View Full Version : nidhogg Interview

15-08-03, 12:31
Over at Neocron/Online (http://www.neocrononline.com/article.php?story=20030815061324324).

done by syntax-error :)



15-08-03, 12:36
Currently I'm playing a CM droner spy on Pluto but I've mainly played a CA mêlée tank and PPU monk on Saturn in the past. I'm just learning how to drone and drive vehicles (after all this time!) which is one of the reasons why I love the game - there's so much to do! You can play for months and months and still have never touched major features

Bwahahahahaha! Now I know you and can kill y....wait, I'm not on those servers. And I don't kill people anyway...sad Morty

8) Whats you most Favourite part of your job?

No it's not banning people or closing threads!
10) And Ren asked how long is your hammer? and do you often please the ladies with it?

You do know that asking questions on behalf of banned people is a bannable offence in it's own right? *Nid goes off to ban Ren followed by syntax-error*

This interview is closed.


Absolutely brilliant! Mad props to Nid!

15-08-03, 12:38
omg... liek... im gonna KOS every CM droner... hold on... theres like 2 :D

15-08-03, 12:52
Originally posted by \\Fényx//
omg... liek... im gonna KOS every CM droner... hold on... theres like 2 :D

there's CM in pluto? :wtf: oh that's right. the last time I was at MB was when I had to drive over to el farid for fight night (like almost 3 weeks ago now) and before that was like 2 weeks....I don't goto MB very much. storage levels just as good, less ganking. :lol: although with LE in was funny to watch people raid the bunker and laugh at them. :lol:


15-08-03, 14:07
I've got a CM droner on pluto, so don't kill me :P

15-08-03, 14:34
9) If you could change one thing about Neocron what would it be?

The game itself? Hmmm. I'd like to see PP used more than it is right now. PP is the one place that all the hack journos go to see when reviewing the game so it's in KK's best interests to make that place even more special than it already is. Maybe they should give some bonus for being in the bars and clubs there, e.g. quicker synaptic impairment decay (because of the "relaxing" atmosphere!

Do you have good contacts in high places Nid? this is an awesome idea to populate the bars and clubs of Neocron.

psst, convice your boss to implement this


15-08-03, 14:46
That is a cool idea, although I suspect a lot of people would help put that SI back up again. ^^

15-08-03, 14:49
Originally posted by Archeus
That is a cool idea, although I suspect a lot of people would help put that SI back up again. ^^

could give tsunami protection money ;)

15-08-03, 14:50
This interview is closed.


ahahaha thats the best

15-08-03, 14:51
I know who the Saturn Runners are. :p

But don't worry Nid, even if I am TG, I'll protect ya from the evil PKers. :angel:

15-08-03, 17:11
yeah but syntax error didnt get nidhogg with the 'nothing' thing.


15-08-03, 17:30
Everyone on pluto look for a bat weilding droner who looks like he's wearing tank PA under his clothes

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Beanie McChimp
15-08-03, 20:51
lol good interview

15-08-03, 23:29
No ure right i havnt got nid with that.. but i have got snowcrash with it. and carbonite.,. MJS is next on the interview list if i can get him to agree btw

15-08-03, 23:30
Lolz gg nid :D

15-08-03, 23:41
Originally posted by Omnituens
yeah but syntax error didnt get nidhogg with the 'nothing' thing.


I saw that quoted in your sig for awhile but I so utterly do not understand WTF. It went right over my head.

I guess I need to get out more.

15-08-03, 23:50
Oh, and on topic:

6) What would you say is the most memorable moment so far?

This is a tricky one. I think it was the first time I killed Starkes up at MB bunker one day a long time ago. I'd been PK'd by him for weeks up until that point and was terrified every time I saw his name on local! I hit him with a Thunderbolt (he was insanely fast) and then DG'd him to death - it was a great kill, even if using freezers was considered a no no at the time. You use the tools at your disposal to attack your enemy's strong points.

LOL! :lol: :p :D

If Nid had had banning powers at the time Starkes was banned from the forums, I'd have to have wondered :angel:

And the mighty Starkes, bane of most of the entire server, brought down by a melee tank? And people say melee sucks? ;) I used to go to op wars with this pure melee tank (Berdan) and it was amazing what he could actually get accomplished. But ah, the hardcore, skilled pure melee tanks are few and far between :(

15-08-03, 23:53
Damnit Sorin I was just about to about #6. That has got to be the greatest thing ive ever heard. :p

Oh and Nid, Starkes is back. ;)

16-08-03, 00:03
You should have heard him crowing in clan chat after it. :p

It was better earlier though, when he got an Electric Tempest. He proclaimed, "Now I'll get the bastard" or something, then he went off to MB again. Next time I saw him he was in Plaza getting pokes. :lol:

16-08-03, 00:18
Great attitude Nid. I'm sure we are all grateful for your work

I have played computer games since they started making them (I even get paid for playing them these days), and I feel more passionate about Neocron than any game I've played before. It has it's faults, but the reason people moan on the forums is thaty they love the game so much, and want it to be the best it can be. The day players stop complaining is probably the end of Neocron, because nobody cares anymore.