View Full Version : Need Sprays like in CS

08-09-03, 04:22
I havnt played CS for a long time now, must be 18 months or more, but I used to love killing someone, and then spraying a msg where they died. I think this would be cool in NC, so a pker could leave their mark. The sprayer would have to be "charged" by a kill, and then the pker could spray thier tag. This would leave behind a reminder for a few hours to FA, TG, MB, whoever, about how badly they got owned. Not only that, but it would give them someone to hunt down, and the pkers name would be on it.

08-09-03, 04:24

Yeah, I can imagine clans tagging walls to mark their territory.

PP would be full of tags =D

08-09-03, 04:32
maybe even a mandaorty spray after every time u kill someone. This would answer the age of question of: "I want revenge! who killed me?"

08-09-03, 04:32
that would be uber... :eek:

really nice idea


08-09-03, 04:49
hah that'd kik ass ;P

08-09-03, 04:51
hehhe sounds fun to me.

and the sprays hmmm...they *should* be customizable but then there would be too many like, sorry for the use of this language to anyone whom it may offend, but these aren't my views, but anyways there would be too many sprays like "ahahhahaha f*ggot i pwnz0red j0000 shitty fucker" or whatever. There would maybe need to be....I dunno..."bannable language/graphics" filter?

08-09-03, 04:54
Sounds like fun.

Accept it should be against the law to spray in the inner city - via and plaza areas. On the penalty of death!

08-09-03, 06:31
yeh nice idea, but so many problems :(
-mass logo spraying of areas
-when will they be removed
-laggy - too many decals to download for client
-will they be kept server side?
-offensive material

it could be by clan only.
for example, you own a clan, you can submit your clans logo, this then needs to be accepted by a GM (or some1 else high up).
this stops offensive material and the issue off lag

but still it could be mass sprayed unless u get 1 spray per kill (to use in that zone) and it dissapears after say 5-10 minutes.

i would not like to see shitty inapropriate logos, for example something not even remotely connected to neocron.

Shadow Dancer
08-09-03, 06:35
I love it.

08-09-03, 06:37
I just wish the netcode could handle it....:o

08-09-03, 06:43
Faction sprays would be a good idea.
Spray the factions logo on a wall in the city.

08-09-03, 07:14
dont get me wrong...i love the idea, but i have a feeling it would get abused in some way and some retard would ruin it for everyone...not to mention it would probably make the server lag alot more than it is already

08-09-03, 07:38
I can already see it. People spraying pictures of naked guys or some crap just like in CS just to piss people off. (I was gonna be more detailed but decided not to ;) )

08-09-03, 07:40
It would look like MB bunker blood stains, like a rainbow fell and broke. Awsome... o_O

08-09-03, 08:47
That's funny, I was thinking about this the other day. It's fun making your own graphics and spraying them around. I would love to see this in Neocron.


08-09-03, 08:55
well, i guess there would have to be some restrictions, but there could be plenty of cool stuff, NC does allow for nudity and bad language, but they might have to limit the the spryas to text and maybe a simple logo

I remeber the funniest thing I ever saw in CS was this guy with a spray that had Jenna Jameson and another real hot blode in a gaphic lesbian scene. he sprayed it in the back yard of the house in militia, and then hid behind the big rock. people kept running around, then seening the spray and stand there over it, drooling, and then he would come out and kill them. By end of th round there were at least 5 or 6 guns laying on the ground beside the pic.

08-09-03, 09:24
it would be cool but impossible cuz of the lag