View Full Version : Droning at MC5

SeXy Happy
08-09-03, 21:06
I was just wondering if anyone has tried droning out at MC5. Seeing as droners can rule the graves where other people have problems surely there is a way for a group of droners to be able to harvest parts. Anyone try it?

08-09-03, 21:08
OMG, that's funny. It's impossible.


08-09-03, 21:08
Droning at MC5=multiple dead droners.

SeXy Happy
08-09-03, 21:08
But have you tried it? You would think the same thing about the graves but Droners can hunt and not get hurt seeing as all the attention of the mobs are on the drones.

08-09-03, 21:10
Originally posted by SeXy Happy
But have you tried it?

Not personally, but with two tanks, one APU, and one droner....once the droner got agro, the drone went poof.....once the drone goes poof....so does the droner.

08-09-03, 21:13
I was just wondering if anyone has tried droning out at MC5. Seeing as droners can rule the graves where other people have problems surely there is a way for a group of droners to be able to harvest parts. Anyone try it?

that's only because poison does no damage to drones :rolleyes:, that's why the droners never let their drones go anywhere near the snakes 'cause the teeth get them in one hit. MC5 uses energy/xray/fire (I've heard) and therefore will own drones.


SeXy Happy
08-09-03, 21:13
Well what level was the drone he was using...what level was he? Shoot I couldn't take one out soloing, but I have seen the devestation fo 4 PN's before. It was an awesome sight.

08-09-03, 21:27
There's no way to hide from the mobs at MC5, besides your drown will go down in seconds from 5 or 6 copbot rifles shooting it :eek:

08-09-03, 21:48
I did try it right after mc5 was opened [and a few other times after].

Drones die in one hit.

Droner would have died if he wasn't hiding behind the glass.

Now with the glass removed and the time needed to launch a drone, the guards will go hostile and kill you before you can start shooting with the drone - and of course the drone can't even take 1 hit.

Now when I go to mc5 with a team it's just to collect belts while stealthed.

SeXy Happy
08-09-03, 21:49
So far I haven't heard anything from any droners who have taken a group out there and tried it though.

08-09-03, 21:56
Drones deal the least amount of dmg in PvM.

Drones can take the least amount of dmg in PvM.

Nothing in MC5 is poison.

Therefore droning in MC5 would suck. =x

08-09-03, 22:55
I tried. Spy /60, no resists or armour worth mentioning. Ran in trying to hide behind the first pilar to the left. It's only two steps but didn't make it. Died three times in a row.

Fourth attempt: lucky! Made it alive behind a pilar. Lost a pb20 in the same second I launched it. Then I zoned out and walked back to the Nemesis lab genrep. Back in my apt figuring a way to launch a drone in there.

Too bad I forgot to make pics of the 38945893475 belts at the entrance.

SeXy Happy
08-09-03, 23:01
Too bad the provoke enemy spell doesnt work. Have a few ppus go in and cast that one some. Keep them focused on the ppu while tanks, droners and such go in and wipe up the place. Would be great! Oh well....back to the drawing board...there has to be a way to take out MC5 that someone hasn't thought of yet.

Darth Slayer
08-09-03, 23:12
Well people have thought of ways to do MC 5 and KK have nerfed them all so if u do discover a way of making drones viable in there KK will nerf them........:rolleyes:

08-09-03, 23:16

think of it this way, your drone would last 2 seconds thats if you get them to shoot it first

08-09-03, 23:21
make mass kamikaze rare drones and try lOL

Darth Slayer
08-09-03, 23:25
:lol: Yeah I can see it now u launch the Kami Guard shoots the Kami, it blows up and kills u as it's still just only left your hands......:eek:

Richard Slade
08-09-03, 23:48
*Waves about a little since he knows how to survive MC5 alone with a droner*

Well sadly I can't post this since SOMEONE... No names no names.. prolly will just edit me and call it an exploit, but it is possible..

***Can monks get 26str without drugs?!***

08-09-03, 23:52
monks can: MOVEON and a STR BOOSTER 1 (i think or some other str imp)

08-09-03, 23:53

I know that a 93/93 soul cluster lasts about 5 seconds

Richard Slade
08-09-03, 23:54
Originally posted by mdares
monks can: MOVEON and a STR BOOSTER 1 (i think or some other str imp)

Well mdares add a Zerk1 on top of that and u got 25 STR *SIGH*o_O I want the last damn point too!

09-09-03, 00:20
Originally posted by Richard Slade
Well mdares add a Zerk1 on top of that and u got 25 STR *SIGH*o_O I want the last damn point too!

youre another one who wants a lightsabre-swinging jawa arent you?

Richard Slade
11-09-03, 18:29
Originally posted by Omnituens
youre another one who wants a lightsabre-swinging jawa arent you?

Are there more!?

11-09-03, 22:01
yes... i want a "custom-made-lightsaber-for-jedi-jawa-wannabes"...

it should be str req 1, mc req 1, tc req 1... and erm... yeah. :D