View Full Version : Discuss Plan File: "An Outlook on the Future of Neocron"

Martin J. Schwiezer
20-09-02, 05:45
This is where you can discuss ncpf091902_004.plan (http://www.neocron.com/index.php?name=NeoContent&op=modload&file=index&pageID=54) with me and the community. Please do not post questions like "Can you give me an exact date when xy will be fixed...", because ... I cannot

20-09-02, 05:51
this should be sticky shouldnt it?


ok i had time to read the planfile.

I will concede that ther future looks bright for neocron, if all that can be delivered.

But i sincerely do hope that the beta we are experiancing is indeed vastly different then retail.

The latest switcharoo regarding the various classes' ideal stat was not a fun little jack-in-the-box to find out about since my Spy Researcher/Constructor is now effectively worthless since i only got him to 25ish skill in constructing before the last patch.

Hacking in the game is a complete wast of time unless your goal is to farm armor and weapons to sell for your twink tank... or to log on a rarely used alternate hacker to hack an outpost, then put him back in mothballs till you need to hack another outpost.

referr to the following threads on why hacking needs tweaked and suggestions to fix it.









Weapons also need some attention. Every weapon should have its own little BFG of sorts, you know something to look forwars to.

Not like now where melee's can look forward and expect thier 10-slot Double-Bladed-Lightsaber-of-Death-and-Maiming+5 to do the same damage as thier poor stiletto did when they just started out.

Especially since melee weapons have almost no range...


Water to Land transitioning needs to be fixed.
Currently it is a real pain in the butt to get out of water,
sometimes even if you are moving from onto sloped land even.



Implants pop out way too often and force the playerbase into an unwilling and unfun 2 to 3 hour wait each time they die because 4 pop out on each death, the time it takes to find a poker, the time it takes waiting for a TL 20+ implants to install, and finding a poker to wait an hour to poke all your implants.

Implants should at MAX pop out 1 random per death, and even then a 25-50% chance at losing an implant.

There have ben numerous suggestions for this, including being able to buy implant insurance at genereps so they wont pop out when you die.


So in conclusion, i really am both excited and leery of the direction and plans for neocron in the future, based on the current, changing, and non-changing mechanics of the game Neocron could be a huge hit, or it could be a massive timesink and a CHORE like Everquest is.

And i truely hope to god that Neocron does not become the "Cyberpunk EQ" of the MMORPG world....

20-09-02, 05:54
After 153 on B4 we have seen an entirely new set of stats , progression and possibly new limiting stat CAPs. Is this part just a trial attempt at balancing or is Neocron heading in a different direction?

Therel Moore
Austin TX

20-09-02, 05:56
Hi Martin,

I've asked this elsehwere and gotten no response, but do you have any information for us poor Australians as to when (indeed if) we will be able to purchase the game, or will we have to import it from .uk or .us?


20-09-02, 05:57
so everyone has time to build-up characters before the story starts ? Or all previous ones (like 2 months-old german chars) will be wiped ? How will dome of york be different from neocron ? Like they will be at war with eachother or perhaps fight some forces of teh evil...
Anyways I'm glad to hear that there will be actually a storyline in this game because fighting monsters or planning an attack on an outpost and then realising that the outpost belongs to allied clan or the one with which you formed truce 2 hours ago... Perhaps outpost defenses should be souped up again ? Like I saw a * guy penetrating through laser turrets like nothing had happend, perhaps something different than turrets (land mines, booby traps ?)

20-09-02, 05:57
Good to hear Martin. Keep on truckin

20-09-02, 05:58
i LIKE IT... the storyline (quests) feature will be a much welcome addition.. the FREE expansion pack will rock.. now I don't know what it will have (other then the new city) but with FREE, you just CAN'T go wrong

All the changes look good.. only thing that worries ME, personally, is the lack of any word on class balances.. I think there's been about 100 topics now about the fact that Psi Monks are SEVERELY lacking mid game and especially end game.

I would love class balance to be damn near close (I know it's impossible to please everyone) before any more vehicles, combat mechs, expansions are released.

Other then that... great work Martin.. you guys have a bright future ahead me thinks

20-09-02, 05:59
wow, that .plan file seems really promising, this is great. heh, wonder if i can buy an apt in the dome of york, lol, id only be like 80 miles from home then >_<
very nice, only question would be about the new rumors that havent been confirmed about the new char caps, i dont really care what happens with them anymore, just wondering if this was a test, or planed for retail.

20-09-02, 06:01
we need planes ! But on other hand zoning every 5 seconds and loosing the aircraft due to spawning in "reset_position" point will be annoying (especially on low-end computers) 8|

20-09-02, 06:03
I like the idea of the new city - The more places to visit and interact with the more involved the game will be. I suppose its almost limitless the amount of extra 'bits' you could add to the game.

I'm also pleased that the German beta has not suffered with some of the B4 bugs - and I can't wait to start my new character on a new retail server.


20-09-02, 06:08
i can't wait to see the dome of york.

the storyline concept sounds interesting.
i'll have to see more info on how it will work.

20-09-02, 07:50
While we are on the topic of the future of neocron...


*** WTF????... Over.... ***

It just took me over 600 rounds of 5.56 uranium ammo fired from an "Outstanding Enlarged Uranium Tangent Assault Rifle" to down a damn Launcher Cyclops....

WTF is this?

and WHY is it still an active patch?

Is it your .plan to have everyone running all the way out to BFE to hunt, only to have to run all the way BACK to a gogo everytime the kill something?

i mean SERIOUSLY.... SIX HUNDRED rounds of ammo???????

20-09-02, 07:59
Free Expansion Pack? Hot damn! Awesomeness.
Is there any idea about its download size? Being on a 56k dialup connection, it concerns me slightly :)

Phoenix Star
20-09-02, 08:12
I love those plans. No wonder the German release went so smooth. *still wubbin Martin*

*waits for people to copy the Martin wubbin again* :lol:

20-09-02, 08:31
Cool ! i cant wait, and for that guy who had 600 shots on cyclops. STFU ! (sry for my rudeness, but i think i speak for everyone). Hey Martin, with this new expansion will we see new weaps ? and maybe DoNY fighting Neocron forces ? That would be cool, Warbots fighting STORM Bots and Twilight Guardian helping the Warbots.

20-09-02, 09:01
Well, to me I was expecting more than just replaciment to Desert City (That what it was in beta2/3 but now there is empty spot and York will be located there).

Give us a real expansion that will cost sumthing and it will add a WHOLE new wasteland there with dome of York. I always belived that we will get Venture Warp and being able to warp OUTSIDE this current WORLD to OTHER WORLDS like wasteland near dome, or Neo-Tokyo and then someday to MARS (Yes, you promised us MARS)

This current plot where you give us more story about war between Neocron and York is great but still not being able to change course in it, is bit lame -- sure it's hard to change it but how about that war going on and depend on how players help each side, eventually one of em will win BUT it still won't mean huge changes .. perhaps that "It's only a battle, not a war".

When we will get Neo-Tokyo and Mars base because those what I am waiting for! Even if I have to pay like 50€ from those but they will bring new place to look and add new fun to do.

... and final word to you Martin, if new Skill Caps are true, why on earth did you do it? Comoon, nerffing everyone to support TANK and taking FUN out of game? Hello, where is common sense? Keep current Caps and I wont buy retail because it won't be FUN anymore! Please, since beta2 it was FUN because you can be whatever you like .. now you can be eighter a Tank or Tank-Supporter-that-idles-and-does-not-really-fight.

Other than that, good work dude! Bring back pre-153 caps and you will get my money for sure (And bigger-better-faster-NOT-free expansions:))

20-09-02, 09:12
Originally posted by Technetium
While we are on the topic of the future of neocron...


*** WTF????... Over.... ***

It just took me over 600 rounds of 5.56 uranium ammo fired from an "Outstanding Enlarged Uranium Tangent Assault Rifle" to down a damn Launcher Cyclops....

WTF is this?

and WHY is it still an active patch?

Is it your .plan to have everyone running all the way out to BFE to hunt, only to have to run all the way BACK to a gogo everytime the kill something?

i mean SERIOUSLY.... SIX HUNDRED rounds of ammo???????

What is the piercing stat on that gun?

BTW, I agree, they need to put the mob armor back to where it was or give us more money and xp for them.
A lot more!
I'm going through ammo and med kits like crazy.

20-09-02, 09:38
I think martins ideas are awesome, and i hope that it will really add a lot to the gameplay

20-09-02, 09:58
Instead of complaining about all the other things - thats what other threads are for, I think thats a great idea - the more things to do and a story line make this more like a rpg rather than a fps.

Nothing seems to make people pull together and enjoy themselves and roll play - than a conflict where you have common interests. Look at the fun people had on the ( ah-em ) last day vs. the warbots.

If as a spy I get to help out with breaking in the Dome of York - well thats amazing and what I thought the hackers would do : )

I hope this comes off - if nothing else than somewhere new to explore.
The price is perfect too - Free !

20-09-02, 10:11
Hey, thanks for the info Joerg!!!

I assume expansion packs is now your chosen form of adding major pieces of content. Are there still plans to include Irata III, Red Terra II and Tokyo II?? Will these be available as separate expansion packs??? Will all future expansion packs be free????

20-09-02, 10:28
I like the ideas you have. There definately needs to be more things to do for mid-high level players, low end players can have fun exploring and levelling up and trying new stuff but mid-high need things to do.

I think a priority should be to address everything on that huge list Technitium posted, I agree with all of it.

There especially needs to be more difference between the weapons. My street rifle does more damage than the unlabeled gatling rifle I can go on to using, so whats the point of using it? Ditto for the sureshot laser, defender rocket launcher, minirockets etc...

20-09-02, 10:49
story means crap if all you can do is either play a tank and blow up stuff, of sit on the bench with your thumb in your butt.

But look on the bright side! Hackers sucked ass before, now they suck 34908659382745698327456326 times as much because as a PE they wont be able to use a goddamn thing for weapons.

20-09-02, 11:57
Can you give me an approximate date when xy will be fixed?

Seriously tho, the plan sounds great... I really want to role play properly online, and being a very old skool Games Workshop type I believe this can only be really achieved by proper GM'ing and guidance of storyline.

I want us to move away from the necessity of just levelling up forever.. and I am glad that characters eventually get varied enough that you get a spread of necessary people in any one scenario (if that makes sense).

20-09-02, 12:22
Originally posted by TeMPeST
I want us to move away from the necessity of just levelling up forever.. and I am glad that characters eventually get varied enough that you get a spread of necessary people in any one scenario (if that makes sense).

Yeah with pre-153 skill caps, but not with current ones!

20-09-02, 13:03
Glad to hear everything went smoothly.

What I would like to see is a list of differences between Beta and Retail.
If for no other reason than so we can see what is different/fixed and maybe not worry so much that certain 'bugs' or 'anomilies' may still be in game.

20-09-02, 13:18
Here's an example. I've just gone from a better phosphor tangent enforcer pumpgun to a bad HEW liquid fire (About 30 dex levels apart).

Pumpgun does 4x7 damage on a launcher cyclops (Then burn damage)

Bad Liquid Fire does 4x4 damage.
Good Liquid Fire does 4x5 damage.

So at this rate a better heatpacket/radioactive liquid fire will do about 7-9 damage a shot. How is this an improvement over my old gun?

(The answer is not to nerf the enforcer pumpgun either!)

-Forgot to mention, the liquid fire also goes through an ammo pack in about 3 shots. You have to carry tons of ammo to be able to kill a monster.

20-09-02, 13:25
mmm, think this thread was for discussion of the plan-files, NOT skill-caps or anything else related to the game-system in itself.. keep the posts clean & where they belong please :)

Apart from that smart-ass remark, I do like the planfile. It appears you guys have (or rather: had, all along), the same idea as the people in brainport who wrote about Quests.

Keep in mind the PK'ers, though: if e.g. you plan set upa tent-camp for an old hermit somewhere, who can tell people about an old legend or something (or an old, unused route into the Dome), chances are he will be found by high-level characters who's first trigger-happy response may be: "if it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't, shoot it anyway!" End of hermit.

I think you are preparing some rather big chances for when the war between Dome and Neocron ends, and it makes sense to have the ending 'fixed', otherwise you'll spend weeks or months preparing alternate endings, and when they don't happen, all the effort is for nothing (of course, different servers could have different endings.. if the work for that is mostly the same, it would be fun if you did that: make the outcome of the war different for some servers (even if you only made 2 different outcomes, it would be fun to log onto a different server, and end up in what will feel like a 'parallel universe'.)

If any player can play on any server, it probably *will* mean that players new to the game, if the start playing after november 1st, are better of going to the US servers: since they start last, it will take longer for high level characters to appear, so they will be a better chance to participate in the war with a low level character than starting a new char on a server that has many high level players. (anyone still follow what I'm trying 2 say?lol)

Anyway, I trust we will get the 'other planets' sooner or later, probably when the storyline reaches that point where they can be used. If would then perhaps be best, though, to remove the venture warps from the city and have them invented when technology for it becomes available.

20-09-02, 14:03
It is good to hear that York `s gonnabe a "update".
But for the plan; keep in mind that if u want to go to Mars ect. , wasnt there a space-station orbiting the earth ? - I would like to have some uniqueness there like "unprogrammed",hackable WBs
or something like that...

20-09-02, 14:05
A Soryline.. hmm.
Okay, so spy's are going to have to do some Major intelligence gathering (at the behest of cityadmin of course ;) ) and Tanks get someone to hate. PI's I'm not so sure about what they'll have to do (I suspect the 'brain over brawn' aproach would have something to do with this).
PSI monks... eh, they've probably predicted what's going to happen already.

20-09-02, 14:28
Neocron sucks, who cares about the Dome of York...

*wakes up from his alter ego and slaps himself*

WTF was I saying!!! Neocron totally RULES!!! Hell I'll even pay for the Dome of York even though it's free :cool: :D ;)

20-09-02, 14:35
Hey Mr. Martin - ... It all looks fine and dandy from were im sitting :)

Looking forward to see what you can come up with.
One thing you havent mentioned in awhile is the hackers. We still need some luv :p ...Im still missing hacker missions. And its still only boxes etc. etc. you can hack. Not any "real" hacking.

You mentioned HackNet some month ago. Has that been ditched again ?

20-09-02, 14:56
Well, I want to see totally new places and more variability to game. How about drone users could actually hack a WB and use THAT to drone around? That could be possible .. or use HackNet to gain control of a WB and really use that as someone said earlier :).

Make York to be other place than just Desert City repliciment please? And put Neo-Tokyo online soon after launch :). I wanna play there and watch sum Anime ^_^

20-09-02, 15:38
The ideas for the future are great and I really look forwards to see an interesting story implemented.

You promise to make the game more interesting - but with the last patch you made it less interesting.

right now - Gameplay is somewhere else, not in NC.
I cant fight any real monsters like I could before the patch and the only chance I have to gain money is fighting. I don´t want to go back into the sewers again with my Lvl 47 Tank that is absolutely NO fun - especially as there is no storyline or something that at least would make me think I´d kill mutant soldiers for some good reason. As far as that I have to say the same thing as the 600-bullets guy.

There remain some other ideas which I could imagine to see implemented for example the notepad-on-a-datacube thing and more - it´s all in the brainport... (waiting to be commented)
These ideas there are sometimes really promising to deepen the gameplay and the atmosphere of NC - often times with simple matters.

20-09-02, 16:05
Originally posted by Kohistan
Hey Mr. Martin - ... It all looks fine and dandy from were im sitting :)

Looking forward to see what you can come up with.
One thing you havent mentioned in awhile is the hackers. We still need some luv :p ...Im still missing hacker missions. And its still only boxes etc. etc. you can hack. Not any "real" hacking.

You mentioned HackNet some month ago. Has that been ditched again ?

I'm gonna smash my window if HackNet is being trashed...

Ah yes who can forget those hacking missions? *prays that there will be upcoming hacking missions*

20-09-02, 17:01
Mission wise I think the game is missing out on more of a, how to put it, automated GM events?

Like a group of players being hired to clean out monsters rom a village in the wasteland or similar. I guess that could be what Clan missions will end up as...

20-09-02, 17:20
Being a hacker/broker myself I was wondering about where you guys are going to go with the ingame StockX market?

The updates on the market figures are SLOW!

What would be nice is to have an interface where we can see the market right before our eyes. Kind of like a built in "ticker tape" on our screen. Getting an hourly quote does make for very good trading in Neocron.

Also, if we are hackers. Why cant we have a portable CityCom link laptop of some sort? Why must the hackers, the most computer savvy people in the game, resort to having to go ALL THE WAY to a terminal?

We should have our own wireless portable computers. I mean c'mon Mark this is the future! But we are resorting to old technology!

I have a ton of ideas, but I don't wanna over run you with them all at once!

* HackNET! HackNET! HackNET!

20-09-02, 17:32
Mark = Mr.Martin of course.

I ran outta coffee this morning in my house.

Have some pity!

20-09-02, 17:53
That all sounds good and so, BUT.

Will the chat system change/improve from this lame mid 80 thingy we have now?

I need a friends list.
I need to be able to create chat groups THAT STAYS.
I need DIFFERENT color on Zone/team/local, whatever, i dont even read the chat no more, it is just impossible to avoid MASSIVE eye nerve injuries.

This needs a TOTAL overhaul, it is beyond bad.

is there even the mist BASIC /r command cause I havent found it.

In this you migth even wanna check AO, cause they did this with sort of success, could still be better but it is compared to this system, like PACMAN is to DEUS EX.

This is supposed to be a community game, there is no community in lonely.


20-09-02, 18:09
good read .. sounds promiseing

20-09-02, 18:59
in responce to hacking concept. hackers hacking hackers.
basoically the dificulty reflects each hackers skill and you just point and click. in beginning this could be a good way for newbie hackers to practice other than the boxes and trapdoors in sewers.

also for more advanced game there can be hacking posts in outposts people take over with a gogo and a terminal and if a hacker is logged into terminal people hacking into that outpost's boxes have to hack the person rather than ai.

that way the clan that owns it has an easier time with opening thier outpost's boxes and the enemies have a harder time. also this raises the usfullness of more than 1 good hacker in a clan. also perhapse have that remote door hacking accesable from there. the gogo and terminal will enable the guy to do stuff like constrct ammo and read mail while he waits.

20-09-02, 20:16
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
This is where you can discuss ncpf091902_004.plan (http://www.neocron.com/index.php?name=NeoContent&op=modload&file=index&pageID=54) with me and the community. Please do not post questions like "Can you give me an exact date when xy will be fixed...", because ... I cannot


Silent Reaper
20-09-02, 22:22
The storyline thingy is cool, but I really think you shouldnt have revealed where the storyline will take place *evil grin*

Now, I would be really cool to know how is hacknet doing... got some ideas for it, but I would prefer first having an idea on how it is gonna be before throwing ideas on the air :)

21-09-02, 00:25
The plan sounds awesome! It made me pull my hair out because I want to buy retail and get back in NC and open a big can of woopass!

But, there's still a lot of issues I don't like about the game (as I've mentioned in other posts earlier). Also I find it rather nice that I'm starting to find my way back to live a normal life again ;)

So, if the game becomes as great as it could be, I wish the best of luck to all of you in reaching your goals in NC! I won't be with you, but hey, who cares anyway, right? Well, someone must keep up the IRL world, but don't you worry, I'll handle it. You just take care of NC for me, ok? :-)

I hope you all will have fun!

PS. Biggest showstopper is still that all but Tanks are nerfed.

21-09-02, 14:31
My idea for the new plan file :

|Fix the monks|


21-09-02, 19:34
realy need com terms in outposts ...

21-09-02, 22:56
i cant wait for the games storyline!!

22-09-02, 02:16
I didn't see anything in the plans about Remote hacking being added.

Mechs... months After story stars... ick that means like April... ooo maybe intime for my 22nd Birthday =D

free Dome of York = good idea

but what about the people who don't Download it? will they still be able to see the dome? or talk to the people in the dome? or will it be a forced patch?

22-09-02, 02:20
i think that the dome of york will be released on disk as well as downloadable format. any other way would totally negate the appeal of the expansion. in order to appeal to the widest poss audience, KK MUST release on cd(at a small price) in order to guarantee the use of the game

Martin J. Schwiezer
22-09-02, 02:35
Originally posted by fibulator
but what about the people who don't Download it? will they still be able to see the dome? or talk to the people in the dome? or will it be a forced patch? Well, atm it is planned to make the expansion pack available via d/l only, but it will _not_ be a forced patch. Maybe we'll also offer it on CD-ROM for a small amount of money that covers p&p. We plan to do this in cooperation with Fileplanet and they have a 'Order it on CD-ROM' service there. Anyway, we do not intend to make money with the expansion pack (not other than keep players addicted to the game ;))

22-09-02, 04:01
Well, i would hope you will also be adding new content, not just managing the story line.

New vehicles, new lands, etc etc, preferably in patches, but more than likely in the dreaded expansion packs, but still, new content.

22-09-02, 13:00
OK the plans for the future sound great...and now that you switched the stats for new chars back to the same as german release thats wonderful...


I hope that many of ther changes in the new patch were only to "rest" some new ideas about monster stats and vehicles...

First of all, we aree going to have a world full of Warbots within a few weeks, as most of the people who were soloing them or killing them in pairs (and even threesomes) are no longer even bothering to attack them at all...

I am talkin about tanks with 4 chev and better...the WBs are fine like this but not when spawning all over the place..

IOW IMHO we need to have the mob armour and damage set back to somewhere near to where it was (not necessarily all the way back, but at present is way to tough.

VEHICLES!!! repairs are still WAY too high (even at half the price)
and the damage they take is very nearly made it impossible to use them...Although it was a bug, right now if you can even drive across some sectors from one side to the other and still have a vehicle with more than 50% left it surprising, the old zone and you are repaired may make sence as some reward for making it across the sector in anything less than a rhino....no seriously we need to have a vehicle repair ability and/or parts and tools for our repairpersons to use to repair these . that would make sence

Now maybe it is beta and so we are in debug or whatever, but i crash at least 50% of the fights (pvp or mob) that i get into..

I mean i have idiots like C____ running around shouting how they "owned" me because they were able to kill me with only one m8 helping them.... (wonder why i wasnt fireing back) I was crashed and reboot dead or zoned onto a mountain top. Same happens in the storage lockers, a few cyclops start firing and poof! my screen turns black and i need to reboot! I 'm just saying that with the stability issues like this and the zoning problems (we all know what I mean) let's hope that we have a stable little world b4 we get a bigger one!

Legion Battlemaster
Pluto Server

22-09-02, 16:46
I must say Martin and team


like your game isnt addictive enuff,,lmao,,,, Good job

Day after day i oftenhear people bitch about bugs and stuff meanwhile i know behind the scenes you guys are working on a allready fantastic game,u know, after 3 weeks i finally killedmy first wolf, lmao,,,, thats how much i love constructing,id like to request in retail u make illegals easy to get, as all constructors will tell u taht @ 175 con u should be able to slot more than 1 or 2 every 3rd time,, it gets quite painful sometimes,,, well anyhow im sure ill have a hand in fixing the constuctors,, how abotu letting cons fix vechiles,,,, that would be great ..

well tata for now

Neocrons #1 god weapon making machine


23-09-02, 16:00
I fully Understand that this is a BETA. As a result bugs and balance issues are expected. It is free other than the minor responsibility of reporting bugs. So ppl shouldnt complain about bugs. the fix to the mele system is good, but some of the alterations have made guns useless. I know some of my freinds who play this were EQers and if they find them selves reduce to hacking at stuff cause guns are useless, they are simply not going to play.

However myself and others eagerly await the realease of NC here in AU however with the official story staring Nov 1, am I going to have time to get a decent character by then or will I be able to use my BETA characters.

23-09-02, 23:22
Wow really cool, the plannings look awesome. And expansions for free kicks ass. I love the world in neocron as it is, and in q1 2003 it's gonna be even better?! Coolness!

Just try not to fuck up on the storyline like Funcom did with AO. They just flat out stopped with storyline and involvement with players...

Just one question, what's the cost per month gonna be for neocron? Not that I really care, I can handle anything around 20 hehe, just damn curious though!

24-09-02, 02:20
I believe its supposed to be around $10 (in the US) a month.

Martin J. Schwiezer
24-09-02, 02:54
Yea, it's 9.95 USD.

24-09-02, 12:30
*me does the dome of york donce*

hehe... and how the hell you made CDV agree to a free update? gonne len em your pro coffee maker for some time? *humps snow*

anyway, sounds nice, also storryline is sth that we REALLY need :)
its a pitty we can't influence it tho... after you said bigger clans might be considered by you as "important parts of the community" (no 1:1 quote... but basically your sayings... or? :D )

whatever :wtf: .. and yes.. the wastes need to be MORE populated *G* they are abit more crowded nowadays... but imo still too empty

but: as allways i am hoping the best, fearing the worst :P and as allways, you will land somewhere in between...
so... gogogo! bunneh in the hooole!

*me waits patiently ..... *cough.. yea... as if... patience is overrated* :angel:

25-09-02, 02:28
Interesting reading. Let me add something: For the love of Neocron, increase the viewing distance in the wasteland with at least 100m. Now it reminds me of playing Turok the dinosaur hunter on PS one a long time ago. Yes, nice grass, my GF4 Ti4200 loves it, but viewing distance is too narrow IMO.

Could be that the times I was out there, it was fog everywhere. It feels like the viewing distance is 200m or so, max. Not enough, it should be at least 600m. If the players comps can handle the city graphics, they should be able to draw the somewhat rough and low res terrain graphics too without a huge FPS decrease.

If you do it like this for reasons like combat and strategy (like avoiding those hovering bombers), I understand, np. I am not complaining, just used to playing OFP 1985 (and Resistance) since May last year, taking advantage of the terrain itself to hide and sneak up on enemies, or retreat, things like that.

You guys are doing wonderfully anyway, I hope you will get some well deserved sleep and happyhours before the paying customers start whining about this and that :D

25-09-02, 14:31

I´d love to see shops players can rent. At the moemnt you have to sell your stuff via boards or shouting out loud in the zones. This is quite time consuming and makes the constructing proffesions a little inefficient.
It would be great if you could rent a small shop with a window in which you can display the stuff you sell. In that shop you can place an NPC Shopkeeper which sells your constructed stuff to other players.
So all the lowlevels would find much easier a good weapon to hunt with.

keep up the good work REAKKTOR!

25-09-02, 15:44
If u want new ideas 4 NC well I could imagine some:
What about first puting up a new transport way per airplane??
If NC has that perfectly involved (payment,airport,max. guests, flight schedule etc.) u could easily upgrade the world of NC with new cities far away like the city near New Tokio.
And perhaps if its not too expensive and difficult u could even launch starships to the colonies on the mars (new firece mars monsters and weapons) and on Irata III (new paradise world to conquer). Thats all 4 now,plz reply me if there is a chance to realize it...

25-09-02, 15:46
uhmm yeah I forgot:
|\| E () ( |2 () |\| |2 ( ) XXX

26-09-02, 08:54
Great planfile Master Schwiezer!

Just a few notes, most are allready mentioned here 5-6 times, but even so I wanted to say what matters to me.

New possibilities for the ones who spends ip in hacking. As of now, you can hack boxes, some doors and thats about it... Sure, a few mobs you have to hack (The flying saucers) but its hard to shoot em down for a mid lvl hacker (at least for me.)
Looking forward to HackNET but noone has a clue how or when it will be released....

Another issue, the PSI Monks. Will we get better hi and mid end PSI Modules? I really like the boost you've given to the poison modules. They are really worth the NCs now! Two thumbs up!

Better description on the PSI Modules. Its hard to see who does the most damage and what they accually do. As it is now, its not entirely new player (better word than newbie) compatible. For the newer folks, its hard to understand that Psyshock is a snare, not a nuke. And shouldnt the snares be passive skill related and not agressive?

Love the fact that the addon pack will be free! That makes Neocron unique, in comparasint to for instance AO, DAoC and Everquest. BIG THUMBS UP!!! :D

Another note.
Most MMOGs have a problem with PATCH MESSAGES. They usually leave out the things they "think we won't notice" and keeps in most of the new stuff. I'd really like for Reakktor to make very detailed patch messages for instance "The mining tool has now gotten several new objects to mine from" and so on.

Yet another note, when will the beta end? So I know when Ill expect my Neocron in the mailbox.

So, with all that said, keep up the fantastic work! You guyes really got something going here, and I love it! Keep it up! ;)

26-09-02, 09:28
Sounds good to me :D

26-09-02, 15:08
Storyline... Battlemechs... Expansionpacks... Wars...

This is NOT going to be an outdoors winter, I'll tell you that. God help me.

26-09-02, 16:50
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
Dome of York Expansion Pack

The first expansion pack for Neocron will be the city of Dome of York. The entrance to Dome of York will be located in the North of the Wastelands. It will be available in Q1/2003 and it will be available as a FREE download from our website (yep, you got that one right... for free!). While it will not be as big as the city of Neocron, it will highly add to the NC universe and its immersion.

Well it's about time a decent MMORPG company stands up for it's fanbase, and says NO to corporate greed. Free expansion packs? Fuckin lovely. You've got my soul.. er I mean you've got me sold.

Dome of York Expansion Pack -> FREE

Indesin gets lit


26-09-02, 21:34
Hi everyone

I currently don't like:

..that monsters are hard to target. The little beasts slip out of sight all the time, or keep running around. It's annoying to keep playing with the camera angle to keep the mob targeted. I'd appreciate an auto-target hotkey.

..the interface. It's a bit boring, I'd enjoy some eye candy here. Gradient bars, nice frames around the menus, basic things like that would already be cool. :) You have the interface in front of your eyes all the time, so it should look good.

I also heard about some exploits, for example the one with stocks values. Those deserve attention by the programmers, and I guess you're already on it.

Last but not least I suggest more advertisement for the game. With half a dozen major MMORPG's being released next year, your strategy of getting most customers through the "word of mouth" might not work out so well.

I like the game otherwise. Keep it up, and I hope you don't get tired of communicating with us the way you currently do.

Respectfully submitted,

27-09-02, 16:08
phunqe DONT SAY BATTLEMECHS...thats a copyright infringment :\..we dont need M$ on our asses....use 'CombatMech' ;)

28-09-02, 01:40
Great plan.

Heres some ideas I had if you care.
Change and unpredictability is what makes mmorpgs interesting. What if players ran the NCPD? I understand the need to balance making the game interesting with making new players able to adjust, but with the brilliant Law Enforcer chip police protection isnt an absolute nessecity anywhere. In addition, players have to leave the Safe Zones to fight anywhere harder than a lvl 2 sewer anyway. If a player ran NCPD was allowed, than the number of members would determine how much chaos was in the city. And too much chaos would probably motivate more players to join. I think it would add an interesting element to the game, and copbots wouldnt just be an invincible force, nor could they be easily exploited.

Not idea how hard this one would be to implement but, what if there was citycom inter runner trading as oposed to player owned npc's. For instance you could put an item up for sale on a public vendor terminal and someone else could buy it. If they were at known locations in the city it would save space and make it even easier to acess than finding people's apartments to buy from their npc's

Maybe factions could have resource stores for their members that other factions could raid. Maybe runners could get perks for working for different factions, depending on what the faction did. For instance maybe Tangent members get slightly better weapons or Anarchy Breed suffers less synaptic impairment.

Just some ideas if you ever run out of stuff to pay your programmers for. :)

28-09-02, 07:33
9.95 a month? Now you are a man after my heart, and subsequentially my relationship and my business as they all go down the tubes with my addiction to neocron..
Great price, can't for it

29-09-02, 11:02
Personally, I'm lovin the .plan and whole storyline bit. I'd probably fall over and pass out from joy if I got a screen shot of a nice massive battle complete with PC infantry and vehicle use, plus or minus allied NPC units. My biggest gripe so far has just been the vehicles... I love em to death, but their pricey as hell, and it sucks to pull up to battle with all your buddies, then tellin em to get out so the mobs don't scratch the paint. Cause right now, a paint job on a 4x4 runs over 100k. I think it's fine for the wheelers and the chainbikes to be flimsy, they're not combat vehicles. But to watch my jeep get ripped apart by a single blast from a Raptor... it hurts. I like the sounds of Combat Mechs... very nice. I think we're still kinda missing something to fill the APC/medevac role, though. The Wheeler 2 and 4x4 only carry a single passenger, and the tank, with it's UNGODLY gunnery requirements, is less than supremely useful... so you either have to have multiple drivers and a small caravan, or you can't move players in groups of 6-10.

But what if we took it a step further... what about some customizable vehicles? Buy one of those 4x4's, and put in a better gun... or tear the gun out and put in another pair of seats back there... Probably a bit complex... but if we're gonna be spending 11 million credits on a tank... we might as well toss in an extra million or two and get something nice. Heck, even different paint jobs or clan emblems spray painted on the sides.

Maybe a trunk on some vehicles? So you can toss another 100 medkits and extra ammo in for those long journies...

Other than that... I'm lovin the game. Future is lookin bright, sunny, and doom-filled... What more could a child ask for?

Chrono Kid
03-10-02, 03:18
Im also glad to see that soon we'll be able to play this game with many, many new features and bug fixes but one thing still puzzles me...

Mech suits
New vehicles
Rare guns


what are we psimonks supposed to do?
We cant get any str very easily and thus our armor ends up weighing us down to the point of no return

so we have to settle with low lvl armor.

then when we attempt to shoot monsters and their maybe a quarter inch out of our sites we dont do squat.

their needs to be new methods implemented so that psimonks get a piece of the updates worth getting.

perhaps a sort of psi that cover your body in an glowing aura that lasts for a long time and has maybe the power to absorb certen elements and implement them towards your psi and such.

perhaps this aura can also act as a basic armor that 1. protects you against nastys and 2. cuts your psi regen by 1/3 or such.

maybe a psi that materializes an energy sword that uses both psi and ummmm whats the word... yah stamina per swing but has a chosen element.

Last but not least psi monks need perhaps special psi skills that lets them confuse monsters into attacking other monsters (not people, thats just lame)

Al Asif
03-10-02, 06:21
Psi's have: among the best energy protect armor(check the spirit armor stuff, sure it's high lvl, but you can't say you'll be stuck in kevlar), and also "shelter" type spells are a sort of shield spells, they reduce damage taken.

Also there's the obvious "rare psi modules"(chaos queen flame avalanche) in addition to rare guns.

Maybe actually check the stuff psi's get before complaining you don't have any?

Here's a list of psi armor:
6 psi Crahn Shelter Helmet 1.6 force 1.6 pierce 0.8 fire 4.0 energy
28 psi Crahn Holy Shelter Helmet 6.0 force 6.0 pierce 3.0 fire 15.0 energy
52 psi Crahn Spirit Helmet 10.8 force 10.8 pierce 5.4 fire 27.0 energy
78 psi Crahn Holy Spirit Helmet 16.0 force 16.0 pierce 8.0 fire 40.0 energy
4 psi Crahn Shelter Vest 1.2 force 1.8 pierce 3.0 energy
26 psi Crahn Holy Shelter Vest 5.6 force 8.4 pierce 14.0 energy
50 psi Crahn Spirit Vest 10.4 force 15.6 pierce 26.0 energy
76 psi Crahn Holy Spirit Vest 15.6 force 23.4 piece 39.0 energy
Belt: (you have both int and psi armor here)
2 int Light Energyfieldbelt 0.9 pierce 0.9 fire 0.9 energy 1.3 xray
12 psi Crahn Shelter Belt 1.4 force 1.4 pierce 2.8 fire 5.6 energy 2.8 xray
14 int Medium Energyfieldbelt 3.4 pierce 2.7 fire 5.1 energy 4.8 xray
25 int Heavy Energyfieldbelt 4.9 pierce 3.3 fire 11.4 energy 7.5 xray
34 psi Crahn Holy Shelter Belt 3.6 force 3.6 pierce 7.2 fire 14.4 energy 7.2 xray
36 int Light Deflector Belt 19.4 force 9.3 pierce 3.9 energy 5.4 xray (deflect)
50 int Zargerus Belt of Protection 5.2 force 5.2 pierce 10.4 fire 20.8 energy 10.4 xray (Rare)
51 int Medium Deflector Belt 23.5 force 10.1 pierce 10.1 energy 9.4 xray (deflect)
58 psi Crahn Spirit Belt 6.0 force 6.0 pierce 12.0 fire 24.0 energy 12.0 xray
66 int Heavy Deflector Belt 24.8 force 17.1 pierce 15.8 energy 10.4 xray (deflect)
84 psi Crahn Holy Spirit Belt 8.6 force 8.6 pierce 17.2 fire 34.4 energy 17.2 xray
8 psi Crahn Shelter Pants 2.0 force 2.0 pierce 2.0 fire 3.0 energy 1.0 xray
30 psi Crahn Holy Shelter Pants 6.4 force 6.4 pierce 6.4 fire 9.6 energy 3.2 xray
54 psi Crahn Spirit Pants 11.2 force 11.2 pierce 11.2 fire 16.8 energy 5.6 xray
80 psi Crahn Holy Spirit Pants 16.4 force 16.4 pierce 16.4 fire 24.6 energy 8.2 xray
10 psi Crahn Shelter Boots 1.2 force 1.2 pierce 2.4 fire 4.8 energy 2.4 xray
32 psi Crahn Holy Shelter Boots 3.4 force 3.4 pierce 6.8 fire 13.6 energy 6.8 xray
56 psi Crahn Spirit Boots 5.8 force 5.8 pierce 11.6 fire 23.2 energy 11.6 xray
82 psi Crahn Holy Spirit Boots 8.4 force 8.4 pierce 16.8 fire 33.6 energy 16.8 xray

Now that stuff isn't bad. You get a lot of special protections, but the psi's weakness is balistic weaponry and explosions.

30-12-02, 03:43
please refer to my post in brainport
titled how to save neocron.

02-01-03, 06:05
Well Martin is back and its a new year.

Maybe we could get a taste of what is to come? Little info on city size, features, mechs, anything?

Gevrik Halfdead
13-02-03, 18:15

Nuff said. :D

13-02-03, 18:23
umm Plans change.

DOY is now an Early Second Quarter of 2003 Project and not Q1. Epic quest arent done yet, but I think they are getting closer.

The entire PVP change forced time away from the Epics inorder to address the problem. Why do people always want to force the issue with developers?


13-02-03, 19:03
Talk about the plan eh? Well, I'm thinking it sounds like a broken record in part. The whole "solving bugs" thing is something that has been taken so lightly in my view that I don't believe it's going to change in time. If you read under "The future of Neocron", the first sentence is:

"So what will Reakktor do, once all ingame systems and -mechanics are 100% up and polished?"

Does anyone actually believe this will ever happen? With 1.) "universal drivers" that don't work well (ask any Radeon owner) and Martin not addressing that issue, 2.) bugs that have been around and sitting around since beta (music makes the game crash 200% more), and 3.) not enough talent behind the wheel (HP bug and pierce bug that have been worked around rather than fixed), I'm amazed that there is any plan at all...

KK better hope that the German following is very strong, because IMO, the rest of the crowd will be headed to Planetside or SWG, whichever meets their needs better.

We were told before 166/167 that that patch was going to primarily concentrate on fixing bugs. You guys go out there and count the amount of fixed in comparison to balance issues. It's quite clear that priorities are something of a muddled feeling around the KK office, and it won't change (we've heard "this patch is gonna be fixes" before).

I used to be such an addict of this game. I used to think about what I was going to do or want to achieve very often. The way that KK has handled this game has ruined the feeling completely. You don't need any kind of addiction therapy for your neocrack, KK will take care of it for you....

13-02-03, 21:21
I'm really looking forward to the future. I can't wait for the epic runs and the like to show up on the retail servers so that we can begin to get a real feel for the back-story of Neocron.

Yeah... about that...

I'm not trying to rag on anyone (but I know some people will feel that I am so I'm apologizing now) but, at least in english, your writers need HELP. Simple errors in grammar and spelling abound within the NPC conversations and the event stories. To make matters worse the flow and structure of the event stories indicate either a very poor translation from the German or, more likely, that the writing skill of the writer is at a level we in the states would associate with "high school." To be blunt, as if I hadn't been already, the stories seem like they've been written by people who do not write professionally and have, in fact, no real training in the skill beyond the basic level provided by free public education. Please, I beg you, hire a proven writer or two it will make a WORLD of difference for everyone. It's not the stories themselves that are the problem, far from it, it's how they're written.

13-02-03, 21:25
Originally posted by Tetsu0
We were told before 166/167 that that patch was going to primarily concentrate on fixing bugs. You guys go out there and count the amount of fixed in comparison to balance issues. It's quite clear that priorities are something of a muddled feeling around the KK office, and it won't change (we've heard "this patch is gonna be fixes" before).

Umm, any change that does not add new content would be a "fix" wouldn't it? I mean... isn't a "fix" any change made to the game designed to resolve an issue? The word fix doesn't, by itself, differentiate between engineering or play balance does it?

It's all how you look at it. Reading the last few patch notes I see far more fixes than additions.

13-02-03, 21:38
Originally posted by BetMonty
I'm not trying to rag on anyone (but I know some people will feel that I am so I'm apologizing now) but, at least in english, your writers need HELP. Simple errors in grammar and spelling abound within the NPC conversations and the event stories. To make matters worse the flow and structure of the event stories indicate either a very poor translation from the German or, more likely, that the writing skill of the writer is at a level we in the states would associate with "high school." To be blunt, as if I hadn't been already, the stories seem like they've been written by people who do not write professionally and have, in fact, no real training in the skill beyond the basic level provided by free public education. Please, I beg you, hire a proven writer or two it will make a WORLD of difference for everyone. It's not the stories themselves that are the problem, far from it, it's how they're written.

If you are an expert in this area and see something wrong, please send me an email or PM with what you see as incorrect use of grammar and spelling. I take pride in the Story’s that are placed on the site. If you have seen something wrong since I've started, then by all means you can PM me. I have my work proof read by at least 3 people prior to it being posted. The Storyline so far has been written in English first then translated. I implore you to correct me. As far as NPC dialogue, that is not my area but you can send me what you see in error and I can have it addressed.

To give you a background, I am an established writer and have been educated in English Literature. So Reakktor has hired someone as you described, me.

You and I should talk via PM, and that invitation is for anyone else as well. I want to make sure we are on the same sheet of music.

13-02-03, 21:48
Originally posted by Granite

You and I should talk via PM, and that invitation is for anyone else as well. I want to make sure we are on the same sheet of music.

Ya, but, I liked my idea of havin them weird war vet soilder mob's invading all the op's at once for like 100 hours, non stop, you know, a complete warzone, lots of belts to be hacked hehehe.

Love what your doin with the storyline Granite, though, with you living on the moon, isnt it kinda hard to meet deadlines? o_O

13-02-03, 22:07
Just, for the DoY launch.

I've recieved a mail from CDV where they announce launch for end of april.

13-02-03, 23:20
Originally posted by BetMonty

Umm, any change that does not add new content would be a "fix" wouldn't it? I mean... isn't a "fix" any change made to the game designed to resolve an issue? The word fix doesn't, by itself, differentiate between engineering or play balance does it?

It's all how you look at it. Reading the last few patch notes I see far more fixes than additions.

Okay, maybe I didn't make myself clear. I just figured people knew what I was talking about because I've bitched up and down these halls somewhat enough. When I mean fix, I'm strictly talking about major issues, not things like: "This feature works in Citicom now" or "You don't get the e-mail message all the time." Things like that bug me, but not like the major issues. By that I mean things that keep the game from running stable. Sure, you can do some things to help it along, but that shouldn't have to be.

I know there have been many minor fixes, and have appreciated those, but I feel that there have been too many major overlooks.

-The API structure needs to be updated so that it works flawlessly with most systems using more recent technologies.
-Latency issues need to be figured out or a server moved to a US location if nothing can be done.
-The transition code when zoning isn't great and crashes the game more often than it should (sometimes resulting in warping to undesirable locations).
-The Radeon problem needs to be addressed someday (although this has to do with my first point, I am especially unhappy at the total ignoring of this problem).

14-02-03, 01:49
Originally posted by Tetsu0

Okay, maybe I didn't make myself clear. I just figured people knew what I was talking about because I've bitched up and down these halls somewhat enough. When I mean fix, I'm strictly talking about major issues, not things like: "This feature works in Citicom now" or "You don't get the e-mail message all the time." Things like that bug me, but not like the major issues. By that I mean things that keep the game from running stable. Sure, you can do some things to help it along, but that shouldn't have to be.

Yeah, ok that makes sense. I hardly ever troll... err I mean "trawl" the forums but it was a slow day at work today. ;)

Personally I can deal with instability if they instead choose to fix massive play mechanic issues. A crash may annoy the heck out of me and it may even screw my character or clan (such as losing 3 times the amount of money I withdrew from the clan bank due to a lag bug and NOT having any way to make that money come back) but flawed mechanics will make the game suck every time I play, not just when it crashes and that I cannot abide.

14-02-03, 02:16
I didn't bother to read all the peplies, just the plan file. Shouldn't this be sticky? It was rather far down the page when I logged on today.

14-02-03, 03:43
Originally posted by hose187
I didn't bother to read all the peplies, just the plan file. Shouldn't this be sticky? It was rather far down the page when I logged on today.

That's because this plan file is from 2002-09-19

14-02-03, 16:24
Originally posted by BetMonty

Yeah, ok that makes sense. I hardly ever troll... err I mean "trawl" the forums but it was a slow day at work today. ;)

Personally I can deal with instability if they instead choose to fix massive play mechanic issues. A crash may annoy the heck out of me and it may even screw my character or clan (such as losing 3 times the amount of money I withdrew from the clan bank due to a lag bug and NOT having any way to make that money come back) but flawed mechanics will make the game suck every time I play, not just when it crashes and that I cannot abide.

Yea, that's understandable. I always seem to suffer the really ugly bugs like what I mentioned at the worst times. You know..."Oh crap, so 'n so needs help over at Gabanium" then you GR there and crash, only to come back with a warbot titan's barrel against your forhead and no cover.

14-02-03, 16:48
Man i heard you say fileplanet im gona go wait in line now for the download

14-02-03, 17:01
Sound like neocron is going somewhere Great Plan Martin :)

Thank you for making Domes of York free :)

13-10-03, 21:59
Just Looked throught the official site and found this Dinosaur thread;)

The link was from herehttp://neocron.com/index.php?name=NeoContent&op=modload&file=index&pageID=41 (http://)

Plans and Thoughts about Neocron

This section has been added to share the thoughts and plans of Martin J. Schwiezer (CEO of Reakktor.com) with our community. Each plan file includes a link to the related forum thread, where you can input your thoughts and discuss it directly with our CEO.

So I went on to read about 100 % bug free and great story lines..

Is this another game?



Our Priorities for the Neocron Retail Version

Okay, Neocron is out in Germany for 4 weeks now. The game received very good reviews so far (average is 84.2%) and the number of subscribers is constantly climbing up every day. But (again) it's too early to lean back and sip champagne... The game is still in its childhood and there's still plenty of work for us. We've been asked many times, what our priorities in the current polishing of the retail version are and I'd like to take this oportunity to give a brief answer to that question.

1st Priority: Server Stability and Sync Related Problems

Well, while the stability of NC on the retail servers is pretty satisfying, we still have some complaints about the infamous sync bug. As I pointed out in one of my earlier plan files, this bug is a tough bastard. It happens when players get ported between servers of a world server cluster. To many players it occurs like once per hour of gameplay. On rare occasions it also happens that players get kicked out into some random place after syncing (e.g. places they've never seen or even heard of before and suddenly find themselves surrounded by angry WarBots. Well, in most cases these Warbots are the last thing they will see, before they get killed). This is the number one bad ass we have to get rid off.

2nd Priority: Get Rid of Exploits (and Potential Exploits)

We had a bug with the Stock-X system, which allowed some people to make too much money too quickly. While this of course may happen at a stock exchange (even in real life), it appeared way too simple to make money with the current system. The Stock-X has now been taken down and will be reactivated after some modifications. The stock depots will not be affected by this. There are some other known exploits and we are currently working on getting rid off them. If you know of any exploits, please send them to exploits@neocron.com. Btw.: The infamous dupe exploit that people can make use of in Beta 4 does not exist in the retail version.

3rd priority: General Bugs

During the past couple of weeks, the amount of bugs has been heavily cut back to maybe ten critical things. They include minor vehicle related bugs, wrong apartments (for runners and for clans), GenRep bugs, wrong skill caps, NavRay sometimes not working right, missing or wrong dialouges and stuff like that. These are being worked on.

4th Priority: Game Balance

A major issue. We are constantly working on the optimization of the overall game balance. Hopefully we got rid of the worst imbalancings already, but there are still (and will always be?) complaints about e.g. the Psi Monks being too strong, some mob loot being too valuable etc. Actually this is something that will accompany the entire lifecycle of the game. Whenever we turn a knob, there will be people flaming us for doing it and other who are happy with the changes. However, we did not only do nerfings. In many cases damage values were set back up again. However after every change, we were closely listening to the player base and their experiences with the changes. Thus the player base's votum always had an impact on the next patch. This is a policy we will definetly stick to.

5th Priority: Storyline and Epic Runs

While the global storyline does not affect individual gameplay immediately, the epic runs will (more about the epic runs later). The global storyline will lead on the story towards the first expansion pack, which is now officially named 'Beyond Dome of York' (to be released in Q1/2003).

6th Priority: New Features

We did not forget about HackNet or the CombatMechs. However, since our programmers are still busy with the above named priorities, these two things have been slightly pushed back (mostly in favor of the epic runs). HackNet is a very complex thing for itself. We only want to implement it once we got a solid base for the current systems. Otherwise they would just open the door for a new flood of bugs and exploits. I will give you an ETA for these two features in one of my next plan files.

13-10-03, 22:03
damn lurkers.

13-10-03, 22:05
Bumping ancient threads is against the rules. Please don't do it.