View Full Version : is beam of hell worth a PE or Rog?

12-09-03, 04:06
i have a 3 slotted perfect beam of hell.. would it trade for a 3 slottted pe or RoG? any rare rifle it would trade for besides the thunder?

12-09-03, 04:07
what are you? if your a pe with no tc, trade for pe with 3 slots. if you have tc, go for the rog for pvp.

if your a spy, trade it for something u can snipe with. ;)

12-09-03, 04:19
well i wanna know if its the same value. Also i could prob snipe with a PE. Pretty sre has more then 1000m on it. Like do u think ppl will trade me or not becouse they think i will be rippen em off.

12-09-03, 04:38
Beam of hell is not worth a RoG or PE. A 3 slot beam of hell is really kinda worthless. A PE cant use (can with extreme gimpage, still isnt as good as tangent pistol) and a pistol spy has much better options. You could trade yours for a RoG or PE tech part lol.

12-09-03, 04:46
AFAIK BoH is about 1.25 the damage of TEP.
However BoH range is only 114 compared to TEPs 192...
RoF and all other stats are the same of course.

IMO, TEP is slightly better(range makes it for me) in terms of actual weapons, but for PEs, TEP is by far better.

Add to that, the fact that it doesn't drop.

Add to that the fact that it doesn't require 105 DEX.

12-09-03, 05:05
ok thanx. Answers all of my questions.