View Full Version : Contemplating going PPU. Help?

30-08-03, 06:14

I'm probably going to make my monk pure PPU. My reasons behind this are not important.

But I do have a couple simple questions that maybe an experienced PPU can help me with:

1)The following non-rare spells are probably what I will be getting; are they good for what I need so far? (please add in any non-rare PPU spell that is also helpful/needed)

[Everything will be player built]
Holy Ressurection
Holy Heal
Holy Heal Group
Holy Shelter
Holy Shelter Group
Holy Deflector
Holy Deflector Group
Heat Resist 3
Hazard Resist 3
Spy Boost 3
Psi Combat Boost 3
Holy Damage Boost

2)What rares should I accquire?

I have 5/6 parts to Holy Paralysis (This is a good one I believe)
I have all the parts to Catharsis (This isn't good I hear, right?)
I have 4/6 parts to Truesight Sanctum (This removes stealth so can be useful)
I have 3/6 parts to Holy Catharsis(Is this a good spell or crap like normal Catharsis?)
I have 0/6 parts to Holy Catharsis Sanctum(Same question as one before)

3)My quickbelt good?

Holy Paralysis (If I get the last part)
Holy Heal
Holy Deflector
Holy Shelter
Holy Heal Group
Holy Deflector Group
Holy Shelter Group
Holy Damage Boost
Psi Booster 3
Holy Ressurection

The other spells will be dragged into slot 10 and replaced when needed.

4)Are my stats good for a PPU?
INT: All spent into Psi-use and enough implant for Psi-Core
PSI: After lomming I will have 87 base PSI probably. So my stats will be BASE:

87 PSI
115 PPU
82 MST
80 PPW

With Implants (Not armor yet)

102 PSI
135 PPU
87 MST
105 PPW

I don't exactly remember the add-ons for armor, but I've heard they were actually terrible for PPUs.

I know these are all questions I can search for, but I really don't have the time since I've been working on the banner contest and working at my job and will soon be lomming.

Thanks to anyone who can offer me some information.

30-08-03, 08:52
everyone must be spys, tanks, PEs, and apus that have read this thread.

30-08-03, 10:36
Originally posted by Mankind
everyone must be spys, tanks, PEs, and apus that have read this thread.

AKA *Bump* heheh,

Looks like a good spell setup, just remember to cater for your current needs, e.g. Poison caves the anti poison sanctum and anti poison spell, holy heal and holy heal sanctum, also you should carry ALL types of level 3 boosters #(very handy + your gonna look real good when the spy goes "can i get a spy 3 please" and you say "sure" h4eheh) and LOADS of psi booster 3s.


/ edit, and ressurection hehehe

30-08-03, 11:09
if i was you i would lvl 3 more times before LOMing...

that way youll be able to use holy res, it is 104 right?

i said 3 more times because the 3rd level that you just did will go away fast while LOMing.

30-08-03, 11:45
I dunno about your Group spell's in your belt.. id put anti poisn or something.


30-08-03, 15:26
Originally posted by Mankind

I'm probably going to make my monk pure PPU. My reasons behind this are not important.

But I do have a couple simple questions that maybe an experienced PPU can help me with:

1)The following non-rare spells are probably what I will be getting; are they good for what I need so far? (please add in any non-rare PPU spell that is also helpful/needed)

[Everything will be player built]
Holy Ressurection
Holy Heal
Holy Heal Group
Holy Shelter
Holy Shelter Group
Holy Deflector
Holy Deflector Group
Heat Resist 3
Hazard Resist 3
Spy Boost 3
Psi Combat Boost 3
Holy Damage Boost

2)What rares should I accquire?

I have 5/6 parts to Holy Paralysis (This is a good one I believe)
I have all the parts to Catharsis (This isn't good I hear, right?)
I have 4/6 parts to Truesight Sanctum (This removes stealth so can be useful)
I have 3/6 parts to Holy Catharsis(Is this a good spell or crap like normal Catharsis?)
I have 0/6 parts to Holy Catharsis Sanctum(Same question as one before)

3)My quickbelt good?

Holy Paralysis (If I get the last part)
Holy Heal
Holy Deflector
Holy Shelter
Holy Heal Group
Holy Deflector Group
Holy Shelter Group
Holy Damage Boost
Psi Booster 3
Holy Ressurection

The other spells will be dragged into slot 10 and replaced when needed.

4)Are my stats good for a PPU?
INT: All spent into Psi-use and enough implant for Psi-Core
PSI: After lomming I will have 87 base PSI probably. So my stats will be BASE:

87 PSI
115 PPU
82 MST
80 PPW

With Implants (Not armor yet)

102 PSI
135 PPU
87 MST
105 PPW

I don't exactly remember the add-ons for armor, but I've heard they were actually terrible for PPUs.

I know these are all questions I can search for, but I really don't have the time since I've been working on the banner contest and working at my job and will soon be lomming.

Thanks to anyone who can offer me some information.

Always spec your quickbelt for the occasion, I change mine depending where im going and who I think i might come up against.

The Holy Anti-damage, Holy Antidote, Holy Anti-Stun are also great additions to the spell collection.

Holy Para - a must

Holy Catharsis Sanctum - Remove posion/stun/dmg boost Great for individual targets

Holy Catharsis Sanctum - Remove posion/stun/dmg boost (dont use close to the enemy tho) Great when your hanging back and your team come to you

Truesight - less useful but still useful

Anti-posion Sanctum - Very very good for leveling teams

Hope this helps.

30-08-03, 17:07
I think, your spells are ok. What I only miss is the Heal sanctum and Antidot. I like the Heal sanctum more then the group when I go leveling in team, cause I neednt to watch my Peeps if they are in the circle. But that maybe wrong.
But your belt

Originally posted by Mankind
3)My quickbelt good?

Holy Paralysis (If I get the last part)
Holy Heal
Holy Deflector
Holy Shelter
Holy Heal Group
Holy Deflector Group
Holy Shelter Group
Holy Damage Boost
Psi Booster 3
Holy Ressurection

I donīt see the sense to take deflector and group def in same time (same for shelter). You should decide in each situation which one you will need. And its also depends in your kind of playing. Do you stay in front of your group or behind them? Who all will get the groupspell?
When I go in smaller groups/teams I only use the normal def/shel, cause they seem to be stronger and you neednīt to cast again and again the mana-expensive spells, cause some of your peeps didnīt stand in your circle.
When you put out two of these spells you have two slots free. I use one for psicombat (or hc-boost, rifle......), the other one for antidot (or resurection)........blablablabla.......My belt is like this one :D : Paralysis, Heal, Heal sanctum, Shelter, Deflector, Dmgboost, Psicombat (or...), Hazard (or...), Boosters, Antidot (or...). That is the situation I normaly walk through the game and I only change it in depending of the situation.
But every player plays in another way. You have to find your own way, and you will it :)
Have fun

30-08-03, 17:49
u could also use e melee combat boost 3
for some extra health and agility...

u sure u need the resurrection in belt all time?
i use my holy heal sanctum more often than my rezz...

good luck anyway

30-08-03, 18:37
If your lvling you wont need the paralysis on your belt , cause your team will be there to deal damage for you, and it just draws uneeded mod attention to the ppu. If your in an OP battle you wont need the group stuff on you belt or you'll buff the bad guys too :) .

I keep 2 slots for boosters, cause they go real fast if your the only ppu. I also keep my Rez spell on my belt(cause it's four slots) and i can swich out the other buffs while waiting for the rez spell to take affect.

The biggest thing to remember is that if you dont attack a mob the they wont atteck you(if someone else is attacking it) so you can run around safely and do your job of keeping your party alive. :)

30-08-03, 19:51
Yeah here's my PPU's belt setup....

Holy para
Holy Heal
Holy Deflector
Holy Shelter
Hazard Boost 3
Holy Damage Boost
Holy Antipoison
Holy Antishock
Holy Damageblocker
Holy Rezz

Then before I go into battle I always cast:
Holy Heal Sanctum
Melee booster 3
Spy Booster 3

The melee boost gives HP + Agil
The spy boost gives agil

On your skills setup I have to say you have too much PPW. As PPU you'll want atleast 150 PPU when capped.

Hope that helped.

30-08-03, 20:41
-If you get enough PPU/PPW, you don't really need to rebuild Holy Damage Boost. You'll cap all of its stats store bought.

-Get melee3 built. You'll be using it as often as you use haz3 on yourself. Also, considering the relative ease of getting good energy/fire resists, I doubt you'll be using Heat3 much.. Well.. I never have.

-Get holy heal sanctum built. It really helps YOU, because your shelter/deflector is most effective...so it's hard for you to die, and extra healing will make you almost unkillable.

-Also, holy group heal you'll start using after you get lots and lots of practice. So don't worry about it right now. I personally never use it since it doesn't let you heal THAT exact person, and basically, PPUs just dont have enuff QB space to carry it. But thats just me.

-Catharsis is a waste.
Rating: 0/5

-Holy catharsis I personally never tried.. but from what I'm thinking, it's a waste as well.
Rating: 1/5

-True Sight Sanct you can get, but the situations in which it will actually help you are gonna come once a month. Only people that it can be usefull against is Holy para'd PEs who are trying to run away... But if they're not good, you'll kill them anyway, and if they are good, they'll take an antishock pill and wont die.
Rating: 1/5

-Holy cath sanctum is pretty good, providing you're not the only PPU for a medium size team... Altho to note, a good PPU, who has a Holy Heal Sanctum/Holy Heal and Holy Cath Sanctum running basically CANNOT be killed by ANY number of people.
Problems start when it runs out..
Rating: 5/5

Holy Paralysis (If I get the last part)
Holy Heal
Holy Deflector
Holy Shelter
Holy Heal Group
Holy Deflector Group
Holy Shelter Group
Holy Damage Boost
Psi Booster 3
Holy Ressurection

It's all up to your preference... But basically, I'd suggest putting things you're going to use more into first 3-4 slots, and stuff that you're barely ever gonna use, put it in your INVENTORY. Don't waste your slots.

-I usually run:
Holy Para
psi booster

-Stuff like psi3,haz3, mc3 I suggest keeping in your inventory. When yours start to run off, just put them in your QB, cast them, put back in INV and you wont have to worry about it for the next 5 mins. Unless maybe in an OP fight, you might want to keep Haz3 in your QB, since it's really useful and not only for you.. but that's at most. Same goes for Holy Rezz. Put that sucker in Inv.
Just get good at switching fast, it will make you a lot more efficient.

-Don't keep Group Deflector in your inv... Deflector..well..blows. It's not worth the QB slot. Keep a holy def in your QB, should be more than enough.

-Keeping Group and regular Holy shelters can be useful depending on situation.. Sometimes I go this way. Sometimes in mid-op fight, people are just too spread out, and some are parashocked, so you can't realy group shelter everyone. Sometimes when your group Shel is wearing, you can spam /sms telling everyone to get close to you.. But for those people that can't get close to you, put a regular shelter in your inv. It casts VERY fast.

-Remember how I said keep things that you use more in your higher slots? Well, if someone jumps you or your friend when you're not really ready, what's the first thing you put? Holy Shelter and Holy Heal. This is why I don't like having Deflector in a higher slot than Shelter. It's less useful. Put it down somewhere ^^

-I really REALLY suggest you getting Holy Antiparalysis. The spell is damn near awesome. If you build it right, you can near-runcast it. From what I remember, the freq cap is higher than that of holy heal, and heal can be runcasted like this:
Make sure you do NOT move, click the button to start casting, and start running. All you have to do is stand still for .1 second, and then start running, you wont fizzle the heal. With practice, you will get people telling you "uh.. runcast holy heal? what the flip-flop?":) This also works with other spells, but the lower the freq cap (Say 42 for shelter), the longer you have to stand still.

-Also get holy antidote. The thing costs almost no psi and casts as fast as Heal. Rocks! I usually keep this and antipara in my QB.
Note on spells...
-As you probably know, Holy Paralysis can be runcast. To do it without fizzling, you NEED to get 500% damage on it. Runcast holy para is one of the things that separate good PPUs from really Great PPUs.
-Here are some useful Freq caps on spells (from what I remember..)
Holy Heal, 52
Holy Shelter, 42
Holy Deflector, 52
Holy Paralysis, 105
Holy Antidote, 52
Holy AntiParalysis, don't remember, honestly, but I know it's more than 60.. I THINK I had 73 or so on mine.
Melee3/Psi3/Haz3, 42 (I think..)

Basically, you should aim for freq caps on all of these, and 500% damage on Holy Para, preferrably without PPU PA... then you'll rock, big time ;o)
About your setup..
It sucks you got no DS :(
-I think Holy Cath Sanctum needs 88 MST...

-80 base PPW is too much, I think. 75 PPW is more than enough for absolutely ANY type of char in the game. I had 73 I think, something like that =/

-I understand those stats with Imps are because you're low level.. but once you cap, you should use Defensive 2 and 3, at the very least. Basically, at cap, there are 2 setups..
1) Psi Core,Def3,2,1(or DS) no PA
2) Psi Core, DS, Def3, Resistor, with monk PA3.
2nd one you really basically NEED DS. Otherwise if you use like Exp3 instead of DS, your pierce/force becomes, well, really sh!tty hehe =)
All I can say is that if you can get like 310 mana(need 305 for Holy Cath Sanct), and cap all your spells freq, without using PA, you're well set for almost any challenge :)

PS: From what I know, as long as you get your Shelter/Deflector/Antipara/Antidote/psi3/mc3/Haz3 etc rebuilt, putting in DAMAGE or HANDLING mods do absolutely NOTHING towards your spell's effectiveness. So like 3 slot shelter (Power Freq, Freq, Range mods) and Deflector should be more than enough. you'll probably need at least 4 slot holy heal to be most effective, because the only spells for which damage plays a role are HOLY HEAL, HOLY HEAL SANCTUM and HOLY PARALYSIS.

Ok..that's it -_-

01-09-03, 04:47
since when can level 3 boosts be reserched and built? can they?

01-09-03, 04:54
You can't, but he hasn't been playing his PPU that much, he mainly plays APU.
His PPU is extremely good though.... :P

01-09-03, 05:10
dont use holy rezz...the only advantage it has is range...and it actually costs more mana...not to mention you can still move around alot when you use regular rezz instead of just standing around gettin pummeled