View Full Version : Can neocron gameplay exist without sync

04-12-18, 14:33
Let’s imagine that neocron could exist without zones.

Would the game become too hardcore? If every pvp fight was to death there would be too much downtime.

Trying to think of ways for this game to evolve but the more I think about it the game design is its limited by zones and enjoyable gameplay can’t exist without them.

23-12-18, 07:54
Neocron would be infinitely better without zones. If people don't want to PVP they can just leave their LE chips in

William Antrim
07-01-19, 10:56
Honestly i think pvp would need to be considered in a whole new light if there were no zonelines to hug. It would be awesome to be in one big zone (like modern games) but it is literally a dream. If all that was changed was that zonelines were magically removed it would be a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Many other things would also need to change as well and youre right downtime post fights would need to be significantly reduced. I can think of a fair few others as well (travel and transit issues and item loss/replacement being the most pertinent), but for all of that vehicle combat could be so much better. Can you imagine screaming across the wastelands like a true Mad Max road warrior blasting other players in their vehicle and then stopping to finish off the survivors when the vehicle disintegrates?

That for me would make it worth it but I think the physical limitations of this software would curtail it. If i recall it right they said the game is split the way it is because it was designed to run on 56k modems. I realise some forumites here might not remember that sort of internet but it was a bit different from now!

Still, a man can dream... :D

26-03-19, 05:25
I think with a few tweaks like removal of SI when you die, faster implant process, those things just serve as a pointless time sink imo, people ain't got time for that. Then I think it would be great to not have zone lines, except for outposts maybe and some leveling places like caves for example.