View Full Version : GR changes in Neocron

20-08-03, 14:25
The bonus a clan gets from having a OP, and the faction benefits are good.

But, giving the owining clan the right to stop anyone else using the GR is BAD . . . very BAD.

If, for example, you are one of the not so 'active' faction members . .ie.. City Admin... then getting to any decent levelling grounds is near impossible. . so youll probably spend a few days in aggy cellars, get pk'd a dozen or so times by unwlcome enemy faction members, and begin to wonder wtf you are doing in a game where access to all the so-called best bits, are only available if your a member of ..(on Saturn..) either ND or a CityMerc clan...(is this the solution ? join one of them ?) . .

No KK, take the right away from the owning clan to stop runners using the GR . . or . . spread 'public' gr's all over the map . . and if u do that . . whats the point in a clan having GR rights...

Most changes i have seen have been for the better . . .(screens in MC5 was your own problem KK, dont blame runners for using techniques. . . exploit my ass . . )
but the GR rules at present are killing the fun for lots of non-big-clan runners . . .in my opinion :-)
and anyone who doesnt agree with me is obviously in New Dawn !!

20-08-03, 14:28
get a hover tech u will get where u wanna go in no time.

half of the city merc reps are active for allies if not ask then to turn it on

i think its a great idea as if u take part in the op battles u will soon see why

20-08-03, 14:29
YES!!! more threads about this topic! we didnt have enough of those yet! POST MORE POST MORE!!!

me? sarcastic? nah.

20-08-03, 14:30
and dont be dumb and say those who dont agree with u are obviously in new dawn. almost everyone disagrees with u judging by the lack of response.

if simethings hard dont make it less fun.

stay in aggy celler if ya cant be arsed to drive for 5-10 mins

20-08-03, 14:32
Vote for my Venture warp idea!! :D
