View Full Version : NeMa 4 Released

01-09-03, 21:12
It is ther another beauty has been created. In this months issue we have lots of news, lots of side info, a new chapter of our continuous story, a fun crossword puzzle and last but certainly not least our own comic.

The "Come up with a title for the continuous story"-is still opened and I'm happely awaiting all your entries.

I hope you all will have a very nice read, do not forget to vote in the poll.

Low-Quality (6,133 Kb) (http://www.neocron.com/~floren/NeMa4_lo.pdf)
High-Quality (14,877 Kb) (http://www.neocron.com/~floren/NeMa4_hi.pdf)

H. Chesterfield

01-09-03, 21:16
The "copbot removed TG sympathizer picture owns."

Its very propoganda-ish


01-09-03, 21:18
pwnz :P voted unnatural without even downloading it :)

01-09-03, 21:41
fookin' magnificent! I will think about title!

01-09-03, 21:43
Another outstanding piece of work. Good luck with the Crossword, pity about the prize. :(

01-09-03, 21:46
Fantastic job. Now it's starting to look like a real mag. The comic strip rocked (although it would've been better with smaller frames and all of 'em fitted on one page). But still, awesome!

Lethal Virus
01-09-03, 21:56
I love it. This was an awesome improvement from NeMa 1 - 3.

I love how the CopBots look :cool: ::wonders if they will ever look like that ingame::

01-09-03, 22:07
Typo on page 15:

Maloch Octavia says "Thank you for your time Brammers!" after having spoke with Thonkus O_o

Helen Angilley
01-09-03, 22:10
Good good. :)

The NC comic thing, near the back, could do with a little work though.

I suggest /gu comics for inspiration:


I dunno...the NC comic just seems a little "forced". Hard to explain really. :-/

Other than that, looks good. Nice and purdy (Especially the Copbots). :D

01-09-03, 22:15
Love the "Shoelace tying class for GenTanks" gag :D

In my experience pants are the next most common drop.

Know of any "experts" in the field in Pepper Park who could help ? ;)

01-09-03, 22:18

i take a first look and i have to tell:"the monk in the comic looks COOL!!!!"


01-09-03, 22:19
Maloch Octavia says "Thank you for your time Brammers!" after having spoke with Thonkus

Ooo-eh.. Damnit.

Ah well, you try holding that many interviews at once. You get confuzzled... *Sniffles and bursts into tears*

F**kflaps. I've just noticed another huge glaring error. Lets see if anyone else can spot it.
*Mutters about the long hours affecting his brain*

01-09-03, 23:12

01-09-03, 23:20
good read :)

01-09-03, 23:20
Originally posted by Pill
Typo on page 15:

Maloch Octavia says "Thank you for your time Brammers!" after having spoke with Thonkus O_o

I think myself and Thonus will be dispatching a datacube to the nema office with a new spell check program :)

And the rest of it - was great, espically the Phoenix interview!

01-09-03, 23:26
very good. didnt read the whole lot but i like dwhat i saw.
and the comic.......... well cheesy is funny i guess lol. but i wonder if a apu monk would actually refure to him slef as an apu monk in real life?

01-09-03, 23:32
My Apologies go out to
Garret end Bellerophon since I both forgot to add them to the credits.

I'd especially would like to thank garrett for his translation of the continuous story (and this on a VERY short notice)

01-09-03, 23:41
I think I actually said that to Thonkus, and Thonkus had to point out he was Thonkus, not Brammers.


I'll get it right one of these days.

01-09-03, 23:46
LMAO the comic and the shoelace gag were classic.

The rest of the mag rocked as well :D

02-09-03, 00:05
*sniff* :(

From what ppl have sed this is gonna be good, but im on 56K dial up :( so its gonna take a while b4 i can read it properly,

sounds good tho


EDIT : DAMN IT, stupid low bandwidth, cant view it keeps dying at page six, ill just read it at lunch time when i go back to skool *cries* on wednesday.

lucky im gettin Broad band soon or i might go into depression, hehe lol :D :p

02-09-03, 09:18
Soooo, Bane, do i get like a prize or something for finding your error?

Richard Slade
02-09-03, 10:34
Could I ask a favor of someone? Get the damn pdf format out and get a html site with it all in .jpg instead cuz my acrobat hates me..

02-09-03, 11:28
I dont suppose someone could host the lo-res version on a more firewall-friendly location? :)

02-09-03, 13:04
What's on page 26? :p

02-09-03, 13:30
Well, if i ever get it D/Loaded then ill ell ya what i think......how bout a zipped version for us 56k'rs.

Yeah, we still exist, though we are an elite bunch.


02-09-03, 15:05
Originally posted by Oath
Well, if i ever get it D/Loaded then ill ell ya what i think......how bout a zipped version for us 56k'rs.

Yeah, we still exist, though we are an elite bunch.


I just zipped it and it was 5.846 Kb <-> 6.133 Kb, I must say that the difference is rather ... minimal

I will however try to make an even smaller version but It will cost you a lot in quality

I just remembered i can split rar files into 1 or 2 mb files

02-09-03, 15:20

Right-click -> save as...

and then use WinRar to unrar it

02-09-03, 18:02
Originally posted by Iorghe

Right-click -> save as...

and then use WinRar to unrar it

No, if your a 56k'er you shouldn't be using WinRaw, it would take 11 hours just to get it! You would probabally find it faster to learn to code your own extraction software.


btw isn't the girl from PERFECT BLUE called Nema?

02-09-03, 18:05
as always the mag looks great. they do a terrific job with the art work and layout.

But as always, i tend to find the storys a little dry. i mean we all know there is a bunch of pain in the ass city admin sitting around TH right now, thats not news to use. i wouldnt mind reading some runner storys about it, combat sitations and the like...you know, yeah this happened, who gives a figg but what did occure because of it? cause and effect pretty much...the mag gives allot of causes, but lacks terribly in the effect.

i did like the zoological gardens coverage though, that was an interesting story to read.

the DoY crud, again, who gives a figg...i mean honostly the GM's are driving the plots with Piles of NPC's which mindlessly huddle together to all occupie the same spot. i'd love some plot thrown in there thats actually interesting...like neocron foces pushed in sector k 13 today and found a small recon setup posts with some equipment in many locked boxes, specilized hackers are being asked to go over the area and assertain what is inside...or whatever, and if you find the place, scrag a few bots or whatever you can find some neat data cubes of additional story or something interesting or some half way decent weapons to sell...

as i like to painfully bring up, what about us? i'm sitting on the pluto server knowing DoY is DoA and who knows when thats gona be, what can _I_ exspect the content of neocron is going to bring me? it hasnt brought allot lately, not that i minded, as i hoped it was going to the long delayed DoY exspension to jump to a different plot segment, but thats not going to happen for a bit...

hell to my knolwedge pluto hasnt even gotten its specail vehicle event yet...whats up with that??

02-09-03, 18:54
Oooh.. Phoenix Ltd interviews...

*grins* another classic peice of literature..

Dru Blood
02-09-03, 19:20
i would like to see NeMa stories being imported to the actual game, ie the new cop bot eyes, how about a destroyed viarosso since its supposed to be wrecked when they lauched the attack on Neocronicle offices.

sure it wouldnt be too hard or take too long to create some new textures and wreck the place, like u did with the ASG near jeriko thats was a cool idea to wreck it adds that extra "something"

just a thought, nice mag btw i approve of it :D

02-09-03, 23:14
i wouldnt mind reading some runner storys about it,

This relies on players sending in stories, which they don't.
A lot of submissions get sent in from Runners, but really, not enough. It's widely known you can send articles in, the address to send it to is written in several places, yet still there are very few pieces being sent in.

It's a self-reliant request.

03-09-03, 01:58
It is good, but like all of the NEMA's and Neocronicle's there needs to be another grammar/s[ellchecker that is English/American... some of these stories have slight typos that after a second read-through would be spotted.... (i.e. organise...:wtf: organize :p )
Don't get me wrong I love all the hard work and effort that has been brought forth by all the contributers and editors... just needs that little extra tlc...

Ill still be downloading it at work and printing it out on the companies laser printer to read during lunch... ;)

03-09-03, 02:02
I speak of spellchecking and grammar.... and I can't even spell...:eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm an idiot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

03-09-03, 02:42
organise is correct and organize too
organise is brittish and organize american english


03-09-03, 04:21
Great jorb there guys, <3 Neocronicle.

03-09-03, 04:34
@ SL33PY : Cool thanks for the Information...

03-09-03, 14:23
I was about to say. It's myself that does the majority of the proof-reading for many of the articles, and I'll proof-read to British English, which generally drops the 'z' for an 's'. Main reason for using British English, is that it's my own language, and any other country which tutors its pupils in English as a secondary language, uses British English.


03-09-03, 14:25
w00t! hehe, Hacker for hire, thats what i am :D

Just to let you know the links on http://www.neocron.com for the Mag are broken.

The forum links are fine :)

03-09-03, 14:52
Originally posted by garyu69
w00t! hehe, Hacker for hire, thats what i am :D

Just to let you know the links on http://www.neocron.com for the Mag are broken.

The forum links are fine :)


04-09-03, 02:02
Originally posted by MrBane
I was about to say. It's myself that does the majority of the proof-reading for many of the articles, and I'll proof-read to British English, which generally drops the 'z' for an 's'. Main reason for using British English, is that it's my own language, and any other country which tutors its pupils in English as a secondary language, uses British English.


Case settled...
and Ill keep that in mind from now on

Mighty Max
04-09-03, 11:41

you got PM (on your "main", so relog now :D )

A very cool version of NeMa btw. Love it

05-09-03, 02:47
Heh, nice issue. Loved the comic and the articles.
Awesome job overall!

05-09-03, 11:10
hey thats badass...of course i only looked at the pics but hey good job on those. Especially the one of the Elite's pwning that bot. And how come CM guards are out there fighting Johnny's...they cant even defend their own baseo_O O and the comic was funny too just one question tho...was the tank bugged with that "haha ur on fire" bug?:p

05-09-03, 14:09
hehe, Got my first Job last night after being Hired.

Might have to advertise in the mag more often