test server board about upcoming changes in tech level to weapons, the question of the loot tables came up.

Read on folks, this is simply a message to show you that.. "they" know... well lupus does....


17-09-03, 00:55
I'd just like to point out that there is no planned changes to any of the TL's. That was just something I was playing with.

However the Loot Tables are being looked over and a solution to them is being discussed. The workability of the solution is still being looked at and it may not be feasable. If it is, it'd still be a while off as everything is re-done (read time consuming).

17-09-03, 00:56
I modifed the url and it works for me with only threadID, pagenumber and # of postsperpage, wtf?

You have to be logged in, and you have to have access to the test server boards. it's page 6 of the pistols tech level thread by lupus.

17-09-03, 00:57
I swear to god, Lupus must have some kind of board-spider-websense. He was FAST.

[Double posting is Forum Sin, Repent!]

17-09-03, 00:58
Originally posted by Lupus
I'd just like to point out that there is no planned changes to any of the TL's. That was just something I was playing with.

However the Loot Tables are being looked over and a solution to them is being discussed. The workability of the solution is still being looked at and it may not be feasable. If it is, it'd still be a while off as everything is re-done (read time consuming).

It would be a shame if your changes were for nothing, they are very good!

I'm glad the loot situation is being discussed, right now it's not very logical... The monsters that drop certain levels of implants are much too high for the people that would realistically use them, and it doesn't seem fair that the strong HAVE to get everything for the weak, give them a chance to get the implants themselves, you know?

17-09-03, 01:02
maybe make the noobs explore NC / the map for the items

:D u get the idea

17-09-03, 01:03
There is a temporary measure I came up with and discussed with Callash. Atleast for the low level weapons, and level 1 implants that should be in-place with the next retail patch.

What you have to do to get them will be the same on all servers, the only difference really is it may not be in the same place on all of them.. nor is there any garuntee it'll always be that place and that the places will be the more popular ones ;)

17-09-03, 01:56
I dont have time to read the other thread (I'm not even supposed to be on now :o ) but, does this mean Gat Pistols, Flamers and Grenade will drop again with the Aggies, Gunmen and Hurlers/Butchees respectivly? Or is this still being discussed?

17-09-03, 02:02
Originally posted by DarkPhoenix
I dont have time to read the other thread (I'm not even supposed to be on now :o ) but, does this mean Gat Pistols, Flamers and Grenade will drop again with the Aggies, Gunmen and Hurlers/Butchees respectivly? Or is this still being discussed?

Possibly.. still havent worked out what will drop what.