View Full Version : How long will you wait?

03-09-03, 02:41
There was a thread like this along time ago and I felt like doing another one.

How long will you wait for DoY before you quit/stop playing/commit suicide

03-09-03, 02:44
1 month and im gone

03-09-03, 02:49
Good to see an unbiased poll there. :rolleyes:

I like NC as it is, I don't feel like I'm just waiting for DoY.

Alex Mars
03-09-03, 02:49
Not sure, maybe until Deus Ex 2 comes out.

03-09-03, 02:53
Originally posted by Scikar
Good to see an unbiased poll there. :rolleyes:

I like NC as it is, I don't feel like I'm just waiting for DoY.

Well when I say "FOREVER" I really mean forever, if we never ever had a patch would you play until the day you died? and maybe abit AFTER you die?

Originally posted by Alex Mars
Not sure, maybe until Deus Ex 2 comes out.


Deus Ex 2 is gona suck, because of the porting of to consoles to removed alot of stuff, such as exp (skills), inventory, all weapons use same ammo, RPG (its been deduced to a shoot em up) and stealth (they had to for consoles, its pretty hard to be stealth on a controller).

03-09-03, 02:55
Originally posted by SilentGravity
Well when I say "FOREVER" I really mean forever, if we never ever had a patch would you play until the day you died? and maybe abit AFTER you die?

Whoops I didn't see it was 5+ months for the second option and not 4-5. I apologise, and wish I could revote. :p

03-09-03, 02:56
I'll be waiting forever, right up until I'm an old man with a beard chanting "It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming" while tied up in a straight jacket :o.

03-09-03, 02:56
Originally posted by Scikar
Whoops I didn't see it was 5+ months for the second option and not 4-5. I apologise, and wish I could revote. :p

All is forgiven ;)

03-09-03, 02:57
Originally posted by nonamebrandeggs
I'll be waiting forever, right up until I'm an old man with a beard chanting "It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming It's coming it's coming" while tied up in a straight jacket :o.

Don't forget to balme it all on CDV. :p

Btw this poll will come out quite strange due to the lack of a dead animals option.

03-09-03, 02:58
Originally posted by Scikar
Don't forget to balme it all on CDV. :p

Btw this poll will come out quite strange due to the lack of a dead animals option.

Its a lame option, you dont wana vote then DONT VOTE!

03-09-03, 02:59
Originally posted by SilentGravity
Its a lame option, you dont wana vote then DONT VOTE!

Don't tell me that. Tell Lexxuk and his friends, they're the ones who want to abstain but still vote at the same time. You better ask Nid to edit the poll to have a dead animals option before it's too late!

03-09-03, 03:01
I think the game is fun enough as it is. And i think if i've waited this long what is more time to me. I enjoy playing the game right now DOY will just be an added bonus. Last i heard KK met some publisher's at the game convention in Germany that doesn't mean they got a publisher but i hear they peaked some interests. So who's to really say how much longer it will be.

03-09-03, 03:03
accounts cancled just waiting for it to expire :D

03-09-03, 03:06
I'm just waiting for Final Fantasy 11 to come out for the PC. I might play Neocron even then but only when I'm extremly bored.

$10 a month ain't shit to me. :D

Alex Mars
03-09-03, 03:11
Deus Ex 2 is gona suck, because of the porting of to consoles to removed alot of stuff, such as exp (skills), inventory, all weapons use same ammo, RPG (its been deduced to a shoot em up) and stealth (they had to for consoles, its pretty hard to be stealth on a controller).

I know of all that (well, not all of what you say is accurate, but close enough), but I still hold out hope that it won't totally suck. From what I know they have not removed all RP as there are still moral choices to be made in the game.

Now I'm all depressed, I'm going to hang out at Maggie Chows for a while.

03-09-03, 03:30
oooo very nice sig mike.... yum.... geil.... :D

erm i'll give it a month or two...

Helen Angilley
03-09-03, 04:01
Originally posted by SilentGravity
Deus Ex 2 is gona suck, because of the porting of to consoles to removed alot of stuff, such as exp (skills), inventory, all weapons use same ammo, RPG (its been deduced to a shoot em up) and stealth (they had to for consoles, its pretty hard to be stealth on a controller).

Removed the "skills" system to enhance the implant one (As the Developers said, it was all great fun being skilled in one area....but a bit of a smack in the teeth when you were incredibly limited in others).

All the screenshots I've seen heavily suggest there's an Inventory. o_O

All very well saying "all guns use the same ammo" but it sounds...y'know...stupid, and rather hollow, to do so without elaborating on that a little.

The stealth elements are there, just not as obvious (After all, it's _stealth_ we're talking about....getting through somewhere unseen).

It will be possible to get through the entire game without killing anyone, unlike the first game.

It's more than possible to "do stealth" on a controller, just look at the Metal Gear Solid games, parts of Medal of Honour....etc.

EDIT: Oh, let's not forget that Stealth was perfectly viable in Deus Ex when it was released on the Playstation 2.

Alex Mars
03-09-03, 04:29
It will be possible to get through the entire game without killing anyone, unlike the first game.

I've seen posts claiming that the poster did it in DX1, but it was very hard. I'm replaying the game currently and just trying to lower my body count a little but I am having trouble finding enough non-lethal ammo to go around.

From what I heard all inventory items now take up one square each.

I know that Stealth is in the game as I talked to a DX:IW dev at E3 and we discussed the topic. All Stealth takes is crouching, anyway.

I also told him how I used to hide under desks because no one looked there and he promised me that the NPCs in DX:IW would be checking under desks and the like.

03-09-03, 05:00
The whole game without killing people? Yeesh. Furthest I made it was about half way through liberty island when I decided I couldn't take it anymore.

03-09-03, 05:19
I completed it with all the different endings, and played it through again a few times since then, but it didn't seem to click with me like it did with other people. I enjoyed it a lot but it doesn't quite go down as one of my best games of all time.

03-09-03, 05:32
The whole game without killing people? Yeesh. Furthest I made it was about half way through liberty island when I decided I couldn't take it anymore

Its fun, but only for us in-the-closet-buddhists.


I completed it with all the different endings, and played it through again a few times since then, but it didn't seem to click with me like it did with other people. I enjoyed it a lot but it doesn't quite go down as one of my best games of all time.

Subliminal messaging effects us all differently.

03-09-03, 06:06

03-09-03, 06:46
omg....like..... FOREVER! because im obviously a fanboy

03-09-03, 06:52
should be renamed from DoY to DiY.:D

03-09-03, 11:03
(As the Developers said, it was all great fun being skilled in one area....but a bit of a smack in the teeth when you were incredibly limited in others).

Ah.. if only Neocron's developers were saying the same thing :p

As for the poll.. I'm not really waiting for DoY. I don't think it'll provide any more than a month or so of extra entertainment before the novelty of new guns/areas/etc wears off (it'll only take so long to see/use it all).

I'll quite possibly be cancelling my account (again) shortly.. partly due to getting bored again - though I am still having a bit of fun with my new saturn chars - but mostly because of other games. 2 games I'm enjoying were released last week (in the UK anyway) and there's 2 or 3 more coming out in the next few weeks that I'm interested in. Not to mention at least one game that came out a few months back that I still enjoy at least as much as NC. So with all that I just won't have time to play neocron and have no intention of paying for a game I'm not currently playing.

DoY doesn't factor into those reasons however.

03-09-03, 11:18
I will wait untill warhammer online goes retail, and if thats any good I'll let my Neocron account tumble into disuse, maybe prodding every few months to see if doy's about and to make sure my char info is kept untill DoY (they del after 3 months or more?)

Though Neocron's pretty good without DoY

HL2's cool, like HL but more interactive..

03-09-03, 11:20
I also like the game as it stands but it would be nice to see DOY out so theres fresh things to do.

03-09-03, 11:53
I'm not waiting for DoY per se but I am very eager for some of the things promised to come with it.

The biggest issue for me atm is that the stagnation while we wait is highlighting the bugs and issues that I have been tolerating for >a year.

I can't see any reason I'd leave in the near future but if FFXI arrives and KK are still scratching their asses and looking baffled I'll be playing a lot less.

03-09-03, 14:16
No option for "not waiting". I'm just enjoying the game. Not sitting in plaza I all twisted and bitter screaming "GIVE ME DOY!!". :rolleyes:

Helen Angilley
03-09-03, 14:24
Originally posted by Alex Mars
I've seen posts claiming that the poster did it in DX1, but it was very hard. I'm replaying the game currently and just trying to lower my body count a little but I am having trouble finding enough non-lethal ammo to go around.

Hard? It's impossible to _not_ kill the other two Agents, the "high up" (Although you can flee from him the first time....). Although Ion Storm regret the design decisions that led to this. :p

Oh, not enough non-lethal ammo? Use the enviroment m'dear, it's there for a reason. ;)

Anyway, to answer the Topic:

I'll be sticking around until the servers are shut down for good, first MMORPG I've been with since the start and I'll be here until it's death.

03-09-03, 14:39
tbh im not desperate to see DOY, obviuosly i would like it to arrive sooner rather than later.

I do still love playing the game, although i have come to realise i do log on less frequently and for shorter times.


03-09-03, 14:51
Not waiting

ITs a new land not a new game

Besides the community will slag it off what ever so who gives a shit

03-09-03, 14:52
Originally posted by Barar
Not waiting

ITs a new land not a new game

Besides the community will slag it off what ever so who gives a shit

^ What he said ^.
I may well take an extended break from NC on he release of HL2, though. :)


03-09-03, 15:25
As long as NC lives (or Real Life won't let me anymore play NC)

03-09-03, 15:37
one account is gone, thinking about the 2nd.....

03-09-03, 21:17
I may wait a few months for it, my accounts paid up till the 11th of november, if its not released by then who knows what i'll do, im not decided.

03-09-03, 22:14
I voted forever, not because I'm a fanboy (I don't think.. wtf is a fanboy?) but because I didn't buy DOY, I bought Neocron. Why would I wait for something that I didn't even ask for? I'd rather they changed the existing game that I bought to meet expectations before they introduce new features. Interesting missions, clan missions, melee PvP, wider assortment of high level weapons and equipment, less MC5 and more stability all come to mind.

You'll see, when DOY comes, you'll wish it was gone, at least for the first 3 months while we beta test it. You'll spend more time downloading patches and whining about fatals than you will playing.

03-09-03, 22:17
Till i can afford another game....

I try to keep it fresh by rerolling ..but Delloda has threatned to kick me from DarK if i do it again :(

03-09-03, 22:37
My own account was cancelled about two weeks ago, waiting for it to run out on the 30th of September.

I quit because, well, because the game had ran out of interest for me. I'd done everything, been everywhere, RP'd my arse off, and still came to a big fat zero for the end result.

I'm now dedicated to the NEMA job, which is a Reakktor account, but prevents me from doing anything remotely fun. :D
All I do now is run about the world, jotting down news items and collecting submissions. So I'm enjoying that, but as for an actual Player Character, nah, I've simply ran out. I will come back in a year with my player character, but I doubt even DoY, for the little it will add, will make me stay.

Been looking more and more at Eve, but came to the conclusion it's not for me. Am going to hold out for Dragons Empires, or Warhammer Online if it's good enough. Other than that, just now I'm going through my back catalogue and playing lots of Total Annihilation and Battlefield 1942.

04-09-03, 02:48
I may come back if enough new and happy things are put in. 'Till then I'll be plating Tron and System Shock 2 (I've not played in years, then I played for 15 minutes and almost peed myself :eek: )

04-09-03, 02:59
Im with most of you who purchased NC and not DoY, although I am expecting it to be released whenever it happens to come... 8|

I know how much hard work goes into a game before it gets published.:D

As for the poll, I voted forever, 'cos Im a fanboy...:wtf:

04-09-03, 03:50
Originally posted by Xin
I voted forever, not because I'm a fanboy (I don't think.. wtf is a fanboy?) but because I didn't buy DOY, I bought Neocron. Why would I wait for something that I didn't even ask for? I'd rather they changed the existing game that I bought to meet expectations before they introduce new features. Interesting missions, clan missions, melee PvP, wider assortment of high level weapons and equipment, less MC5 and more stability all come to mind.

You'll see, when DOY comes, you'll wish it was gone, at least for the first 3 months while we beta test it. You'll spend more time downloading patches and whining about fatals than you will playing.

Well DoY IS Neocron, you see when Neocron was released it was only half of the game as you said all these missing things that were said to be in the game LONG ago. Clan Missions, Clan Wars, Venture Warp (the current state of venture warp IS NOT what it was made to be) and I could go on and on.

DoY is supposed be the retail of Neocron, current we are playing a beta, DoY is the retail, least it should be... But from the current talk of what people like Thanny it seems they are not even completing the MISSING things.

04-09-03, 05:00
Originally posted by SilentGravity
Well DoY IS Neocron, you see when Neocron was released it was only half of the game as you said all these missing things that were said to be in the game LONG ago. Clan Missions, Clan Wars, Venture Warp (the current state of venture warp IS NOT what it was made to be) and I could go on and on.

DoY is supposed be the retail of Neocron, current we are playing a beta, DoY is the retail, least it should be... But from the current talk of what people like Thanny it seems they are not even completing the MISSING things.

DoY IS Neocron and Neocron IS DoY? Or am I missing something here? :D

DoY is supposed be the retail of Neocron, current we are playing a beta, DoY is the retail, least it should be... But from the current talk of what people like Thanny it seems they are not even completing the MISSING things.
No wonder!

04-09-03, 05:01
I dont play neocron in wait of DOY I play neocron cause its fun.

04-09-03, 06:41
Originally posted by SirSensi
DoY IS Neocron and Neocron IS DoY? Or am I missing something here? :D

No wonder!

Neocron is 4/7 of Neocron

DoY is 1/7

Still missing 2/7 of the game o_O