View Full Version : City Mercs guards should kill enemy factions on sight at the bunker

28-08-03, 11:42
City Mercs get player killed at there military base headquarters and the guards do fuck all about it? This deserves a bit of corination street style soap acting between roleplayers! I demand an explanation! It makes sence that the guards should become pissed off. Okay so they are a neutral faction but would they just sit back and watch snipers take on our beloved newcomers? Hell no! They would shout out! They would make a stand! They would become agrovated and the PKers shall become intimidated! The City Mercs Training ground and headquarters shall become a safe haven for members once again or I shall eat my socks.

28-08-03, 12:05
add it to the "to do list when doy comes around the corner"

City faction guards need to KOS KOS KOS enemy faction inside city, copbots shoot tg on sight etc...

It will come... but not before doy... and doy wont come before christmas... so ... have fun :p

28-08-03, 12:38
christmans?!? omg!! *cancels account*

Dave Kujan
28-08-03, 13:23
Originally posted by Benjie
City Mercs get player killed at there military base headquarters and the guards do fuck all about it? This deserves a bit of corination street style soap acting between roleplayers! I demand an explanation! It makes sence that the guards should become pissed off. Okay so they are a neutral faction but would they just sit back and watch snipers take on our beloved newcomers? Hell no! They would shout out! They would make a stand! They would become agrovated and the PKers shall become intimidated! The City Mercs Training ground and headquarters shall become a safe haven for members once again or I shall eat my socks.
in a perfect world or a perfect game, we have neither...:lol:

28-08-03, 18:59
Yeah, City Merch guards should shoot ppl which shoot something near them, like nomad traders.

28-08-03, 21:22
ummm i dont know what youre talkin about they shoot my black dragon n00b PE all the time whenever i go there

28-08-03, 21:46
The sad part is TG guards are just as bad alot of times...

CM's don't get roasted by TG guards who stnad there like post's...

TG don't get killed by CM guards...

hmm ours don't kill yours, yours don't kill ours sounds bloody fair IMO

29-08-03, 00:05
Originally posted by Anthonys
The sad part is TG guards are just as bad alot of times...

CM's don't get roasted by TG guards who stnad there like post's...

TG don't get killed by CM guards...

hmm ours don't kill yours, yours don't kill ours sounds bloody fair IMO

Bloody fair? More like bloody buggy.

Bloody silly. Bloody foolish? Bloody rediculous.

A declared freedom fighting terrorist is allowed to walk into neocron go into the newbie trainign grounds and kill the newbs. Walk out of the cellar stroll past 4 copbots wave and say hi. The cop bots don't do squat. Its the same for all. And its the silliest part about this game.

29-08-03, 00:13
I would post a rant about the CM guards but it's pointless...

why is it pointless? (soz can't resist the rant) because KK DID try and give MB more protection by increasing the amount of guards... what this actually done was increase the amount of spam on local chat, as in 'Move away or we will open fire'.. or as someone on an old thread once said 'Move away, or I'll say move away again'...

I think what would fix most guards in ANY area is an increase of scan rate for hostiles, and in MB's case, better weapons than gattling rifles.

29-08-03, 00:15
only spammer i hate in MB is that stripper near the GR. no matter which server i've been on. that stripper keeps spamming the same sh!t. will someone please kill her and remove her from her post PRETTY PLEASE.

29-08-03, 02:57
Originally posted by IronMonkey
Bloody fair? More like bloody buggy.

Bloody silly. Bloody foolish? Bloody rediculous.

A declared freedom fighting terrorist is allowed to walk into neocron go into the newbie trainign grounds and kill the newbs. Walk out of the cellar stroll past 4 copbots wave and say hi. The cop bots don't do squat. Its the same for all. And its the silliest part about this game.

Did you not read my post?

I guess not cause you are bitching that my TG is not shot in the city... Totaly diffrent arguement *note to self it is time to kill newbs tonight been far to long since i ruined someones day*

Guess what I was talking Canyons and Military base Not NC itself... I could careless what goes on there I never enter the City anymore since I moved all my shit to the wastelands.

City Merc Guards DO NOT kill TG when we enter there Terf...

TG Guards to not Kill City Mercs when they enter our terf...

That is fucking fair IMO if there guards shot us our guards better kill those bastards as well...

If our guards sit like lame ducks and let our enemies walk in and shoot our newbs while we are away eating everyones newb runners as we all must do cause we picked to live away from the city in the best hunting areas etc...

Then City Merc Guards and all others better sit like lame ducks and do shit when we walk by or they better make our TG Guards on saturn like the FA ones on Venus..

Redeemer Weilding Ceres Cyborgs... Nice little swirly on the gun...

(Edit) Yeah i rolled a FA character on Venus to go check see what the french have over everyone else...

Redeemr Weilding Cyborgs inside FA -Nice Raid prevention checked out to see if I could loot a dead one for the gun You can't it seems-

29-08-03, 06:35
let's put a TG guard and a city merc guard together and see who wins......they we can nerf the winner and raise the stats of the loser to the sky. :)


edit: because I'm a ditz sometimes.

29-08-03, 07:17
Each and every time my TG Monk went to Military Base he got shot at.... Sometimes they waited a minute or two, but they always shot..

29-08-03, 10:46
My tank always gets pounded by those TG guards! There about 10X more powerfull than the CM guards. OK the HP might be the same but I've seen TG's just sitting there getting shot and not worrying at all about it because they do fuck all dmg! If I'm not mistaken a Speed Cannon does more DMG then they do! Sort our guards out pls! There useless! They can only take out </20 PKers... My trade char can do that ;-)


29-08-03, 13:15
thats bs, they actually hurt my monk pretty bad if i dont use holy deflector O_o

29-08-03, 13:20
Tg guards give you a warning too, ive seen people running into the canyons and killing people inthe cave hastle free, he just has to keep moving, so its not needed