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View Full Version : Idea for new rares for tradeskillers

15-09-03, 14:48
Remeber way way way back, when there was a slot enhancer tool? What about bringing that back as a rare? High tl, 6 parts. The rare would be the same as a tl 150 cst tool, but it would add a garenteed +1 slots to any item built, rare or not. In other words, if the item would have had 0 slots, now it would have 1, etc. This would be a highly sought after item for constructors, and make things a lot nicer for a lot of people. What do you want people doing in the game kk? having fun right? because they will stay. Is it fun when rares get 0 slots, or someones first gun when they only have enough to build 2 or 3 gets no slots? no. So I really dont see a problem in implimenting this.

For research, maybe add a rare tool that gives + 20 reseach skill, or makes research 50% faster, something of hgh value like that.

This would make the game more fun for tradskillers and their customers, and add a new non weapon rare. Overall, add fun, which is what you want.

15-09-03, 14:49
good post vet and hmmm no huge ego popping out the side :D kudos

15-09-03, 15:12
That construction tool would rule :) I like the idea. For the ressing tool that is 50% faster you hav another vote here. And for the boni for tradeskillers, ther might be the machina gloves that are currently on the testservers. All this and youll see tradeskillers with smiles all around their heads :p Including me :D


15-09-03, 15:23
I like the idea. There is nothing worse then building a rare with no slots. The rare CST tool would cover the problem, but it should have some requirements like 80 INT or something.

A bonus to RES from the rare RES tool doesnt sound right, that would be the job of the RES machina glove. But the reduction of the research time by 50% or even 30% would be an awesome addition for any researcher, espcially when we consider the fact, that researching time is a lot different then construction time: researching takes very often way more time.

Like the machina gloves, these two tools would be one of the best additions to the rare pool since a long time.

15-09-03, 15:31
maybe making them in with the epic style reward like the terminator is currently trialing to not fill the rare pool up even more.

but yeah sounds very good, just make the epicy quest something more aimed at pure tradeskillers instead of pvping skillers like everything bar the couple of killing epics O_o

15-09-03, 15:36
Yeah! Nerf teh fight0rs!

errm, Yeah i could see this would make tradeskilling very entertaining

15-09-03, 15:45
*cough* Machina Gloves *cough*

15-09-03, 15:52
Originally posted by Lucjan
But the reduction of the research time by 50% or even 30% would be an awesome addition for any researcher, espcially when we consider the fact, that researching time is a lot different then construction time: researching takes very often way more time.

So true, and it is soooooo boring. But necessary :rolleyes:


15-09-03, 15:56
i like the idea, but only if it would be available though that new system (same way as the terminator can be obtained on the ts right now)