View Full Version : Force Damage for monks

03-09-03, 11:24
Ey you monks out there i was wundering if there are many monks that use psi attack 2 for pvp in other monks cuz its a pure force spell and did quite some damage is this really handy and strong vs other monks...

GreetZ GurT

03-09-03, 11:54
Think you just gonna blow yourself to smitherens with it once you use it in pvp... besides its one of those spells you probably gonna skip anyway due to you reached a psi level when you can use lvl 3 imps and skip alot of spells and use higher ones. Those holy halos are actually better than you think :p

03-09-03, 11:57
i know but still for the tl 51 or 55 dont know exactly they do nice damage on monks lol would be nice for a hybrid but its useless if ur high lvl now since hybrids are nerfed

03-09-03, 12:03
psi attack spells are crap, halos are good but holy halos are better.

03-09-03, 12:07
yea and it cost like MILLIONS to get a slot on a holy halo trust me i cant tell ... Grrr

03-09-03, 12:18
Ive got a 5 Slot Holy Energy Halo that you CANT HAVE :p

03-09-03, 12:32
I also got me a 5-slotted holy halo that I'll depart with only over my dead body (and some qb hacking involved) :D

Psi attack isn't really worth the credits but it can be used while leveling. It's no good during PvP tho as I think it only does either force or energy damage.

// Wannabe

03-09-03, 12:56
I get more Holy Energy Halo's with slots than without when I make them.

03-09-03, 12:59
actually psi attack 2 is more powerfull than people realise

give a shop bought one to an apu and let htem spam a ppu with it for their whole mana pool the rof is insane and the ppu if theyre lucky may still be alive at the end of it :)

admitidly it does only take like 12 damage a hit but when you can spam it out faster than a ppu spamming blue glue its not that bad

03-09-03, 13:01
HAHA ! thank you :)


* sticks out tongue *

03-09-03, 13:08
lol never mind me i have a sick mind

03-09-03, 16:13
I use it, and since most people don't spec enough resist force, it rips though APU's and PPU's..

03-09-03, 17:47
HL will always be the best APU spell in the game.
Btw, good monks concentrate on Force.

My monks always have at least 140 total force/pierce. Stick that speedgun in your butt pls :o)

03-09-03, 17:53
Originally posted by StoneRayne
HL will always be the best APU spell in the game.
Btw, good monks concentrate on Force.

My monks always have at least 140 total force/pierce. Stick that speedgun in your butt pls :o)

Take your foul mouth elswhere..

anyway, just resist under str, most psi's will put enough trans to carry medikits, armor, Boosters and a little bit of swag(loot).. Some monks go pure resist, and I wish them all the luck in the world, but they can't carry much more than their base armor and weapons..

03-09-03, 17:57
IN pepper I holy anti buffed a PPU he perfectly timed a shelter to come up and then sat there and stared at me like what you gonna do with out bringing his deflect up.

So fine I thought took out me PSI attack 2 and raped his ass he wasn't to happy.

03-09-03, 18:00
Whats transport?
Think mines negative.... (thank god that negative skills mean nothing)

I'd liek to see how much damameg a capped psi attack 2(can u get 3?) does to me though

03-09-03, 18:07
When the fk did I foul mouthed you? Take your bullshit somewhere else pls.
And if you can't take a joke...well SaveMeJebus. ^^

And thanks for wishing me luck going pure resist. I have been doing that for the past... hmm.. half a year? And it works just fine. Just ask like QD or something :)

03-09-03, 18:08
Originally posted by StoneRayne
When the fk did I foul mouthed you? Take your bullshit somewhere else pls.
And if you can't take a joke...well SaveMeJebus. ^^

And thanks for wishing me luck going pure resist. I have been doing that for the past... hmm.. half a year? And it works just fine. Just ask like QD or something :)

lemmie emptie a libby clip into you see how you do :)

03-09-03, 18:15
Hi hinch.

I would, gladly, in fact, I think both QD and that uh.. that Pistoler from Regulators did. Some others too. From what I remember, ever since then noone ever used libby against me.
But if you're not up to date..I'm basically computerless right now and hadn't played in last 2 weeks, if you didnt notice :)

From memory, I can tell you that I averaged 60-65 each Xr PE burst,with all 3 hitting. Libby was basically useless... Now it might be better, but hell, I hadn't tweaked my resists in months too :)
When I come back we'll see. Hoping noone stole my char yet hehe.

03-09-03, 18:17
hiya darling i havent been on for 3 weeks so didnt know you wernt around i was having mad bugged sl problems theyre fixxed now if the libby dont hurt you i have something that may do :)

03-09-03, 18:23
Yeah... somehow energy weapons kill me fast now. Maybe they fixed the resists without telling anyone anything. I had my armor setup on the flip point. Now xantor's rog and ostrich's judge do insane amount of damage to me and made me go like "wtf" =/
If I ever get back I'll test it out more ^^