View Full Version : What Events would you like to see ?

14-09-03, 00:21
Just wondered what the community wanted

Its a funny game NC the player base seems to be mixed between the rpg community and the fps people

So if this is the customers playing catering for both sets of players is a must

So post what you would like to particpate in

14-09-03, 00:25
I would like an event where candy and rareparts rain from the heavens like golden oysters.

14-09-03, 00:29
I like events, but they should really spread them out on the server instead of all in one room. It's fun now and then, but it can be a really large lag fest. Give the option of like 3 sectors where mobs will be spawning. etc.

Psyco Groupie
14-09-03, 00:30
I wanna see cityadmin get pissed off after scanning my apartment full of 20th centrury porn and doy come save the fallen angels .. johnny 5 disasemble stormy 2!