View Full Version : With DoY, will we really need Neptune?

19-08-03, 17:00
I refer to the fact that anti-city factions (FA, TG, DoY, others) will be KoS in NC (i'm assuming to the copbots), and pro-city factions will be unable (less able?) to safely travel in anti-city areas. I'm also assuming that DoY will be the diametric opposite of NC in this respect, in that there will be copbot equivalents shooting pro-city factions on sight there too.

So, given that there will be no way for FA or TG (for example) to use the safezones of NC, they will presumably retreat to their (non-safezoned) cities and trade from there. Further to that, i'd guess that these non-safezoned areas will finally become more populated, rather than just levelling areas or areas for TT to come looking for a fight when they get the mood.

In summary then, won't we effectively be removing safezones, or access to safezones, from a large part of the game population when the new faction alliances, GR changes, copbot KoS rules and so on come into effect? lack of safezones is, after all, the holy grail that is at the heart of the appeal of neptune, and it seems to me that one can largely achieve this, at least, by merely playing an anti-city faction.

i realise that neptune also promises exciting new (old) ways to lose equipment when getting killed, but one can always find ones killer and give them ones equipment if that is what also appeals to you ;).

Seriously tho, does anyone believe that neptune will offer a SIGNIFICANT difference over the about-to-be-instigated gameplay changes in order to justify it's existence?

19-08-03, 17:15
yeah because noone yet knows what the changes are..... and more importantly noone really knows if the content theyre adding for DoY might not be stuff theyve taken directly from the "WE WANT NEPTUNE" threads......

19-08-03, 17:22
Neptunes shitteh and will never come!