View Full Version : Cave queen thingie...

25-08-03, 23:15
Erm, quick question.

How can I get the queen in the lower level of the El Farid underground city to appear? I hear she's random and rare, so would she spawn if I stayed in there and wondered around? Or would I need to stay outside, or kill all the scorpions on the upper lvl?

If anyone has any tips, id really like to hear em, cause I dont wanna get bored of 'Cron again like i did last time....I think the queen would be great motive to keep me subscribed.



25-08-03, 23:23
In theory she should spawn while you're down there, but this is neocron :p

Darth Slayer
25-08-03, 23:28
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
In theory she should spawn while you're down there, but this is neocron :p

:lol: I thought u where on Holiday ?

25-08-03, 23:30
I hold the secret to the spawning of the queen.

so ner.

/me polishes his sets of Titan armour.

25-08-03, 23:41
aww cmon man...

while im here Ill ask about RPOS.....i wanna change the colour, I have my script to change using an online german doofer but I cant seem to find the rpos ini file in my program files..

// [DEFAULT] - Standardteinstellungen
// [USER<x>] - vom Benutzer definierte Einstellungen

// Benutze den "/set gfx_hudcolor <x>" Befehl im spiel (oder benutze ihn in der controls.ini)
// um das Farblayout des RPOS zu ändern. Ein Wert von x=0 lädt die Standardteinstelungen.
// In der [USER<x>] Sektion von dieser INI-Datei müssen nur Farben die von den
// Standardteinstellungen abweichen angegeben werden.

Default=128 255 190 255
DefaultText=180 240 200 255
DefaultTextEffect=255 255 255 255
SysMessages=255 160 160 160
GameMessages=200 200 0 160
LocalChat=255 255 255 255
GlobalChat=255 255 255 255
TeamChat=255 255 255 255
DirectChat=200 200 0 160
Player=200 200 0 160
PlayerNoPK=0 200 0 160
CharSysWarning=255 255 160 160
CharSysBonus=110 255 110 160
CharSysCritical=255 160 160 160
ContextActive=100 200 150 255
ContextNoActive=0 0 0 255
ContextDisabled=128 128 128 255
HighlightText=0 0 0 255
HighlightBackground=100 200 150 255
Item=190 255 230 255
ItemDisabled=128 128 128 255
ItemNotUsable=64 0 0 255
GoodSoullight=100 200 150 255
NeutralSoullight=200 200 150 255
BadSoullight=200 80 60 255
Damage=225 50 35 255
Heal=235 235 20 255

// Farbschema [USER1] - Wird geladen mit dem Befehl "/set gfx_hudcolor 1"
// Erstellt mit einer (html)Anwendung von www.neocronnetwork.de
Default=134 17 210 255
DefaultText=0 200 255 255
DefaultTextEffect=255 255 255 255
SysMessages=255 160 160 160
GameMessages=200 200 0 160
LocalChat=255 255 255 255
GlobalChat=255 255 255 255
TeamChat=255 230 0 255
DirectChat=82 255 77 160
Player=200 200 0 160
PlayerNoPK=0 255 0 160
CharSysWarning=255 255 160 160
CharSysBonus=110 255 110 160
CharSysCritical=255 160 160 160
ContextActive=100 200 150 255
ContextNoActive=0 0 0 255
ContextDisabled=128 128 128 255
HighlightText=0 0 0 255
HighlightBackground=100 200 150 255
Item=190 255 230 255
ItemDisabled=128 128 128 255
ItemNotUsable=250 0 0 255
GoodSoullight=0 255 0 255
NeutralSoullight=255 255 255 255
BadSoullight=225 50 35 255
Damage=225 50 35 255
Heal=221 0 255 255

so where do I put that?

25-08-03, 23:45
i think its random... tho there was a small gimick... as in one time we tried to clear the entire room 1st lvl ... we made sure that there was NOTHING ALIVE... no chittering noises, etc. Then we all went down. We ran into the queen room and booya ello queenie... killed da bitch... got a tech part o_O... no armor...

next time we tried it no queen but we noticed later that we were missing a few of teh small ones that craw into boxes...

so i dunno u can try to clear it and see wut happens.. i recommend get lots of AOE and just AOE the entire room before moving on...

25-08-03, 23:51
C:\..\neocron\ini\ I think

Then it's the RPOS.ini

Check the stuff in there, play around, if you save it and move it first you can do whatever you like.

[default] is the section i modify since i'm too lazy to use /commands.

scorp - i'm in a net cafe, keep getting dumped here, actually i was just helping them do some tech maintanence on their laptop so I got the night free o_O

Tycho C
25-08-03, 23:55
this post is pretty ironic.

Just today i said "Man, I want some Titan armor"

I askin in clan about it. I get hte normal "Good luck" "Random Spawn" "could be minits, could be days"

I go there all alone. There she is:p

8l4p 8l4p Motha F! A couple people came to help. 2 armors and a Low Tech Rare...

I was SO happy:D

25-08-03, 23:57
Its a random spawn....

It can take minutes, hours, days until the next spawn and u can camp all day long down there she will get spawn anyway, that what callash or what the GM:s name is said on the forum :D

Dribble Joy
26-08-03, 00:08

The Great one has returned!!!

Ahem, yeah random spawn.

BTW, QD I am NOT good in PvP, so don't post to the contrary. :p

26-08-03, 00:09
4 days... maybe 5 including recovery ^^;;

Susan Ivanova
26-08-03, 02:01
Well, Callash said that the quen spawns "randomly". What he meant was, that she'll respawn whenever a GM is bored and has nothing better to do. :lol:

26-08-03, 02:03
Yep a Gm spawns it whenever they feel like it.

26-08-03, 07:22
Originally posted by Rizzy
Yep a Gm spawns it whenever they feel like it.

hmmmm, just like the Laurent Hoverbots, then.......damn....

26-08-03, 09:07
no its not a GM spawn its RANDOM gaaah...
Laurent are not randow spawn they are GM/event spawns :p
The little thingy in El Faid "what ever" is random coded soit can pop up who hell know. Just go down there and camp soon it will kick your ass :D

26-08-03, 09:39
Originally posted by Rizzy
Yep a Gm spawns it whenever they feel like it.


I camped that damn place for 2 days. Didnt see the queem once, hen i wote a helpticket and i was told it _really_ spawns randowmly.

But...that spawn...IS SHIT

As i said i camped that place. Logged in about every 30 mins, never ever saw anyone down there who might have killed her but also...that damn queen wasnt there!!!

Not that i need that armor, but i wanna see the queen and beat the shit outta her!

too drunk to check all my typos o_O

26-08-03, 10:36
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
C:\..\neocron\ini\ I think

Then it's the RPOS.ini

Check the stuff in there, play around, if you save it and move it first you can do whatever you like.

i think its called rposcolor.ini or something like that... im sure u'll find it ;)

26-08-03, 11:40
yup do a find files on your main drive (C:) for rposcolor.ini and then open it with notepad

26-08-03, 15:08
If afraid helpdesk lied to you.

i caught a GM down there, i had camped there for, well, lets just say, quite a bit of time. I walked into the other room, and found a GM in there, right where the queen spawns.

he went invisible, and a few seconds later, the queen spawned. right next to the point where he was standing.

other day, i saw another GM go into the underground, but i was on a noobish char which could not fight the queen.

that and a bunch of mercs were following me around.