View Full Version : brainport idea: ppu idea.

16-09-03, 06:04
Well i agree that the HP is dumb and ruins PvP. Here is a cool idea for a replacement to it. I know that a similar idea has been thought of for this but here is a variation. When you cast it there are 2 or 3 other "clones" besides the ppu that are made and they run off in completely random directions. So the enemy might has a chance of chasing the right ppu, but has a chance he'll be chasing a ghost. This would be a cool idea.

But the audience says, what if you are in PP and your clone runs into a wall, then they will know which one is yours for sure, well maybe they could either make it so that there is some very low level AI involved, OR you could every once in a while run into the wall yourself, and there for trick the opponent. Thoughts?

16-09-03, 06:13
i think this idea would be VERY difficult to implement and is NO replacement for the HP

Richard Blade
16-09-03, 06:21
Neat idea.

But, picture this:

Current op battle setup.
5 ppu's, 2 apu's, 2 tanks, and a PE.
That's one side only. You'll have 15 clones running around in no time creating lag and slowing things down. so, 25 guys instead of 10.

Now, add in the other force. Yuck.
I don't want to sound too negative about this idea. If Neocron were based on a more current graphics engine, I bet it wouldn't have a problem implamenting this.


Shadow Dancer
16-09-03, 06:33
I like the idea, but I feel spies are the ones who should get something like that. :(

16-09-03, 07:01
Kage Boushin No Jutsu :lol:

16-09-03, 07:57
I strongly agree HP should be replaced with something else - whether your suggest would work or not i dont know - but HP has to go.

16-09-03, 08:02
yeah this was just an idea of something to replace it that would be purely defensive. I agree, the lag would suck. Personally i think even if they reduced the run speed by another 50% and made it so that your turning ability wasn't impaired, i would consider that fair.

16-09-03, 09:10
I remember way back when playing q2wf you could drop a decoy of yourself that would disappear the moment it was shot.

Very similar to this idea except that it wouldn't run, it would just stand there, but would respond to emotes.

Something like this could work to give yourself a few seconds headstart on someone as long as they weren't right on top of you when you activated your clone.

But plaza would be a laggy mess there would be clones everywhere because no one would be able to draw a weapon to destroy them.

But still a nice idea.