View Full Version : More about realistic mobs...

04-09-03, 11:38
MarsFreak started this thread:


And I was shocked.

I've been far too used to this game to see that.

I never thought about that... but literally everything groundbound in the game moves in two dimensions at a time - in the x and z plane. Only occassionally is the y plane used, and that's if the ground is sloped.

I fully support this idea... spiders SHOULD be wallclimbing and spewning spiderwebs. In fact, walking into spiderwebs should be like walking through water - slow as hell to be getting through.

And they should be spawning in the mainsewers. After all, isn't that spot perfect for them with its expansive ceilings and truckloads of nooks and crannies to lay egg sacs in? Hell, the larger spiders could be eating the rats! (not kidding here, you seen the grand spiders?)

Oh, and I'm sure that many of our more intelligent players know that several species of snakes can climb trees. So why not let some types of snakes ingame climb trees, like the green snakes or whatever?

Oh, and why not let the spider-spawning queens lay spider cocoons as well, it'd be nice to finally be able to do some recipes!

Don't say that stationary spawners won't work - the mobile ones do just as well, and I can point you to the DoY warbunkers as a example of stationary spawners.

Actually, that gives me ideas.