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View Full Version : SWG Refugee; Can I come back to Neocron?

01-07-03, 03:57
*Head looking toward ground* Please forgive me, I have committed massive online sin.

I left the only true first person shooter massive online game in hopes of finding something better.

I looked far and wide in my travels but came up empty handed. I am now heading back to the holy grail of first person shooters.


Oh God, I hope my characters weren't deleted, I don't want to start all over again. I was close to a maxed out SPY and a maxed out TANK.

Please let them still be there in storage. Hopefully all I gotta do is wipe off the dust.

01-07-03, 04:00
It is ok. I love you. We all love you. Just come back to the light.

01-07-03, 04:04
Yea come back :) and take a rest.. your search ends were it began.. Neocron 4 evah :D

01-07-03, 04:05
I think he should have to wear a big red SWG on his shirt for a week, though, so everyone would know of his crimes.

01-07-03, 05:21
Welcome back from EQ in Space, lets see how many others repent sins, and return to the flock in the next few weeks/months

01-07-03, 05:24
lol its valleyforge. I remember you :) Things have changed quite a bit since you were gone. Although not much has happened in the past 1 1/2 months =/ DoY must be getting close. WB anyway.

01-07-03, 05:25
......They come back......they always......come back........

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-07-03, 05:29
Originally posted by MortuusLupus
I think he should have to wear a big red SWG on his shirt for a week, though, so everyone would know of his crimes. Nah, he should wear a shirt showing the strange "NC > SWG" hieroglyphics in public for around a year... ;)

01-07-03, 05:30
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
Nah, he should wear a shirt showing the strange "NC > SWG" hieroglyphics in public for around a year... ;)

*runs off and makes that t-shirt*

NERD Editor
01-07-03, 05:32
A year?? Arghhh... cruelty.... I told you all MJS was veangeful.

Anyways, welcome back. I suppose the experience wasn't a total loss. You've returned a little wiser than when you left. Now impart that wisdom on the others and let us move on from here.

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-07-03, 05:32
Originally posted by ZoneVortex
*runs off and makes that t-shirt* Maybe we should add this t-shirt to the Neocron shop... Although nobody outside the NC community would understand what it means ;)

01-07-03, 05:33
omfg i want

01-07-03, 05:33
Holy jack jumping rabbits its MJS. Anyways I belive you should, for 10 days, be sent to MC5 (non-newbie version) with a spy with one CON and no armor and only a stilleto, with 10 MC5 Base Commanders around ya 24/7. And also that shirt thing.

01-07-03, 05:33
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
Maybe we should add this t-shirt to the Neocron shop... Although nobody outside the NC community would understand what it means ;)

For sure my man. I'd buy it the second it hit the shop! Make it simple though...

Just a white shirt with black text, not too big of text.

Neocron > SWG

01-07-03, 05:35
Nah show it in a black shirt with Neocron>SWG, with a Red Smurf Tank with a CS filling pansy ass Luke Skywalker with plasma.

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-07-03, 05:35
hehehe... check the shop on Thursday. ;)

01-07-03, 05:36
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
hehehe... check the shop on Thursday. ;)

Sounds good!! *can't wait*

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-07-03, 05:40
However, I guess I prefer the plain one with "NC > SWG"... not "Neocron > SWG". The simple one is even more cryptic. Uhmmm... maybe "NC > SW:G"... because that looks like someone fell with his head on the keyboard. :rolleyes:

01-07-03, 05:41
Hmm, maybe NC > All is good enough =P

01-07-03, 05:44
martin u are a spamm0rz watch out for Nids hammer :p

Btw i want one of those shirts ^^

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-07-03, 05:44
Or maybe:

"NC: Not perfect... but > anything else out there" :D

Originally posted by [TgR]KILLER
martin u are a spamm0rz Well, guess how I got my high post count.

NERD Editor
01-07-03, 05:46
Lol at that last one... but erm... how big a chest do you think we have?

01-07-03, 05:46
I'm still goin with


01-07-03, 05:46
Works for me =P

Still..these days the only thing "wrong" is class balance/weapon balance in my oppinion...
I realise that a lot of people have crashes all the time but the only time I do have crashes now is really when I hit esc and the 10 second count ends... (poof desktop)

....the engines ok, I'm just hopin DoY doesn't re-bug everything hehe...

Originally posted by NERD Editor
Lol at that last one... but erm... how big a chest do you think we have?

Depends on if you're Danae or not

01-07-03, 05:47
Guys, dont forget :


01-07-03, 05:48
Originally posted by Heavyporker
Guys, dont forget :


Two shirts then.




hey hey baby it's only twice the money you'll be makin

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-07-03, 05:49
Originally posted by Heavyporker
Guys, dont forget :

"NC>PS&SW:G" Now that one really looks like someone fell on the keyboard.

01-07-03, 05:50
Hey well didn't you hear? The "Fell on the keyboard" look is all the new rage!

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-07-03, 05:54
Well, we'll definitely put something up in the shop on thursday. Maybe we shoud go for a poll. Options are:

1) NC>SW:G
3) NC>PS
4) Two shirts (1 and 3)

Post your preference here. I think that option 2 is best. It looks so ... random ... to the uninformed. ;)

01-07-03, 05:55
I'd like 4.

I think all that on one shirt is too much.

Anyways some people like NC and PS. Some people like NC and SWG. Some people are only gonna want one or the other.

01-07-03, 05:59
Trying to avoid a lawsuit? :p

Option 4 though.... =P

01-07-03, 06:00
Yep, Option 4.

01-07-03, 06:02
Indeed option 4 =)

01-07-03, 06:02
Made a seperate thread for this so it's not off topic spam. Go vote again for it there please :)

01-07-03, 06:27
Originally posted by QuantumDelta

Depends on if you're Danae or not

LOL!! :lol: Nice one!

01-07-03, 06:30
bah, I want #2. As ol' marty tarty says, it looks so random to the unwashed masses... you have to love that smug sense of superiority.

Plus, babes might be more likely to come up and "ask" to read your shirt if it's cryptic ^ ^ whoo whoo :D

01-07-03, 06:33
It should have the NC logo on there somewhere, mebbe on the back. That would be what is commonly referred to as "The Shizzle."

My nizzle.

01-07-03, 07:49
How's about 2 with a NC logo on the sleave, then it's still about but highly cryptic..

hmmm, me thinks somones been watching the forums of late...

01-07-03, 07:53
Whats that smell?

01-07-03, 07:56
is it Nirvana?

01-07-03, 07:56
oh sorry, had a spicy dish an.....

01-07-03, 08:05
You are on the right track, but it's not vaporous

01-07-03, 08:09
it's certainly not spam, I hope.

01-07-03, 08:53
Not spam, but it comes from something that at times can have the same consistancy as spam, but not all the time though

01-07-03, 08:55


It's poopie, isn't it?

01-07-03, 09:58
You Morty L are correct. Bullshit to be exact

I dunno know, maybe it's me, maybe my thought processes are a little different....


I started to ready this thread, and then I noticed that Marty J posts a few lines. now when I saw it was Marty J the synapses started firing and I thought "Holy crap, It's Marty J. It's as exciting as a personal visit from the queen, maybe he'll use this forum, this thread, this official site to get out of that empty suit and offer up some words of encouragement to his poor and humbled game subscribers and impart to us some progress on this ever developing saga that is "DOME OF YORK" or at least throw us a tidbit and allay our fears."


Then I see it's all empty calories. He said something without saying anything and then on top of it he starts some crap about a shirt, and people get excited


I'm thinking "Holy crap, Marty comes to the forum after the usual SOP absence, the perfect opportunity to say something....anything.....but doesn't....except about a friggin shirt....and people get excited? ..... All the replies after his and no one even asked if he's say anything about "DOME OF YORK" Hasn't it dawned on anyone else that the last time he said anything about it all he said was "it's delayed" and not much else? I mean it would be so much nicer for a little honesty and hear something like :

*Hypothetical speech starting*
(imagine Marty J's voice)
"Hi Guys, well I just wanted to let you know we over-reached a bit with the DOY thing and aren't up to speed and as far into development as we thought. it's true I had said before that you'd already have it in your hands by this time but we at reakktor are trying hard with the staff we have at hand. So to make you all feel better and to put away the rumors we anticipate "DOME OF YORK" will be released as a mostly fleshed out expansion pack by Mid September of this year. We know it's not what you expect but believe me, Florian and Hans are in the office every night till midnight coding and trying out new things. One thing they are working on, as a token of our appreciation to all of you who have stuck with us, there will be a special armor suit issued to all those long time players to use. It'll have no reqs so it can be used by all classes.

Thanks for your patience. You have no idea how much we appreciate your support.

*Hypothetical Speech ending*
(wouldn't it be nice to hear something like that? whats so wrong with telling the truth?)


people are excited over a shirt??????? and still I'm thinking

HELLO !!!!!! McFly??????? Anyone Home?????

we are waiting



I'm playing everyday for a year straight and recently paid my second 6 month stretch and I'm waiting



And nothing comes.

is it ever coming?

01-07-03, 10:18
Plus, babes might be more likely to come up and "ask" to read your shirt if it's cryptic ^ ^ whoo whoo

Yeah and the babes will be falling all over you when you explain it "Yeah it means the video game I play, called neocron, is superior to a game called planetside and a game called star wars galaxie. See! It is the greater than sign hehehe *snort*"

Anyway. I vote 4

01-07-03, 10:21
Too true BH, but then we're the ones that are aways preasuring them for a release dates and the like..

It's like when I was fixing my mates PC, he kept asking how long, how long, come on tell me how long till it's working again.. I told him once, dunno, let me see, twice dunno let me see..

Third time I said, give us half hour and it might be working, twenty minutes later I see the problem, which I can't fix and get yelled at for saying it'd be working..

This is what they have to deal with, all of us asking when, them not sure finaly give a date, later find they'll never make it without somthing totaly buggy say, sorry it's gonna be late, we scream about it, then go back to asking when..

I hope they just stop listening to us and make it in thier own time..

01-07-03, 10:24
The end of the day Beefheart, I don't really give a toss about DoY anymore, although I still want to see it arrive, but I can respect that Martin can visit these Forums and post a comment on anything, any subject or topic... Without being expected to give an official statement about the damn game.

He's a normal bloke like the rest of us, and as has been stated, how many company CEO's do you usually see posting in their game Forum? Not bloody many, so really, shut up and get over it.

You sound just like Derisor.

01-07-03, 10:25
4 of course. I totally agree that neocron is by far the best experiance out there. I give MJ alot of respect for visiting and posting in this forum...My boss would never have the balls...

beefheart one understands your frustrations, but lighten up a bit. I mean seriously, if this has become so frustrating for you that you must resort to madness posting like that....why continue playing?

Edited: due to misunderstanding i thought he meant in game store =-p I for one am glad they have been able to keep the game ALIVE.

Many doubted that it would ever even make it past beta. I will support them to an extant and hope that more people come and find out the greatness that is neocron.

The newbie ganking usually gets all the new players first though. Yet this game has such a great chance at becomming the best ever mmog. I hope they listen to the serious players and not the whiners, but the imaginative creators. Because there are some truly great ideas out there.

I hope mj is just paying attention. Truly paying attention, because there are a few things this game needs and it WILL outshine every other mmog.

I can list them here.

1.) A true newbie freindly starting area. Not spanning a whole square but focus and directed at the individual faction member. Remember the design is what has to be focused. So that the player is guided through what it takes to understand there is more than just rats in sewers.

2.) A true seperation of powers. Enermies to CA should not be inside the CA newbie cellars ganking newbies. There should be a penalty for this. The SL penalty hasnt stopped anyone. If you gank someone 30 levels under you, you should have some sort of reprocussions i.e. Ca automatically putting a bounty on your head(and players can accept these missions). The new character has the option of removing the bounty. Or somthing to this concept...

3.) Styles to the character look. More clothing like the shirt discussed in this topic(except in game). Things of this nature, clothing in general.

4.) vehicle madness. Somthing needs to be done about all the other vehicles besides tanks. The vehicles are probably one of the greatest features that is the most poorly implemented. To many first time buyers end up getting their new 300k hh4x4 blown up by some veteran griefer. Which can totally crush someones concept of 'fun' and make them quit pretty fast.

5.) Genrep ganking....need i say more?

Work on some of these ideas....and you will slowly watch your population increase....

Word to the wise MJ, if you don't do it. Some other developer who tastes neocron will. One can see that this was either your dream or the dream of someone you know. Your almost there MJ...that is why there is so much frustration like you saw from beefheart. Because your so close...yet it seems so far. People loose faith fast in this world. Then they move onto that 'other developer' who takes your dream and does what you didnt do fast enough. Such is the world of capitalism...

You have the begginings of a smash hit on your hands....The question is are you going to make it what it should could and needs to be?

(now see what you did beefheart you got me typing to much lol)

anyways i choose NUMBER 4

01-07-03, 10:46
Option 4 though I'll probably only buy option 1 myself.

/edit - personally I'm just glad to see Martin back on here and I hope he's not put off from staying by some of the comments above. IMO it does a lot for this community to be able to chat to the company CEO in this way. Not everything Martin says has to be work related you know, he is allowed to have fun. It seems to me that some people expect every word he says to be a promise that their dreams are going to come true. Well guys, guess what, that's not the case. Martin is running a business and that means he has to be careful what he says and promises in an official capacity. Hassling him on here won't garner any more information from him it will just drive him away again. I'd rather he stayed, enjoying chatting to us and maybe dropped a hint or two once in a while than went elsewhere.

@Martin - If I'm talking out of turn, feel free to flame me ;).

01-07-03, 10:53
Number 2 gets my vote - If it's up there, I'll be getting one :D

Peeping Tom
01-07-03, 10:54
i play both Nc and PS <--- make T-shirt of it :O)

01-07-03, 11:03
Originally posted by Q'alooaith
Too true BH, but then we're the ones that are aways preasuring them for a release dates and the like..

It's like when I was fixing my mates PC, he kept asking how long, how long, come on tell me how long till it's working again.. I told him once, dunno, let me see, twice dunno let me see..

Third time I said, give us half hour and it might be working, twenty minutes later I see the problem, which I can't fix and get yelled at for saying it'd be working..

Maybe you should get one of these:


(I think that I shouldn't post a link to an online store here because it's kind of an advetisement but since it's a T-Shirt, it's kind of on-topic and I don't get paid by thinkgeek anyways. It's just funny :-)

01-07-03, 11:07
bahahahaha fuzzy i just ordered that shirt. Seriously though much respect to martin for posting on this forum, keep it up man. Thats why i know this game was your dream...because it is more than job. If it were a job you wouldn't be here. Which is why i respect you.

01-07-03, 11:35
Option 2 for me please.


01-07-03, 11:45
Option 4 please :)

01-07-03, 11:52
Option 4 please. :)

P.S. Mr. Bane, I have the clan Gangrel logo tattooed on my arm. :)


01-07-03, 11:59
Originally posted by valleyforge
*Head looking toward ground* Please forgive me, I have committed massive online sin.

I left the only true first person shooter massive online game in hopes of finding something better.

I looked far and wide in my travels but came up empty handed. I am now heading back to the holy grail of first person shooters.


Oh God, I hope my characters weren't deleted, I don't want to start all over again. I was close to a maxed out SPY and a maxed out TANK.

Please let them still be there in storage. Hopefully all I gotta do is wipe off the dust.


Just swing by Pluto, we'd all


you there o_O o_O

EDIT: am I gonna get spanked now for that smiley? :eek:

01-07-03, 14:17
depends on what kinda spank we're talking about

01-07-03, 14:47
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
Well, guess how I got my high post count.
You were Artricia?

01-07-03, 14:53
NC > PS on the back and NC > SW:G on the front? its just im a poor student and dont wanna have to buy two shirts o_O

01-07-03, 15:17
Originally posted by RuButt
depends on what kinda spank we're talking about

You know what I'm talking about... http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/liebe/love-smiley-076.gif

01-07-03, 15:17
Originally posted by Beefheart
I started to ready this thread, and then I noticed that Marty J posts a few lines. now when I saw it was Marty J the synapses started firing and I thought "Holy crap, It's Marty J. It's as exciting as a personal visit from the queen, maybe he'll use this forum, this thread, this official site to get out of that empty suit and offer up some words of encouragement to his poor and humbled game subscribers and impart to us some progress on this ever developing saga that is "DOME OF YORK" or at least throw us a tidbit and allay our fears."


Then I see it's all empty calories. He said something without saying anything and then on top of it he starts some crap about a shirt, and people get excited


Is MJS not allowed to post in a thread without mentioning something about DoY? Have you noticed that when KK or MJS do say something about DoY, it is taken straight to heart and only ends up with more people getting pissed and posting about it?

Do you realise that people like you, flaming/taking the piss out of MJS or any other member of KK the moment they post on these forums about something not related to DoY it only makes them reluctant to post? I'm sure they've actually said that in the past; and frankly I'd be sick and tired of people posting like you about something.

It's good he didn't say anything about DoY. That way we don't get all our hopes up, or have those hopes dashed by another 'it's delayed' sentence. Anyway, what relation does DoY bare to Martin's question? He's asking about a t-shirt, not what your views are on his lack of comments about DoY.

Annnywayyyy... option number 4 for me please. And welcome back valleyforge :p

01-07-03, 15:58
Originally posted by valleyforge
Oh God, I hope my characters weren't deleted, I don't want to start all over again.
they keep your chars for 3 months

Originally posted by MrBane
The end of the day Beefheart....

You sound just like Derisor.
nope, his post is not ego trip - "I know everything" "I told you 5 years ago" "I >>everything" "if they listened to ME" and misses a Poll

Beefheart is right.
I can't remember M's post that was not full of promise-ware or very-close-to-ZERO-info

Doc Holliday
01-07-03, 16:49
Jeeez Louise just cut the guy some slack. he was having a joke and to me thats cool hes a guy just a guy. Nice one marten.

Hell maybe he came here cos hes in need of stimulation for whats goin in to DOY ( :eek: ) or maybe he was tired and needed a laugh cos of all the hard work involved in DOY ( :eek: ) or maybe he just likes to hang here and see the community answer pms and just be a pretty fuckin down to earth guy not a minor deity like some people think.

Either way can we let him get along with it and respect the fact hes come by when others wouldnt.

01-07-03, 18:09
adding to docs post, not a flame however, this forum is for lighthearted discussion, the announcement forum is there for announcing stuff..... like DOY!

Dave Kujan
01-07-03, 18:36
i like 1, that's kind of an "in your face" to the "uber l33ts" at sony-sw productions...

another idea? "nc>sw:g" grafitti in the game! waddaya think?

01-07-03, 18:40
i want a T-shirt saying: (on the front)

"Cant Be A l33t Jedi? Rolled Back Again? Promises Broken?"

and on the back

Neocron Still Loves You


"Killed by a Smurf Again? Come Hug A Warbot"

01-07-03, 18:44
Originally posted by Tyranos
You were Artricia?

lol...yes. MJS was me. ^_^

...I wish. I'd be soooo a 127/127 with a liberator that did some goddamn damage now and then. :P

01-07-03, 19:44
Originally posted by phunqe
You know what I'm talking about... http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/liebe/love-smiley-076.gif

what are we waiting for then?

01-07-03, 20:11
Rawrrr option 4!! I want 'em both!!

Originally posted by Rieper
NC > PS on the back and NC > SW:G on the front? its just im a poor student and dont wanna have to buy two shirts o_O

Duh good idea! Gotta put the NC logo on there somewhere too and it'll be perfect!

Helen Angilley
01-07-03, 20:13
Man, I am _seriously_ loving this.

Most of those folk who screeched about PlanetSide, Shadowbane....etc marking the end of Neocron are starting to come back with their tails between their legs. :lol:

01-07-03, 21:53
I dont vote as i wear normal t-shirts not game ones:o but where does all this "planetside Vs NC" crap come from? really.....NC is a totally different game, if u aint played PS then u wouldnt know but use ur noggin, PS = MMO'FPS' and NC = MMO'RPG'.....go compare apples to oranges will ya :rolleyes:

01-07-03, 22:31
Originally posted by alig
I dont vote as i wear normal t-shirts not game ones:o but where does all this "planetside Vs NC" crap come from? really.....NC is a totally different game, if u aint played PS then u wouldnt know but use ur noggin, PS = MMO'FPS' and NC = MMO'RPG'.....go compare apples to oranges will ya :rolleyes:

It comes from the fact that a couple of months ago a load of people all decided to move to PS, and made a big song and dance about it on the forums, saying about how PS was going to be the end of NC, because PS was great and NC sucked.

They have since been coming back to NC in their ones and twos, and telling us all how shit PS is and how much more they now appreciate NC.


01-07-03, 22:40
First you sin then you come here attracting attention to yourself so the young ones may followe your path of darkness. o_O

Tisk Tisk.
:p :lol:

01-07-03, 23:07
Forgive me father for I too have sinn3d. I hath not confessed in... well, a REALLY long time. BTW that story about the goat and the "EasyCheese" is total bullshit! AHHEEMMM. Anyway, sinning.. right.., I too have forsaken NC for a lesser game... No, Wait, I was in the middle of getting a divorce... OH YEAH. Do I have to wear a T-Shirt to come back too??

Neocron, It's more fun than a cheap hooker and you CANT GET CRABS!

01-07-03, 23:25
Originally posted by Mr_Whoa
No, Wait, I was in the middle of getting a divorce... OH YEAH. Do I have to wear a T-Shirt to come back too??

You get the NC>Wife T-shirt. ;)


01-07-03, 23:41
Originally posted by valleyforge
*Head looking toward ground* Please forgive me, I have committed massive online sin.

I left the only true first person shooter massive online game in hopes of finding something better.

I looked far and wide in my travels but came up empty handed. I am now heading back to the holy grail of first person shooters.


Oh God, I hope my characters weren't deleted, I don't want to start all over again. I was close to a maxed out SPY and a maxed out TANK.

Please let them still be there in storage. Hopefully all I gotta do is wipe off the dust.
:( If you wanna try something different and might take your tastes try PlanetSide.

01-07-03, 23:49
how about a thong?

saying "DOY inside"

01-07-03, 23:54
Originally posted by Det0x
how about a thong?

saying "DOY inside"

I'll buy one. :eek: :)


02-07-03, 06:10
I will be more than happy to walk around wearing a t-shirt proclaiming the magnificence that is NEOCRON!

I am only here to obey and serve master Obi Wan... errr I mean master Martin Schwiezer.

Sorry, the SWG effects are still lingering. I must be purged somehow.

I need to undergo a Neocron cleansing to purge my body of all that is SWG.

As I go to sleep I will have nothing but Neocron thoughts. I will count an endless number of whiskey bottles being thrown off the Med Plaza ledge.

I will wake up and eat a Neocron breakfast consisting of Inquisition toast and scrambled Plasma.

Then head off to work in my Ultimate Powersuit X-256A while driving my NEXT all terrain vehicle and shooting anybody who gets in my way with my five slotted Cursed Soul.

Yes, I think my mind is reorganized now and I'm feeling better.

* wait a strange voice is calling to me, " search your feelings Valley. Don't stray from the FORCE " *

Ahhhhhhhh! Help me!!!!!!!!!! 8|

02-07-03, 06:41
So you want like...some kind of enema? Like, a Neocron enema? I'm sure we could cook up something like that, but I don't think it would be pleasant...

02-07-03, 22:25
Originally posted by Mr_Whoa
Forgive me father for I too have sinn3d. I hath not confessed in... well, a REALLY long time. BTW that story about the goat and the "EasyCheese" is total bullshit! AHHEEMMM. Anyway, sinning.. right.., I too have forsaken NC for a lesser game... No, Wait, I was in the middle of getting a divorce... OH YEAH. Do I have to wear a T-Shirt to come back too??

Neocron, It's more fun than a cheap hooker and you CANT GET CRABS!

:lol: hehe :lol: The problem with divorces are they are usually an expensive game to play. I mean, you buy the hardware to play the game, you play it, and to complete it you have to give the hardware half of your belongings :( So you can't play it THAT often :D BTW, my bitch is capped:lol:

06-07-03, 19:20

It's so cute and fuzzy and cuddly. I WANT THAT CAREBEAR!!!!!!!!!!

(for all those that are "wtf is she talking about?" the one in the neocron shop.....IT'S SO CUTE!!!!!!:D :p

06-07-03, 19:22
WTF!! You thread bumper Stacey KOS!!! :D

06-07-03, 19:30
sorry didn't mean to bump the thread. it was just a link in the sticky and forgot I wasn't in the sticky anymore........sorry. :(


Andy French
07-07-03, 07:00
Prepare to be dissapointed!

I'm not saying this game wasn't great, its just theyve done jack and shit as far as content goes in the past 4-5 months I was away, not to mention the fact bugs I remember from my first night are still wild and rampant.

If youre looking for a good pvp game, this is it (if theres still enough people to kill, I felt bad PK'in because there was a good chance the fed-up customer would leave for better things) but other than that and the awesome apartments, theres not much here.

Its a shame too, loved this game, but Its reached a dead end for me.

07-07-03, 07:16
Hmmm, that's an idea. We could all play SWG and be ubar peekayars and drive away their customers! That'd be fun!

EDIT: I'm being serious, too. If only I didn't have to pay $50 to do that :(

07-07-03, 07:20
There's no PvP or PK in SW:G... At least, only between consenting parties, and even then it sucks.

07-07-03, 08:44
Originally posted by hivemind
There's no PvP or PK in SW:G... At least, only between consenting parties, and even then it sucks.

and also currently not much of an existent storyline....I heard the Jedi features were still disabled too.......

oh and as an avid star wars fan (i've read like all but the last 2 books in The New Jedi Order) I have yet to go into galaxies because I hear it sucks completly from people who have beta tested it and I'm not willing to pay $50 to waste my money and see a huge disappointment.

anyhow enough of my rant...that's my first SW:G bashing post I've done pretty much and I'm finished...to all those that play neo and SW:G and think both are good....well.........sry. :(


Andy French
08-07-03, 03:38
Actually (me being a pvp nut, but not a griefer) ive found that next to Neocron, SWG has the most entertaining PVP action around. Lots of strategy to use, and certain weapons are good for certain situations.

Im not counting Planetside, its a MMOG.

To be honest, I hated SWG with a passion at first, but now im crazy about it. It puts AO, EQ, DAoC and other games to shame (although its a bit unstable now) and totally owns Neocron is all aspects outside of exciting PvM- PvP.

Someday if some massive corporation eats up KK and takes the game to its full potential, I might come back. And dont flame me, because this game ROCK(ED!!)

08-07-03, 04:03
Andy I agree with you.

I love Neocron and there is nothing I would rather do than play Neocron above any other game. It is only that the content is missing, it is all 'been there, done that' more than a hundred times.

I wish so much that NC would eventually bring DOY and perhaps a whole lot of other epic type quests.
I was just playing Morrowind Bloodmoon and thought that I was not even worrying about levelling because I was too busy doing quests, even if they are simple ones, and they come often and fast, it is like doing 3 epic runs in the space of one or two hours sometimes. Whereas what, we had about 5 epic runs over the space of one year in NC?

I don't know why KK cannot understand that it is not enough to create a game with the basics and sit back and basically do nothing or very very little except fixing bugs

09-07-03, 20:16
we will let you come back!

09-07-03, 22:06
Originally posted by NERD Editor
Lol at that last one... but erm... how big a chest do you think we have?

*gets tape measure* well lets see....

oops...wrong forum :o

09-07-03, 22:20
Originally posted by neophotographer
and also currently not much of an existent storyline....I heard the Jedi features were still disabled too.......

oh and as an avid star wars fan (i've read like all but the last 2 books in The New Jedi Order) I have yet to go into galaxies because I hear it sucks completly from people who have beta tested it and I'm not willing to pay $50 to waste my money and see a huge disappointment.

anyhow enough of my rant...that's my first SW:G bashing post I've done pretty much and I'm finished...to all those that play neo and SW:G and think both are good....well.........sry. :(


the jedi features work. I know someone working on the jedi tree right now. I am also a Star wars fan. Ive read all the books. In my opinion the bantam books are better than the lucas storylines(sorry george). The jedi academy triology should be made into a set of movies! Seriously though the game is pretty horrid and the only cool thing is becommign a jedi and possibly the architect profession. Besides that its preyy cookie cutter turn based stuff.

09-07-03, 23:34
Originally posted by IronMonkey
the jedi features work. I know someone working on the jedi tree right now. I am also a Star wars fan. Ive read all the books. In my opinion the bantam books are better than the lucas storylines(sorry george). The jedi academy triology should be made into a set of movies! Seriously though the game is pretty horrid and the only cool thing is becommign a jedi and possibly the architect profession. Besides that its preyy cookie cutter turn based stuff.

didn't ehar about them being turned on....ya know what really gets me.......unless it's been changed too.......is that if you die as a jedi that's it...you gotta reroll.........That just isn't right I don't think. I know I know that it's not supposed to be the era of Jedi or whatever, but COME ON! I guarantee that half the people are there to play a jedi.........AT LEAST HALF!


19-08-03, 12:44
Originally posted by neophotographer
if you die as a jedi that's it...you gotta reroll........

For those who ENJOY the levelling treadmill. Bastards! o_O

NC > CS (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&postid=876293#post876293)

19-08-03, 12:46
Well if this aint a ressurected thread I dont know what is.


19-08-03, 12:49
Er....why did you ressurect this thread?


19-08-03, 13:13
So that he could get an extra post in

19-08-03, 13:17


19-08-03, 13:31
Jezz guys, your all as bad as each other with this ressurecting of old threads, I wish you would learn.