View Full Version : Comments about items that fall on death...

10-09-03, 23:00
I heard before that when you die, the highst TL, or most expensive items fall when you die. For me, this is not true. I carry a bunch of spells on me, all hacked from belts. a bunch of holy energy beams, a 2 slot holy defelctor, holy fire beam, anti shelter, bunch of other crap. Yet, every single time I die, shelter drops, except for once, when it was holy defector. This doesnt matter, because of course i got tons of backup slotted shelterd, but, I wonder why 90% of the time its shelter, 10% its defelctor when I have much higher level items that can be dropped instead? Does anyone knoe exactly how the drop formula works?

10-09-03, 23:22
dumb luck..

One of the top ten most valuable items will be what drops.
That's how it was explained, and I have had no hints of it changing since...

10-09-03, 23:32
My ppu seems to lose his rez spell most of the time. Other folks their pants, i heard :)

[edit] and the rez spell is certainly not one of the more expensive ones.

10-09-03, 23:40
My level 3 buffs seem to drop most of the time and I've got more then 10 other spells on me worth more then them.

10-09-03, 23:55
I always drop my pants when I die. O wai

10-09-03, 23:59
The only satisfaction I got from being PKed, was thinking of the conversation as my belt was hacked open.

'A drone!! A motherf***ing drone!!!!111' :lol:

11-09-03, 01:27

11-09-03, 01:33
I think the number one safe slot is a bunch of bullshit, it was a lot cewler when you didn't have safespots or belts. The item just fell on the ground, and whoever was around could take it.

It was especially cool to find my 3 slotted tar back after half a month (because back then all items with slots had a constructed by label)

the good ol beta days *g* :p

11-09-03, 04:43
I think the new system is much better. Here was the old fight system: 2 fighters engage. fight fight fight. one gets to 80hp. suddenly stops (hes pulling gun into his inventory) and proceeds to let himself be killed. Now, everyone fights to the bitter end, and some jerk who didnt get the kill cant pick up the item. you still get plenty of fools who carry 2 rares at a time, and get a rare. You also get stuff like psi power armor (ive "collected" 5 suits, hehe)

11-09-03, 04:49
Yup, I prefer the better action, over the difference...

Shadow Dancer
11-09-03, 04:49
I wish we got XP for PvPing. :(

11-09-03, 04:57
we do.

One night I was teaming with people in PP1 and my monk gained 2 dex levels rofl. And you do get con xp as well :)

11-09-03, 04:57
Hmmm... i always lose pants or shelter, seems to be a patten, anyone else ?

Is it confirmed Epics DO NOT drop ? Just got my spped gun & im a little nervious. (especially with Vett out there now).

11-09-03, 05:05
epics cannot drop. I used mal and speed gun in MC5, speedgun never dropped, ever.

11-09-03, 05:20
Moveon and PP Resistor can drop if it's not implanted..... :/

11-09-03, 05:22
If you hold them in your inventory during a PvP match, you must be stupid.

11-09-03, 05:29
Originally posted by VetteroX
I think the new system is much better. Here was the old fight system: 2 fighters engage. fight fight fight. one gets to 80hp. suddenly stops (hes pulling gun into his inventory) and proceeds to let himself be killed. Now, everyone fights to the bitter end, and some jerk who didnt get the kill cant pick up the item. you still get plenty of fools who carry 2 rares at a time, and get a rare. You also get stuff like psi power armor (ive "collected" 5 suits, hehe)

Yeah i rememeber my first ever belt hack i managed to nab a moonstriker, people who carry two rares in a place other than a war zone are morons =D

11-09-03, 07:17
ive hacked alot of belts in my time, and im 1 of these people that doesnt throw anything away (yes im an app whore)

i find monks lose mostly their armour and the odd boost3
(i got a HL once but that was from a red SL guy)
oh and low lvl monks drop a booster

i find PE's lose shitty spells like basic resist 1/2, armour (mostly pants) spy boost 1 etc, basically nothing good. (again i got a PE from a bad SL belt)

i admittedly havent hacked that many tank belts (or if i have theyre the ones dropping all those medkits hehe)
i get inq4 vests/pants and 4 PAs so far. no weapons

spies, now i usually get something interesting from these guys, droners drop mostly a drone TL116 (compared to all the crap the others drop. hmmmm :p ) ive had stealth 1 and 3, i find the heavy belts alot aswell, and of course, hack tools :P hehe those y reps, sat on a pile of belts are just too tempting huh? hehe

myself i drop heavy belts and drones

11-09-03, 07:21
I think its pure chance sometimes I drop a spell or some armour other times its a booster or medkit and they both seem to have the same drop rate.

11-09-03, 07:23
When I was an APU, my monkeh almost ALWAYS dropped his pants. Wow that doesn't sound right but anyways.... Only on 3 occasions did I ever drop 4 slot poison beam. I've only dropped my Monkeh PA twice. Other than thats it's always my pants.

11-09-03, 07:29
It always seems to be armor on my PE, belt, pants or boots. Usually much of the same from the belts i hack, although i see high slotted TL3 heals sometimes and I did get a 3-slot CS. But we gave it back due to the owner.

11-09-03, 09:06
the thing you drop has to do with the sl u have and i not mentioning -17 to 10 but after think at least i think it liek this

u have sl 20 u can still drop valeuable weopons 80%
non valuble 20 %

u have sl 80 non valuble weopons 80%
valuable 20%

at least i think that the way it works

11-09-03, 10:17
Mal is not a Epic reward but a rare, and does drop. All rares can drop.

SL plays a hacking factor and could play a drop factor too. Since I often drop psi booster or medi's

My theory and tested a few times, work 9/10 times is .... The last ting you pick up is often the first thing you drop....

We were in TH I got killed and dropped my PA 2, friend was with me in team, goes and grabs it, gets to GR and killed, hey guess what he drops....My PA suit.... I C the man hacking (As Friend is next to me) So I GR out and grb my PA out his belt (Now I know its my PA) and get whacked again...I have tons of SI , no armour and no weapons, so i am whacked with ease... And Drop again my PA 2.... The Same PA dropped 3 times in a row....makes me wonder....Mebbe its the last thing you pick up hehehe

11-09-03, 12:27
Originally posted by MacenzieWolf
Yeah i rememeber my first ever belt hack i managed to nab a moonstriker, people who carry two rares in a place other than a war zone are morons =D

Or they just have a cab full of slotted CS, Moons and Males...

Anyway, we tested a little bit with epic items (guns) and I droped my speedgun. It _seems_ epic items or at least weapon are not non-drop, but they they have a very low value. So when you have your armor, spells etc. equiped, there is no chance an epic item drops as due to the low value it will never get into that 10 item pool the drop item is chosen from.
I droped my Speedgun when I had no armor or other guns and a pretty empty inventory.

J. Folsom
11-09-03, 14:18
I've personally never had an epic item drop in my quickbelt, and I tried it with a Tangent Epic Cannon, with no other items on me. (Well except some implants in my head; but those don't drop into your quickbelt as long as they're implanted)

From what I've personally gathered, dropping epic items is related to whether or not your safe slot is working, that is, if your soullight is below that point (-32?) you can drop epic items, but otherwise you can't.

Of course, I haven't been able test that so it might be wrong...

11-09-03, 14:23
Forgot to mention that we did that test shortly after epics made their way into the game. There might of course be some missed points about changes in that area in past patch notes ;-)