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View Full Version : Real time R.P.O.S skinning ultility?

13-09-03, 23:17
Alright since this kind of programming is where I specialize in, I
was wondering if anyone would be interested in realttime rpos
skinning so you can actually see how the changes to the rpos
looks via 640x480 screenshot of the actuall ingame rpos.

I figure this would be easier than the current guessing method
ultilities via ini.

Would anyone use it/think it's a good idea?


13-09-03, 23:18

13-09-03, 23:20
I think G.0.D. has created or is creating a utility where you can see ingame what the colors you picked look like in game.

13-09-03, 23:20
Da am thinkink it be good idea no?

(Pitr from user friendly is funny with the accent)

13-09-03, 23:20
YES!!! This would help SO SO much, go for it Para matey! :D

13-09-03, 23:21
Combine the two ideas.... Woo. :D

Yes I would use it :)

13-09-03, 23:23
@ Psycho_Soldier neocolor has a preview mode where it shows all ur set colors, but not on a rpos style thing. Neocrack (still unreleased...) has a preview mode like FBI's talking about..

13-09-03, 23:24
Originally posted by Psycho_Soldier
I think G.0.D. has created or is creating a utility where you can see ingame what the colors you picked look like in game.

Yeah well I don't feel like waiting for him to release his version,
plus I think his idea is totally different from what I plan.

edit: maybe not eh, anyway I'm going to start working on it
right now :)

13-09-03, 23:26
Originally posted by FBI
Yeah well I don't feel like waiting for him to release his version,
plus I think his idea is totally different from what I plan.

Cool, can't wait to see it when it comes out. :)

13-09-03, 23:30
I just downloaded a file that does do that (I'm lazy, I like easy) but you still have to go ingame with the /set gfx_hudcolor 1 to make sure the colours dont clash or anything.

Get one with a mouse over items
Skill + and - colours
A screenshot of the Wastelands so you can test ur Reticle
The different chats (zone/buddy etc..)

And I might be interested :p as long as its an exact replica of ingame.

13-09-03, 23:32
Originally posted by Lexxuk
I just downloaded a file that does do that (I'm lazy, I like easy) but you still have to go ingame with the /set gfx_hudcolor 1 to make sure the colours dont clash or anything.

Get one with a mouse over items
Skill + and - colours
A screenshot of the Wastelands so you can test ur Reticle
The different chats (zone/buddy etc..)

And I might be interested :p as long as its an exact replica of ingame.

I'm sure I can have it apply the skinning to several screenshots
but It will have the ability to import your own screenshots to test
the rpos colors onto as well.. we'll see.


14-09-03, 00:45
Originally posted by Hippieman
Da am thinkink it be good idea no?

(Pitr from user friendly is funny with the accent) What have YOU been smoking? :lol:

On topic: Go for it Para. I'd love to see something like that.


14-09-03, 08:05
Originally posted by StryfeX
Go for it Para. I'd love to see something like that.


So far so good. The method i'm using to do this is ingenius, but
anyway, when it's done i'll make a new thread and post a link for
it although i might need a couple people to beta test and make
sure they like it (+ bugs) or even get Cypher_Psy to design a nice
gui for it :)


trigger hurt
14-09-03, 08:28
lemme know when you release it for testing. I'll put it through its paces. I change my hud colors almost daily. Would be great to have a utility that gives you an actual preview of ingame hud.

14-09-03, 09:41
I'll beta test it. Just get it to a point where the beta doesn't do nasty stuff like overwrite the NC directory, ok? :p


14-09-03, 09:42
Do this, please !

14-09-03, 09:55
Originally posted by StryfeX
I'll beta test it. Just get it to a point where the beta doesn't do nasty stuff like overwrite the NC directory, ok? :p


Overwrite the nc dirctory, heh. It wont overwrite at all, the ini
file will be backed up with increments (rposcolor1.ini.bak,
rposcolor2.ini.bak, etc) then it will create a new one with the
settings chosen.

I know you were kidding but it got me to say that anyway :)

14-09-03, 18:02
Paradox, just a tipp
I found it was just easier to rewrite the ini to its original status, that way u creat no unnecisary files.

EDIT: Errr reread what u said, kinda sounds like ur going for an undo option... nvm :p

15-09-03, 01:59
Originally posted by G.0.D.
Paradox, just a tipp
I found it was just easier to rewrite the ini to its original status, that way u creat no unnecisary files.

EDIT: Errr reread what u said, kinda sounds like ur going for an undo option... nvm :p

yes undo option is the plan :)

15-09-03, 02:07
Originally posted by FBI
Alright since this kind of programming is where I specialize in, I
was wondering if anyone would be interested in realttime rpos
skinning so you can actually see how the changes to the rpos
looks via 640x480 screenshot of the actuall ingame rpos.

I figure this would be easier than the current guessing method
ultilities via ini.

Would anyone use it/think it's a good idea?


good idea? it would be an awsome idea go for it

15-09-03, 15:30
errrm if u want 2 learn jama u can have my source for neocolor, aboot 1000 lines i believe... save u some time

15-09-03, 18:29
excellent idea FBI. go forth and program, my friend!