View Full Version : Fed up with techparts

16-08-03, 21:29
Yep that's right:

I'm sick of trying to get the damn things. Back when i was lvl 40-45 it was a breeze, just go find a WB, rinse repeat, no problems. I was in techpart heaven and i was pretty rich too. Now I am a 60/60 spy and i have no clue what to do now. I go to MB to hunt them, and I only get Vein ripper and electric tempest parts (both Ls) after killing about 10 WBs. Not to mention getting killed while hacking. Then i go to the steppes where i also get nothing. Now, i play CA on Saturn, so i have no clue what else I can do. I can't kill hovers, obviously, and i have never found a Firemob that gave me anything. So i am really tired of this buisiness. I really have no clue what's left for me to do. Sure, i got some techs for a lot of things, I almost have a redeemer. I have the parts for SH i need about 3 for a PE and i have one disurptor part.

The thing I don't understand is that what am i supposed to do now. I seriously agree with the guy who posted earlier and said that spies ranks get a little silly the closer to cap they get. Sure my dex may be 88 natural, but im still wearing TL 40 armor. If somebody wants to clue me in on how i can ever get a techpart in the rest of my Neocron career, i would be happy, because I am clueless. I haven't seen an E part in ages. i tried lowering my rank once but that never helped. If anyone has any suggestions that doesn't involve going to TG to fight stuff, which we all know doesn't work being a CA, then please give them.

16-08-03, 21:40
my rifle spy rank 74/69 could harvest wbs for 2 hours and get bout 10-15 parts. its just random drops, if an area stops dropping parts just move on.

About the armour, sure we get the most crappy armours for a long time, but when we get high we get the coolest guns and the first true cool looking armour, the xray suit... even though its crap for your int ... buts its cool... and 117 xray.

and trading is a spy's real proffession, barter those last parts, get a uber weapon constructed and join in on crushing the tg scums on saturn :)

16-08-03, 21:44
If you only seem to get Vein Ripper parts, try a trustworthy researcher. It's very rare that you'll find a researcher who will be honest with about a CS part for example. If you can find one, tip him well and always come back to him.

But as CarniFlex said, spies come into their own at the cap, with FL, stealth (perhaps Obliterator) Silent Hunter, Distruptor, all very cool weapons.

16-08-03, 21:45
is it possible to hunt hovers with the xray armor and a heavy energy belt with your con setup aranged towards energy? I have heard that it depends on your rank relative to the mob.. If you are half the rank the parts come the best, if you are more then they drop less.

Its pretty simple. Ever kill an aggie with a really n00b char in the cellars? You get like three imps almost every time. But if you kill one later the drops start to suck.

16-08-03, 21:48
From what I've seen, the only time the drops are lowered relative to your rank is when your combat rank is approaching double the rank of the mob. Since WBs are rank 85/85, the only time a player would ever see a low drop rate is as a hybrid. As a spy you won't hit that kind of rank until you're fully capped and wielding a FL or Disruptor, so there's nothing to worry about.

EDIT: Hunting hoverbombers isn't too hard if you use the towers around TH for cover. If you get caught out in the open though, or with just a tree for cover, you're screwed. The xray armor is essential, hoverbombers have a bomb attack which is similar to the artillery turret, a blue bomb which causes a Radiation Injury stack.

16-08-03, 22:00
I don't know about that. I used to hunt Mutant gunmen in the cellars in A&W and i noticed that implants started to become rare when i was using a TAR which is equal the mob's rank not double. So I don't know. Maybe im cursed but I'm sick of people telling me how they get so many techs and i go out and get TL 37 PSI imps got tons of those. Most of the time the loot window isn't full, its got about 5 items in it.

16-08-03, 22:08
Originally posted by Scikar
If you only seem to get Vein Ripper parts, try a trustworthy researcher. It's very rare that you'll find a researcher who will be honest with about a CS part for example. If you can find one, tip him well and always come back to him.

Back when I started NC with a research spy I used to have one guy always come to me with his rares. For my honesty he tipped my SS parts (which was a big thing for me back then)

I know that fw on uranus tipped NC Junkie with 2 Hawkins parts.

16-08-03, 22:40
If you reach the rank of the mob the loot starts to decrease.

If you exceed the rank by 25 or more then you will get only one item as loot, which will be something like Warbot Cola. ;)

However, you do not exceed the rank of WBs therefore the loot is not decreased. Like i always say in threads like this - it's pure luck.

16-08-03, 22:42
find a ppu and kill y reps

Whiety Bulger
16-08-03, 23:46
Looks for spys that are hacking WB's kill them hax there belt you mighy get lucky

17-08-03, 01:20
futerman you cant say techpartdrop is too low out of an amount of 10 kills. i felt like you in the past, then i took a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote down how many wbs i killed and how many parts i got, and i was surprised. sometimes there are series with 20+ wbs without a single drop, but overall (1500+ kills) i have a droprate of about 30%, 10 kills -> 3 techparts.

17-08-03, 01:23
Originally posted by Whiety Bulger
Looks for spys that are hacking WB's kill them hax there belt you mighy get lucky

rofl hahahaha:lol: that is sooo cruel omg i just pee'ed my pants!