View Full Version : [Brain Port] 'NO' for Crafts

11-08-03, 16:18
Ever gotten stuck in a ditch and had to '/set reset_position 1' to get out as the craft can't make the incline?

Ever chasing some one in a buggy race but they are way ahead and you have no chance of catching up?

So how about Nitrus Oxide for crafts?

They look like boosters and you put in your quickbelt. When you take the booster and you are in a driving seat of a craft the speed goes x2 and is able to take better inclines.

However because the craft can't handle the engine being boosted it takes damage for the booster usage.

The smaller the craft the more damage it takes, but the longer the booster lasts. So a hovertec can take one booster, but an APC/Tank could take three before taking serious damage.

11-08-03, 16:26
The chemical formula is NO2 isn't it? or was it N2O.........ermmm..... *dies*
Nice idea tho :P

11-08-03, 16:37
no2 but yes nice idea

11-08-03, 16:42
err ... no. N2O. Oxygen atoms have 2 free electrons.

11-08-03, 16:45
you are right

The use of nitrous oxide (N2O) as a performance enhancement has been traced back to World War II, where it was employed to give Allied aircraft "emergency" boosts in both airspeed and altitude capabilities. However, with the advent of jet propulsion at the end of WWII, the government's interest in piston-powered aircraft waned, and for the most part, nitrous R&D was shelved.

11-08-03, 17:20
Heh, maybe we should call it N3O4 for NC :p

Actually noticed it in an old magazine the other day that sold Nitro booster packs for motorbikes. The ammo came in what looked like a booster. :)

11-08-03, 17:33
*thinks of the film "days of thunder"


11-08-03, 17:37
Nitrous oxides have various formulas, including N2O and NO2 which is why they're written as NOx instead.

11-08-03, 19:24
Originally posted by Scikar
Nitrous oxides have various formulas, including N2O and NO2 which is why they're written as NOx instead. Nitrogen oxides have various forumlas - nitrous oxide is the naming convention for dinitrogen monoxide (N2O) - the one used as a combustion enhancer and anaesthetic.

11-08-03, 20:08
I had this bizarre vision of nuking the tradeskillers when I saw the thread title - don't confuse me like that. :eek:

But yeah, there are too many little pits that you can't see till you're right on top of them... and then you can't get out again. And the idea of being able to get that little bit extra to outrun an angry mob has to be a good one. :D

11-08-03, 20:24
Nitrous Oxide is usually either referred to as "Nitrous" or "Nox". Fools who can't hear straight are also beginning to call it "Noss".

11-08-03, 20:33
Great idea, I was going to post this same idea but you beat me to it.

11-08-03, 21:12
Originally posted by Nullifidian
Nitrous Oxide is usually either referred to as "Nitrous" or "Nox". Fools who can't hear straight are also beginning to call it "Noss". NOS is the generic abbreviation in the tuning world for Nitrous Oxide System.

11-08-03, 21:17
Originally posted by kurai
NOS is the generic abbreviation in the tuning world for Nitrous Oxide System.

That is true, but unfortunately people say things like "I need more NOS" or "I gotta get some NOS".

Statements like "I need a NOS" or I gotta get a NOS" are fine though. Unfortunately 90% of the Fast & Furious band wagon buttheads have no friggin clue what they're talking about.

11-08-03, 21:36
Originally posted by Nullifidian
Unfortunately 90% of the Fast & Furious band wagon buttheads have no friggin clue what they're talking about. True. But it's fun to hear them moan when they pump nitrous at 800psi into some shitty 4 cylinder 1.4 litre family saloon engine, and wonder why the extra compression boost fucks it seventeen ways from sunday :D

11-08-03, 21:44
The whole Fast & Furious car craze I think is hilarious. The sad part though is that those same retards who are out there trying upgrade their stock Mitsubishi Lancers can't really afford it. On top of that, they usually wind up fucking their cars royally and because they've changed shit, they've voided their warranty and are stuck paying a loan for what is essentially now a roadblock and nothing more.