View Full Version : Should spies get the technological version of anti-buff?

26-08-03, 00:25
IMO it makes sense the spies(TEH masters of technology) get the technological version of antibuff. If it bothers apus too much, you can make not as effective or as powerful as the apu version.

How about a device that is low rof, drains the spies stamina, and slowly "leechs" seconds of the buff of the ppu? Like for every second the spy "leechs" energy off the PPU's shield, the PPU's shelter duration is decreased by 15 seconds?

26-08-03, 00:32

Tycho C
26-08-03, 01:19
This is where I would say no, because PSI and Technology are two seprate things. But I would be wrong because of the Ant- pillz.

Because the game is full of Counter Balance, the PSI would have to get something to counter it... hard to ballance, thus, not gonna happen.

However, the idea holds merit. Tanks and APUs can be masters of dmg. Spies should be masters of Technology. Am I ranting?....

26-08-03, 02:48
I wub joo Arc, always trying to do things for teh poor spies :D You got lots of good ideas, but because no one seems to like spies, the only ones who seem to appreciate the ideas you input for them are the people who only play a spy.

26-08-03, 03:01
sounds cool to me, maybe stick a recharge time on there too. Can only be used once every 1 or 2 minutes?

26-08-03, 03:02
Originally posted by Rizzy
sounds cool to me, maybe stick a recharge time on there too. Can only be used once every 1 or 2 minutes?

That would be cool too.

Originally posted by Nvidia
I wub joo Arc, always trying to do things for teh poor spies :D You got lots of good ideas, but because no one seems to like spies, the only ones who seem to appreciate the ideas you input for them are the people who only play a spy.

I wub u too. :p

26-08-03, 03:20
Originally posted by Arcadius
IMO it makes sense the spies(TEH masters of technology) get the technological version of antibuff. If it bothers apus too much, you can make not as effective or as powerful as the apu version.

How about a device that is low rof, drains the spies stamina, and slowly "leechs" seconds of the buff of the ppu? Like for every second the spy "leechs" energy off the PPU's shield, the PPU's shelter duration is decreased by 15 seconds?

Heh, you really did some brainstorming tonight, hm,?

Nice idea. Not only from that Antibuff thing but generally. I mean monks can kill stealth, so why not the other way round? Actually i really want more cool spy stuff to at least give them ONE other sense in Opfights than hacking or sniping twice before they get killed anyway. o_O

26-08-03, 03:33

if your ganna give spys a debuffer then why not give tanks a cannon debuffer, and PE's a pistol debuffer to "make things fair". i like the way it is because only one class can debuff you as a ppu. how long will ppu's last in OP wars if more and more classes are allowed to debuff. and high lvl spy's have it aright right now, its mid lvl spys that need love.

26-08-03, 04:39
this kind of makes me uneasy, even though it *would* seem appropriate that Tech Haven scientists would have some idea on about how to do something like that, the FA precursors having been working on PSI tech for Crahn Sect monks before they defected and built Tech Haven...

26-08-03, 04:43
I voted no.

If we start giving each class their own version of other classes wepons/spells it's gonna defeat the purpose of having different classes.

Pretty soon there's gonna be Tanks demanding rifles based on STR and monks demanding pistol's based on PSI.

It's gonna be one big clusterfuck of every class being able to use every weapon/spell based on their classes main skill and there's already too many games we aren't paying for that provide that.

26-08-03, 04:49
yeah, massic has it right, he has said what I have been worrying about.

I think I will vote no as well.

26-08-03, 05:00
Originally posted by Heavyporker
yeah, massic has it right, he has said what I have been worrying about.

I think I will vote no as well.

Not really. He's just abusing the slippery slope arguement. Anyone can use the "OMG WHEN WILL IT END" arguement. I only brought this thread up because I think spies should be more useful and I think it makes sense from an RP perspective. Not because every class should get their own version of each weapon/spell lol.

26-08-03, 05:49
Originally posted by massic
I voted no.

If we start giving each class their own version of other classes wepons/spells it's gonna defeat the purpose of having different classes.

Pretty soon there's gonna be Tanks demanding rifles based on STR and monks demanding pistol's based on PSI.

It's gonna be one big clusterfuck of every class being able to use every weapon/spell based on their classes main skill and there's already too many games we aren't paying for that provide that.

Ah ok, so we just keep PPUs being abled to do FUCKING EVERYTHING instead of giving just ONE thing to the spy to improve his role in OPfights from cannonfodder/hacker to something useful?

Thank you! Now get back into that corner and shame on yourself!!!

26-08-03, 05:51
Yea smork, too many people say no to spy ideas. What's the big deal? That class needs an improvement IMO.

26-08-03, 05:55
Probably because they get annoying after a while. Drones and Stealth are the most annoying. I don't really like the idea mainly because I can't see how technology can conquer spells/magic/mind whatever you want to call it. I never really like Technology > Magic/mind

but thats just me

26-08-03, 05:56
Originally posted by Arcadius
Yea smork, too many people say no to spy ideas. What's the big deal? That class needs an improvement IMO.

Well, my hope is that the real Spy PA will help a bit. Cause atm a spy is shit and i mean SHIT until he can wear ARS and use PNs/ First Love.
Even then a spy is shit actually, at least most spys are....snipe a bit, scare a bit with PNs....thats it :(

Although i am gonna prove this is wrong soon....working on my close combat rifle spy atm :D

26-08-03, 05:59
Originally posted by Psychoninja
Probably because they get annoying after a while. Drones and Stealth are the most annoying. I don't really like the idea mainly because I can't see how technology can conquer spells/magic/mind whatever you want to call it. I never really like Technology > Magic/mind

but thats just me

So its ok that monks can use antistealth spells but vice versa it would be shit?

26-08-03, 06:02
Originally posted by Psychoninja
Probably because they get annoying after a while. Drones and Stealth are the most annoying. I don't really like the idea mainly because I can't see how technology can conquer spells/magic/mind whatever you want to call it. I never really like Technology > Magic/mind

but thats just me

It should be like arcanum. IMO spies should be extremely powerful and feared just like psi.

The masters of Technology vs The masters of PSI.

With neither truly conquering each other. :p

26-08-03, 06:24
Originally posted by SorkZmok
Although i am gonna prove this is wrong soon....working on my close combat rifle spy atm :D Wuss :p Be a pistol spy :D

Anyway... I'm still baffled as to why ppu monks got True Sight Sanctum when it (note: something similar) should've been a spy's tool.

So... what you propose should be called a disruptor... oh wait there's already a gun called that... uh :o
it'd probably be best if it had a random effect - area effect, strips random buffs off anyone close or removed a random amount of psi pool or stamina, induce some random amount between 1-5% impairment... In short it messes with your mind!
...wait:wtf:... that looks like a griefer weapon :eek:

I'll shaddap before this turns into a nerf thread :x

26-08-03, 06:34
Originally posted by SorkZmok
So its ok that monks can use antistealth spells but vice versa it would be shit?

Anti Stealth is shit, and was implemented to "balance" out the gameplay, just like anti-buff was given to APUs to "balance" out the game. In that case, why don't we all give Tanks "thermal goggles" to chase down stealth spies? I'm not against the idea, I just don't see it fit, doesn't seem right in my mind.

Like I said I never really liked the idea of technology > Mind/Magic
I don't know why, it's just how I would see it fit, and like I said, thats just me.


Anyway... I'm still baffled as to why ppu monks got True Sight Sanctum when it (note: something similar) should've been a spy's tool.


26-08-03, 06:38
Well, look arcadius...

Stealthers use stealth to try get upper hand over monks, monks get some monks to train against stealth to take edge off stealth...

that works.

And besides, just think about how it would "work" if spies got antibuffy things. I like things to sound neat and tidy... :D


oh, and go look at my Trader Union idea. I think its been my most brilliant idea for today :D ahahhahahaha!

oh, and yeah, well, thats right... spies SHOULD have a tool to see stealthers... and if you would have read arcadius/my idea on that, droners would have the key to that solution!

26-08-03, 06:41
ALL spies should have a method IMO.

Poor spies.

I can't believe there's such a huge gap between psis and spies. I swear if tradeskilling was non-existant, about 2 people would be spies lol.

26-08-03, 06:42
Originally posted by PsycheBlade
Anyway... I'm still baffled as to why ppu monks got True Sight Sanctum when it (note: something similar) should've been a spy's tool.

Now that I think of it, it should really stick to Spells Vs. Spells and Tech Vs. Tech

Spies counter stealth and use stealth, and APUs Counter Buffing and PPUs well.....spam Para until they annoy the apu to shit....

26-08-03, 15:14

26-08-03, 15:27
I'd say no to this idea.. because if it was ever put in, then KK will never sort out the stupid psi spells.

Plus, it doesn't make much sense anyway. ie. the tech countering Psi thing.

However, change the idea to a resurrection or heal tool for the technically inclined and I'll vote "yes". :)

(any PPUs that are about to whinge ever heard of medics/ genereps?)

26-08-03, 15:37

It is the wrong way to make PPUs less important by making them easy to kill. Since PPUs cant do damage (almost) there bonus is that are hard to kill.

Thats why there are several different classes. They should have different skills, leave debuff to APU and give something else to spies.

Should tanks have True Sight Sanctum then to? So they can antistealth? A True Sight Cannon, area dmg.....

And besides Arc, in an other thread, you just stated that PPUs are easy to kill.

This suggestion isnt about SPY love, it is about, "Nerf the PPU". I would love to se more SPY love, but not on the cost of PPU survival.

26-08-03, 15:40
Counter-PSI and PSI-dampening technology makes perfect sense to me. FA and Crahn are faction enemies, why wouldn't the TH Council decide to research ways of screwing the monks over? Besides, Spies need SOMETHING to do other than Tradeskill, hack, and die. It would need careful balancing, though.


26-08-03, 15:41
i voted yes, because im a spy.

26-08-03, 15:44
Originally posted by Itth
i voted yes, because im a spy.

Please don't bump useless thread


26-08-03, 15:46
Originally posted by ghandisfury
Please don't bump useless thread


lol stfu i can bump anything i want when its on the first page.

26-08-03, 15:48
it should be a tool, not a weapon so all ranges of spys can use it

int + tech

26-08-03, 22:34
I agree STE

Originally posted by Shockwave
Counter-PSI and PSI-dampening technology makes perfect sense to me. FA and Crahn are faction enemies, why wouldn't the TH Council decide to research ways of screwing the monks over? need careful balancing, though.



26-08-03, 22:44

It was funny ELF'ing people jetpacking over lava.
Even if you don't get the kill for it :lol: