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View Full Version : Are there any plans to attract more players in?

12-08-03, 04:49
I ask this because I've realised, everywhere is pretty much empty. You never bump into someone for no reason, the only people you ever see nowadays are always in the same places. There are no true newbs any more, just alts and rerolls, so places like OZ are completely deserted.

Things like MC5 and the trial version were supposed to attract more players. Well they haven't worked, and it's about time MC5 got big improvements because every day you leave it more and more new players quit on their first sight of the game. Get things like the offline tutorial fixed, playing a rifler with no weapon lore gives people the impression that all weapons aim horribly slowly, and being told to construct something you don't have the skill for doesn't give a good impression.

Something really needs to be done because the servers are empty, and it's not people scared off by PKers, it's people who quit before they even meet their first CopBot.

12-08-03, 04:51
Originally posted by Scikar
I ask this because I've realised, everywhere is pretty much empty. You never bump into someone for no reason, the only people you ever see nowadays are always in the same places. There are no true newbs any more, just alts and rerolls, so places like OZ are completely deserted.

Things like MC5 and the trial version were supposed to attract more players. Well they haven't worked, and it's about time MC5 got big improvements because every day you leave it more and more new players quit on their first sight of the game. Get things like the offline tutorial fixed, playing a rifler with no weapon lore gives people the impression that all weapons aim horribly slowly, and being told to construct something you don't have the skill for doesn't give a good impression.

Something really needs to be done because the servers are empty, and it's not people scared off by PKers, it's people who quit before they even meet their first CopBot.


12-08-03, 04:51
I agree. :(

Lord Mansion
12-08-03, 12:42
It has been said numerous times before, but a weekly status update from KK would be great, so the community at least knows something is happening.

12-08-03, 12:44

No plans.

Noobs are untidy, talk too much and smell of wet donkeys.

12-08-03, 12:52
yeah isnt it obvious, KK are just waiting for things to happen!

12-08-03, 12:57
Well they ARE actually looking for a new publisher (or that's what I've heard) to release DoY. And as we all know, expansions will bring more players to MMOG's.

12-08-03, 13:05
Originally posted by japata
Well they ARE actually looking for a new publisher (or that's what I've heard) to release DoY.Pulling out of a contract with one party, and starting up with another is incredibly time consuming.

The only real way to speed up the process is if you think you have deep enough pockets to fight/pay off any future breach lawsuits from the original party.

KK is almost certainly not in this position.

And as we all know, expansions will bring more players to MMOG's. Only if they get to hear about it.

Sinead O'Connor
12-08-03, 13:35
in addition, if they didn't piss off old players, they'd stick around.....

12-08-03, 13:43
They quit nerfing monks every patch they might get people to stay

I thought real hard about quitting cause of it, i know at least 4 people that got fed up cause of all the changes and went to play something else.

Bring back some of the fun *IE* yes bring back hybrids that are viable and lots of peeps would come back .

12-08-03, 13:45
Originally posted by Sinead O'Connor
in addition, if they didn't piss off old players, they'd stick around.....

Not really the case...

Some peeps live with changes, and those that go are the ones who want everything their way - or are booted by the bucketload for exploiting :)

Either way, of those that have gone, many have come back again, with the exception of some PKer's and banned peeps.



I don't know of one person who quit on Pluto since Hybrids became useless for PvP. They have all gone PPU or APU.

12-08-03, 13:52
well, My whole clan quit, not suppose to say names but all 7 original clan members and some of the newbs just up and cancelled their subscription after that last monk patch. It really is terrible to be playing with a great group of people , all monks, then they all quit cause they made it so hard to do anything anymore.

1/2 on the buffs when using a ppu for support/??? wtf is a ppu for???

and the 1/3 loss of ppu/apu when hybrid is just stupid.

You dont ALWAYS wanna have to rely on a ppu for support, there are times, yes times, when i like to go and level on my own with the nice fire mobs.... but those days are over cause of the crap they made this game. They need to fix it and peeps would come back. BTW pluto is not the only server in neocron.

12-08-03, 13:59
Originally posted by nightwind
well, My whole clan quit, not suppose to say names but all 7 original clan members and some of the newbs just up and cancelled their subscription after that last monk patch. It really is terrible to be playing with a great group of people , all monks, then they all quit cause they made it so hard to do anything anymore.

1/2 on the buffs when using a ppu for support/??? wtf is a ppu for???

and the 1/3 loss of ppu/apu when hybrid is just stupid.

You dont ALWAYS wanna have to rely on a ppu for support, there are times, yes times, when i like to go and level on my own with the nice fire mobs.... but those days are over cause of the crap they made this game. They need to fix it and peeps would come back. BTW pluto is not the only server in neocron.

If you're gonna be like that then you should quit like the rest of your friends for all I care. Read the million and one threads we started on these issues, THEY WERE NEEDED FOR BALANCE. Anyone who quit because of the hybrid nerfs is either a very bad loser or couldn't be arsed to take the time to learn to play a different class, and just wanted their own way. And I personally have not heard of a single person who has quit due to the hybrid nerfs. I saw a lot of threats from people quitting, but none of them did, they all just went pure. Even hinch, who promised that if hybrids were nerfed he would quit, is still around.

12-08-03, 14:00
Originally posted by nightwind
BTW pluto is not the only server in neocron.

I never said it was - read back what I wrote...

"I don't know of one person who quit on Pluto since Hybrids became useless for PvP."

12-08-03, 14:05
Originally posted by nightwind
You dont ALWAYS wanna have to rely on a ppu for support, there are times, yes times, when i like to go and level on my own with the nice fire mobs.... but those days are over cause of the crap they made this game.

HAHAHA ... have you tried solo-ing fire mobs as a spy ? :wtf:

12-08-03, 14:11
Originally posted by nightwind
You dont ALWAYS wanna have to rely on a ppu for support, there are times, yes times, when i like to go and level on my own with the nice fire mobs.... but those days are over cause of the crap they made this game. They need to fix it and peeps would come back. BTW pluto is not the only server in neocron.

Umm.. I've been levelling purely on fire mobs with my pure apu monk since even before the hybrid nerfs. And I did completely on my own, from /36. The reason you can't do it is because you're still thinking you can play like a hybrid and stand in front of 2 Grims out in the open. :rolleyes:

13-08-03, 07:29
NO that isnt it, I just want to be able to heal myself, I never had holy or blessed anything, just low heals and deflectors, but they are useless now. and if you do use em, bleh, you lose apu as well. 30 percent is way too much.

13-08-03, 12:07
well scikar i agree 100%. And if KK is relaly lookin for a new publisher for DoY....Well its about fuckin time. Maybe I'll see an ad for neocron. The onyl reason i heard of this game was froma friend. But persay we get large amounts of people. persay 1000+ on servers. should we be expecting constant crashes HUGE lag spikes appts dissapearing walk into plaza 4 and get stuck in a neva ending synch =P.

13-08-03, 12:49
When a char you spent months upon months of work on is just nerfed without a second thought it's kinda hmm whats the word....

You paid you made a char that was viable, you spent lots of time on that char and then bam it's a uselss char, would you be happy at them resseting all your chars? Making say wep lore nerf your hc?


13-08-03, 12:50
HAHAHA ... have you tried solo-ing fire mobs as a spy ?
Yes. It's not hard. The downsides to soloing fire mobs are that everyone else does it, such that the CS-wielding tanks and APUs from hell kill anything you might be working on well before you get a chance to kill it, let alone loot the corpse.

I ask this because I've realised, everywhere is pretty much empty.
Except Plaza 1, Gabanium, CPR, Mil Base...

You never bump into someone for no reason,
You mean like that tank I bumped into out of the blue at K_14 who helped me transport around 20 DoY Techpart packages for Psi PA?

the only people you ever see nowadays are always in the same places. There are no true newbs any more, just alts and rerolls,
So the two new players I gave a full set of level 1/2 imps to last week were faking being new?

so places like OZ are completely deserted.
Beyond the Hurler/Butchee that respawns instantaneously in OZ...2? and Storage 8, when was OZ EVER populated, especially after the mutant spawning spree several patches ago?

Yeah, having sub-100 people on can get somewhat difficult when one needs a poke, but the 200+ Pluto runs at seems fine to me.

13-08-03, 13:45
Places like the old prison and the church in OZ should have people in them and would if there was enough people playing the game, the plaza cellars would get to crowded and to hunt witout bumping into an enemy people would have to go further away.

If there was 1000+ people on the server at peak times (and it ran happily with that number) people would make there own fun and the game would be alot more enjoyable for all concerned.

KK should realize that as cool as Gliders are fixes to MC5 should come first. MC5 needs to be sorted before DoY comes out or the noobs that join wont play long enough to see the Dome.

Beyond that it'd be nice if there was a plan file so I at least knew how long I have to wait till DOY comes out.

As it is my account runs out in 2 weeks and I dont see myself buying another month let alone another 3.

Original monk
13-08-03, 13:57
Originally posted by Scikar
If you're gonna be like that then you should quit like the rest of your friends for all I care. Read the million and one threads we started on these issues, THEY WERE NEEDED FOR BALANCE. Anyone who quit because of the hybrid nerfs is either a very bad loser or couldn't be arsed to take the time to learn to play a different class, and just wanted their own way. And I personally have not heard of a single person who has quit due to the hybrid nerfs. I saw a lot of threats from people quitting, but none of them did, they all just went pure. Even hinch, who promised that if hybrids were nerfed he would quit, is still around.

Hybrids havent been nerfed, thats the point, they been scrapped-removed-killed-terminated from the game, was this needed for balance ? NOPE
WHY did KK removed hybrids from the game ? CAUSE of the whining here on the forums by mostly PE's and spy's.

Hear the story on the evenin news.

13-08-03, 14:02
for the hybrid monk thing. all KK had to do was remove the current psi power glove and replace it with a APU and PPU version. also make it an implant. afterall it goes on your implant menu.

13-08-03, 14:08
that would still have removed hybrids which is very unfair they had to do 1 simple thing but still nobody has worked out what it is.

as for more people if we ever his more than 1000 people constant on a server then fuck me it`ll be heaven

even with only 600 people at peak on jupi it always seems fuller than it is

on a side note i was randomly running through wastelands the other day and i ran into a pa wearing tank was the oddest thing ever i was totally in the middle of no where and no where near anything/anyone yet this tank just appeared with lots more people i`d hope to see that kinda thing happening more often

13-08-03, 14:08
Originally posted by El_MUERkO

As it is my account runs out in 2 weeks and I dont see myself buying another month let alone another 3.

It really does go to show just how much opinions differ. I recently bought a 3rd account and have 6 months paid up on all three :)

I have been a hybrid, and lommed to pure APU - more fun than before because everything is no longer a doddle or pushover to beat. You actully now have to think about how to hunt (if you are on your own). You do rely on team members to help you. Loads more fun :)

I said this in another thread... For once, i finally feel that all classes are balanced, or pretty damn close. If KK didn't make any more changes, I wouldn't be unhappy at all. The only thing I think needs a tweek (not a nerf...) is Holy ParaStick :D Needs the 'glue' effect lessening a little.

El Barto
13-08-03, 14:10
I agree, MC5 should never have made it to retail yet, its a good idea, but the way it is atm it just crap. Also this game nees to be advertised more, I have never not once seen an advert for it.

13-08-03, 14:14
maybe should consider doing what AOL do. thats spam every computer mag and game mag with a free trial disc. even EQ gives free trail discs to game mags in the UK atleast. so come on KK start spamming.:D

Helen Angilley
13-08-03, 14:14
Originally posted by Sinead O'Connor
in addition, if they didn't piss off old players, they'd stick around.....

Hmm, it's very rare for a "pissed" player to stay away when they do finally leave....and they usually come crawling back in a couple of weeks anyway.

Or, like you, they bitch, whine and complain about the game and KK at every chance they get.....yet stick around regardless.

13-08-03, 14:24
Originally posted by enablerbr
maybe should consider doing what AOL do. thats spam every computer mag and game mag with a free trial disc. even EQ gives free trail discs to game mags in the UK atleast. so come on KK start spamming.:D

now thats a good idea

13-08-03, 14:37
The current MC5 was the biggest mistake KK ever made with this game. Newbies don't care about balancing issues, they care about having a decent start in a fresh game. MC5 must've given them the impression that "this was it", as noone was around to tell them otherwise.

KK has acknowledged that MC5 needs to change, why it hasn't yet, is a complete mistery to me

Originally posted by Weazle
HAHAHA ... have you tried solo-ing fire mobs as a spy ? :wtf:
My spy solos Chasers all day long, and he's not even up to the heavy fire belts yet :D

13-08-03, 14:41
well i introduced a friend to the game.
he created a tank i created a tank at hte same time so i could help him out etc teach him how to play n stuff.

after many fuckups tring to get download client working we finally got him in and lvling.

in his own words
"im deleting the account because its fucking boring all ive done so far is stab and kill little bugs"

now he wasnt lvling slowly either we got him to /30 within about 2 days but going outside tg was impossiable for him due to the heavily over the top mob power and crappy drops so the game was no fun for him at all the initial lvling stages which although to us old timers can go fast as hell are slow as fuck for n00bs

they just dont want to be lvling forever before they can join in the fun.

Helen Angilley
13-08-03, 14:44
Originally posted by hinch
well i introduced a friend to the game.
he created a tank i created a tank at hte same time so i could help him out etc teach him how to play n stuff.

after many fuckups tring to get download client working we finally got him in and lvling.

in his own words
"im deleting the account because its fucking boring all ive done so far is stab and kill little bugs"

now he wasnt lvling slowly either we got him to /30 within about 2 days but going outside tg was impossiable for him due to the heavily over the top mob power and crappy drops so the game was no fun for him at all the initial lvling stages which although to us old timers can go fast as hell are slow as fuck for n00bs

they just dont want to be lvling forever before they can join in the fun.


Why the fuck did you let him join TG if he was knew to the game?!

It clearly says "This Faction is not for in-experienced Runners". You can't blame KK for your lack of foresight, there.

13-08-03, 14:55
Originally posted by hinch
they just dont want to be lvling forever before they can join in the fun.

You don't need to be levelling forever to join in the fun. What is everyones fascination with having to be capped before you can have 'fun' ?

Try just playing the game, instead of sitting in 'generic spawn X' site to get XP.

Btw, I have ran from TG to NC as a rank 2 newbie. It certainly is possible. He could of gotten a lift even to another levelling spot.

13-08-03, 14:57
Not to dis you hinch but TG canyon sucks nutz for a first timer. Its darb, empty and your stuck there till */35 when you can try run to NC or TH only to be killed by DOY bots or a mosquito.

You should of made him CA and plonked him in Plaza before getting him a lift to MB viva TH, it'd allow him to see the sights and give him lots of places to level and talk to people.

13-08-03, 15:03
i would have put him in a city clan except we`re all tg and cant supply him if he`s in nc we rarely leave canyon and surrounding areas for us to supply him in nc i`d have been spending loads if not all of my time flitting between canyon and nc costing me a fortune and stopping me from capping my self

unlike jupiter though canyon on all other servers is dead there is no economy there which is something we`re trying to chance so there will be people etc in canyon for him to join in

13-08-03, 15:03
Originally posted by Original monk
WHY did KK removed hybrids from the game ? CAUSE of the whining here on the forums by mostly PE's and spy's.

That's where you're wrong. The majority of whining about hybrids came from TANKS and PURE APU monks who were getting they arses kicked on a daily basis in OP wars and PK sprees.

The "logic" behind the whining was that since the tank was meant to be a fighting machine then they should win all fights. :rolleyes:

Also the Liberator nerf was due to whining by tanks because Lib PEs were beating up tanks quite easily.

Spies .... you'll hardly hear them whine about other classes as spies will whine about how spies are the most gimped class. :p

13-08-03, 15:05
Well its all past tense now but if you need a noob helped you could of asked one of the city clans to take him under there wing until he got the hang of the game.

13-08-03, 15:07
tbh knowing who we are any why we`re on the server will kinda make it hard for anyclan to take them

coming over from jupi we bring quite a reputation and one which has put us in an akward situation. outside assitance from anybody is basically not going to happen ever

13-08-03, 15:13
Originally posted by El_MUERkO
Well its all past tense now but if you need a noob helped you could of asked one of the city clans to take him under there wing until he got the hang of the game.

I'm in the personal opinion that true newbies to the game should be left clanless and LE'ed until around level 20 or more.

Adding them to a clan at very low level causes more problems then it solves.

- Access to resources
- Protection/Help in levelling.

- You carry your clans reputation in your tag.
- you are attackable and your clan isn't always there to help you.

13-08-03, 15:19
@hinch, even as a soloing CA he would of experienced a more diverse area of neocron, wandering around the City for the first time is an experience I havent forgotten, back then there was 450/500 people on pluto and alot more activity in the city so everywhere i went there was stuff going on.

@arch, Makes life a little more exciting thou, adds an air of danger to the game

13-08-03, 15:26
Originally posted by El_MUERkO
@arch, Makes life a little more exciting thou, adds an air of danger to the game

What it adds for a true newbie is frustration - not enough clans would sit down and explain their policies, I literally keep running across players that don't even know who their clans are at war with. :rolleyes:

Devils Grace
13-08-03, 15:26
i agree with scikar

im from a small country in south europe (same popu as new york city )

and i only meet 2 of ma country mates a few days ago

one started plaiyng 3 months ago and the other (is real life freind) bought the game caus he said so and hes been playing 1 month ago.

tough ma country as a small population we got a very big internet gambling comunity, most CS (we got one of the best clans in the world - 4th place in world tournement in china) and UT
2003, and half population has internet in their house
i play since january and i only bought the game by pure luck kuz i was looking for sometin diferent.

so more advertising or any other way to let ppl know that this game is great would be nice.

i got SWG to and i payed it for 3 months and i only played it once lol

all this game needs is a damn good buff from a very good ppu

Devils Grace
13-08-03, 15:27
lol forgot to tell the name

im from Portugal


13-08-03, 15:30
i guessed you were btw 4k > j00

sorry infinity e-sports as theyre now called again o_O

14-08-03, 01:04
Sickar are you a tank by chance?

14-08-03, 02:15
I too agree that there are not enough people playing this game, but can you blame people for quitting? The graphics are garbage, the “ai” is useless, the promised features are non existent; the only people who still play this game are mostly whining noobs who don’t even wish to fight each other, as it was meant to be, for pk/pvp is the point of this game. Plus, I doubt the servers can even handle over 300 people, I run on DSL and things get “strange” when there are over 200 people, there are more synch crashes, things disappear for no reason, and so on. I too don’t see a reason to buy another 6, 3 or even 1 month account after mine runs out. Anarchy online, though I know most of you are biased against it, has much better graphics, more features, things are done there much faster, they just keep spewing out new patches fixes, features, and mods, every few months, and there are many more people playhing that game than this for those reasons. I even have an anarchy online account, and had it for half a year already, the server has not crashed ones unlike here, the diversity of players, the things you can choose in that game regarding your class, weapons, armors, droids to create, and psi powers (in anarchy online its nano powers though), costumes to wear, body types to choose, clans, fights, mobs to kill, and much much more are unprecedented, oh and the world is gigantic, the whole damn neocron world can fit into one sector of anarchy online, and it runs much much smoother than neocron, hell in anarchy online we got more people in one sector than you guys have logged on at any one time.

By the way this was not a flame, I am simply explaining why so few people play this game, and don’t bother flaming me, I wont even come back to read this thread after I post this.

14-08-03, 02:22
if graphics is all you give a sh!t about. then maybe when unreal warfare is released. which though epic won't confirm could well turn out to be a mmorpg based. sofar only a few unconfirmed hints have been thrown about by epic coders etc..

oh and before someone say's the engine was named unreal warfare. it also happens to be the name of the in developement title for a new game.

14-08-03, 02:23
unreal warfare isnt a mmorpg lol. but its engine can be used as the foundation for one yes.

Originally posted by yanbybkipbbpbbp
I too agree that there are not enough people playing this game, but can you blame people for quitting? The graphics are garbage, the “ai” is useless, the promised features are non existent; the only people who still play this game are mostly whining noobs who don’t even wish to fight each other, as it was meant to be, for pk/pvp is the point of this game. Plus, I doubt the servers can even handle over 300 people, I run on DSL and things get “strange” when there are over 200 people, there are more synch crashes, things disappear for no reason, and so on. I too don’t see a reason to buy another 6, 3 or even 1 month account after mine runs out. Anarchy online, though I know most of you are biased against it, has much better graphics, more features, things are done there much faster, they just keep spewing out new patches fixes, features, and mods, every few months, and there are many more people playhing that game than this for those reasons. I even have an anarchy online account, and had it for half a year already, the server has not crashed ones unlike here, the diversity of players, the things you can choose in that game regarding your class, weapons, armors, droids to create, and psi powers (in anarchy online its nano powers though), costumes to wear, body types to choose, clans, fights, mobs to kill, and much much more are unprecedented, oh and the world is gigantic, the whole damn neocron world can fit into one sector of anarchy online, and it runs much much smoother than neocron, hell in anarchy online we got more people in one sector than you guys have logged on at any one time.

By the way this was not a flame, I am simply explaining why so few people play this game, and don’t bother flaming me, I wont even come back to read this thread after I post this.

Im not going to flame AO but i will say that at the eyar mark of AO's release it was in the same state as this game is right now. On all fronts from patches containign nothign but nerfs only 2 new dungeons added. No content at all added whatsoever 1 patch of clothing. Now eh um its a much different game in that resort yes. But developers can only do so much at a time. The reason ao has much more development fluidity is because alot of players came back when the first booster came out. And they also came back before the booster in hopes of capping their characters for when the booster came out. Which gave funcom alot more assets to deal with to patch ina ton of new stuff...before that they had to do it quite slowly even with the huge staff they had on the game.

14-08-03, 02:28
take it you didn't read what i said. unreal warfare was the name posted about the current engine. once it was complete ( sort of). it simple became unreal engine again.

14-08-03, 02:32
Originally posted by bubby
Sickar are you a tank by chance?

Well I play my apu more nowadays but yes I'm also a tank.

14-08-03, 02:32
i take it you didnt understand what i said than either. Unreal warfare the GAME will not be a mmorpg. The COMPLETE engine for it will be capable of being the foundation OF ONE though(for liscensing of course.).

14-08-03, 04:38
i THINK that if they get rid of the MC5 Area and put it back the way it was before, it would be much easier for the newbs to figure this game out.

14-08-03, 05:44
some of the best memories i had was hunting giant rats in the sewers in via rossa, i remember people fighting over mobs down there, and this was like one of the least populated sewers in the game. was so much fun, and insane.

14-08-03, 14:48
Yeah, it wasnt too hard to figure things out when you landed in your apt at creation time, then out the door in p1 ask questions and hit the sewers, but mc5 lacks help for the newbies. I did notice that the equipment that they get now is better than the poor and shabby stuff now and sometimes with slots, but that doesnt help em learn what to do.

14-08-03, 17:37
Starting equipment should be artifact, to give the noobs a chance to kill stuff. Have you seen how badly starter weapons aim at only 'good' quality when you have low weapon lore? It's horrible.

14-08-03, 18:26
Player Attracting Events Planned

- Neocron Collectors Edition
Free Pewter Figure with the new Collectors Edition of Neocron by CDV (shipping only to three stores on the planet, Pewter Figure not included) as well as a book of random Henti artwork (Henti artwork book cupon in box, please allow 5 - 6 years for delivery)

- No FRE Wednesdays!
A special patch will be released that will stop all FRE's every wednesday (offer void for subscribed members)

- Anal Sex Mondays!
Our regular office anal sex will be open to all subscribed members (offer void for ugly people, yes that means you)

- More community chats!
We're going to help relations with current members and give non-members a false sense that we actually give half a shit... (Community Chats will be held in a seedy motel in a random locations of our choosing of which the location will reman secret until fifteen (15) minutes after the end of the meeting)

- Execution of REDjackeT
Lets face the facts here, no one really wants him around and new players will see that we mean business when keeping the retards away from neocron... plus... he's an easy target...

14-08-03, 19:22
Originally posted by Scikar
I ask this because I've realised, everywhere is pretty much empty. You never bump into someone for no reason, the only people you ever see nowadays are always in the same places. There are no true newbs any more, just alts and rerolls, so places like OZ are completely deserted.

Things like MC5 and the trial version were supposed to attract more players. Well they haven't worked, and it's about time MC5 got big improvements because every day you leave it more and more new players quit on their first sight of the game. Get things like the offline tutorial fixed, playing a rifler with no weapon lore gives people the impression that all weapons aim horribly slowly, and being told to construct something you don't have the skill for doesn't give a good impression.

Something really needs to be done because the servers are empty, and it's not people scared off by PKers, it's people who quit before they even meet their first CopBot.

I agree u see the same names in P1 and at op wars everyday.
Thats not so bad it makes for community even if ur clans/factions are enemys. PPL get to know u which is cool.
However, your right in saying there arent many new noobs. I asked a lowlvl runner last night if he was an alt char
He said no and i was truly surprised.

Also even though the ppl who play this game alot know the game is cool. Most ppl have never heard of it. And this game is going up against SONY products with that kinda bank. U gotta be kidding
In all honesty im suprised anyone is left with SWG out and DOOM 3 and HL2 comming out in the fall. its probly gonna be worse

14-08-03, 19:32
Originally posted by Scikar
Starting equipment should be artifact, to give the noobs a chance to kill stuff. Have you seen how badly starter weapons aim at only 'good' quality when you have low weapon lore? It's horrible.

Absolutly agree!! Maybe not Artifact but at least better or cool.

And all store bought weapons up to say TL25 or so should be good, better or cool.
Whats the point of making a newb buy a low tl weapon, get it researched/constructed just to have to do it over again the next day when they level past it!?
Very frustrating...

14-08-03, 23:15
YES! difinatly fix tutorial. make the person a tradeskiller. start em with 70 recycle....60 construct 60 reserch and 30 hacking and 50 implant you have to make sure they got the skill to do all the tutorial games. its frusterating to get to the construct table and not be able to accually make the item even though you got a lot of stuff.

also you cant improve your int in the tutorial and there are no LOM pills to tailor the char at all but there are boxes. my advice is start someone off with a recyler and salvage device since most people never bother using em in game cause they dont wanna spend the points for it this might make people who use it faall in love with it. also of people can accually SEE the hack game they might make a hacker. the tutorial should be a way to see all posibilities for the game not just the ability to gun it should go over....

gunning...salvaging....reserching...recycling.... psi use....implanting....use of turain.....npc interaction(yes a mini quest might be good in the tuorial maybe make a special weapon that requires parts to be found around the tutorial then a combo of tradeskills used to complete it. ie a npc lets you copy thier data cube then you have to find the parts but you can only find 1 of each part at the contruction table check points however since you have datacubes<sold by npcs> you can copy the parts and use the various box junk to construct duplicates. and wepon mods in hacking box

a good tutorial that really goes over the main points in the game and maybe even has some replay value maybe even a gogo somewhere or an apt will make newbies wanna stick to the real game. after all if the tutorial is that good imagine how the true neocron is.

14-08-03, 23:19
Actually I checked the tutorial again, and they've fixed the skillpoints. You can now do everything the tutorial asks for, including implanting, constructing and hacking. But again, the weapon you are given (the fusion rifle) is only good quality. The assault rifle you make doesn't come out too bad though. The only thing I would suggest is to remove some implant so that you have just enough to imp the eye you're given so there's more weapon lore, and take out all the tech combat on the setup, add some R-C and agility, and put all of those spare con points you start with into athletics. Swap the fusion rifle for a gatlin rifle and the tutorial would be a little bit easier to get through and it would reflect actual play better. But at least the int skills are mostly OK now

15-08-03, 03:09
maybe not artifact but good or better or outstanding quality with a decent chance for slots

15-08-03, 12:11
NC is so far fine for me, because after nearly a year, i haven't figured out everything. This still makes me courious about NC.

But i can pretty wel imagine, how someone feels, starting with this game.

1) When you install it, you get right away from the start problems. I think here of problems from the DL version, and the CD install version, as it loads dwon the patches. Doesn't we all know the patch #60 or #59 bug? That it DL's this f*cking patch over and over again? When this problem occurs, it is for some peeps the reason, to stop it before it even could have started.

2) When you start up at MC5, it is a pain in the ass. YOu need to slap tiny bugs over and over. Ok, you now have more startup money, to be able to leave directly to you appartment. But wasn't this area ment to get familliar with NC? Why, for the love of god, is it so hard, to "level there? This takes away a lot of efford from the new players.

3) When you finnally hit your origin appartment (and you have no "big brother" handing you over some startup money and equipment) you are forced to do, what you can do best, or in other words, what you profession is. YOu bash mobs, do jobs, or whatever. This can get a real pain in the ass. EG. doing jobs. Here your mission is, to kill sewer flies. Oki doki. THose are not "hard" to find. But honest. some other low level mobs, are only allocated in specific sewers, what makes it so hard to find and complete your mission successfull. Even the money reward is so low, and does not makes sure, or even allowes the noob char to buy or get something build. You have to do many jobs, to be able to buy something from the rewards.

4) Many bugs still exist. My most favourite one is the "death mix up" one. Having died and genrepped to Plaza one, you sort out all things. Get imped, put back on your armor and guns. Having done this, you get to Yo's and sell your loot. T´his you never should do, because NC mixes still up the things. It showes e.g. a Kevlar Vest or a C10, and this is originally your Distance CPU 2! You then maybe have sold.

5) Higher Chars have no real challenge in this game. I have a "nearly" maxed pure APU monk, with rare spells. I can fight up to 5 WB and WBT without starting to sweat. A few seconds and they are floored. Cave runs? You think cave runs are the challeng? OK, and now you mean maxed chars have to try PvP to find their final challenge? What if the player behind this char is not into PvP and seeks his fortune in PvM and having so no real challenge? Sorry, pardon? YOu say, he then should go to MC5 (not noob area, if somebody does not know already. There is also a MC5 area for high level chars. There you get really special parts of imps you have to assemble. THose are then uber)? Serious, is there any good chance to win a fight in MC5 after the last patch anymore? NO, it defintly isn't. THis area is no longer needed with the current conditions! SO no challenge for a high level char.

A good friend posted some ideas out of AO, wich might be able, to push NC. I tested AO and it was not my game, because i was ran over by the large variety it offered. To be honest, maybe i have to think over my decision. It might be much harder to start in AO, but maybe it offers more long term fun.

NC is a good game at all, but to make it even better, some things just have to stop.

There must be fixed some still existing bugs, there must be an end to the undynamic "Jobs" and reward, there must be a larger variety of parts imps and etc. You have to get a large variety you can do.

Changes in the game must be thought over even more carefully. And it should stop to listen to the whin0r, lam0r and yell0r factions here. You can complain about that what gets on your nerves, but preferably you should then also post a well though over solution.

I am seriously pissed about this forum. When i log on, i only read comlains about this and that. And what really pisses me of, is the complains about things, still being present in the game a and damn fuck old bug. On second position i am pissed about those people, who HAD ONLY ONE BLOODY BASTARD TIME where they lose.

blablabla is so overpowered.

sucksucksuck CLAN took a OP and held it with 100 runners, and my bitchbitchbitch CLAN was not able to take it back wiht my 8 kids.

sneakysneakysneaky CLAN ONLY hacks OP's in the night. They are SUCH lam0rs, because we were not able to fight them. We were asleep.
Comment: HEY, WTF you think? When in my country day period is, and in yours night, do you think i get waken up ant night, to honorably be able to fight you at your day period?!???!!!!oneoneone2345

This are some small things.

I should stop, i am loosing grip. Need my medicine to calm down.

15-08-03, 12:19
It's true, there are probably thousands of people that would love to play this game but have never heard of it and never will.

Also to whoever said that people aren't getting pissed off and leaving UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. More then half of the start of retail population has left and it drops more and more every week.

What they should do get some deal with some big sites to advertise on the net. Sites dealing with gaming should be the first target and sites that are popular and can be advertised on easily like somethingawful should also be used.

15-08-03, 13:01
...anyways. spies can do fire mobs solo without a hassle.
sniper rifle anyone??

even the lev 2 sniper rifle will drop a doomreaper in a cinch :cool:

(oops, way off subject--just responding to someone mentioning that spies can't do fire moBBz solo)

16-08-03, 02:19
i ought to roll as a spy next. get a sniper rifle and kill warbys longdistance, great replacement for the nerfed monk

16-08-03, 02:25
Sniper rifle is too slow for mob hunting, I prefer a PE, Tangent Epic Laser, or a Stabber pulselaser for mobbin. Plus in most places in the canyons the firemobs will gank you before you get 3 shots in, just not a whole lot of distance to work with.

16-08-03, 02:48
Sniper rifles take waaaaaay to long to kill stuff. I prefer the Fusion Rifles, they shoot as far as you can lock on to your target and do real good damage. Only drawback is the slow firing rate but if you can almost cap the RoF you will f00kin own WBs.

16-08-03, 02:52
the game has been dying since its release , there is no time i remember where numbers actually noticably went up.

mc5 - failed
trial - failed

KKs coomunication with the community sucks.

you bring up the topic of there communication, MJS comes down makes a few posts, then vanishes again.

happens over and over and over.

game is on the brink of death and they dont care, or dont show they care.

they best put a lot of strippers on the cover of DoY box or this game is doomed!