View Full Version : How would I...

Helen Angilley
09-08-03, 22:36
...speak, from an In Character viewpoint, with a French accent but not in a way that comes across as degrading, demeaning and insulting to the French? o_O

09-08-03, 22:37

09-08-03, 22:39
just put *in a funky french accent* and the start of each line :lol:

09-08-03, 22:40
say "oui oui" before you start to say anything.


09-08-03, 22:42
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
but not in a way that comes across as degrading, demeaning and insulting to the French?

Did everyone miss that? o_O

Anyway, in text I have no idea.

09-08-03, 22:42
say monsieur and madame to everybody :angel:

or say salut (=hello)

Helen Angilley
09-08-03, 22:47
Originally posted by Traum
say monsieur and madame to everybody :angel:

or say salut (=hello)

Mmm, I'm doing that at the mo. *Nods*

ie Throwing in "proper" French words where appropiate ("Bon Soir, Mon Ami", "Tres terrible..."....etc), but the character isn't directly French, hence the large amount of English being use (While still retaining the purdy accent ^^;; ).

Er, hope I made sense.

09-08-03, 23:09
o_O O_o wha???


09-08-03, 23:13
If u want more "vulgar" slang try:

Connard (stupid fuck ; dumb fuck)


Other stuff:

D'accord (Agreed)
Vraiment (Really?)

Or just for our favorite NC Emote:

sexe (Sex)

09-08-03, 23:22
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
...speak, from an In Character viewpoint, with a French accent but not in a way that comes across as degrading, demeaning and insulting to the French? o_O

i think thats impossible...

10-08-03, 08:39
Use basic French words, Merci, D'accord, s'il vous plai(however you spell the rest of this word :)), stuffs like that. People will see it and assume you're french and will, in their minds, apply the accent.

10-08-03, 08:56
I think you've got the hang of it. I do that sometimes on my new character just for a little flavor.

And do you speak French, Helen?


and another good one is to run around screaming "Je suis une pizza !! Avec des fromages!! Beaucoup de sauce! Des tomates!"

10-08-03, 09:32
ohh....how I despise that song....

10-08-03, 09:47
Go to your local swamp and find a frog, make him teach you because you are bigger.

Helen Angilley
10-08-03, 13:50
Yup, speak a little French (Although it's only...uh...little. Eh).

Anyway, thanks for the tips guys, I'll see how it goes. ^^;;

10-08-03, 13:55

10-08-03, 14:04
You could reroll your char and rename to "(French) Helen Angilley." :D

10-08-03, 16:50
Originally posted by MortuusLupus
Use basic French words, Merci, D'accord, s'il vous plai(however you spell the rest of this word :)), stuffs like that. People will see it and assume you're french and will, in their minds, apply the accent.

It's better to use the words early though and keep using the same words in french, or you create discontinuity..

it works for most langs too, though it's best to use words most people will know, while a few more obscure ones to drive the hints home..

10-08-03, 16:52
Originally posted by Helen Angilley
...speak, from an In Character viewpoint, with a French accent but not in a way that comes across as degrading, demeaning and insulting to the French? o_O

The only way not to insult the french is to bow down and worship them on sight...:lol:

*hopes he didnt break any rules*

10-08-03, 17:40
what u do is, just pretend u cant speak english, even when u can, then we all know ur french, easy ;)

10-08-03, 17:40
go on strike... the second anyone wants to go on holiday... that works too

10-08-03, 19:30
one thing you will neffinatly need to know:

j'ai grand baton

i have a big nob

10-08-03, 21:42
Originally posted by Cryotchekk
one thing you will neffinatly need to know:

j'ai grand baton

i have a big nob

Nope that just says "I have big nob."

11-08-03, 00:15
french names make me to imagine runners talking with french accents...
call your runner angelique?