View Full Version : 2 other games by Reakktor ?

19-08-03, 01:46
Anyone ever played these?


VX1 ‘Piranha’ Attack Submarine
Lost in the Bermuda Triangle

I never even heard of them :(

19-08-03, 01:47
what have i told you people?

they are hidden in OZ7!

19-08-03, 01:59
Since all development resources are focused on our virtual city project Neocron, the production of Piranha has been set on hold until further notice.


Support for the game has been discontinued. For questions concerning the game’s availability or other help contact Take2 interactive.

Ones not released yet and has had it's production halted for neocron, the other is rather old from the looks of it adventure games don't tend to last very long since you play it though once and it's over.. I think I heard somthing about it though but time ago...