View Full Version : OMG, DX9 and Half-Life 2 Trailer.

12-09-03, 07:48
Doug Lombardi from Valve released a trailer today that shows off all the neat effects that are made possible by DirectX 9 and the Source Engine. The trailer shows off realistic outdoor scenes, bumpmapping, and shadows. Take a look over at Valve ERC. (http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?news=1063319154-65935800) The file is 114 MB. The video is VERY High Quality. It is just a video and it was playing at a estimated 4 FPS. 8|

I think that monster looks kinda... well, you will know what I mean when you see it :p

Edit. Here is the pic of the monster :p


12-09-03, 08:00
Oooo, Aaaah. Yet another game whose graphic potential will be totally wasted.

12-09-03, 08:33
Originally posted by Mantus
Oooo, Aaaah. Yet another game whose graphic potential will be totally wasted.

What do you mean? :confused:

12-09-03, 08:39
Originally posted by Mantus
Oooo, Aaaah. Yet another game whose graphic potential will be totally wasted.

Yah what do you mean? Half-life 1 was a hit. So many copies were sold thus making it the game of it's year. My guess is Half-life 2 will be the game of the next 5 years. All the people who are making mods for Half-life 1 now will most likely stop their work, and get started on Half-life 2 mods. Although I don't like the gameplay of Counter-Strike, I might try out Counter-Strike 2 just for the graphics alone.

These guys know what they are doing. And by the looks of all the movies and clips I have seen, they aren't wasting their time and money on junk. The graphics are amazing, and I know their storyline is going to be great.

12-09-03, 09:27
Oh, be still my heart...I can die happy.

WAIT NO!! I want to play the game all the way through first.

12-09-03, 09:54
Halflife 1 was very special and extraordinary. Halflife2 is yet another fps game engine among a myriad of others, and is nothing really special. Let's hope it measures up.

12-09-03, 10:04
Originally posted by Erinyes
Halflife2 is yet another fps game engine among a myriad of others, and is nothing really special.


Why dont you do some research on it before you make a dumbass comment like that, and then once you do, state why you think what you just said if you still believe it. To make things simple. Click here (http://www.halflife2.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=32), should make researching a bit easier for you.

Dont post that you have either, because with a comment like that, you obviously havnt. But lets just say you have, post why you think that please.

Edited: Had to fix my quote.

12-09-03, 10:12

better site with all downloads, fast free downloads ;)

12-09-03, 10:21
I guess I'm a dumbass, cause I didn't check some forum with no links from here.

If its revolutionary it should be readily apparrent and you should have been able to tell me in one simple sentence why. Further, if its so kick ass and opens up such expnasive new avenues, it would have been all over the net. Sorry if I'm not one of the Faithful.

I'm not dogging on HL2, I just doubt that it will be anything special. Tell me, O informed one, what will make it special?

12-09-03, 10:25
Originally posted by Erinyes
I guess I'm a dumbass, cause I didn't check some forum with no links from here.

If its revolutionary it should be readily apparrent and you should have been able to tell me in one simple sentence why. Further, if its so kick ass and opens up such expnasive new avenues, it would have been all over the net. Sorry if I'm not one of the Faithful.

I'm not dogging on HL2, I just doubt that it will be anything special. Tell me, O informed one, what will make it special?

amazing game engine

comprehensive physics

dynamic world objects, every texture has properties

HL is known for it's AI, hl2 will have better AI with enemies
than any other shootup game ever... you can tell just by watching
the recorded ingame demos.

12-09-03, 10:31
Originally posted by Erinyes
it would have been all over the net.

:lol: IT IS!

Originally posted by Erinyes
Tell me, O informed one, what will make it special?

I already gave you a link to a forum with tons of info and Parad0x gave you a link to the videos. Right now it is 1:30 am for me and im getting quite tired, and there would just be too much to post. I will post one thing though.

This link right here http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1298

Show's clearly Valve's dedication and support to the community. Developers answering emails, even Gabe Newell releasing his HOME phone number to the public.

The rest, is explained in the videos, and if you wanna check out that forum.

12-09-03, 10:35
After briefly looking at the link you provided Psycho_Soldier, I saw exactly 0 reasons why HL2 will be anywhere near the revolutionary game that HL1 was. Nothing about new concepts in gameplay or even mentions of unique graphic innovation.

Likely it will be a good game, considering the devteam. Haven't seen anything that will make it stand out for more than the moment though.

So, Dumbass, what will make it unique and special from any other game? And be specific, just saying look at it does nothing.

Edit: One last thing, I'm not saying the games' going to suck or be some piece o' shit. I'm sure Valve's bending over backwards to give the community waht they want. But I think folks are expecting HL2 to change things and be new and exciting like HL1 was. Thus far, I have seen nothing that will make this game stand apart for very long.

I'm sure HL moder's will stick with it and continue to make new great mods. I want HL2 to be great, but what is it about HL2 that will remind me of buying and playing HL1 for the first time. So far, I'm predicting a rehash of Unreal2, though multiplayer will be more prevalent, considering Counterstrike has been the lifeblood of Halflife.

But please, please , tell me what will make Halflife 2 more than a reason to upgrade my videocard, processor and memory?

12-09-03, 10:43
Originally posted by Erinyes
After briefly looking at the link you provided

Why dont you spend a little more time looking, instead of just briefly, also notice Parad0x's post before my last one. I wont go and fetch the information for you. If you want it enough, you will get it yourself, I showed you it, all you have to do is click the little links in forum and read. Also take note, I said the comment you made was a dumbass comment. I have made plenty of dumbass comments before, but that doesn't make me a dumbass, nor does the comment you made make you a dumbass. It just means we are human. Now you had to resort to actually flaming ME, personally. I have no reason to reply to your flame anymore. If you want to continue this without making uninformed comments and flaming, then I might respond.

12-09-03, 10:57
If he would actually download one of the nine demos he wouldn't
be saying "what graphic innovations were made since hl1."

because HL1 was like quake2 graphics, HL2 is like doom3 graphics
persay. that's just the best way I can explain the difference.


that's my favorite demo, shows off the AI very good.

12-09-03, 11:04
I edited my last reply, but let me put it this way, what, in one or two quick sentences, will make me jump up and down about this game? I don't want a thesis, and I'm not trying to run it down, just can't see what will make it special.

I briefly looked at the first page of post in that forum, and read them all. Couldn't find anything compelling.

Please, tell me what I missed. If its so obvious, you should have no problem telling me why in short order.

Kickass graphics far and away above any other game? Say it! Revolutionary new game concepts? Say it! If I can't find it on the forum you listed on the first page, it must not be that special.

Again, I don't think it will be a bad game, but what about it will compare to Halflife when it was released?

12-09-03, 11:10
already said it.

Revolutionary AI 10 folded since HL1, physics better than doom3,
graphics on par with doom3, more dynamic world (all textures
have properties now, all objects have properties that can be

doom3 is by iD Software with the genius john carmack, iD
revolutionises the game world with their engines.

HL2 has been under developement for 3-5 years now, the most
important part about it is that they are using an engine they made
from scratch this time, HL1 used a modified quake2 engine by
iD Software (once again iD is big).

i mean, i could go on but... that's enough

12-09-03, 11:15
The Demo looks very pretty. Ai can't be shown in a demo, since a demo is a movie. It is an incredible advancement over Q2 grapics, but the same can be said of many games over the past 3 years or so. I look forward to playing it. But what about the game will make me jump up and down and say,"I will sell my soul for this game damnit!"

Halflife was a revolution. Halflife 2 will be a probably be a good game with expected graphic improvements. I'd like it to be more than that, but I don't have anything but a brandname to make me think it will be more than that.

12-09-03, 11:26
Originally posted by Erinyes
Ai can't be shown in a demo, since a demo is a movie.

The demo is a recording of the actual ingame realtime play.

So open your eyes and ears. In the barricade demo (http://www.3dgamers.com/dl/games/halflife2/hl2-barricade.exe.html) you can
see how dynamic the world is and how it allows infinite possibilities.

In the barricade demo, your being chased by an enemy, you
run into the house and move a table over the door.. the bad guy
trys to open it and sees that something is there so he trys to
peek through the window in which he fires on you. Then he
blows up the door and chases you, your path is blocked by nailed
down panels, so you take our your crowbar to break through.

Also there was a dumpster and a pit, you throw a grenade under
it and it flys into the pit to kill the monsters...not because it's a
hardcoded cinematic, but because all objects have properties..
you could also throw a grenade under a car and it would fly
at something. when the world is this dynamic, realism is there,
it lets you do what you want like in real life persay.

again, no need to say anymore if you still don't get it, somethings
are just over your head ;)

12-09-03, 11:30
Devastation had most items that were able to be manipulated, to the point that it was annoying, nothing new there. Hell, Red Faction had the ability to blast new tunnels if you bothered to take the time,(and if the level designer allowed it) a couple of years ago. And eye candy doesn't mean much. That's a requirement for a new fps whose last full iteration was something like 5 years old, not a bonus. Maybe I'm too simplistic, but most game physics as far has fps's have been close enough for some time now.

Don't get me wrong, I want Halflife2, to be comparable to Halflife. So far it just looks like another new pretty fps to me. I'll likely pick it up shortly after it comes out, because I can, and i've probably got the hardware to exploit it. But I don't expect to be gooping in my pants like when I got the first Halflife.

12-09-03, 11:33
Do you know what the best thing about the new possibilities of the new games? That they will come over time to the MMORPGs. Maybe we will see NC in 2 years with this engine? Why should KK invent the wheel anew? Lineage 2 uses the unreal engine. And if KK licences the HL or quake engine the can put in EVERY trick that these engines know at the moment. In two years the grafic hardware will deal with them even with 250 players running around and people will say:" WHAT? You are still using a Radeon 5900? Get some decent grafic hardware!"

I'm not in for shooters and I think the fatastic grafic is a waste for these games. But they are the ones that drive the grafik developement cause the gameplay didn't really change since Duke Nukem. Only the grafics makes a game much better than the rest.

And we will participate from this developement.

Hopefully KK will get enough new customers to change to a good new engine. The game would deserve it! Because this game is something new gameplay wise and not a modern Version of an old concept (SWG,AO etc)

12-09-03, 11:34
Originally posted by Erinyes
Devastation had most items that were able to be manipulated, to the point that it was annoying, nothing new there. Hell, Red Faction had the ability to blast new tunnels if you bothered to take the time,(and if the level designer allowed it) a couple of years ago. And eye candy doesn't mean much. That's a requirement for a new fps whose last full iteration was something like 5 years old, not a bonus. Maybe I'm too simplistic, but most game physics as far has fps's have been close enough for some time now.

Don't get me wrong, I want Halflife2, to be comparable to Halflife. So far it just looks like another new pretty fps to me. I'll likely pick it up shortly after it comes out, because I can, and i've probably got the hardware to exploit it. But I don't expect to be gooping in my pants like when I got the first Halflife.

HL2 is far more than simple object manipulation like in devestation,
and it's much more than terrain warping. You just don't get it
man, but then again you don't seem to know anything about
the game. I suggest you download more of the demos.

edit: looks at sig banner, servers must be down :o

12-09-03, 12:03
Guess I overreacted to being called a dumbass. I already got a nice reaction from just stating my opinion. Imagine if I pulled out the fanboi card :)

As far as the dynamic obects in the demo, I've seen similar things programmed to happen in the past, and it didn't take new dynamic object code to do it. If the dumpster thing was representative of actual game episode, I'd be willing to bet you would have to do that in order to pass that part of the level or suffer a much higher likelyhood of losing a bunch of health, or sacrafice a low ammo/ high damage weapon round to get past it; like a mini-boss, if you will. Again, What's new about that?

I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree, but I'm not a dumbass for disagreeing. I just think that the brandname effect will be overwhelming, and that many people will be at least slightly disappointed in what they get.

On a final note, mostly directed at Psycho_Soldier, I didn't start a flame, just replied in kind and with much restraint. I was called a dumbass and replied in kind, and very briefly at that. Aside from that, I've been most civil, and have done my best to back up my arguments, and I never stated that anyone categorically didn't know what they were talking about or were(Insert insult of your choice here). Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are flaming you.

Here's to hoping that Halflife 2 will be a good game, even if I don't think it will be as good as some people might think.

12-09-03, 12:21
But it will be better than u are hoping it not to be because Valve know how much of the 'entire' gamers WANT this game, they also KNOW if they make it 'fucking ub3r' that every gamer will buy it, meaning Valve = Rich.....

Why would they wanna fuck that up? i dont think so, do u?

Can i just point out Erinyes that u are playing a game NOT MANY PPL HAVE EVEN HEARD OF:o and ur bitching a game company thats still selling HL after 5 years....work it out will ya, HL 1 NEVER ENDED and was a shit hot game, so the ppl (99%) that actually got INTO the story are gunna buy HL2 cuz hey, wadda ya know, its the carry on from HL1:rolleyes:

12-09-03, 13:57
HL2, you can place a chair on a mat, then pull the mat away using the manipulator device, the chair will topple over..

It's not ineration by you, it's the interactions between the objects that make it diffrent..

12-09-03, 14:57
Originally posted by Q`alooaith
HL2, you can place a chair on a mat, then pull the mat away using the manipulator device, the chair will topple over..

It's not ineration by you, it's the interactions between the objects that make it diffrent..

Yep, there's never been an fps to do object manipulation to this magnitude. That's why it's going to be great. It looks like great fun to toss stuff around in the game.

12-09-03, 15:35
Originally posted by Ikon
Yep, there's never been an fps to do object manipulation to this magnitude. That's why it's going to be great. It looks like great fun to toss stuff around in the game.

It is.

12-09-03, 16:40
Originally posted by alig
But it will be better than u are hoping it not to be because Valve know how much of the 'entire' gamers WANT this game, they also KNOW if they make it 'fucking ub3r' that every gamer will buy it, meaning Valve = Rich.....

Why would they wanna fuck that up? i dont think so, do u?

Can i just point out Erinyes that u are playing a game NOT MANY PPL HAVE EVEN HEARD OF:o and ur bitching a game company thats still selling HL after 5 years....work it out will ya, HL 1 NEVER ENDED and was a shit hot game, so the ppl (99%) that actually got INTO the story are gunna buy HL2 cuz hey, wadda ya know, its the carry on from HL1:rolleyes:

Its amazing how touchy people are here,God forbid someone hold an uncommon opinion.

I'm not bitching about anything. I just think that HL2 will just be something of a letdown compared to the hype surrounding it. The first game is still being sold, but I think that had more to do with counterstrike and ongoing support more than the quality of the first game. I've seen numerous instances where people knew what counterstrike was but not halflife.

And of course a game company will want to make their game the ultimate, it just rarely happens that way. I guess I'm jaded because of unreal 2. Pretty, but had very little in comparison compared to the first one. Let's hope HL2 lives up to the hype. I'll be happy to say that you guys were right, I just hope I can.

12-09-03, 16:40
Originally posted by Erinyes

As far as the dynamic obects in the demo, I've seen similar things programmed to happen in the past, and it didn't take new dynamic object code to do it. If the dumpster thing was representative of actual game episode, I'd be willing to bet you would have to do that in order to pass that part of the level or suffer a much higher likelyhood of losing a bunch of health, or sacrafice a low ammo/ high damage weapon round to get past it; like a mini-boss, if you will. Again, What's new about that?


No they are fighting they are down in a pit, he has many options, he can toss the nade down blow em up, shoot em, he shoots the pipe things to make em swing some die some miss he then blows up the thing then progresses, not through some hole scripted but just carrying on.
These options are everywhere, not at certain sections where it's a mini boss style, the marines/aliens etc are all "smart" so you gotta work ways that work best for you wheather that be gung ho or terrain advantages.
The ai is far more advanced, it may be another fps but its more than that now, enemies think, the world reacts, you can blow crates out shoots scafolds watch barrels crush, you rip radiators of walls to block bullets. You can throw chairs, wood, pannels, doors anything at ppl.
Fire, water etc all react and look as theyshould, soldiers use tactics relating to the situations not through a scripted sequence, you lock the door they look for ways around it,. You hide behind vehicles they work around it.
HL2 is gonna open the doors to a massive new line of modding, gameplay etc, from singleplayers to online.
There's always gonna be a goal or a end but hl2 gives many possibilites of getting there by anymeans.

And one last thing : i aint really a researcher of hl but i diel in a chan where ppl are so i put this to you join #halflife2 on irc.Quakenet.org (http://www.mIRC.com if oyu dont use irc) and ask them the same question what do you think will make hl different etc and they will tell you in far more detail then i could.
The channel has about 200 ppl so you should get plenty of responses...

12-09-03, 18:37
it will be a great game, just not revolutionary

12-09-03, 18:56
revolutionary...as in, it will change all of what we know of this genre.

Half life 2, for one...is a sequal. halflife redfined the FPS...it proved not only could a world be more alive, make sence, have a story but also be extreamly fun. it spawned innovation and breathed life into FPS style gameplay the likes of which have not been seen since system shock breeding RPG and Action together.

its safe to say then, that being a sequal H2 is a 'magnitude' of a revolution.

as mentioned above, its using the same thinking...more dynamic AI...a more free envoirment...a living breathing world...only this time, its from the ground up.

there are VERY few game companys that do this.

as a GEforce user, i am concerned with its performance with DX9, atm...but honostly...yeah, i'll go on ebay and snag myself a radeon...no doubt about that. just for this game...

12-09-03, 19:15
For Nvidia GeforceFX users.... There still might be hope. :D

Check this out. http://www.planethalflife.com/news/nvidia.shtml

12-09-03, 19:15
hmm the NVIDIA thing seems to be little odd.
german gamestar reports that valve used a detonator driver of the 40 series and not the current one.
all of this seems to be because of a alliance between ATI and Valve.

12-09-03, 19:52
Well no one understood my comment which I suppose means that there are very few FPS players in here.

Games with fancy graphics are all well and good. But they could never be run on today’s systems. Hell I have a very nice system by today’s standards.

Pentium 4 2.4 Gig – 1024 DDR 400 RAM – Geforce 4 Ti 512 DDR RAM

Yet to play any shooters such as Unreal 3, Tribes 2, Enemy Territory or MMORPGs such as Asheron's Call 2 or even Neocron, I still have to turn down about half of the graphic option to get good and decent fame rates during large fights. So if my systems cant handle full graphics in Unreal 3, how do you think in will fair with Halflife 2? And by the times that they make home PCs good and affordable enough to play this game to its full potential, a new game with even better graphics comes out…

I personally don’t give a shit about graphics. Gameplay is what matters. I just wish that the developers figured this out. I would give Halflife 2 a 50/50 chance of being any good as a game. I am hoping for the best of course.

12-09-03, 19:54
Unreal 3 doesn't even exist.... O_o

12-09-03, 21:13
Unreal Tournament 2003


...sigh, why do people have to argue just for the purpose of arguing. You understand my point now I hope. Can you prove me wrong? If not then either disagree or agree.

12-09-03, 21:14
Originally posted by Mantus
Unreal Tournament 2003


...sigh, why do people have to argue just for the purpose of arguing. You understand my point now I hope. Can you prove me wrong? If not then either disagree or agree.

ut2003 isnt unreal 3...

why do people think 1 game is another game just because it has the word unreal in it o_O unreal = offline single player campaigns about fighting the monster things, and is pretty fun if u wanna pass by some time and stuff but no multiplayer capabilities.

ut ( unreal TOURNAMENT ) = multiplayer game based on unreal.

unreal2 = latest unreal
ut2003 ( Unreal Tournament 2003 ) = latest version of UT

12-09-03, 22:07
I believe your system could play HL2 just fine if you get a Radeon 9800 Pro.

Psyco Groupie
12-09-03, 22:08
w00t .. hl2 will ruin my degree :(

Psyco Groupie
12-09-03, 22:30
i get a neat fps .. wow

[Watch the double posting please - Gungnir]

13-09-03, 00:52
Originally posted by Erinyes
After briefly looking at the link you provided Psycho_Soldier, I saw exactly 0 reasons why HL2 will be anywhere near the revolutionary game that HL1 was. Nothing about new concepts in gameplay or even mentions of unique graphic innovation.

Likely it will be a good game, considering the devteam. Haven't seen anything that will make it stand out for more than the moment though.

So, Dumbass, what will make it unique and special from any other game? And be specific, just saying look at it does nothing.

Edit: One last thing, I'm not saying the games' going to suck or be some piece o' shit. I'm sure Valve's bending over backwards to give the community waht they want. But I think folks are expecting HL2 to change things and be new and exciting like HL1 was. Thus far, I have seen nothing that will make this game stand apart for very long.

I'm sure HL moder's will stick with it and continue to make new great mods. I want HL2 to be great, but what is it about HL2 that will remind me of buying and playing HL1 for the first time. So far, I'm predicting a rehash of Unreal2, though multiplayer will be more prevalent, considering Counterstrike has been the lifeblood of Halflife.

But please, please , tell me what will make Halflife 2 more than a reason to upgrade my videocard, processor and memory?

have you actually seen the 600+mb E3 tech demo? and all the gameplay vids knocking about?

lets put it like this the level of interactivity with the environment in the game world looks ASTOUNDING

i aint a fan boy at all i think it will be a good game, i do accept it could be crap like unreal 2 though, i just dont think its likely.

I will say it is wise to do a bit of research tho before expressing an opinion on it, check out the vids, if you still think it looks crap, fair enough you cant be helped :p

13-09-03, 14:02
dam, can anyone confirm what was told in this german heise.de article?


they tell that HL2 is delayed to Q1 2004 ?!?!?!?!?

i hope that this is the german version only :eek:

13-09-03, 14:09
vicious rumour apparently, valve commented its still set for 30th september and dont know how the rumnour started was what i read

13-09-03, 14:31
Theres gunna be alot of rumours about set back's and shit on a game this big of course!..... ive still got my hopes set on 30th sep and im fucking praying its gunna be cuz i loose my connection in about 3 - 4 weeks....so ill have a good single player :angel: *dreams*

(moving house can suck on my nob, it sux!:()

13-09-03, 14:42
I gota agree with Erinyes, its nothing new and its nothing special, infact Gabe said that how objects break are not dynamic, its like Red Faction, the map maker has to set how it breaks.

I just beat Half-Life two days ago again and I and I wonder why everyone says its so great, its very damn repetitive and the only thing I find "special" is its excessive use of scripted events.

Its the same god damn thing, something breaks so you find a NEW way around the thing you already had to get around, half the time you dont even know where your going, your just following a hallway untell the door and the end explodes and you gota go through the vents o_O.