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06-08-03, 01:38
What do the codes on the world map mean
i keep trying to gr somewhere but no luck. i cant figure it out.
Sounds stupid but thats cause i am.

AE/GrFr , AFa/GrFa etc etc..

06-08-03, 01:42
AE/GrFr = Attack Everyone not in clan/ GR open to 'friendly' factions (allies and neutral) etc etc
In the thread with the patch notes in it by Thanatos he explains each one of them

06-08-03, 01:45
thx man.
makes sence, when you think about it. :)

06-08-03, 01:58
Originally posted by \\Fényx//
AE/GrFr = Attack Everyone not in clan/ GR open to 'friendly' factions (allies and neutral) etc etc
In the thread with the patch notes in it by Thanatos he explains each one of them

not true. I'm PP and I can't gr to any of the TG clans that are /GrFr


06-08-03, 01:59
BTW: it is bugged, GrFR has actually the same effect as GrFA, neutrals cannot use it regardless.

Just one of those bugs that they "are aware of" and will be fixed sometime..........

FFS, it took them only 3 days to repatch to prevent neutral(clanless) runners using the GRs, but I guess this is gonna take a lot longer to be bothered fixing.

Screw up players abitlity to travel? Sure we can do that nps, change the bug so they are less screwed up? Hmm well thats gonna be a while.......etc

06-08-03, 02:00
Originally posted by neophotographer
not true. I'm PP and I can't gr to any of the TG clans that are /GrFr


i believe

GrFr is faction only


GrFa is faction allies

Edit: didn't realise it was bugged

got this off the patch notes tho
Attack/Use Generep:

For the attack settings:
None: Turrets shoot at noone
Enemies: Turrets shoot enemies only (not faction allies and neutrals)
Faction: Turrets shoot at everyone but your faction
Clan: Turrets shoot at everyone but your clan

For the Generep usage settings:
All: everyone can use the Generep
Friend: everyone but faction enemies can use the Generep
Faction: only faction members can use the Generep
Clan: only clan members can use the Generep