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04-09-03, 02:10
Here's something funny someone sent me.

funny Madblast thingy (http://www.madblast.com/view.cfm?type=FunFlash&display=2561)

This one is funny too (http://www.madblast.com/view.cfm?type=Picture&display=2555) :lol:

Something else from mind blast

"The Most Functional Word (Rated R)"

Well it's Shit ........ That's right, Shit!
Shit may just be the most functional word in the English language.

Consider this

You can be shit faced,
Shit out of luck,
Or have shit for brains.

With a little effort, you can get your shit together,
find a place for your shit
Or decide to shit or get off the pot.

You can smoke shit,
Buy shit, sell shit,
Lose shit, find shit,
Forget shit,
And tell others to eat shit and die.

Some people know their shit,
while others can't tell the difference between shit and shine.

There are lucky shits
Dumb shits,
Crazy shits,
and sweet shits.

There is bull shit,
Horse shit,
and chicken shit

you can throw shit,
Sling shit,
catch shit,
shoot shit,
or duck when shit hits the fan.

You can give a shit,
or serve shit,

You can be happier than a pig in shit,
or You can find yourself in deep shit.

Some days are cold as shit,
some days are hot as shit,
and some days are just plan shitty.

Some music sounds like shit,
things can look like shit,
and there are times when you feel like shit.

You can have too much shit,
not enough shit,
the right shit,
the wrong shit,
or a lot of weird shit.

You can carry shit,
have a mountain of shit,
or find yourself up shit's creek
without a paddle.

Sometimes every thing you touch
turns to shit.
And others times you fall in a
bucket of shit and come out
smelling like a rose.

When you stop to consider all the facts,
it's the basic building block of creation.

And remember, once you know your shit,
you don't need to know anything else!

Pass this shit along, if you give a shit.

04-09-03, 02:23
so this isn't spam WOW U had me fooled :wtf:

:lol: :lol:

04-09-03, 05:26
Isn't that just a 30-year-old George Carlin bit?

0 points for originality.

I can let my hair hang down now, shit. (laughter) Ha! So! Now the word shit is okay for the man. At work you can say it like crazy. Mostly figuratively, Get that shit out of here, will ya? I don't want to see that shit anymore. I can't cut that shit, buddy. I've had that shit up to here. I think you're full of shit myself. (laughter) He don't know shit from Shinola. (laughter) you know that? (laughter) Always wondered how the Shinola people feel about that (laughter) Hi, I'm the new man from Shinola. (laughter) Hi, how are ya? Nice to see ya. (laughter) How are ya? (laughter) Boy, I don't know whether to shit or wind my watch. (laughter) Guess, I'll shit on my watch. (laughter) Oh, the shit is going to hit de fan. (laughter) Built like a brick shit-house. (laughter) Up, he's up shit's creek. (laughter) He's had it. (laughter) He hit me, I'm sorry. (laughter) Hot shit, holy shit, tough shit, eat shit, (laughter) shit-eating grin. Uh, whoever thought of that was ill. (murmur laughter) He had a shit-eating grin! He had a what? (laughter) Shit on a stick. (laughter) Shit in a handbag. I always like that. He ain't worth shit in a handbag. (laughter) Shitty. He acted real shitty. (laughter) You know what I mean? (laughter) I got the money back, but a real shitty attitude. Heh, he had a shit-fit. (laughter) Wow! Shit-fit. Whew! Glad I wasn't there. (murmur, laughter) All the animals -- Bull shit, horse shit, cow shit, rat shit, bat shit. (laughter) First time I heard bat shit, I really came apart. A guy in Oklahoma, Boggs, said it, man. Aw! Bat shit. (laughter) Vera reminded me of that last night, ah (murmur). Snake shit, slicker than owl shit. (laughter) Get your shit together. Shit or get off the pot. (laughter) I got a shit-load full of them. (laughter) I got a shit-pot full, all right. Shit-head, shit-heel, shit in your heart, shit for brains, (laughter) shit-face, heh (laughter) I always try to think how that could have originated; the first guy that said that. Somebody got drunk and fell in some shit, you know. (laughter) Hey, I'm shit-face. (laughter) Shitface, today. (laughter) Anyway, enough of that shit.