View Full Version : Eastern US and Canada Losing Power...what do you think?

14-08-03, 22:56
freeky eh :cool:

14-08-03, 23:04
None of the above?

14-08-03, 23:06
Osama-bin-Liner ate my hamster.


14-08-03, 23:09
All the Hamsters that operated the wheels that gave motion to the generators died due to a biological virus unleashed by Sadam Hussein.

14-08-03, 23:13
Oooh, mysterious (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3152451.stm)

15-08-03, 02:11
Your old and out dated electrical grid went SPLAT when you had a little (okay big) power surge.
Not terror.
Not fire.


Helen Angilley
15-08-03, 02:18
I think the Government will have a field day on all this. 8|

15-08-03, 02:28
I dunno, the goverments already screaming it's not terrorists. I think it was just poor grid planning myself, chain reactioned through more poor grid planning and before you know it, BAM! no power.

But then again, this is kind of expected, look how badly they whine when a powerline goes down, and it always takes days to fix... *hugs his generator*

Tycho C
15-08-03, 02:44
CNN says "Lightning". the Mok.... whatever their acronym is can't conferm it though...

no big deal, down here in Florida it is very rainy with a side of not-so-sunny. But the power is up and running.:D

Another thing I noticed. ALL news channels have all their choppers circling NY... like they WANT a fucking riot to take place so they can have something interedting happen. Luckly, the NYers are treating it like a picknick. ALthough they are walking home on the highways...

And they are bring power back up now.

15-08-03, 04:06
it has to be terrorists... why else would bloomberg and the president be so quick to eliminate the possiblility of terrorism even before they know what caused it??? also the power plant that this started in denied their involvment in the situation and says nothing happened and that they were running fine the whole day

first they said lightning now they say fire yet they still state that it was defenatly not terrorists :/

15-08-03, 04:07
Even Chaos has order CC :P
It's normally extremely obvious when something is done by a terrorist.....

15-08-03, 04:10
well yea thats true but i just find it odd that everyone is so quick to rule out terrorism before they have any frickin idea what caused it

15-08-03, 04:34
Originally posted by CryptoChronic
well yea thats true but i just find it odd that everyone is so quick to rule out terrorism before they have any frickin idea what caused it

Because NY has a problem with the terrorist, if they stay on a neutral basis , everyone will panic ...

So they said everything in order to calm down people.

Terrorist attack , i doubt alot ... if it was , bush would be the first to scream it out loud to attack another country. Right now , they calm the people and i think that alright. Tomorrow morning we will have more detail about that. Be more afraid of people breaking in your house tonight than terrorist attack

15-08-03, 04:49
well the situation is different from 9/11 because that was way to obvoius to deny any relation to terrorists.... and your right they are saying it so ppl dont panic but its just a little skeptical

15-08-03, 05:06
I say it's the worm virus going around now.

15-08-03, 05:23
Now that would be amusing.... :p

15-08-03, 10:10
good thing i live in boston, poor new yorkers :|

15-08-03, 10:16
Originally posted by KramerTheWeird
I say it's the worm virus going around now.

Yes it somehow caused a thunderstorm which hit the power plant by lightning. o_O

Actually imagine it was.. there would be people going nuts to lock up hackers and script kiddies.

15-08-03, 19:26
My power just came back after being out for 22 hours. The news is now saying it originated in manitoba.

Govt officials released this pic of a possible suspect


15-08-03, 20:19
Originally posted by Beefheart
Govt officials released this pic of a possible suspect


The little hat (don't know the correct name) would suggest that he is actually Scoots... *looks askance at all the Scots around* :)

@Archeus: Script kiddes hack God's weather net... cool! :)


15-08-03, 20:36

15-08-03, 20:38
Originally posted by Arcadius

Quick Nid, close the Who Hates Arcadius poll!!

15-08-03, 20:50
Originally posted by Arcadius


Well, I knew it wouldn't last forever......


15-08-03, 21:00
The power just came up here in Aurora, north of Toronto in Canada.

The best part is we're all at zoneseek's house, we just played 12 hours of Risk because we couldn't lan anymore :p

Time for neocron now tho ;)

15-08-03, 21:19
maybe they should have spend the money of 2 nukes on the power grid :) someone should sell a copy of Sim City J.W.B.

15-08-03, 21:21
Originally posted by msdong
maybe they should have spend the money of 2 nukes on the power grid :) someone should sell a copy of Sim City J.W.B.

Amen baby! :D


Bob Monkhouse
15-08-03, 22:05
Just a quick bit of military trivia, the Canuck in the picture probably looks like a Scot because many Canadians are descendants of Scots who emigrated to Canada during the Highland Clearances. Consequently , many of the worlds best pipe bands are Canadian:o (I'm Scottish BTW)

As a result there were several regiments in the Canadian armed forces made up entirely of men of Scottish ancestory. Several of the "Highland" Regiments were in fact Canadian. They wore kilts, marched to bagpipes and spoke with the same mad Scots/Canadian accent many of my cousins have. And of course, like all Scots infantry they fought like Giants and scared the shit out of anyone they fought:)

On a more serious note, not everything terrorists do is obvious............if people knew EVERYTHING that terrorists did (including in the UK) there would be too much panic. I do think that in this case its down to the Yanks relying on a single HUGE fuse (Biggest Goddamn fuse in the world mister, yup, thats right, size of one of your small European towns) to regulate the electricity supply of the entire NE.

15-08-03, 22:08
Originally posted by Dream
The power just came up here in Aurora, north of Toronto in Canada.

The best part is we're all at zoneseek's house, we just played 12 hours of Risk because we couldn't lan anymore :p

Time for neocron now tho ;)

hahaha yeah

Government officials: Conserve power! Only essential use!

Us: like 8 PCs and A/C


15-08-03, 22:23
Originally posted by Bob Monkhouse
Just a quick bit of military trivia, the Canuck in the picture probably looks like a Scot because many Canadians are descendants of Scots who emigrated to Canada during the Highland Clearances. Consequently , many of the worlds best pipe bands are Canadian:o (I'm Scottish BTW)

Wow, thanks for all the info, I didn't realise. Do you know if the little hat has a special name at all then?


15-08-03, 22:26
o_O (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=72108)

16-08-03, 00:40
Isn't it just a beret? Or a Scottish Beret? Or a Beret with Bobble?

Bob Monkhouse
21-08-03, 17:20
The hat is a Tam O'Shanter.

Sorry to revive a days old thread, but I couldn't let this ignorance of Scottish headgear continue.

A "SCOTTISH BERET" SCIKAR!!!!!!! That could start a Clan War ( Real life , proper Scottish Clans, we invented them you know :lol: )

21-08-03, 17:55
Originally posted by Bob Monkhouse
The hat is a Tam O'Shanter.

Sorry to revive a days old thread, but I couldn't let this ignorance of Scottish headgear continue.

A "SCOTTISH BERET" SCIKAR!!!!!!! That could start a Clan War ( Real life , proper Scottish Clans, we invented them you know :lol: )

Look up a movie call "The Devil's Brigade". Outstanding flick!:D

21-08-03, 18:16
Lots of American and Canadian Regiments have proud histories going back over the ocean(See what you Brits lost when you kicked us out? :P).

21-08-03, 18:20
Originally posted by Bob Monkhouse
The hat is a Tam O'Shanter.

Sorry to revive a days old thread, but I couldn't let this ignorance of Scottish headgear continue.

Thank you for enlightening my ignorance. :)

Originally posted by BlackPrince
Lots of American and Canadian Regiments have proud histories going back over the ocean(See what you Brits lost when you kicked us out? :P).

Kicked you out? What happened to all this "Haha, we pwned joo" revolutionary war stuff? ;)

And the Gorkhas stayed with us despite their native countrie's independence. :)



21-08-03, 18:27
Originally posted by BlackPrince
Lots of American and Canadian Regiments have proud histories going back over the ocean(See what you Brits lost when you kicked us out? :P).

**looks at what you got now**

keep 'em.

21-08-03, 18:55
I was more referring to Irish and Scottish units, not so much as Revolutionary American. Hell, Fenians formed the core of the 7th Cav, 69th(NY) Infantry, and the Iron Brigade. There was also an Irish Brigade fighting for Mexico during the Meso-American war, granted most of them were defectors from the US Army, but they were a frightful bunch.

21-08-03, 19:39
Originally posted by BlackPrince
I was more referring to Irish and Scottish units, not so much as Revolutionary American. Hell, Fenians formed the core of the 7th Cav, 69th(NY) Infantry, and the Iron Brigade. There was also an Irish Brigade fighting for Mexico during the Meso-American war, granted most of them were defectors from the US Army, but they were a frightful bunch.

Aha, I see, I just assumed American for some reason.

Scots units are still part of the British army though I thought, bearing in mind Scotland is still a part of the Union?

And same with Northern Irish as opposed to Republic or Ireland?
