View Full Version : Something about ND

14-08-03, 23:17
I know i should not be posting this but i just have to say it.
This is an incident that happened about 20 days ago. I left on vacation right after it so i said nothing but now i think that people should know.

This happened on Saturn. I was TT, former member of NCCC. Some reasons, including the fact that i was unable to level made me want to change to TG. At that time i was the only member of a TT clan. So i contacted some New Dawn people asking them protection so i can get to canyon and change to TG, and also asking them for membership to clan. I also told em that first i had to quit my clan. One high ranking ND member told me to invite his alt to the clan i was in and so i did. After that i quit the clan, changed to TG and got invited to ND. 10 minutes after i got my invitation, i got kicked from ND. The members that invited me loged or ignored my DMs asking for a reason.

I just feel that this is not a proper way for such a large clan to operate and people should be aware of this incident and act accordingly when they deal with this clan.

Helen Angilley
14-08-03, 23:19
omg j00 flaming troll.


14-08-03, 23:21
mole hunt!

14-08-03, 23:21
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
omg j00 flaming troll.


Who, me????Nah....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

14-08-03, 23:22
That sounds bad mate, especially as they are offering an OP up for grabs on another thread - maybe they'll just kill everyone who turns up to watch :(

BTW. I can't help it......

Resurrect spelling tests :-)Resurrect spelling tests :-)

14-08-03, 23:24
Hehe. Trust me for trying to be smart. Can't even work the font size thingy properly :-)

14-08-03, 23:30
well... its in the rules actually this one.

You may play as a evil wizard or a good little hobbit, some people choose their way of life. KK wont interfere with some high level crap "morale". its a game and you just been ******. Try to use your brains next time, it helps :)

oh and if you cant level up? there is always ways to find places to level up, maybe a swamp cave instead of a chaos cave? maybe a 85/85 warbot instead of a 66/66 mauler... hacking a problem? some advanced nerves and 42 in hacking should fix it. there is always places to level.

and dont take this the wrong way ... but aint you a bit naive to think they actually would allow you in clan just as easy as that? :lol:

ps so ncc has a mole... lol.. ds

14-08-03, 23:32
shodan alot of people complained when alot of people started to join new dawn because they were geting ganked , i have no idea who kicked you but we get over 20 directs a week asking to join form a enmy faction maybe some one high ranked did not want you in the clan

if you really want to join get teamspeak and direct me ingame

ste-x/ pub king /seer

14-08-03, 23:35
First of all, i am no longer NCCC. I have only one char on sat that i play with, my apu monk and he is TG at the moment. I quit NCCC due to a series of incidents that happened and i did not approve. Furthermore i expect a clan the size of ND to be trustworthy and not take advantage of people like that.

14-08-03, 23:38
Shodan, we dont want people who wont contribute and bring idea's to the clan, may people just join up so they can GR, the rest of NCCC who joined show they cared and helped, and still do to this day, we had discussed about letting you in, and many were against it. im not sure why but we cant just let people in "willy-Nilly" we are aware of spies and dont want to be more at risk by joining to many ex enimies, if you can show to the clan you accually want to join and want to discuss what happened, contact rizzy or divide,

Also on another note, if you will be so negative about us letting some new clans have ops, you have somthing wrong with you. we want to let new people enjoy neocron, by helping them. We dont have a good reputation, you judge ND on one or two people - ask in plaza1 about when a ND has helped, PPU'd for an enemy, Protected them, Helped out newbs, Poked regardless of factions, Even thismorning some one got ripped off by somone claiming to be a barterer, she wanted a plaza level 3 app. So i took pity on her and gave her one of my level 3 app's. So dont judge ND on the induviduals who pk you, or badmouth you. Dont judge a book by its cover

14-08-03, 23:38
causing flames on the forums is not really the best thing to do tbh direct me in game if you have teamspeak and we can have a chat on that if you really want to join

14-08-03, 23:45
Originally posted by PsiCorps
Shodan, we dont want people who wont contribute and bring idea's to the clan, may people just join up so they can GR, the rest of NCCC who joined show they cared and helped, and still do to this day, we had discussed about letting you in, and many were against it. im not sure why but we cant just let people in "willy-Nilly" we are aware of spies and dont want to be more at risk by joining to many ex enimies, if you can show to the clan you accually want to join and want to discuss what happened, contact rizzy or divide,

How do you know that i would not contribute to the clan? I am an experienced player. I do a lot for every clan ive been in. Furthermore i would not have had a problem if i had been told that i cant join cause you feared of me being a spy. But the fact that one of you (a high ranking officer) tricked me to get my old TT clan and spy on Tangent just does not feel right. Believe me i hate being made a fool.

14-08-03, 23:49
Originally posted by shodanjr_gr
How do you know that i would not contribute to the clan? I am an experienced player. I do a lot for every clan ive been in. Furthermore i would not have had a problem if i had been told that i cant join cause you feared of me being a spy. But the fact that one of you (a high ranking officer) tricked me to get my old TT clan and spy on Tangent just does not feel right. Believe me i hate being made a fool.
Also another point was, Extreem, Hogan and Sinister had to wait weeks before being accepted in ND, and still when were in hadnt gained the trust of the members. Ask Ste, Rizzy or Divide.

14-08-03, 23:50
tell us who is was direct me ingame im on my monk atm


direct me and say who added you

14-08-03, 23:52
You could have just told me that you didnt trust me yet and that you needed me to prove my trust to you, which is ok with me and actually it was what i expected to hear. But the point is that i was tricked...and that is a behavior i do not accept. Maybe you should look into your clan for peeps who think they got a superiority complex and believe that they can trick others.

14-08-03, 23:53
Also, the meber who kicked you (staying unnamed) said "wtf is he doing in our clan" and kicked you, we couldent help it, we assumed somone told you or somthing. It was mainly a misunderstanding. Ste will probably let you in if you direct him

15-08-03, 04:00
I talked to Ste-X, he told me that said person is no longer plays NC and he did whatever he did without his authorisation.

---Thread Closed----


15-08-03, 04:21

.. so actually u sold ur old clan out and now u got tricked and ur pissed?

Boo fucking hoo

16-08-03, 00:15
Bah, you have to make me write the full story... Here goes...
I quit NCCC because of some stuff that Morphy told me that had happened. So me, Morphy and Tealady make a new TT clan. I log for that day. Get back on the next and realise that i was the only person left in the new clan, everyone else had quit. Furthermore i didnt have the clankey so i could not disband the clan. I already had enough TG symp to change so i contact ND to arrange safe passage to the Canyon in order to tag the GR. When the person i talked to from ND heard that i was stuck with a clan i could not leave, he asked me to wait so that he could make an alt and i could invite him into the clan. I didnt have a problem with that, espionage is allowed in the world of NC :). I wait, he brings his alt, i getting him in clan and then quit it. After that he logs his main. I go to canyon, change to TG, then we meet at an OP where he invites me to ND. 10 minutes later i see a message about my symps changing and i realise that i had been kicked.