View Full Version : Feels like January all over

02-09-03, 08:25

This stuff makes me laugh:

Originally posted by Carl Villient
After rigorous testing by Barry and Larry the chipmunks, I am happy to announce the upcomming patch notes.

- Fixed pistol aiming speeds. All pistols now aim 50% faster to compensate for the ammount of wood in hack boxes.
- PSI modules now have slots and can be poked for added cheese and pickle crackers.
- Rifle aiming speeds unaffected. We looked at this problem but Martin came in with doughnuts and then the Christmas Special of Eastenders started.
- Liberators unaffected. We looked at this too and just thought it was too damn funny to remove just yet.
- Opening your apartment door will now cause synaptic impairment or maybe Fatal Errors. We can't make up our minds just yet.
- Added 13 more options to the context menu when clicking on another player. These include, 'Cause CTD', 'make appear as a no named PE', and our favourite 'Pretend to be a poker'
- Melee weapons now work at the correct 200m distance.
- New items sold in A&W including light jam, medium jam and heavy jam.
- New Jam skill added to dexterity for all classes to compensate for the new jam items.
- Added different health updates. Erm, Felix walked over Martins keyboard accidentally reprogramming the health code and couldn't get it back how it used to be.
- OP hacking now requires all hackers to wear corderoy trousers and silk mittens obtainable from the Mitten Man in J13. This was to help ease the faulty hacking code caused by static electricity itself caused by the Mitten Man.
- Fixed Mitten Man
- Fixed poopie peeking out of psi's butt's while fighting warbots and crackheads.
- Zonechat has now been moved to Wolverhampton.
- Fixed spy's armor. We didn't realise they could still wear any. Sorry.
- Tanks can now crochet if specialising beyond 150 in HC.
- Added new code to character models to allow for crocheted tank tops. Leg warmers coming in upcoming Flashdance disco patch.
- Added sandpits for GM's and Dev's to stick their heads in.
- New Thantos voodoo doll and pins sold in Yo's.
- Reduced the effect of some stuff because Odin found a sheet of LSD in the back of the fridge a week last friday.
- The Bat Queen now spews cheese wotsits from her ass cuz it seemed like a good idea after Martin necked his third trip.
- All crash to desktop bugs replaced with links to Microsoft TechNet. It's not our fault, seriously.
- Added traffic cones to clan app's for ppl to run around (instead of the table) when their characters are capped.
- Fixed the code behind ingame bug reports to make out we actually read them. Ya, really.
- Added 'I'm bored' hotkey to save typing. Hidden feature unlocked when capped.
- Added 'Yeah, me to m8' hotkey, to reply to above hotkey
- Increased the damage of high level mobs to help ease the problems with liberators.
- Liberators renamed to Tammy Wynett for more amusing forum post topics
- Fuses added to Cannons with 10 second countdowns.
- Removed all weapons except Baseball Bats and Freezers to prevent excessive freezer use until we find a more elegant solution.
- Added new endgame content when zoning called 'Dude, where's my car?'
- All above bug fixes are only temporary until we come back from LaLa Land.

Originally posted by Kast
Read on to learn about the changes that come with Patch #166

-Due to complaints, we increased the duration and the effect of shelter. Before it would only last 2 minutes and only stop 98% of the damage, it has been adjusted to stop 99.9% of the damage and lasts for 4 hours.

-PSI's now get an additional shelter as the previous ones were ineffective.

-Due to consistency, we have allowed shelters to stack.

-Seeing as tanks have such high con, we decided to slow them down even more. Since, we arn't really good adjusting our own code, we basically removed athletics from tanks. We will fix this in some other patch.

-We wern't sure if removing athletics was enough to slow down tanks, so we double the effect of freezers, they now last twice as long and slow you down twice as much.

-Cause tanks have poor aim, we decided they are inexperienced and thus should not be able to use freezers. So all freezing weapons have been removed from a tanks list of available weapons. Current ones on characters have automatically been donated to a liberator PE user.

-Because liberators are so small looking, we increased their dmg by 50% to make them more desirable.

-We have gotten alot of complaints about items disappearing from go go, apartment wipes, and other bugs related to missing equipment, since we trying to work on the expansion, we decided to ban anyone indefinately if they mention anything about missing items. We figured this is the easiest way to solve the problem, our internal testing showed that the problem went away almost immediately. We are very excited about this.

-Due to the performance problems and known issues with Pluto, we decided to remove the important hardware from the server, and give it to one of our lead developers so his computer can play AO better. If anyone notices any problems, just let us know.

-Because people are leveling so fast, we decided to slow down aim accross the board to all classes and weapons by 500%. This should add some depth and life to the game.

-You will find a few copbots added to the various Pepper Park Sectors for your PVP enjoyment.

-Everyone will now be required to stay in Syncronization for 30 seconds upon zoning. Because it happened so often and we wern't sure why, we just made it consistent.

-We heard alot of complaints about pierce resist, so we removed it from all items. It really didn't do anything anyway. We will address this in a future patch.

-We added a new ammo type to liberators, enhanced pierce.

-We have reviewed the soul light system and decided it was flawed. Everyone should start out with -20 soul light, and have to earn back to give everyone a fair shot.

-All deaths now lower your Soul Light to -20.

-Due to increased work, we decided to higher more cockbots and place them in all the zones. Be sure to say hello as you see them.

-Due to the powerful nature of drugs, we decided to add the aftereffects of drugs throughout its use. So upon taking a drug, you will feel drug and disoriented for the entire time you use it and for quite some time after. We feel this more accurately represents the stoned state the character is in at the time.

-Since this was such a large patch, we decided to release it, and give our developers the winter off. Considering the hard work, they need the break. Please wait till after their return to voice any concerns with the changes, as there won't be anyone around to do anything about it.

Thank you for playing Neocron...

:D :lol: :lol: :p

02-09-03, 08:55

02-09-03, 09:55
first quote is the best by far
