View Full Version : Your longest Neocron Session

05-09-03, 01:26
I did a 14 hour'er to get shit done for starting my clan last sunday. Whats yours, and what was your reason ?

05-09-03, 01:29


18+ hours camping scorpion city.

i probably did longer at Ste-X's LAN, but im not sure.

05-09-03, 01:30
It was right after KK up'ed the damaged on all high level mobs and let the level 3 imps back in.

I was at Grant Mine for 19 hours...I got about 400 - 450 rares on that play occasion....and won't tell you about the number of lvl 3 imps.

05-09-03, 01:31
2 days nearly. started on friday night and when i finally logged out it was sunday morning and i was totally drunk.

i logged back in on sunday evening, standing in the middle of nowhere with a weird setup, weird stuff in my inv, negative soullight and no idea what happened. o_O

But i guess it was fun :D

05-09-03, 01:31
14 hrs also, why did I ? because I was having so much fun, this was long ago when I first bought neocron. :)

05-09-03, 01:31
I did a 27 hour long session. Seriously lol. Was on voice chat and the time just flew by. Did a lot of leveling at crp and graves then killed a ton of legion :cool:

05-09-03, 01:34
Originally posted by Drake6k
I did a 27 hour long session. Seriously lol. Was on voice chat and the time just flew by. Did a lot of leveling at crp and graves then killed a ton of legion :cool:

voice chat does make time fly :D

thats why i said 18+ coz i cant remember which day i started :D

same at the lan, low sleep + alcohol = what month it is?

05-09-03, 01:34
About 30 hours or so.

August 2001, I just got my beta2 cd's from KK and was so excited. I logged in, and kinda forgot about the real world.

05-09-03, 01:34

i logged back in on sunday evening, standing in the middle of nowhere with a weird setup, weird stuff in my inv, negative soullight and no idea what happened

ive done before when im pissed - i always wake up fully clothed the next day, when i log back in, 'people are saying shit like - can i keep this cursed soul, or do you just lend it me ?'

:wtf: :lol:

and kinda forgot about the real world.

The real world ? where do i find that then.... i lost it 9 months ago when i bought this....;)

05-09-03, 01:35
LOL Fors..

Well....depends by the end of this week, Gotta be PSI Capped by sunday to make it one week = PSI Capped...

Soooooo...... 12 levels left.

05-09-03, 01:36
My longest was back when I got NC and realised what I was doing :D

Was close to 17 hours :)

05-09-03, 01:37
Originally posted by Forseti
About 30 hours or so.

August 2001, I just got my beta2 cd's from KK and was so excited. I logged in, and kinda forgot about the real world.


if beta counts, then 20 hrs, just like forseti, I got my beta client and played 20 straight :D

05-09-03, 05:22
I played for 17 hrs. + :)

That was like 2 months ago. :D

Lethal Virus
05-09-03, 05:35
32 hours 8|

05-09-03, 05:41
some fucking hardcore players....your POSSESSED!

I must say its the reason i cant leave the game.....cos i can justify 7 quid a month for the amount of time it keeps me from going the pub....

05-09-03, 05:43
The longest I've played is 8 hours.. but it doesn't normally stretch past 2-3. O_o

05-09-03, 06:20
Back in Beta when KK forgot to carry the "1" or something on a line of code. There was a patch where the damage values got messed up. It happened with any burst fire weapon. When you started out, it was normal, but as you went on and on you noticed your damage increasing. This would keep going on until you zoned. I have a screenshot somewhere (can't find it now) of me doing 175k damage with each shot in a burst from an assault rifle. That's 175000 x3 each time I pulled the trigger. Needless to say I milked that for all it was worth. You guys gotta understand that this was right about the time they were going to wipe the Beta servers, so everyone was doing it, it was a well known bug, and KK said they were going to fix it the next week. Was pretty damn fun.

30 hours straight.

05-09-03, 06:32
hope the gms dont read this but i was on for three days with breaks of two hours of sleep per day during the summer whe nthe glass was still in mc5..... i was there for a good portion of that time, it was killer because the next day i slept for almost 18 hours!

05-09-03, 06:56
Originally posted by zAo
hope the gms dont read this but i was on for three days with breaks of two hours of sleep per day during the summer whe nthe glass was still in mc5..... i was there for a good portion of that time, it was killer because the next day i slept for almost 18 hours!

Got me beat :)

I've spent 2 days at mc5 and a day raising sympathies.

05-09-03, 07:14
Ahh back with beta 4, when I was new....

Played for about 13 hours straight a couple times.

05-09-03, 07:57
24+ here i did it over the summer a few times. COME BACK SUMMER I NEED MORE NC TIME!!!!(hopefully NC is still around next summer):p

05-09-03, 08:06
Ive done 1.5 days, but I've done worse with Diablo and Neverwinter Nights. NC tires me quicker ;)

Wait til Thanksgiving

05-09-03, 08:14
in one sitting 30 hours...

umm if u count sleep then do nothing in your waking hours besides NC...omg its sad..i dont even want to tell you really

let sjust say..i have no job..i dont go to school..and my friends havnt visited in like 3 weeks :(

Luckily ill be doing homeschool soon so ill be on..talking..but nto playing ^^

05-09-03, 08:15
16 hours, did it two days ago…actually ive been pulling 12+ hour sessions allot lately. NC is still fun :D

Peeping Tom
05-09-03, 08:19
i play 24\seven with some few sleep breaks :P

hm loongest must be like 20-30++ hours not sure.. yup i got sleeping problems :P

05-09-03, 08:28
I used to play 12hours a day nearly.
Some days would vary ofcourse. get home arond 3 pm sleep at 3pm. I can't fall asleep too early because I'll just end up tossing and turning in bed, I need to tire myself out.

sad part is I haven't touched the game in nearly a week =\

05-09-03, 09:36
Well i cant cant play verry much due to work and wife and such ;)
But once my wife was away for the weekend and i saw the oppertunity to play some seriouse gaming, was 20 hours stright, only one break for food and one for...you know...

05-09-03, 09:39
its kinda sad that i feel like i looser when ive only been playing for like 10 hours tops o_O

05-09-03, 09:42
Dont worry, my normal sessions are 3-4 hours, maybe 4 days a week.

05-09-03, 10:55
sad part is I haven't touched the game in nearly a week =\

Dont worry u'll come back...i didn't play for a week and a half and went to BF1942 then came back and i cant get off the bitch:p

05-09-03, 11:45
93 hours... (give or take quick pot noodles and toilet breaks)

4 days nonstop, no sleep

i r teh hardcore!

NC Junkie

:edit: imagine how many red bulls and pro plus i took during that time ^.^

05-09-03, 11:50
wel, longest would be like 3 hours, after that i got a FRE

but if u dont count the errors, ive prolly stayed up for like, 15-20 hours once =/

Dribble Joy
05-09-03, 13:40
Get up at 7am
Make tea*
See if kazaa has actually downloaded anything during the night
Get house mates to reconnect you to the house network because of your bandwidth 'rapeing'
Make tea*
Play NC
Make tea*
Play NC
Have some supper (To a pan add the following; beans, spaggetti-in-a-tin, pie, (all tesco value of course) and whatever you find in the fridge.)
Make tea*
Play NC
Make tea*
Play NC
Watch the sunrise
Play NC
Make tea*
Play NC
Go for a dump
Make tea*
Play NC
Etc. Etc.

I've managed about 2-3 days of this.

*Pint of.

05-09-03, 13:44
10 hours sleep back on

Damn read these posts tell me you dont like this game !!!

05-09-03, 13:48
18 hours....

Did 8 hours of leveling, then our clan decided we was going to move from Tangent to Fallen Angels.

So in 10 hours, I change to NEXT did the epic, and then raised my faction sympathy for Fallen Angels, then squezed in 4 hours of leveling.

05-09-03, 13:50
hehehe I just had 8 days off work and pretty much spent all of it in NC other than for sleeping and twice when I went down the pub, then came back online while steaming, killed some legion at CRP and then went to bed for like 20 hours with a banging headache

Spoek Hagbard
05-09-03, 14:02
This summer.. 6 weeks and almost everyday 16-18 hours.
And top 63 ½ hours, only left the comp to get some f00d etc.

Original monk
05-09-03, 14:03
you darn freaks, longest time i played neocron was 1 month practically continues (beta4), only neocron, sumtimes little brakes for eating and bathroom, sleep ? nah some little naps, i played full beta4 on my laptop on my bed, it was heaven and i was a zombie afterwords, i yust had to see it all :P dont believe me ? ask me mommy (shes still pissed about it)

BETA4 i luv you...

05-09-03, 14:56
i'd say anything over 18hr sessions require some supafly espresso....
nothing wrong with that!

Dribble Joy
05-09-03, 15:06
Or 8+ pints of tea a day :p

05-09-03, 15:09
60 hours that i can remember as my g/f came over and dragged me off complaining i havn't seen her in the last 3 days sooo....... other wise would have been high ^.^ twas when i was trying to cap int on a monk (gotto 93 then was dragged off :P)

05-09-03, 15:09
Last game was 72 hours, one solid training session.....
Neocron is only about 30 hours atm.

Saitoh and I may require training to the point of breaking this record, so - I'm only really online for the length of time I need to be, regardless of how long that is...

05-09-03, 15:16
so im winnin with 92 hours?

05-09-03, 15:17
Originally posted by Jesterthegreat
93 hours... (give or take quick pot noodles and toilet breaks) ....

well that beats my longest gaming non-stop time of 76 hours without sleep but that wasn't neocron. (no drugs or drink either)

as for neocron 24+ sometimes. it's that just got to get those last few XP points till next lvl then go to sleep. :D

05-09-03, 15:20
92 or 93... 4 days (24 * 4... must be 92 ye?)

05-09-03, 15:22
4 days cant be healthy rofl

05-09-03, 15:35
Originally posted by JustIn_Case
But once my wife was away for the weekend and i saw the oppertunity to play some seriouse gaming, was 20 hours stright, only one break for food and one for...you know...

...the all time number one?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

05-09-03, 15:43
eh, more then a day or 2, i smoked crack O_o.

06-09-03, 00:20
back in beta 4. me and my crackhead buddies took jericko from patriots.. i was online with 4 other members for i dunno even how long defending it for jeesh.. well i remember cracky logging off telling me " dont let those fags take jericko back " and it was still light out.... we finally just gave up after 3 clans came on us all at once .. by that time the sun had came back up... lol fun night.. :)

06-09-03, 00:46
Proble about 8 hrs but now im not even able to go 3+. I think the NC FRE's, Syncs and other bugs are starting to really get to me. Not to metion the hold up on doy whitch will proble be crap anyways... :D

06-09-03, 00:50
8.30 am - 00.30 same day or was it next day? cant remember :rolleyes: