View Full Version : Ideas about drugs and hacking

21-08-03, 00:52
Dunno if these are used up ideas, but I didnt have the time to backtrack brainport so :o

Anyways, about the drugs.

I just feel like the way we use drugs in neocron is kind a un-sofisticated. Imagine having a player made drug-device. Lets say it holds about 4 "slots". These slots u can fill with 4 different drugs that will activate at one press of a button and you can have a clip with a given number of coctails in them as well.

The hangover effect and duration can be affected by the tl of the drug-device, or maybe you can have on slot for anti-hangover drugs to get you down or maybe you can install a special kidney or liver (dont know how its spelled and what does what, but you get the idea) to filter the drugs out of your bloodstream.

It would be cool if only the mafia/yakusa factions could sell these items. Say you do a mini-epic and get one of these drug-devices and its only usable/bpable by that faction (sort of like the NCPD armor), but that it can be blueprinted only from the original, but then used by others.

About hacking.

The old citycom hack idea with a little twist.

You can get a hacker to hack into the citycom to get black ops or special missions. Lets say you are looking for a mission and you want a reward in the form of a Cursed Soul Add.tech. Because of the good reward its gonna be a hard mission. To avoid people just doin the epic thang for solving pvp-missions in epics, the details, what faction of runners you are to kill and in what time will be told to you by an npc you have to meet after you have accepted the mission. Also after you have accepted the mission you will be under communication-silence, being a black op and all you cant talk, mail or post in forums for the duration the mission is on.

Hmm got a little carried away here, but back to hacking. The idea was that with better skill you would get higher reward missions or higher chance of finding that excact reward you want. The hacking of course taking some kind of resource that cost a little to do so you cant just try forever.

Anyways I havent thought this all the way through, but what you think guys??