View Full Version : Idea: Bounty system

19-08-03, 12:49
Ok, Someone just PKed you and you want revenge. Here is a way for some nice revenge, also a way for Pkers to feel good ;)

Implement a bounty system, here's how it works.
You goto a city term, open the all new bounty tab, type in the name of the person you want to put a bounty on (include a search feature), type in your reward then press accept, the bounty cash is deducted from your account. The bounty is now on the persons head.

Mr bounty hunter goes to city term, searches for bounty missions,
then can browse the list, finds an appropriate bounty mission and accepts it, no soul light is lost from killing the bounty (even in a hunting ground), also the bounty hunter can get location updates of the person they are hunting (and if they are online or not), once the bounty is killed the money is tranfered into the bounty hunters account.

Other things:-
Make an option so the person who takes the contract must be hostile/neutral/anything to the bounty in order to accept (to stop the bountys clan members from taking advantage).

Able to specify the number of times the bounty must be killed for the mission to be completed.

you can give a time limit to the mission.

you can cancel the bounty mission you have placed if nobody has taken it for a refund of your bounty money.

On taking a bounty contract, you cannot take other missions until the bounty contract is either completed or cancelled.

Maybe have the bounty show over someones head.

Multiple people can take the bounty mission so it becomes a race to see who can kill them first.

Any comments?

19-08-03, 12:52
hehehe.. i like it

19-08-03, 13:10
one single addition (ok 3 actually sorry) ..... the bounty hunter should have to collect his bounty from ncpd headquarters. he will have to have a tag from the runner perhaps... this stops the runner being killed by a mob and the mission being completed accidentally.....

also people shouldnt be allowed to accept bounty missions for members of allied factions/same faction.
only one bounty per person per time (to prevent griefers too)

jus my opinion....

19-08-03, 13:11
He made me...

19-08-03, 13:13
Originally posted by greendonkeyuk
one single addition..... the bounty hunter should have to collect his bounty from ncpd headquarters.

Not sure I agree with that, there are too many non city friendly factions, maybe make it so you have to go to your own Faction HQ (or just get it from the comstation).

Unless of course, while you are on a bounty mission you can enter NCPD with out them shooting you.

Mr Friendly
19-08-03, 13:14
sign me up > : )

19-08-03, 13:16
oh yeah forgot.... due to the tg not being allowed in the city and all that...... hmmmm.... yeah have bounties awarded and completed by one of the hr directors or something?

19-08-03, 13:17
On Saturn you can put a bounty on anyone, negotiate a price with the CM (As that is their role in the game.....hence the M in CM.

They will deliver the tags and you the cash. So thats already in place, just no city com term.

19-08-03, 14:54
well vega. i lost 32 brain cells for reading this. i hope your happy!

Helen Angilley
19-08-03, 14:56
So you re-activated your EVE account then? ;):p

19-08-03, 14:57
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
So you re-activated your EVE account then? ;):p

:eek: Rumbled!!!