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13-08-03, 20:16
I swear, when i got this game it was the most badass thing i had ever played. Always on your toes looking out if there was an evil PKer about. But now, nooooooo you screwed us all over. Now we need a PPU an APU to kill thier PPU and what do we get out of it? Nothing =/ If you cant put the old rules back in atleast make belt drops in all zones now. This games turned into carebear-o-cron, its too focused on OP fights now and not PKing and crap. The games so boring for me i cant even be bovered to play, all i get when i kill someone are some stupid worthless DMs and whoopdedoo fucking worthless piece of shit dog tag. Most over MMOs have harsher drop rules than this and they arent even PvP based. Everyone just hunts in OP zones now, cos they scared to loose their shit.



13-08-03, 20:18
Go play on Jupiter then.

13-08-03, 20:21
It's people like you who made it the way it is. People get tired of spending time getting their items to get ganked from behind by someone 20 levels higher than them.......you made your bed.....nighty night.

13-08-03, 20:21
Sprichtst du Germanisch?



13-08-03, 20:24
What Ghandi said. It's you who brought the game to this, not "Carebears".

13-08-03, 20:27
lol, oh yeah you guys make sense. I killed people and the carebears cried so they put in carebear rules. And its my fault cos i did something thats part of the game...

13-08-03, 20:28
poor nexx.... but ur still the sexiest man handler :P

13-08-03, 20:28
Just make it so that you still lose 1 item and have a safe slot with red SL. The only difference is you get ganked by copzerz.

13-08-03, 20:33
remove sl

Unlim n00b killing fragfest!!!

13-08-03, 20:34
Just make your SL red nexx then you have all the excitement you need each time you fight :p


Dribble Joy
13-08-03, 20:35
I am in favour of going back to the old quickbelt drop rules, but keeping the No. 1 safe slot. Ie. just the other 9 items are dropable, backpack is safe.
Warzones hould stay as they are, OP fights are about OPs not the loot from ganking the opposition.

13-08-03, 20:43
Okay, I'm sure everyone can say this has happened to them... levelling one of my chars (a level 5 ) at MB (not at bunker, in the base), a TG lvl 60 came through and just mowed down a bunch of us. I'd say the average level of the group I was in was about 15.

Granted, it's MB and stuff goes down there... but say some n00b decides to play City Mercs, he's trying to kill some small stuff and level his char and this guy just comes and whacks him. This has begun to be a normal occurence and this would seriously turn someone off to playing the game. The inmature random killing gets a little old.

[Edit] - Oh, the point of this was to show that it's because of events like this that these rules have been put in place.

13-08-03, 20:51
Safeslot has to go, worst carebear rule in this game imo.

Unbalances drops for certain classes. (Tank can run around without pa and use just a cs/speedgun and still be combat viable. PPU cant run around with just heal, we need about 10 other spells MINIMUM lol)

Id also like to see safezones removed but i think warzones should remain the same. Also i think my bounty idea should be implemented...


13-08-03, 21:07
Originally posted by Nexxy
lol, oh yeah you guys make sense. I killed people and the carebears cried so they put in carebear rules. And its my fault cos i did something thats part of the game...

NO ur wrong there You kill anything in sigh, camp zone points kill pll who stand no chance what so ever etc

You took something thats is part of the game and abused it, the game is PVP but not like most of the PK'ers did when there were no penalties

ppl die like 20 times a day lose hard earned stuff and get a little pissed after 2 or 3 weeks of this ....

and oh yeah i got ganked at rank 23/29 17 times in one day... so i am not exagerating and not in the same place either all by ppl far high rank than me :(

If you had done it in moderation, the changes may not have been made or nessesary

things may be a bit boaring at times but its better than getting kill by ppl who u stand no chance against ...

as has been said you made Your bed now sleep in it, don't blame those who got fedup of being repeatedly killed... the only ppl to blame your you pk'ers :)

13-08-03, 21:21
even though i hated getting PKed everytime i went in a sewer on pluto back then, im kinda missing it now...people are just all talk now..

and as for the droping weapon thing...i hate droping an important thing...but if the rare drop rate was like it was 5 months ago then i wouldnt care so much...

Helen Angilley
13-08-03, 21:29
Why not do as someone has already said and go play on Jupiter?

There you can gank all you want in Warzones and still get something out of it.

Or are you too scared of a challenge?

13-08-03, 21:32
Learning German would require a brain.

(Oooh, I r ubar flamzorz!!!1)

Helen Angilley
13-08-03, 21:34
Originally posted by MortuusLupus
Learning German would require a brain.

(Oooh, I r ubar flamzorz!!!1)

He doesn't seem to be bothered about the social interaction, only proving something to someone, somewhere.

So as amusing as your comment was, it's not that relevant. :p

13-08-03, 21:45
Originally posted by Nexxy
lol, oh yeah you guys make sense. I killed people and the carebears cried so they put in carebear rules. And its my fault cos i did something thats part of the game...

It's not part of the game to kill with impunity. I've seen your "PK runs"....you come out with a minimum of two PPUs and GR kill, noob kill, hack kill....basically kill anything that moves with no fear of death.

I could accept you rules if rules of my own were implimented.
#1. Any runner who has killed a runner in the last 5 hours can be found via citycom. The five hours would be of game play time (so you couldn't log off after your PK run).
#2. Appartments become hackable so you can't hide there either.
#3. Grs become hackable so you can follow a runner anywhere.

Most of you who go out and PK do so without fear of death. Either you're killing an 0/2 spy or you have 3 PPU's keeping you alive. Then you'll come to plaza(or insert safezone) and tell everybody how uber you are........At that point I want everybody to be able to kill you.

13-08-03, 21:52
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
He doesn't seem to be bothered about the social interaction, only proving something to someone, somewhere.

So as amusing as your comment was, it's not that relevant. :p

But he's gotta find someone to build his stuffs, tho, and I don't think they'd be too keen on serving someone who says "Umm....constructionen das ubar TPC!!! Senden me ein dm!!! (sorry i don't speak german!)"

13-08-03, 21:56
Originally posted by ghandisfury
It's not part of the game to kill with impunity. I've seen your "PK runs"....you come out with a minimum of two PPUs and GR kill, noob kill, hack kill....basically kill anything that moves with no fear of death.

I could accept you rules if rules of my own were implimented.
#1. Any runner who has killed a runner in the last 5 hours can be found via citycom. The five hours would be of game play time (so you couldn't log off after your PK run).
#2. Appartments become hackable so you can't hide there either.
#3. Grs become hackable so you can follow a runner anywhere.

Most of you who go out and PK do so without fear of death. Either you're killing an 0/2 spy or you have 3 PPU's keeping you alive. Then you'll come to plaza(or insert safezone) and tell everybody how uber you are........At that point I want everybody to be able to kill you.

I dont only kill newbs and if i did that would class you and almost everyone else on pluto as a newb. Also, 2 ppus.....how about no. I take one most if im going alone or ill go with just alex. This has nothing to do with how i PK though.

At the start of retail before the belts high lvl people still killed newbs. I still lvled fine though. Adds excitement, and if the old drop rules were back what PKer would waste their time on newbs when they could get some decent loot from high lvl people. If newbs are hunting in a PK spot they should join a clan and get protection or how about this...newbs could keep thier LE in. Thats what it was made for...

13-08-03, 22:05
NC is a clan based game imo and that means that most runners want help from a clan not just random ppl who might steal, and or kill them when given a chance. LE LIFE IS VERY HARD :D

13-08-03, 22:05
Originally posted by Nexxy
I dont only kill newbs and if i did that would class you and almost everyone else on pluto as a newb. Also, 2 ppus.....how about no. I take one most if im going alone or ill go with just alex.

One in nc is more than enough for one person, turns a 2 man army into a general 32 man army :p

13-08-03, 22:10
Originally posted by Nexxy
I dont only kill newbs and if i did that would class you and almost everyone else on pluto as a newb. Also, 2 ppus.....how about no. I take one most if im going alone or ill go with just alex. This has nothing to do with how i PK though.

At the start of retail before the belts high lvl people still killed newbs. I still lvled fine though. Adds excitement, and if the old drop rules were back what PKer would waste their time on newbs when they could get some decent loot from high lvl people. If newbs are hunting in a PK spot they should join a clan and get protection or how about this...newbs could keep thier LE in. Thats what it was made for...

You're right, you don't "only" kill noobs....but you don't leave them out of it either. Alos, 2 ppus.....how about....I've seen you do it, I've been the one of the noobs you've GR killed. That's right, GR killing a noob :confused: don't know if it gets much worse than that. Point is, you'll go out and kill with impunity, then go to a safezone to make your "victory" (against the noobs) vocal.

13-08-03, 22:18
Random pking + 20 lvls higher + ppu+ gr ganking=player iwht issues :D

13-08-03, 22:27
Originally posted by ghandisfury
It's people like you who made it the way it is. People get tired of spending time getting their items to get ganked from behind by someone 20 levels higher than them.......you made your bed.....nighty night.

What he said.

/edit :

Originally posted by Nexxy
and if the old drop rules were back what PKer would waste their time on newbs when they could get some decent loot from high lvl people

Presumably the exact same ones that did it before.

13-08-03, 22:33
Why even bother getting all worked up over threads like this? The dude obviously plays these games for the lone purpose of getting his gank on...and most of us agree that he has every right to play the game any way he wants...but the kicker for me is crying on the forum to have the game tweaked in his favor so he can cause more grief while getting his monies worth.

One good point from Nexxy's post is that the fear of getting pk'd is a definite thrill - and I love the occasional fight or flight situation - but you pk nuts get out of control with your rampant gank fests. There are the cool pkers who will cut your throat in a heart beat for being in an enemy faction/clan (it's a dog eat dog world and I am down with that) and then there are the meatheads who make up the majority of the pk community who serve no purpose other than to make me log off for the night after having to get my imps poked back in for the 5th time in an hour.

Hey, I'm working on getting tougher and maybe one day being able to put up a fight (i.e., KEEPING MY PROBLEMS IN THE GAME) but FFS you can't perform some of the most routine "fun" things without getting killed.

13-08-03, 22:53
Originally posted by Pitspawn
Safeslot has to go, worst carebear rule in this game imo.

Unbalances drops for certain classes. (Tank can run around without pa and use just a cs/speedgun and still be combat viable. PPU cant run around with just heal, we need about 10 other spells MINIMUM lol)

Id also like to see safezones removed but i think warzones should remain the same. Also i think my bounty idea should be implemented...


i aggree with pol....... they have to do something about evening the drop between classes... ppus have so much more to lose than tanks

13-08-03, 22:57
yeah ppus do have more to lose but they can all so buff themself to a god damn holy lvl

13-08-03, 23:00
The world of neocron should be a harsh place. With the removal of pkars it becomes carebear land. Sure fits for people like helen but those that wants a cyberpunk atmosphere gets their cookie taken away.

13-08-03, 23:09
The reason noobs get killed at MB is they are stupid enough to go there. There are 500000000 other places where you can find Launcher Cyclops but they all go to MB. They get killed because once they're high level they'll be killing the TGs too. Ever thought that maybe CM raid TG once in a while? No, you never notcied because we don't whine about it, we just kick their asses out.

It really pisses me off, all the people who complain that others don't play fair. This is cyberpunk, it's not 2 chivalrous knights fighting each other in a duel ffs.

Helen Angilley
13-08-03, 23:13
Originally posted by Rade
The world of neocron should be a harsh place. With the removal of pkars it becomes carebear land. Sure fits for people like helen but those that wants a cyberpunk atmosphere gets their cookie taken away.

Love, I play EVE as a Pirate. In that game you lose far more than a single item and a bit of time when you die. So hush, best not to make comments like that without thinking first. ;)

Anyway...Nexx is complaining (Or rather whining, going by the tone of his post) about things being "Carebear".

So why doesn't he go to Jupiter and gank away in warzones? He'll get everything he wants there....

Oh, wait...my mistake. He's too afraid of a challenge.

13-08-03, 23:16
COS I CANT SPEAK FUCKING GERMAN [ edited for violation of the forum rules - flaming ]

Oh yeah it would sure be fun having no one to speak to, no one to build stuff, no one in clan i can understand, no friend. OH YEAH GREAT FUCKING IDEA.

13-08-03, 23:18
[ edited for violation of the forum rules - don't post links like this without explaining what they mean ]

Helen Angilley
13-08-03, 23:18
Originally posted by Nexxy
COS I CANT SPEAK FUCKING GERMAN [ edited for violation of the forum rules - flaming ]

Oh yeah it would sure be fun having no one to speak to, no one to build stuff, no one in clan i can understand, no friend. OH YEAH GREAT FUCKING IDEA.

The Germans are fully capable of speaking English, anyone can pick up a few words of German and there are more than enough English players on that server.

Playing on racial boundaries won't get you far, hun, not when they're so easy to cross. ;)

Anyway, you can't be that desperate for "hard core" PVP action if a, rather weak actually, language barrier is in your way.

13-08-03, 23:21
plz, you try playing on there. I tried last week cost a rank 40 tank but theres hardly anyone on there that can speak good english that ive met. This was never meant to be about me though, probably the way i worded it. If its working on jupiter why cant the other servers have it to? I dont see anyone crying about newbs getting killed on there. It would make no difference to the bunker if belt drops were in all zones. Though id prefer old rules KK are to arogant to admit they was better...

And plz why lie that your a pirate in EVE to make you sound less carebearish. Yuve played for like a week, is started around when you did and i doubt your into proper pirateism yet. Probably killing pirate mobs thinking your hardcore.

13-08-03, 23:21
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
The Germans are fully capable of speaking English, anyone can pick up a few words of German and there are more than enough English players on that server.

Playing on racial boundaries won't get you far, hun, not when they're so easy to cross. ;)

Anyway, you can't be that desperate for "hard core" PVP action if a, rather weak actually, language barrier is in your way.

You think a whole clan would stop speaking their native language and speak english just for one guy? I think not.

And if you're happy to lose so much stuff and kill random people on the grounds that you're a pirate, why can't Nexxy be a mugger and do the same in NC?

13-08-03, 23:22
Originally posted by *ph33r*
[ link removed for violation of the forum rules ]

Wish people would stop doing that, she's way too funny to ignore. Helen, keep it up - I enjoy seeing all the flames as people completely miss your point.
Plus the flames where you actually deserve it.... sorry :(

13-08-03, 23:22
Im sure that you can see why he doesnt want to A) Leave the community where he has friends and dear enemies B) Level a new character C) Learn a new language D) Get new friends and clans all over again and gather equipment and money from scratch.

I dont think you would want to do it either, not after the long time nexx has spent with us on pluto.

Pweeze implement the same rules on pluto as the ones on Jupiter. Oh and take them a step or two further while you are at it.

13-08-03, 23:25
Originally posted by Rade
Pweeze implement the same rules on pluto as the ones on Jupiter. Oh and take them a step or two further while you are at it.


If I remember rightly, those rules are only on Jupiter because that's the only server where a majority of players wanted them... about right?

13-08-03, 23:25
If there was a vote then I missed it.

Helen Angilley
13-08-03, 23:27
Originally posted by Nexxy
plz, you try playing on there. I tried last week cost a rank 40 tank but theres hardly anyone on there that can speak good english that ive met. This was never meant to be about me though, probably the way i worded it. If its working on jupiter why cant the other servers have it to? I dont see anyone crying about newbs getting killed on there. It would make no difference to the bunker if belt drops were in all zones. Though id prefer old rules KK are to arogant to admit they was better...

And plz why lie that your a pirate in EVE to make you sound less carebearish. Yuve played for like a week, is started around when you did and i doubt your into proper pirateism yet. Probably killing pirate mobs thinking your hardcore.

I have played on Jupiter before, it was a perfectly comfortable atmosphere and while I was unable to join in a lot of the stuff thrown over the OOC channel, I quickly found an English speaking clan (Rade: Drop the generalisation, love, there are English people on that Server, just like there are Germans on the "English" servers) and had a lot of fun.

Jupiter has different drop rules because people wanted different drop rules, funnily enough. It has little to do with KK, we are the ones who brought about this change. ;)

Also, why would I want to kill intitate aggressive action towards another Pirate, either NPC or otherwise? Your logic makes no sense there.

Besides, I _do_ target Players (But unlike a lot of them on there I don't preach and rant about how "Uber" I am), but don't mindlessly kill them unless they refuse to comply with a "Jettison your cargo. NOW!" order or they open fire on me.

13-08-03, 23:32
Im not your love, I thought it was pretty obvious that I despise you.

13-08-03, 23:32

lol a PKer that can only gank with a PPU, amature.

yes the safe slot stuff is crap. then again theres a lot of stuff thats nonsense in the world which is neocron. most of it brought about due to excessive abuse. for that matter the longer the abuse the more PvP will suffer.

also i still can't believe the amount of newbies that join the wasteland factions. when their told it's not for new runners to the world of neocron.

also why is it the same places that were known PK hotspots in beta are still being visited by newbies. lol. guess the love it really.

Helen Angilley
13-08-03, 23:33
Originally posted by Rade
Im not your love, I thought it was pretty obvious that I despise you.

Who said feelings had to be mutual? :D:p;)

13-08-03, 23:36
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
Who said feelings had to be mutual? :D:p;)


14-08-03, 00:17
Originally posted by DarkPhoenix
Go play on Jupiter then.

what he said

Or better yet go play a true FPS

Dade Murphey
14-08-03, 00:31
people saying how the safe slot has to go or this or that is carebear...fuckin use a real arguement...the safeslot/non-drop came about because high lvl PvP guys didn't like losing their good shit...they cried and cried...so kk added some safe stuff...now the high lvl PvP guys cry and cry because their non-hacking tank can't get at his loot...pkers really did kind of screw themselves...there's no challenge running around all the time killing people who have no dream of fighting back...and I've been here long enough to remember that when it was rampant...of course people fuckin cry when they can't attempt to lvl without being pk'd by some dude 3 or 4 times in an hour...if people weren't ass holes then alot of shit would still be the same...and naturally this game is based alot around ops...they were and still are a central theme to this game...the point of it is not to be a glorified quake...ffs people

14-08-03, 00:39
heh language barriers are no boundary...

I play on venus and i dont speak a word of french, naturally theres the anti english at the start but in the end the rp kicked in and the frenchies didnt bother with any of that crap.
I am in a full french clan and those who speak english are happy to help and translate, and a good half of the server knows a decent amount of english to get you by so i cant see jupi being miles different, also bearing in mind at least half of the uranus server plays on jupi so there must be a fair amount of english speakers there :D
Failing that look up basic words you need :
Trade etc etc

Must say its been a hoot on there... and i still hardly know any french :p

14-08-03, 00:41
Originally posted by Dade Murphey
people saying how the safe slot has to go or this or that is carebear...fuckin use a real arguement...the safeslot/non-drop came about because high lvl PvP guys didn't like losing their good shit...they cried and cried...so kk added some safe stuff...now the high lvl PvP guys cry and cry because their non-hacking tank can't get at his loot...pkers really did kind of screw themselves...there's no challenge running around all the time killing people who have no dream of fighting back...and I've been here long enough to remember that when it was rampant...of course people fuckin cry when they can't attempt to lvl without being pk'd by some dude 3 or 4 times in an hour...if people weren't ass holes then alot of shit would still be the same...and naturally this game is based alot around ops...they were and still are a central theme to this game...the point of it is not to be a glorified quake...ffs people

Bullshit. The safeslot came because Starkes and the rest of HATE went round ganking absolutely everybody and GR camping them. People didn't know how to fight back properly, and newer players would lose a rare within 5 minutes of getting it because they didn't know how to fight properly. Also nobody thought of killing someone else to steal their weapon, because everybody was busy fighting HATE.

14-08-03, 00:43
Originally posted by Hayato
Random pking + 20 lvls higher + ppu+ gr ganking=player iwht issues :D

I agree Hayato
everytime ive been PKd it was by some asshole 20 lvls+ higher than me.
These are the same pple who want to change pluto to so called "hardcore" server

Helen Angilley
14-08-03, 00:44
Originally posted by Scikar
Bullshit. The safeslot came because Starkes and the rest of HATE went round ganking absolutely everybody and GR camping them. People didn't know how to fight back properly, and newer players would lose a rare within 5 minutes of getting it because they didn't know how to fight properly. Also nobody thought of killing someone else to steal their weapon, because everybody was busy fighting HATE.

How does that "kill someone for their weapon" argument work when, apparently, "you're only good in PVP with a rare" is the single most used argument against non-rares in PVP? o_O

Dade Murphey
14-08-03, 00:44
Originally posted by Scikar
Bullshit. The safeslot came because Starkes and the rest of HATE went round ganking absolutely everybody and GR camping them. People didn't know how to fight back properly, and newer players would lose a rare within 5 minutes of getting it because they didn't know how to fight properly. Also nobody thought of killing someone else to steal their weapon, because everybody was busy fighting HATE.

Have you just chosen to block from memory all the people with rares or power armor that were lost due to being pk'd that were crying out for a change on the forums...my god...I saw so many threads/complaints about losing PA...losing the brand new CS...losing this or that...if you say what I said is bullshit then you have to have the most selective memory on these forums...

EDIT: for once I agree with helen...(^see above)

14-08-03, 01:04
Originally posted by Scikar
You think a whole clan would stop speaking their native language and speak english just for one guy? I think not.

My clan did and still does for me on saturn :) they speak german to each other but when I'm involved they speak english

and one of them is one of the nicest guys i have ever met online :) so don't count your chickens hehe :)

14-08-03, 01:10
Originally posted by Shakari
a clan did and does for me on saturn :) the speak german to each other but when I'm involved they speak english

and one of them is one of the nicest guys i have ever met online :) so don't count your chickens hehe :)

ditto, i'm on venus, same goes for LTA

14-08-03, 01:18
the SL system blows...

kill 3 people...go do 5 missions to raise it...

over and over and overrrrrrrrrr.

they should make it so u can kill ATLEAST 5 PEOPLE before you even have to worry about SL...

and another thing i was thinking of is this...

add some "secret" passages around the city...in like plaza and vio sectors... and also make it so that if you do have bad SL your marked as a "criminal" and can roam these backstreets WITH weapons and kill people who walk around...but if you get seen by a copbot your pretty much wasted..

that idea though i dont think would go well on all servers...just pluto...make it a little more "hardcore" which is what most want pluto to be.

Dade Murphey
14-08-03, 01:22
Originally posted by KidWithStick
add some "secret" passages around the city...in like plaza and vio sectors... and also make it so that if you do have bad SL your marked as a "criminal" and can roam these backstreets WITH weapons and kill people who walk around...but if you get seen by a copbot your pretty much wasted..

that idea though i dont think would go well on all servers...just pluto...make it a little more "hardcore" which is what most want pluto to be.

I would hope this would be you could only kill other criminals...it would really suck to not be able to fight back/defend yourself in anyway while some dude just kills you...kinda sounds like just a lame xcuse to pick people off in P1...but that's just me maybe

14-08-03, 01:31
Originally posted by ghandisfury
It's people like you who made it the way it is. People get tired of spending time getting their items to get ganked from behind by someone 20 levels higher than them.......you made your bed.....nighty night.


Thats the funniest part heh. Is the people who do what they do never realize they are the cause for the changes.

14-08-03, 01:45
Originally posted by Dade Murphey
I would hope this would be you could only kill other criminals...it would really suck to not be able to fight back/defend yourself in anyway while some dude just kills you...kinda sounds like just a lame xcuse to pick people off in P1...but that's just me maybe


other criminals only...

14-08-03, 01:59
The safeslot wasn't introduced because of any pking on any server.

The safeslot and new drop system were introduced because people would just throw their stuff in their inventory before they died so they wouldn't drop anything.

I'm guessing the original idea was just to be able to lose any of your items and then later added the safeslot part to the idea so people wouldn't be too pissed off about it.

Note: the thing I really hate now is the sl drops. Also I do miss when people would cry about losing their guns but that time has passed unless they phase out the safe slot.

Helen Angilley
14-08-03, 02:01
Originally posted by cracky
The safeslot wasn't introduced because of any pking on any server.

The safeslot and new drop system were introduced because people would just throw their stuff in their inventory before they died so they wouldn't drop anything.

I'm guessing the original idea was just to be able to lose any of your items and then later added the safeslot part to the idea so people wouldn't be too pissed off about it.

Yup, seems reasonable.

People complain about the safeslot but a lot of them seem keen to forget what you just mentioned, ie throwing stuff into the inventory...o_O

Anyway, besides that first slot and the belt...how is the system "care bear"? If you're that desperate for a material gain you'll bring a hacker, or even be one yourself, and apart from wat's in the first slot, _everything_ is up for grabs.

14-08-03, 02:05
Helen Angilley i would have to say that when the belts started. a certain PK crew used to have a couple of hackers in tow. yet this practice seems to have faded.

14-08-03, 02:11
Originally posted by Rade
If there was a vote then I missed it.

I'm not sure about a vote (poll) but there were huge discussions in both the English and German forums before it happened.

The English community was very dominantly in favour of the new rules and the Germans were equally strongly against I believe (I don't read German).

The age-old question of what the non-forum-participating players think was as always ignored.

IIRC the relevant patch notes and/or announcement linked to the relevant threads.

Dribble Joy
14-08-03, 02:16
I don't think the safe slot is carebearish.

Yes I don't want to loose my gun, it took me MONTHS to get it. some gimp come along and GR ganks me and its gone. Call me a whineing cunt I don't care, that sucks. You lot like that? think it's fun? you go oooh yeah, i really had a chance to fight back, yeah baby, do it again.
Maybee you do, I dunno.
Does it screw PPUs? kinda, but then ANYONE moving through a non-safezone/GR without buffs/stealth almost deserves to be shot :P
PEs carry expensive multi-slotted spells too you know, and those heavy deflector belts are pricy as well. Tanks often carry more than one rare gun, and PA (all classes)
It's not like the whole inv and quick belt is safe, just ONE item (if the inv is left unsafe) that one item is that chars (often your's too) pride and joy, too much effort has gone into it, and for me at least is my chars defining item. My PE is more her Judge than the person behind it, it's who she is.


14-08-03, 02:37
Originally posted by ghandisfury
It's not part of the game to kill with impunity. I've seen your "PK runs"....you come out with a minimum of two PPUs and GR kill, noob kill, hack kill....basically kill anything that moves with no fear of death.

I could accept you rules if rules of my own were implimented.
#1. Any runner who has killed a runner in the last 5 hours can be found via citycom. The five hours would be of game play time (so you couldn't log off after your PK run).
#2. Appartments become hackable so you can't hide there either.
#3. Grs become hackable so you can follow a runner anywhere.

Most of you who go out and PK do so without fear of death. Either you're killing an 0/2 spy or you have 3 PPU's keeping you alive. Then you'll come to plaza(or insert safezone) and tell everybody how uber you are........At that point I want everybody to be able to kill you.

Thats a terrible idea- its unbalanced and noone has any right to discriminate against other players just because of how they decide to play the game. THats just too much.

If you want to make it so pkers are risking something then you have to unlock quick belts. If you think about it pker defenders get screwed more than pkers do by locked quickbelts because when pkers show up they plan to have a hacker with them. But even if the victims can succesfully defend themsleves they probably wont get the pkers stuff before he gets it and gets away.

@ Dribble Joy... For crying out loud... unlocking slot 1 and unlocking quickbelts would increase the number of weapons floating around in the economy. You can gank someone else for their weapon or you can get another one made. everytime someone gets another one made it adds 1 to the number of that type of weapon in the economy and increases the chances of getting it easily. The prices of them would go down.

@ helen... ffs how many times do you have to be told before it sinks in... the class specialization doesnt work... WAIT lemme guess. Your one of those hackers that wanders around the wasteland and hacks everyone elses kills and drops from dieing while hunting arent you? Thats why your always spewing bs about how the lock belt system is good. Whatever happen to people with morals...

Coming from someone who runs a 40 person clan, Hackers cant be brought anywhere to hack belts during pvp unless they are doing the killing. If they arent already there they cant be bothered to do it.. why? Cause its boring to follow people around and hack belts for them. THe character specialization doesnt work and the only people Ive heard argue in favor of locked belts are weasly hackers that are jackpoting on everyone elses earned PVP loot.

14-08-03, 02:46
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
I don't think the safe slot is carebearish.

Yes I don't want to loose my gun, it took me MONTHS to get it. some gimp come along and GR ganks me and its gone. Call me a whineing cunt I don't care, that sucks. You lot like that? think it's fun? you go oooh yeah, i really had a chance to fight back, yeah baby, do it again.
Maybee you do, I dunno.
Does it screw PPUs? kinda, but then ANYONE moving through a non-safezone/GR without buffs/stealth almost deserves to be shot :P
PEs carry expensive multi-slotted spells too you know, and those heavy deflector belts are pricy as well. Tanks often carry more than one rare gun, and PA (all classes)
It's not like the whole inv and quick belt is safe, just ONE item (if the inv is left unsafe) that one item is that chars (often your's too) pride and joy, too much effort has gone into it, and for me at least is my chars defining item. My PE is more her Judge than the person behind it, it's who she is.


Just think, it would have taken you less than a minute to get that gun if you just killed someone else and took his. End of story.

14-08-03, 03:02
Considering the shite part drop rate.... then tbh the pker will become the richest person, the amount of rares he can flog...

Where as those who lost it will have to spend more weeks hunting rare parts to even start trading and then get pked and lose it again.....

Don't think many ppl would last, not new ppl anyway

14-08-03, 03:20
Originally posted by cracky
The safeslot wasn't introduced because of any pking on any server.

The safeslot and new drop system were introduced because people would just throw their stuff in their inventory before they died so they wouldn't drop anything.

I'm guessing the original idea was just to be able to lose any of your items and then later added the safeslot part to the idea so people wouldn't be too pissed off about it.

Note: the thing I really hate now is the sl drops. Also I do miss when people would cry about losing their guns but that time has passed unless they phase out the safe slot.

You're partially right. Throwing stuff into inventory was part of the reason the drops were changed. And I think the safeslot was really added to encourage people to fight back. But if you go back to the original thread that Thanatos made, he said the changes were in response to people RPKing.

To be honest I think players should drop one item no matter what their SL is, it shouldn't drop in a belt *except* in a hunting zone, i.e. crp caves, nothing should drop in warzones, but in anarchy zones one item drops straight to the ground. And the safeslot should be changed slightly, instead of being guaranteed that you won't drop it, it should have a reduced chance, like about 1/3 the chance of any other item dropping. At least this makes it partially fair on ppus since everyone's heading towards the same boat.

EDIT: LTA last time I suggest a change to drops I also suggested that tech part drop rate be increased as well to make up for the fact people are going to be losing rares.

14-08-03, 03:43
I say we implement Jupiter's rules on all the servers. The people who want PvP will be able to enjoy it a lot more, and those of us who don't want it, or don't want it yet, can go about their lives peacefully.

It may even reduce the amount of OMG CAERBARE PUT YOUR LE IN NOOB and Stupid PKers I bet they're all 12 and play on AOL accounts arguements we see here on the forums.

EDIT: How to change the rules in a storyline-esque manner:

FA is working on a new AI entity. Tangent hackers learn about it and try to sabotage it. TG hackers try to stop them, too. FA scientists and hackers put the AI on hold to fend off the attacks. Lots and lots of hacks and counterhacks go on, until one side, or all sides, or maybe Anarcy Breed, or DoY, or whomever, unleashes a virus to destroy the enemy's computer systems. The virus quickly mutates out of control and ravages NeXT's computer databases, and many others as well. There could be lots of side effects for other companies, like weapons selling at extremely low quality, really funky fluctuations in Stock X, implants sold with rather degraded quality, things like that.

Not only could this mess up the safe slot, but it could mess up the GRs as well, having them randomly switch rules. Clans who wanted to go after OPs would then watch the map for changes that would benefit them. Defending clans would, also, and we could have a nice big sort of unintentional war between lots of clans trying to gain a lot of power while they still had the advantage.

Anyway, give us Jupiter's rules.

14-08-03, 03:59
that sounds like a cool event lupus! maybe city factions would have to attack TG, TH or DOY and kill and NPC in order to stop the hack or somthing? if they dont then the virus only affects city factions, if they suceed in stopping the hack then the anti city factions have to kill a NPC in neocron. Could be quite cool!!!

14-08-03, 05:19
The point of FA CM and TG are the expert factions no real n00b shoulkd play there most of all the noobs at mb are players with capped characters lvling thier alts. just look when making a char it says pretty much not for you n00b.

14-08-03, 10:38
Originally posted by Scikar

EDIT: LTA last time I suggest a change to drops I also suggested that tech part drop rate be increased as well to make up for the fact people are going to be losing rares.

If they whacked the drop rate back up to what it used to be i wouldnt mind no safeslot, tbh as it is with my ppu i carry a few rares anyway (ppu as usual having teh most valuable stuff o_O)
It's just if the drop rate stays as it is it's gonn abe another poo timesink.
Also as i said pkers (all those uber ranks) will end up with masses of guns from everyone so death for them isnt as bad as death for others.
For n00bs the LE solves that but getting higher up and getting say gr ganked etc it will just get annoyingly dull

14-08-03, 10:49
wait for neptune..make it full belt drop..no safe slot..no safe zones..no warzones...

Then u ub4r hardc0re pk masters can go swing yur genitals about there.......while the rest of us live in a tolerable PvP (OP based) atmosphere....

remember..this isnt CS..dont try to make it be :)

keep the tech drop rate is like it is on saturn...let them see hwo fun it is to drop yur gun everytime you die withno hope of getting it back anytime soon :)

Helen Angilley
14-08-03, 12:29
Originally posted by KRIMINAL99
@ helen... ffs how many times do you have to be told before it sinks in... the class specialization doesnt work... WAIT lemme guess. Your one of those hackers that wanders around the wasteland and hacks everyone elses kills and drops from dieing while hunting arent you? Thats why your always spewing bs about how the lock belt system is good. Whatever happen to people with morals...

No, love, I'm a Droner PVP'er. ;)

So much for that argument. :lol:

Anyway, you're hardly one to preach about morals. *Snickers*

And maybe I should keep saying this until it sinks in....if you're that desperate for material gain, you'd either go to Jupiter or bring a Hacker with you. People have done it in the past, why not y....oh, wait. Sorry.

You don't want to put effort into it.

Get off the "kill someone for their rare" argument a moment, please, after all....you've often preached about "rares being vital in PVP for the player to be effective". Explain how you can use those two arguments side-by-side while keeping a straight face.

14-08-03, 12:48
"Unsrcro0 the pkerER" <--Did I transcribe that right?

Sure, do it. The PKerER's are too carebear to pk like they used to, so let's make things easier,(Ever notice that the self proclaimed hardcore folks bitching about 'carebears' wanting things easier?) for them. Don't like losing multiple items after you pk? Put your LE in n00b.

Bad guys ARE a necessity to an MMOG, at least in my experience, it keeps people on the edge.Unfortunately many of the badguys just say to themselves:'I want to kill everyone in sight that I have even the slightest desire to kill. I knowI'll "roleplay" that I'm a homicidal maniac!!!!' Let's also rember that a fair amount of tg are only so for convenience, like not getting killed by tg, and the ability to use gr's more.

This isn't roleplay, its attempted justification for being an asshole. Realistically,(assuming things like genreps are commonplace and work flawlessly), the genreps would no longer rereplicate you if you killed many people whenever possible, and the homicidal maniac would be put down. No, this isn't real life, but by extension kk could put in ability to instakill by chatting "boogeh boogeh!" The game should not exactly replicate life, but it should remain an acceptable analog with some wildcards(Like psi).

With that said, I can say that the -sl drop rules are perhaps too harsh, but absolutley doing away with sl or introducing players to be able to neoquake is not the answer either. If you want to pk with near impunity, you can do it in the nonop zones in the wastelands, no copbots or faction guards there, unless you count players. If you can't be bothered to drag along a hacker, than you are just like a player that hunts warbots solo and can't hack:You don't get dick. If you want to spec to full combat to the very limit, then you should damn near have a problem typing in your apt. pass. If not, you should accept the fact that ad
ding points to things like hack means that you cant cap every weapon under the sun.

Sorry for the rant, but it seems like the PkerER's want to be able to kill and loot anything they see and have things changed all the way in their favor instead of maybe offering a compromise. Another thing i've seen lately is that if things were changed then you could just kill someone to get theirs. I can't see how this will happen if people also bitch about how a few percentage points here and there are so dramatically effective in pvp.

The only diference I see between Carebears and the selfproclaimed hardcore folks is merely a minor matter of philosophy: They both want things to be easy for them.

14-08-03, 13:15
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
Get off the "kill someone for their rare" argument a moment, please, after all....you've often preached about "rares being vital in PVP for the player to be effective". Explain how you can use those two arguments side-by-side while keeping a straight face.

OK here goes:

1) I am always coming up with ideas to make non-rare weapons viable against rares.

2) For tanks and PEs, rares are vital, but it's possible for an apu to do very well with a simple Energy Beam and Toxic Beam, while spies can use the Commando, or if they are droners it's quite easy to obtain BPs of PN.

Finally, wouldn't it make sense for people to do like they do with mobs? i.e. There's 4 of you, all without rares, so you team up and gang up on people carrying rares to steal them? Who said you had to fight it alone? Then remember that if clans start building up a surplus of rares from kills, or if the drop rate is increased like I am *always* asking for, it wouldn't be so hard for people to get rares in the first place.

14-08-03, 13:16
Originally posted by Erinyes
"Unsrcro0 the pkerER" <--Did I transcribe that right?

Sure, do it. The PKerER's are too carebear to pk like they used to, so let's make things easier,(Ever notice that the self proclaimed hardcore folks bitching about 'carebears' wanting things easier?) for them. Don't like losing multiple items after you pk? Put your LE in n00b.

Bad guys ARE a necessity to an MMOG, at least in my experience, it keeps people on the edge.Unfortunately many of the badguys just say to themselves:'I want to kill everyone in sight that I have even the slightest desire to kill. I knowI'll "roleplay" that I'm a homicidal maniac!!!!' Let's also rember that a fair amount of tg are only so for convenience, like not getting killed by tg, and the ability to use gr's more.

This isn't roleplay, its attempted justification for being an asshole. Realistically,(assuming things like genreps are commonplace and work flawlessly), the genreps would no longer rereplicate you if you killed many people whenever possible, and the homicidal maniac would be put down. No, this isn't real life, but by extension kk could put in ability to instakill by chatting "boogeh boogeh!" The game should not exactly replicate life, but it should remain an acceptable analog with some wildcards(Like psi).

With that said, I can say that the -sl drop rules are perhaps too harsh, but absolutley doing away with sl or introducing players to be able to neoquake is not the answer either. If you want to pk with near impunity, you can do it in the nonop zones in the wastelands, no copbots or faction guards there, unless you count players. If you can't be bothered to drag along a hacker, than you are just like a player that hunts warbots solo and can't hack:You don't get dick. If you want to spec to full combat to the very limit, then you should damn near have a problem typing in your apt. pass. If not, you should accept the fact that ad
ding points to things like hack means that you cant cap every weapon under the sun.

Sorry for the rant, but it seems like the PkerER's want to be able to kill and loot anything they see and have things changed all the way in their favor instead of maybe offering a compromise. Another thing i've seen lately is that if things were changed then you could just kill someone to get theirs. I can't see how this will happen if people also bitch about how a few percentage points here and there are so dramatically effective in pvp.

The only diference I see between Carebears and the selfproclaimed hardcore folks is merely a minor matter of philosophy: They both want things to be easy for them.

erm make the rules more carebearish and easier for the PKer? Looks like someone cant read. The rules would make it harder for everyone. Pkers still die so they would loose stuff too. I didnt say put the old rules back, i wanted the rules like jupi, belt drops in everyzone.

14-08-03, 13:20
No, the Jupi rules suck, they aren't hardcore. The Jupi rules are there because the people in the big clans got fed up in OP fights. Small clans would come back again and again and again until they won, and the big clans didn't like that so they got these drops put in, which means the small clans can't come back for another fight.

Item drops in warzones are detrimental to OP fights. What should happen is belts are locked in hunting zones, unlocked in anarchy zones, there are none in warzones, and slot 1 is either only partially protected, with a reduced chance of dropping instead of a guaranteed no drop, or removed altogether.

Hwarang S.
14-08-03, 13:27
Originally posted by Nexxy
lol, oh yeah you guys make sense. I killed people and the carebears cried so they put in carebear rules. And its my fault cos i did something thats part of the game...

Being an As*h**e is not part of the game..... o_O

There is a difference. If you picked on people your own rank, it would be fine..... :rolleyes:

14-08-03, 13:30
ffs you people dont know how i PK, ill kill anyone any faction or ill die trying. Rank means nothing to me so whoopdeefuckingdoo i kill a few newbs but i kill more higher lvl players. So why dont you take your dumbass comment and fuck off.

Someone close this, rades topics better.

Hwarang S.
14-08-03, 13:30
Originally posted by Pitspawn
Safeslot has to go, worst carebear rule in this game imo.

LOL! Easy to say when all of your characters are capped.... :rolleyes:

14-08-03, 13:31
Originally posted by Hwarang S.
Being an As*h**e is not part of the game..... o_O

There is a difference. If you picked on people your own rank, it would be fine..... :rolleyes:

Oh, so in a world like Neocron there shouldn't be any assholes? That makes sense. :rolleyes:

And I wish people would stop with the 'pick on your own rank' crap. There are only 2 ways to fight people your own rank: at an OP war, which is out of the question if you are unclanned or if your clan doesn't have enough online at a particular time, or you gank a load of people and wait for their clanmates to come and fight you.

Hwarang S.
14-08-03, 13:36
Originally posted by Nexxy
ffs you people dont know how i PK, ill kill anyone any faction or ill die trying. Rank means nothing to me so whoopdeefuckingdoo i kill a few newbs but i kill more higher lvl players. So why dont you take your dumbass comment and fuck off.

Well, the true colors come through...... :rolleyes: Killing any n00b at a */6* rank is cowardly and ignorant.... o_O

BTW, I could say the same for your comments also..... :rolleyes:

14-08-03, 13:39
I see 2 things predominantly on the forums - class vs class nerf discussions and this type: death penalties. It is evident that everyone has a slightly different take on how and when they want to fight someone, and what reward / risk they expect from this. At present we have a compromise, where you can drop things under certain conditions. And as long as I read contrasting views on the subject then nothing will change in the game.

Now I understand the arguament that if rares were easier to get hold of then it would be okay to drop them more. Personally I would like to see non-rares compare more favourably so that many more weapons are viable in PvP, if you lose your rare you can still hunt/fight (like Scikar says with the APU spells).

I guess that if those things happened it would be okay to drop more, and perhaps it would add that thrill that people seem to be missing.

On the other hand, changes like this affect the core experience of Neocron and KK need to be sure its the right thing to do. If making this change would cause server populations to go down, and new players to be alienated then they should not do it.

Off topic a little, for me, the worst problem with dropping items is not that someone might get them, its when your belt drops inside a wall, or in the old days before belts, your weapon disappeared before you could get to it. I'd rather see that prevented above these changes.

Hwarang S.
14-08-03, 13:42
Originally posted by Scikar
And I wish people would stop with the 'pick on your own rank' crap. There are only 2 ways to fight people your own rank: at an OP war, which is out of the question if you are unclanned or if your clan doesn't have enough online at a particular time, or you gank a load of people and wait for their clanmates to come and fight you.

Gee, I think you're forgetting the 3rd option.... one on one... o_O

Of course, that would take skill.... :rolleyes:

Or maybe,.... just maybe.... don't gank people and wait for clanmates.... go after the ranking clan members 1st... :eek:

Wow! What a novel idea.... :lol:

14-08-03, 13:44
Originally posted by Selendor
Off topic a little, for me, the worst problem with dropping items is not that someone might get them, its when your belt drops inside a wall, or in the old days before belts, your weapon disappeared before you could get to it. I'd rather see that prevented above these changes.

That's why they should drop in belts still, just unlock the belts in anarchy zones. In hunting zones the belts should be locked, because if you drop a weapon in a hunting zone it's usually because you got killed by a mob, in which case it's unfair for some random guy to walk up and steal it.

14-08-03, 13:48
Originally posted by Hwarang S.
Gee, I think you're forgetting the 3rd option.... one on one... o_O

Of course, that would take skill.... :rolleyes:

Or maybe,.... just maybe.... don't gank people and wait for clanmates.... go after the ranking clan members 1st... :eek:

Wow! What a novel idea.... :lol:

Um... I love to duel, and I'll happily duel anyone who wants a fight. But I have to find the bloody people first. I swear all of the high level mercs just sit in their apps hiding all the time, even during european peak times I still never see them. And about killing a /6 noob, Nexxy was pointing out that rank is irrelevant to him. You make it sound like he goes down in the sewers looking for a /6 runner who's almost dead from a rat, then shoots him in the back, which nobody does because that's just lame. But of course, it seems the people who get PKd are no more rational than the PKers themselves, and just love to make acussations like this, don't you?

14-08-03, 14:45
Originally posted by LTA

If they whacked the drop rate back up to what it used to be i wouldnt mind no safeslot, tbh as it is with my ppu i carry a few rares anyway (ppu as usual having teh most valuable stuff )
It's just if the drop rate stays as it is it's gonn abe another poo timesink.
Also as i said pkers (all those uber ranks) will end up with masses of guns from everyone so death for them isnt as bad as death for others.
For n00bs the LE solves that but getting higher up and getting say gr ganked etc it will just get annoyingly dull

This is not a valid argument, the same person who pk as a way of life, is also killable, and in most situations hunted down by several runners, and guess what, he also loses his stuff in the death.

The PK'er life is not a wonderful world where you rape everyone and get their stuff for free; you are going to be one of the most hated persons, so it's not an easy way to get rares, probably is the most dangerous and the one with more risks to lose your already earned stuff.

One of things I would like to see changed is the actual SL system.
City Admin is the law, therefore CA and its allied factions are protected by SL and cops. If a runner of one of these factions is killed, a report is sent to the NCPD, with the consequent soullight loss; if the assasing becomes a criminal (red sl), his name is displayed in the "Most Wanted List", and has a chance to be randomly selected in the "Bounty Hunter" missions, avaible for honest people in CityComs. The Dog Tags are brought to NCPD officers in order to clain the substancial reward.

The same could be done with DoY and its allied factions, in the city of York. So we would have two different soullight systems, and both working perfectly.

Here we would have the two roles defined, criminal and bounty hunter (or cop), both as a way of living, and both with their own risks.

Originally posted by Hwarang S.

LOL! Easy to say when all of your characters are capped.... :rolleyes:

Precisely once you are capped, the first slot safe becomes much more important, so I fail to get your point here.

As i.e. rank X/40, I can afford losing my first slot weapon, since just need to get a constructor and build it again from my saved bp's; it becomes harder when I lose the Fire Apoc, Holy Catharsis Sanctum, Cursed Soul, First Love.... at higher ranks.

Dont be too eager to say what's easy or not.

Originally posted by Hwarang S.

Being an As*h**e is not part of the game..... O_o

There is a difference. If you picked on people your own rank, it would be fine..... :rolleyes:

There is a big difference in killing a low rank player, and going specifically to the sewers and backstabing him while he hunt rats. And you are making the suppossition that all the pk outside OP fights is that, which is WRONG.

For you, being an asshole is maybe not agreeing with your play style, however insults are a subjective way to define things from a certain point of view; and while you find the guy who pk'ed you an asshole, he is just making his own way of living.

The hunting grounds pk'ing hopefully will stop in the time non-city factions are kos by cops. This is the result of the hostile enviroment of TG/BD/TS/FA newbs lvl'ing in the same spots as City Factions. Just one shot by mistake while killing an aggy, or an AoE drone/cannon, can start a high ranked members clan fight inside a sewer.

Selendor probably can tell you this aswell.

Hwarang S.
14-08-03, 14:56
Originally posted by Scikar
But of course, it seems the people who get PKd are no more rational than the PKers themselves, and just love to make acussations like this, don't you?

Me? I'm not a pk'r or pk'd. I have 2 capped tanks, and capped APU and PE...... But I don't go around ganking people.

Nice try at justification though... o_O I had my share of being killed in Beta and after, but I don't go around killing n00bs for fun..... :rolleyes:

I DO however, try and help and protect n00bs. You and Nexxy have both crossed paths with me in the past and you didn't like the outcome very well..... :lol:

I'm just saying that everyone likes something different about the game. Don't try to make others conform to your idea of fun, everyone is right to a certain extent. What should be, is what the MAJORITY of the player base wants... period.

14-08-03, 15:02
Originally posted by Hwarang S.
I DO however, try and help and protect n00bs. You and Nexxy have both crossed paths with me in the past and you didn't like the outcome very well..... :lol:

liar liar pants on fire. I dont remember you so cant have been that annoyed at the outcome.

Hwarang S.
14-08-03, 15:18
Well obviously, Hwarang S. are not my character names.... :p :D

14-08-03, 15:22
Maybe you don't remember him because you got pwned so badlyand have repressed the experience? Just a suggestion :D

and attacking low-lvl players is NOT cool. Far too many new players take out their LE because of the faulty description. They didn't ask to get killed, they simply asked for a chance to fully enjoy the game.

Granted, killing enemy factions is a way to RP and get in the game... but when it gets out of hand (which is has been for a while) and scares out players, both old and new, something needs to be done. BY THE PLAYERS.

You enjoy PvP and killing others? Would you have just as much fun if the servers were devoid of EVERYONE execpt hardcore PK'ers?? Even with the greatest game, having everyone doing nothing exepct killing each other is gonna get boring. And then more people leave... and then the server peak at 50 players....

And then Neocron shuts down for good.

(Ok, maybe the end-result won't be as bad as that, but still.... )

14-08-03, 15:50
how about ive never been owned badly =P

and im capped if more people PvPed would give me more stuff to do. Id love it.

14-08-03, 16:10
Originally posted by Hwarang S.
I DO however, try and help and protect n00bs. You and Nexxy have both crossed paths with me in the past and you didn't like the outcome very well..... :lol:

Somehow I don't think so. I haven't done much PKing, and I've never had a problem when I have, except maybe the other day when I raided MB wearing only an inq helmet, medium energyfield belt and inquisition boots. o_O

14-08-03, 16:18
Originally posted by Sleawer
This is not a valid argument, the same person who pk as a way of life, is also killable, and in most situations hunted down by several runners, and guess what, he also loses his stuff in the death.

The PK'er life is not a wonderful world where you rape everyone and get their stuff for free; you are going to be one of the most hated persons, so it's not an easy way to get rares, probably is the most dangerous and the one with more risks to lose your already earned stuff.

woo he loses 1 item per gank...

Compared to say the 20 items he can collect at mb, the extra 20 he can collect up through the basements and sewers, prolly a couple at tech haven and tg...
Anyone he catches offguard or unsuspecting, even if ppl are hunting him they gotta catch him before he gets away and a fair few i see zone into mb gank everything and goto their apt in mb and gr away to another location.

Nothing of his is hard earned cept maybe the first rare he buys but he only has to whack a few high levs who gr in to get some more to collection and watch as it slowly builds.
I know a few pkers who have to many rares simply because they picked the right grs at the right time.

14-08-03, 16:20
Originally posted by LTA
woo he loses 1 item per gank...

Compared to say the 20 items he can collect at mb, the extra 20 he can collect up through the basements and sewers, prolly a couple at tech haven and tg...
Anyone he catches offguard or unsuspecting, even if ppl are hunting him they gotta catch him before he gets away and a fair few i see zone into mb gank everything and goto their apt in mb and gr away to another location.

Nothing of his is hard earned cept maybe the first rare he buys but he only has to whack a few high levs who gr in to get some more to collection and watch as it slowly builds.
I know a few pkers who have to many rares simply because they picked the right grs at the right time.

Ermm... He's not going to get any good items from killing people in sewers. If he wants a valuable weapon he'll have to kill people who have rares, and that means taking on more than one is likely to cost him a few pokes.

14-08-03, 16:24
Originally posted by Scikar
Ermm... He's not going to get any good items from killing people in sewers. If he wants a valuable weapon he'll have to kill people who have rares, and that means taking on more than one is likely to cost him a few pokes.

Still making money.

And there's ALWAYS gonna be someone who will sell him stuff regardless

14-08-03, 16:28
This is a silly argument. The people who go out and PK do so without fear of death. As I said, they GR kill/hack kill/noob kill/ and 99.999% of the time they do it with a PPU. Soooooo, you not only want to kill with impunity, you want to steal their shit too? Yup, makes sence! A capped tank kills a midrank spy while he's hacking and steals his paineaser.......FUN FOR ALL!!!!! WAIT even better....a capped tank killed a 20/20 PE in aggie cellars and steals the gun it just took 5 hours to get!!! My god this is fun. THERES MORE!!! A capped APU GR kills and 0/2 monk at MB and steals the only spell he has (of course he has no money either).....YAY!!!

When people do this they end their run in a safezone. I would accept your drop rules if you accept that there will be consiqences for killing these people, because at present there are none. I want to be able to hunt you down with 100 people and rez kill you for 10 hours straight.....I want to make you cry like the 13 year old boy you're acting like......I want there to be no place for you to hide.......I think it's an even trade.

14-08-03, 16:31
ffs i said put the belt drops like the german server on the other ones. If i killed people at the bunker, sewers aggies this wouldnt make no difference anyway as you already drop belts there. Its just OP zones which are mainly high lvl hunting spots.

14-08-03, 16:33
Poor lil hardcore players can't deal with a lil bad soul light :P

14-08-03, 16:33
Originally posted by ghandisfury
This is a silly argument. The people who go out and PK do so without fear of death. As I said, they GR kill/hack kill/noob kill/ and 99.999% of the time they do it with a PPU. Soooooo, you not only want to kill with impunity, you want to steal their shit too? Yup, makes sence! A capped tank kills a midrank spy while he's hacking and steals his paineaser.......FUN FOR ALL!!!!! WAIT even better....a capped tank killed a 20/20 PE in aggie cellars and steals the gun it just took 5 hours to get!!! My god this is fun. THERES MORE!!! A capped APU GR kills and 0/2 monk at MB and steals the only spell he has (of course he has no money either).....YAY!!!

When people do this they end their run in a safezone. I would accept your drop rules if you accept that there will be consiqences for killing these people, because at present there are none. I want to be able to hunt you down with 100 people and rez kill you for 10 hours straight.....I want to make you cry like the 13 year old boy you're acting like......I want there to be no place for you to hide.......I think it's an even trade.

Well yeah, if Sleawer's idea of SL was implemented then I'd be all up for it. But while you're here, STOP with the damn accussations and generalisations. You complain about PKers but you're no better when you make bullshit comments about stuff like GR killing. How can anyone GR kill any more, when no enemies can come through the GR? Why would a 0/2 monk at MB take his LE out? It doesn't take 5 hours to get a shop gun, and people don't PK in the aggie cellars anyway. The only time I ever got killed in the aggie cellars with my BioTech alt was by either Tangents or by a low level TG hybrid. Certainly not one of these 'capped tanks' who somehow manage to be every killing everyone at once yet never die. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Oh and why do you think PKers have no fear of death? Maybe because THEY DONT LOSE ANYTHING!!

14-08-03, 16:33
whats that got to do with anything? (meant for QD)

14-08-03, 16:35
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
Poor lil hardcore players can't deal with a lil bad soul light :P

I dunno about you, but I'm talking about enemy faction killing, not RPKing. Even I look down on RPKers. :p

14-08-03, 16:38
Originally posted by Nexxy
ffs i said put the belt drops like the german server on the other ones. If i killed people at the bunker, sewers aggies this wouldnt make no difference anyway as you already drop belts there. Its just OP zones which are mainly high lvl hunting spots.


Let's stay on topic, shall we? I hate random PKing as much as anyone, but that has little to do with this thread. Apart from CRP, I can count the number of warzones I level in on the fingers of one head, so what difference does it make to the rest of us? As has been pointed out, belt drops were removed in warzones because people wanted to go have fun knocking each other about at op fights, but didn't like losing their stuff at the same time.

The only players this really has an effect on are those that fight at ops. Nexxy, you claimed that everyone now hunts in warzones because of the changed drop rules, I haven't really noticed. Yes, you should have your belts back. :p

14-08-03, 16:47
in regards to belt drop in wz...doesn't bother me... i hunt pretty exclusively in az's....
my clanmates caught me at crp tuesday and I got two "wtfs, you never hunt here."
Was just passing through for the genrep.. :P

14-08-03, 17:10
Originally posted by Scikar
Well yeah, if Sleawer's idea of SL was implemented then I'd be all up for it. But while you're here, STOP with the damn accussations and generalisations. You complain about PKers but you're no better when you make bullshit comments about stuff like GR killing. How can anyone GR kill any more, when no enemies can come through the GR? Why would a 0/2 monk at MB take his LE out? It doesn't take 5 hours to get a shop gun, and people don't PK in the aggie cellars anyway. The only time I ever got killed in the aggie cellars with my BioTech alt was by either Tangents or by a low level TG hybrid. Certainly not one of these 'capped tanks' who somehow manage to be every killing everyone at once yet never die. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Oh and why do you think PKers have no fear of death? Maybe because THEY DONT LOSE ANYTHING!!

I'm not making bullshit accusations, I've been the 0/2 monk they've killed, and the midrank spy.....AND the PE. These are all real events. They can GR kill at TH,PR,OZ, or any other GRs that are open.

I complaing about PKers.....and I AM better than they are, here is why. I don't kill people who can't defend themselves (unless provoked, or in a team of people who can). I don't kill n00bs, and finally, I go with knowing full well that there is a good possablity I'm going to die. I go alone so if I die, I lose my shit. I go against all odds...what starts as a 1/1 fight turns in to me fighting 10 people.

Why do they have no fear of death? Because 99.9% of the time the bring a PPU...if they don't, they are only killing people 20 levels lower than them. This is a generalization of the few PKers on pluto.....but I've never seen it any other way.

Hwarang S.
14-08-03, 17:41
Originally posted by Scikar
Somehow I don't think so. I haven't done much PKing, and I've never had a problem when I have, except maybe the other day when I raided MB wearing only an inq helmet, medium energyfield belt and inquisition boots. o_O

Ouch.... 8| :p Try it naked with a Filter Heart 2 in.... :lol:

14-08-03, 18:26
Originally posted by LTA

woo he loses 1 item per gank...

And he gains 1 item per kill, so where is the problem, both have same chances to lsoe and gain.

But noooo, people wants pk'ers lose FIVE items per kill, and first slot droppable aswell. Not carebear nooo :rolleyes:

Compared to say the 20 items he can collect at mb, the extra 20 he can collect up through the basements and sewers, prolly a couple at tech haven and tg...

Yet I have to see anyone drop 20 items in one death mmkay?

And lol, 20 items at basements and sewers, come one what can a pk'er get there, 20 chittin?
About tech haven, well it's possible to GR camp there, but to prevent that is up to Fallen Angel runners right? Also who prevents anyone GR camping now with a hacker?
But TG GR camping? dont make me laught, no one can camp the TG GR without diying in 10 seconds, unless he's allied to TG but hey, if he's allied to TG what the hell is doing camping TG GR?

Anyone he catches offguard or unsuspecting, even if ppl are hunting him they gotta catch him before he gets away and a fair few i see zone into mb gank everything and goto their apt in mb and gr away to another location.

Nothing of his is hard earned cept maybe the first rare he buys but he only has to whack a few high levs who gr in to get some more to collection and watch as it slowly builds.
I know a few pkers who have to many rares simply because they picked the right grs at the right time.

Anyone can be caught offguard, even the best pk'er in the game... so what are you trying to tell me? wellcome to carebear land? we have to warn everyone we gonna gank him?

And nothing is easy in the PK proffession, you lose items in fights aswell, and now even more that everyone's cousing has a ppu in their ass.

Your argument is still invalid, the PK'er doesnt get 20 rares per death, if he gets rares is because he's risking his own stuff to get them. Period.

GR campers, dont make me laugh; TG GenRep impossible to camp, or pointless, TH... you mean ghostville? hard to find even one runner there. MB is the only place and as I have said nothing prevents a hacker+pk'er to camp it aswell.

Still making money.

And there's ALWAYS gonna be someone who will sell him stuff regardless

Making money from what, mutated limbs and poison glands?
As I have said, the current problem with hunting grounds and pk'ers is something very different than rpk'ers there, it usually starts because all the hostile factions hunt in the same place, soon fixed by DoY expansion and copbots alignment with CA.


you are making bullshit accussations, exactly as Scikar have said. You are just making a generalization about pk'ers, which is far from being true, even if it happened to you 2 times. Maybe you will realize of how offensive are your words, and how blind are you with your own hate to the pk'er who killed you as 0/2.

You died so what? the world is still spinning, the sun still will raise, and the earth wont stop. What you lost? time? good stuff? nothing that cannot be replaced, and you know what, the game has hostilities by default, just to make us fight one each other, in every area except safe zones; otherwise the only PvP places would be warzones.

If PK'ers dont fear the death, is by the same reason no one fears it anymore, because the damn belt drops which prevent anyone earning the pk'er stuff. What was the last time you saw a red sl player as usual status? That plain sux.

14-08-03, 23:46
Nexx, umm... you say you kill anyone no matter what's his faction? That's "a bit" against the RPing :wtf: and if you don't care about the RPing at all then go play some CS or Quake ffs. There you can kill, kill and kill and you don't have to pay attention on RP guys' stories or whining or what ever. I say you are just wasting your money on Neocron if all that you care for in this game is random PKing.

15-08-03, 12:19
You have misunderstood Nexxy. You want things easier. This is the hallmark of the carebear. You are now the carebear.

Believe it or not, I sympathise with you to some extent, the edge is not as prevalent as it used to be. If belt drops in warzones is what you want, I can go along with that, if you want things the way they used to be before sl/safeslot changes, I'll fight you to the hilt. Maybe I'm too carebear myself, but I don't think you should be able to support yourself off of other players efforts. Supplement your income by it, ok, but you should have to either kill mobs or tradeskill for cash for the most part just like everyone else.

15-08-03, 12:25
I don't get why threads like this have to resort to the old "go play this blah blah pking is bad play my way or you can't play".

I mean seriously this game doesn't force anyone to rp. The people who don't rp don't tell the rpers they're playing wrong so why do the rpers always feel they need to force their way of playing the game on others.

15-08-03, 12:30
Actually, the people who don't RP do say those who try are playing wrong. If the people trying to RP say something bad about random killings etc. they are told to, and I quote, "Put your LE in n00b." The PKers say that everyone should be allowed to kill anyone any time for any (or no) reason at all, and say people who disagree with them are wrong. Non-PKers say the opposite. Both sides are wrong.

15-08-03, 12:33
but even in your example the rper started it by complaining about rpking.

15-08-03, 13:25
ffs how does making belt drops harsher make it easier on me? It wont be any easier to kill people, it will just put the fear back and the fear is what akes the game fun.

And supernova why dont you just go away, you dont play the game like i think it should be played so you go away. Go play the sims or something.

15-08-03, 13:38
I wont. Sims isn't enough of RPG for me. And I'm pretty sure if the things you want happens, alot of players quit playing because losing their precious stuff so often/getting killed all the time by some higher rank/skilled guy with his friends. Well, why should they waste their money on something like that? And if that happens, "LOL what n00bs!!! fucking carebears!!"-shit wont bring them back and this game starts to see the end of it's road. That is the main thing why I don't agree with you Nexxy.

PS. I'm not trying to put up any fights here; I'm just brining out my opinions as well as you do.

15-08-03, 13:42
This game had more players with rules more harsh than the belt drops. If players would quit then why does jupiter, the only server with these rules, have almost double the amoount of players as any other server. Doesnt look like people quit to me. KKs made the game too eash and so too boring. Only thing to do is OP fight.

15-08-03, 13:48
Isn't Jupiter the German server? I mean ffs look at the statistics mate. Germans play alot more online games than anyone else (that is if we ignore the asian dudes :p ). The population of Jupiter is explained.

//EDIT: Oh, and the promotion of Neocron in German was pretty much better than in any other country.

15-08-03, 14:06
thats not the point i know the numbers have always been high but they didnt drop when they put the belt drops in.

15-08-03, 14:11
Maybe because they have their own "rules" made by the players there or/and maybe because it's the only All-German-server.

//Offtopic: Nexxy, how about if we go to NF someday? I'd need someone as skilled as you to train with :p

15-08-03, 14:12
Belt drops in warzones make it easier on you because you can have those belts hacked and make more money and support your pk style.If you want just pure item drops so you dont have to depend on a hacker, then I'd like to suggest that my spies can solo most mobs again, stand a a chance in mc5, no worrying about breaking tech parts, etc,(btw for those of you who say spies aren't too weak and display setup with mc5 chips can kis my ass, I've NEVER, seen an mc5 chip purely for sale with no trades involved for less than 18m).I'd like things to be a llitle more dangerous than they are now, but I think its ridiculous if you just want to be able to kill with impunity with negligible repercussions.

15-08-03, 14:13
How about unscrew the victim?

PK'ing, it is attacking anyone regardless of faction. Faction killing is fine, you loose no SL for faction killing and you can even do it at the GR camping spot of your choice.

But lets pick how the senario is supposed to be played (you can argue afterwards).

Lets say L33tPkEr the coolest baddest Mofo on the sever is happly ganking anyone he sees. He's got negative soul light and doesn't care.

But while all the people he is ganking are putting up rewards, because they can't attack back without getting SL problems. The system of negative soul light is making the PK'er more attractive to hunt down and punish.

So the PK'er knows the risks and keeps on ganking. He may die someday, but he's "went out and got some leet items" (either hacked himself or got a hacker).

Now with a faction killer they get all the bonus of the PK'er without the negatives (as they are ganking in the name of roleplay ^_^ ).

Now the single complaint I hear is "Waaa, I can't kill who I like and get a reward!". Well tough, faction kill.

15-08-03, 14:27
The reward for hunting a pk'er is in my signature, and also posted here. The reward should be making the evil player (red sl) attractive to be hunted down, in terms of bounties by the NCPD. Making ones drop 5 items (red sl) and the others just one is pathetic, now everyone pk faction enemies or in warzones, so no sl loss.

This wont make the pk'er more attrative to hunt, this prevents anyone playing the criminal role. So the result is we still have pk'ers everywhere, but they just watch their soulight before the next pk, which is lame.

I say let them to have red sl so I know who are them, make them to drop one item, and implement missions that allow me to hunt them down and get a reward in experience, money and soulight.

15-08-03, 15:00
I just got an idea. What if the the drops are relative to your SL. I mean if it's like 99-100 you wont drop anything when you die, if you're between 98 and what-ever-the-line-is-before-you-get-yellow-SL you would drop 1 item, if you have yellow SL you'd drop 2 items, if red then 3 ;) this would be justified if the things will go as Nexxy wants.

15-08-03, 15:08
Originally posted by Archeus
How about unscrew the victim?

PK'ing, it is attacking anyone regardless of faction. Faction killing is fine, you loose no SL for faction killing and you can even do it at the GR camping spot of your choice.

But lets pick how the senario is supposed to be played (you can argue afterwards).

Lets say L33tPkEr the coolest baddest Mofo on the sever is happly ganking anyone he sees. He's got negative soul light and doesn't care.

But while all the people he is ganking are putting up rewards, because they can't attack back without getting SL problems. The system of negative soul light is making the PK'er more attractive to hunt down and punish.

So the PK'er knows the risks and keeps on ganking. He may die someday, but he's "went out and got some leet items" (either hacked himself or got a hacker).

Now with a faction killer they get all the bonus of the PK'er without the negatives (as they are ganking in the name of roleplay ^_^ ).

Now the single complaint I hear is "Waaa, I can't kill who I like and get a reward!". Well tough, faction kill.

Noooo, you're describing an RPKer. A Random Player Killer. I consider a PKer as someone who kills enemy factions, someone who kills everyone regardless of faction is an RPKer. Hence I would call myself a PKer.

I think Sleawer's SL system (with a few tweaks) is an excellent system. I would love to have a bounty on my head. At the same time we can add a roleplay aspect to RPKers. If they get kicked out to an Unwanted faction, their Primary Apartment GR no longer works, and if they select it they respawn at a random GR in OZ. They can have an OZ apartment, but they can't GR to anywhere else except an OP controlled GR where the GR is set to GR all. Enemies of factions shouldn't be able to GR to HQs, i.e. I shouldn't be able to GR to MB. With this in place, and a large bounty on the RPKer for every faction, he could be hunted down by all Runners within an RP situation, whereas in the days of Starkes there wasn't really an RP explanation for why Starkes was still in the TG faction, and why we would work with CM to kill him.

15-08-03, 15:09
This starts to be annoying.

Why to make magically criminals to drop more items than others? cant we deal with the situation ourselves? is not enought being banned from the city where they are considered criminals?

We dont need our hand held by KK to deal with criminals... we have cops, we can add a 30% price when they want to buy from shops, we can deny them pokes, researchers or any service, we can add bounties (from players or even from citycoms and npc's) to hunt them, we can have a lot of reasonable features....

Doesnt anyone understand??
With an unfair magical solution from KK of dropping more items by having red soullight, NO ONE will go red except in a mistake... and for once I think would be good to be able to play the role of a criminal.

Havent anyone thought Tsunami and Black Dragon members would love to be red sl? the consecuences should be the same as a criminal have; executed by cops, bounties for his dogtags, prices increase or even vendors not selling him stuff, but the hawkers at wastelands with prices increases... etc etc etc..

edit: yes, and GR's not working for criminals, except to GR to their appt (not from)... with the time and hacknet even GR could be made hackable.

15-08-03, 15:09
bounty system though a nice idea. is just begging to be abused. i'm sure you can figure out how it would be abused.

15-08-03, 15:12
Yeah Sle, the drop rules should be the same across the board.

enablebr, your bounty is going to go down if someone collects it. :)

15-08-03, 15:17
Yes enablerbr, that's why the CityCom displayes a name of a red soulight runner _randomly_. We could implement a penalization; if the hunter fails in the mission (cancels it to try to get his red sl friend and earn some free money) some experience, money and soulight is substracted from himself, and let's say after three "canceled" missions he loses the equivalent of what he would gain acomplishing one mission.

The bounty hunter missions should have no time limit, except if the target fix his soulight (mission cancels itself), thus unless we press the "cancel button", there is no penalization.

What we cannot do is be scared of implement and add new features just for possible exploits or abuses... this is a controled game and this is now directed to KK, we should be able to deal with exploits and abuses without hurting the gameplay and the game improvement or progress.

15-08-03, 15:22
Sleawer, the reason for my dropping system is very plain and simple; PKers are criminals so they must have a punishment of somekind (putting a player in jail for few ingame years would be a little too harsh lol). As you must understand killing another ppl isn't the nicest way to treat them, at least without a reason :) and this wouldn't be so strange or magical or what ever... think about the mob drops for example; where's the logic in Brutes and Horrors dropping rares, armors, imps etc???

And after all, this isn't PK-game... more like PvP game is it not?

15-08-03, 15:22
Just out of curiousity, scikar and sleawer, do you know eachother rl/are in the same clan or something? You guys are like chip&dale or something :P

15-08-03, 15:24
Originally posted by Rade
.........You guys are like chip&dale or something :P

lol please no ghey pr0n images.

15-08-03, 15:26
get yourself "wanted" and then trade in all your own tags............ :rolleyes:

Ok so far ive read through this entire thread....... all i have to say really is everytime you have a game with guns in it theres gonna be assholes hanging on the end of em.

Nexxy if you want more rewards for pking people mate then i suggest you find yourself a german dictionary and play on jupiter. this isnt a flame its a fact that there was almighty uproar from the english community about the change happening. the guys and girls on jupiter were all for it and fair play to em. i personally wouldnt be that into it for 3 real reasons at the moment.

1. the rare drop rate needs to get fixed.
2. the soullight system needs reworking.
3. store bought items suck balls

You said that there will be more rares on the server with people ganking eachother for their rares...... hmmm i think not.... there will be the same amount of rares mathematically but they will only belong to certain people..... they will get hoarded.

If the rare drop rate went back to what it was months ago firstly then all good. The problem with it right now is this........

Spy with rare weapon, tank gets the drop on him.... spy dies, loses his weapon.... it was a pain easer lets say.
The spy has no other rare weapons, he now has to go out and gank another person (with a storebought item ffs) and hope to god he gets their weapon. either that or buy it back off the bastard who killed him...... thats gonna piss people off big time mate. some will leave.

At the same time the store bought items need to have their construction cap percentages raised as well. They need to be MADE A LOT more viable in pvp.

That way the use of rares becomes a luxury rather than a necessity (typo?). People feel its not the end of the world if their pain easer got stolen. they have some disadvantage against the dude with the rare but its not huge.

Failing all of the above then they need to open a new server and let all the "hardcore" players go there because id love to see how many there are. Considering most of the player base here were abhorred a few months ago at the thought of losing an item in a warzone it would be interesting to see how much of that has changed.......

15-08-03, 15:26
Originally posted by Rade
Just out of curiousity, scikar and sleawer, do you know eachother rl/are in the same clan or something? You guys are like chip&dale or something :P

We were in MiG together in the good old days. Now he's in Crahn while I'm in ND, but we still catch up every so often when our paths cross. :)

15-08-03, 15:28
Actually, you know what I think of when I see scikar and sleawer showing up in a thread and start giving me a beating?


15-08-03, 15:31
You guys are sooooo far away from the point you cant even see it.

The chances of loosing your rare would only be slightly higher, you still have one slot safety, you still have the chance of getting your belt or getting someone else to get it before you hack it. It doesnt change alot.

15-08-03, 15:34
Nexxy, you didn't answer me o_O In case you didn't realize I wasn't joking.

15-08-03, 15:35
Rade, it's a little different to that. I have long hair. :p

15-08-03, 15:36
Originally posted by Scikar
Rade, it's a little different to that. I have long hair. :p

weeee, now I got an excuse to fetch my crayons :D

15-08-03, 15:46
I would but i dont play anymore. Not playing till KK give me something worthwhile to do. accounts run out on the 20th..=/

15-08-03, 15:53
One more time...

The Soullight is an Status; every member of a society has a designed status, "what the others expect of him" or "how people clasify him" is the status, and we act in consecuence. So we could even say "we are what others think we are".

- Green Soulight is the representation of an honest person, well known people inside our society, who work inside the good behaviours and the performance of the social tasks, approved by the entire comunity.

Inside green sl we have normal citizens (no faction), faction runners who employee their services for the comunity (a good faction works for his own interests, but inside the comunity laws. It's not more than an organization inside a comunity), cops (or bounty hunters in a cyberpunk post apocalyptic atmosphere)... in short: people who adapt their behaviours to the stablished rule of the comunity.

- Red Soullight is the representation of the diverted behaviour, bad known people inside our society, which work to crumble the pillars of the comunity with not approved behaviours, breaking the "Social Order" stablished by the normal citizens.

Inside red sl we have evil citizens (no faction), crime empires like Tsunami or Black Dragon, outcasts like The Crahn Sect monks or Twilight Guardian rebels or terrorists. These factions work for their own interests aswell, but outside the laws and the stablished Social Order. In short: people who see a flaw in the laws, a flaw between the resources and the goals of a society, and become diverted (unadapted) members or the comunity, using alternative resources outside the stablished order by the citizens (every society have and need these persons).

These should be INGAME allowed behaviours; specifical roles to play in the game, and of course the outlaw role should be harder to play.. but not with unfair and magical solutions, but due a harder gameplay in terms of adquire stuff, player interaction, dificulty or impossibility to access to certain places (like the city), etc...

The duty of KK is making both roles equaly attractive. Players who like action should not be forced to be criminals; this can be achieved giving us the chance to be good citizens/faction runners, and also fight as a way of living... like a bounty hunter earn his life in the society by killing criminals. Also players who want to be tradeskillers and merchants should not be forced to be "good citizens", therefore we have smugglers, persecuted by the law, and with a harder work to become merchants, but still allowed.

There is a big difference between these INGAME attitudes, and OUTGAME bad behaviours, like exploits, abuses or any form of harrassement. The outgame bad behaviours are outside the game mechanics, and punished with real life laws, like are bans.

People have to difference these two things when playing a game, for their own sanity, and the game comunity.

GM's are guardians of the ingame community, and only them should be allowed to punish runners with magical sentences.

For the allowed game mechanics, we are who should deal with them.

15-08-03, 15:56
Oh, sorry to hear Nexxy. Let me know when ever you get back :p

15-08-03, 15:56
nice ideas, make a new thread with em. No one will see em here.

15-08-03, 16:00
That's exactly how it should be. In fact I usually keep my SL yellow and let it stay there because it's as close as I can get to evil without stupid punishments. KoS to copbots is perfectly acceptable. Dropping all my stuff even in a warzone is not.

15-08-03, 16:01
@greendonkeyuk, you as a criminal cannot work as a bounty hunter, read my sig and you will find that the only works a criminal could do are the "comunity services". One more time, possible exploits should not be a reason to prevent the progress.

Also I agree with you in raising the quality of constructed items, and the rare drop chances, so rares become less rares and less necessary.

@Rade, who of both am I in that picture? :p

Anyhow, I thought you would agree with this. Do you have opinion?