View Full Version : gone shopping with bonnie

28-08-03, 18:22
i think when buying items in large quantiies you should get a discount.

buy 10 or more of sed item and instead of costing 1000nc it cost's 900nc.

it can be implimented without any problem.


just look at the skills interface!

28-08-03, 18:25
At the moment its a little bit the opposite...
If ya buy 1 lom (with barter) you pay 1.001 for it if ya buy 10 you pay 10.019 o_O

28-08-03, 18:38
but u see my point?

extremly easy ro impelent


Richard Blade
28-08-03, 19:13
An interesting idea, but it would negate barter skills.
You might think it will enhance the use of barter, but more than likely people will stop using them. 10% is a heck of a discount without barter.

Plus, higher level int gets you a pretty good cut on price as well.

Convince me with a reason why there should be a discount for the average player. I currently don't see it. Easy to implement, but why?

28-08-03, 19:14
Just use a barterer to buy your stuff, you'll get the discount you desire that way. That skill is there for a reason.

Take care,


29-08-03, 01:37

i compleatly forgot about the barter skill:rolleyes:

29-08-03, 01:41
while barter is wut u need for hte discount; your idea is not totally unviable; just make it the same thing:

u with 0 barter buys something for x cr.
u buy it in bulk (say y units) so u pay a preset discount d*x*y = amount u pay.

now with a person with barter skill z buys an item for z*some factor * x = discounted single unit price.
the barterer now buys it in bult (y units) and u get a discount too d*z*some factor*x*y = lower amount u pay.

So that way u can either get a discount using barterer or just buy it in bulk; same with RL wholesale; its better that way; and if u can make a big deal (barter) via whole containers (bulk) u get an even bigger discount.

Richard Blade
29-08-03, 01:54
Hey, there you go. Let normal people have their int bonus affect the price like it does now.

Then, let barterers get their barter discount and a bulk discount.
But, lots of people buy in bulk of 10. How about make the discount only apply if the barterer buys in 25 and 50's.
It would make the value of the barter character climb a bit.

@ Ambrsia... You're not a dumbass. It's an interesting idea once people start throwing it up into the air and seeing what comes down. Looking at what mdares said and what you said to start with, makes this idea better. I like it even more with my addition.(which is probably the same thing that mdares said, without the nasty math.) :D